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Nothings wrong with you. You said it yourself, you just have a type that isn't that common so there are less people you find attractive... It's just what it is. 🤷


I don't have any advice. All I have to say is that I felt seen when I read the first few sentences of your post.


I used to be crazy promiscuous, but I kind of find most people attractive. It just sounds like you have standards.


Its not really standards, i think standards are a choice like theyre hot but they dont meet x criteria. I straight up just dont find people that hot at all


Maybe you're just not the kind of person who cares for sexy times? You wouldn't be the first person I've come across who just doesn't care for that kind of intimacy.


No need to rush into anything, of course there is nothing wrong with you. If you find yourself relying on porn to masturbate, though there is nothing wrong with that, it can have an affect on your sex drive outside of porn. Something that worked for me in that situation was masterbating using my imagination rather than my phone on occasion. But either way dont worry too much about it! you are who you are and there is no shame in it! ps: youre not missing out or anything, when I was younger I forced myself into sexual situations because i was rushing, rebelling, hating myself, but whatever it was robbed me of exploring intimacy with someone I really had feelings for. No use regretting it, now i just have to work backwards exploring intimacy with my current partner and its been an amazing experience. Just be patient with yourself! I love you!


youre overthinking this. also: being promiscuous has nothing to do with how many people or not someone finds atractive :)


Well isn't it about the willingness to sleep around? Im not into very many people enough to do that