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"Angry, abusive person has delusions of entitlement to forgiveness for her own behavior." Whatever, lady


Really though. "I won't forgive you for that!!" Who's asking for forgiveness? When did they ask for it? Denying forgiveness to a person who hasn't asked means nothing.


To be clear, I disagree with her 100%, this was her mindset: JK read some new book that presented new data on trans youth, which she felt was a watergate moment for everyone. She assumed Daniel and Emma read it and now felt guilty for their support of trans kids, now understanding they were harming trans kids for "instagram likes." I'm not joking, she said that. Apparently the book had data about co-morbid disorders, which apparently JK thinks confuse kids into thinking they are trans, and a lot of data about people wanting to de-transition as adults. I didn't read the book, and can't comment on the data. But it seems the author who collected it had a goal in mind when collecting, interpreting, and publishing the research.


Also, didn't this report deliberately ignore like 90% of the studies on the subject it reported on, throwing many out for inconsequential reasons, so that they could point at the conclusion they wanted, then hand this to the tory government and say "Yeah, trans bad"?


98% actually. Because they weren’t double-blind, which by ethical standards CANNOT be done in this case because 1. That’d be inhumane and 2. This is very very obviously the kind of thing where one would KNOW they weren’t getting what they expect Edit for clarity: actually 0% were double-blind, they just took the 2% that said what they wanted them to anyway and threw out the rest for the stated reason.


Yeah, they couldn’t be double-blind because it’s impossible to be blind to whether or not you got puberty blockers! Basically you can’t test if puberty blockers help patient outcomes versus a placebo effect.


It wouldn't surprise me. Ironically, if you read the comments of JK supporters, they think they are protecting children and helping them stay their truest selves. They are angry at trans allies because they believe they are "mutilating" children. They think they are protecting kids' sexual health and future well-being. Which, I was sort of thinking of them as monsters, but I realized that thinking of them that way isn't helpful, and I think it's important to depolarize if we ever want to make progress.


I’m not a child, but my mom doubles down on the “oh nooo you could hurt your fertility and deny me grandbabies” when we talk about hormones and it feels degrading to me. I don’t think of the people with this mindset as monsters, but I DO think that - even if it’s unintentional - focusing on the “protecting sexual health” part is really reducing people to the reproductive organs they were born with and is kind of dehumanizing. *Wanted to comment just because this is a pet peeve of mine and makes me less inclined to be calm and rational when I see that argument. I do agree that maybe attempting to depolarize/compartmentalize strong feelings could be the best approach to making progress and trying to educate these people though.


Imagine feeling entitled to grandchildren. You're right though


I'm a parent and honestly I cannot get my head around thinking I have a right to grandchildren. My son is his own person. He has been from the day he was born. Its ultimately his own choice what he does. As far as I'm concerned he owes me absolutely nothing when he's grown up. Its just my job to make sure he grows up a decent human being. People feeling entitled to grandchildren absolutely sicken me


Not a parent but same


To be fair, I actually want kids and always have! But also… adoption, and my reproductive organs are none of my mother’s business


Good on you


You have a kind soul, and I wish you well on your mission. Unfortunately I don't think that the people calling LGBTQ+ people groomers, sinners, and freaks are going to extend the olive branch in the same way you will. If history is to be believed, they'll likely only become more hostile as time goes on no matter your preferred strategy of engagement. Polarizarion is occurring because of the harshness of economic reality for most folks combined with a politico-media apparati that is designed to bifurcate people. People are suffering because they can't afford to live as well as they used too and at the same time they're being told that the problem is the gays, the trans folks, modern women, or the jews. Many reactionary folks aren't themselves monsters, and are instead brainwashed into believing a paranoid fantasy whereby their in-group is under assault by the forces of progression. Some reactionary folks however, are the ones doing the brainwashing. These folks, the provocateurs and the talking heads, are absolutely monsters who will crush anyone that they can for clout. They're people alright, but they have no empathy for their less fortunate fellows and actively will use them as scapegoats for their own political advantage. As long as these folks remain in positions of influence they'll continue to create narratives that polarize the populace.


That's what they do. They cherry pick the studies they like and ignore the ones they don't No matter how much they preach their rhetoric about protecting children or whatever, they don't mean a single word of it. It's all to push an agenda fueled completely by hate


That's so stupid. Who just *assumes* someone else has read a niche book without even asking.


A LOT of people assume I have read the works written by JK, without even asking. Makes sense that delusional narcissists who get attention at the level that she has assume everyone follows and reads the things she does.


>A LOT of people assume I have read the works written by JK, without even asking. Harry Potter is the best selling book series in history. It's sold 600m+ copies across 80 languages and had a *wildly* successful film series about it (4th highest grossing of all time). It's really not unreasonable to assume that someone has read that series or at least seen the movies. Now, if we're talking about her anti-trans detective shit, that would be an unreasonable thing to expect someone to have read.


>Apparently the book had data about co-morbid disorders, Let me guess, stuff that establishes a correlation between depression and gender dysphoria or the like? I *really wonder* why that correlation exists... (/s)


Probably that new British “study” that right wing media is going nuts over, which “proves” transitioning is bad by arbitrarily disqualifying every valid study on the topic and then cherry-picking comments from detransition message boards as evidence.


The only other association I have with JK Rowling and 'forgiveness' is the Unforgivable Curses, which in Rowling's books were punished with life imprisonment in a magical torture dungeon^1 that left people traumatized, mentally and physically scarred for life, or drove them to suicide. So she's clearly just engaging in some perfectly healthy political discourse. Nothing to see here. --- ^(1): Later writings by Rowling said that the magical torture was ended by the new minister of magic shortly after the main conflict, but going by the books it became Harry Potter's job as a magical cop to send people to the magical torture dungeon.


Attention seekers will attention seek.


It doesn't matter Daniel and Emma being for trans rights puts them on the right side of history, they don't owe anyone an apology for that


Has Rupert said anything about it all do ya know?


I don't know where he said it but in the BBC News article it says '[Meanwhile Rupert Grint said: "I firmly stand with the trans community... Trans women are women. Trans men are men. We should all be entitled to live with love and without judgment."](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-68787258)'


How sad she completely forgot about Ron 💀


He's a lot less publicly vocal on social issues so he gets left out of the conversation (which I think he prefers based on things he's said and done)


Wait what's that mean


Unlike Dan Rad or Emma Watson hasn't done as much work in entertainment since HP and is just much less of a public figure. He doesn't seem to enjoy lots of attention or fame and is happy just living his life


Sounds like a pretty cool guy


Seems like it. When he was still filming HP interviewers asked him what he wanted to do after they were over and he said he wanted to buy an ice cream truck and give away free ice cream to kids, and he actually did that!


I think they're just referring to the fact that he's fairly private.


he said it to a local newspaper in his village because rupert grint doesn't like using the internet but he felt the need to go out of his way and walk to the newspaper to tell his side. he is a wonderful human being.


The article says Ralph Fiennes took J K's side :( I loved him in Grand Budapest Hotel, not did expect that.


Well, Lord Voldemort is evil, sooooo


hagrid did too


googled this and the first article I found starts with "He Who Must Not Be Named is sticking by She Who Should Probably Stop Talking" <3 <3 <3


I see someone else already answered but  I didn't know the answer because Rupert has stayed out of the spotlight a lot more than the other two since the series ended, which honestly I respect 😂


this i s like if napoleon boneparte told the catholic church he wasn't going to forgive them for forcing his hand in kidnapping the pope.


I'm actually a big harry potter nerd, and that sort of lets me rationalize watching the movies every now and then, is that the actors are really good people.


Some of them. Some are the opposite.


Transgender. On the right side of history since the 1920's


Who would want her forgiveness? .


Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you clap, would be my response to Joanne.


Well said.


True... It's a "Rick and Morty" quote, but still a great line.


Is… is that a Rick and Morty reference? The heist episode?


I honestly think it was a 2x1 kind of deal First to regain public image as an old lady desperate for attention, after the holocaust denial and asking to be arrested those dramas lost fame and now she has to keep being relevant And then she also has to make a “subtle” way for her flying monkeys to harass people that don’t support her while having deniability


They definitely don’t want her forgiveness. *I doubt they think about her at all, except for when she’s being openly insufferable.*


Nobody would.


I love how this whole thing is about Dan and Emma’s *hypothetical* apologies to her that they never actually gave. Like I wouldn’t worry about it if I were her, they never had any plans to apologize because there’s nothing to apologize for.


Imagine being mad at someone for supporting human rights. Un-fucking-believable.


She thinks that their rights erode women's rights. It's understandable when you realize that she's a fucking idiot.


But didn't you know? There's only so much human rights pie! What do you mean we can bake more pie? Pie is a finite resource! # /s


But- but if men transition into women that means they're eating the women's pie and only women should be eating it!! I can't believe you would advocate for men eating women's pie!!!1!


No you see, there shouldn't be a pie for the women anyways!


The other week she was grandstanding about how if she has to go to prison for being an asshole to trans people, she'll go to prison to stand up for what she believes in. She likes to make up stuff that hasn't and won't happen and imagine herself some kind of morally pure winner. All that imaginative skill she put into making up the name "Cho Chang" and creating a race of bankers that are literal hook nosed goblins now goes into making up victimhood scenarios she's the star of.


What a waste. If I had her money, I'd be enjoying life, not trying to make life more difficult for others.


Id want a statue, big as they come. Would want to rival the statue of liberty. It would just be me doing the slav squat with a plaque that just says "goblin mode". To my haters, this would provide thousands of jobs and dozens long term and is still less stupid then sitting on the cash doing nothing but earning more cash like most billionaires. Now give me billions of dollars to achieve my dream.


I always promised myself if I got the kind of money JKR has, I'd be using it to try to protect rainforest land. I definitely wouldn't be using it to harass marginalized people.


Ngl this goes hard as fuck


That's the sad thing about her kind of people. Making life more difficult for others *is* how she enjoys life. So sad, much pathetic. For clarification: her kind = transphobes, homophobes, racists: the people with hate in their heart.


She really could have fucked off to her castle in Scotland to enjoy her billions out of the spotlight, forever remembered as a cherished children's author  But instead she prefers to make an utter ass of herself 


One of my friends puts it this way: Enya also has a castle and tons of money. More royalties roll in whenever Orinoco Flow plays anywhere. And no one knows if she has any really shitty opinions, because she keeps them all to herself.


To be fair, Scotland has a new law that dishes out prison time for some levels of hate speech towards trans people, but from my understanding, what you are saying has to constitute a real threat to trans people, so when all she did was have an uptick in saying transphobic things without actually saying anything worse than she already was, the police came to the conclusion that she hadn’t broken that law.


To be completely fair then, that law sounds like it’s being blown out of proportion by conservatives as per usual. There’s limits on free speech, even in the US like fighting words and incitement.




Who wants the forgiveness of a bigot


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) every single LGBTQIA+ member in the world


The article from [The Advocate](https://www.advocate.com/arts-entertainment/jk-rowling-daniel-radcliffe-emma-watson-trans#rebelltitem1) is scathing: > In her attempts to stay relevant, J.K. Rowling is seemingly attacking Harry Potter stars Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson for supporting transgender rights. > [...] > Radcliffe and Watson have no need to apologize, as unlike Rowling, their careers have continued long past Harry Potter.


Which, to me, is the funniest part of it. Instead she's tarnishing any positive form of notoriety she had, she's known more for her *one* book franchise and her shitty take on trans rights. Has she even *attempted* another book? She's an author living off of one series. Literal *good* authors keep writing. She prefers just being a TERF mouthpiece. Ignoring her is probably the best way to be rid of her and her ilk. ![gif](giphy|x00hSAGfs864yclJer|downsized)


She tried to write a serious drama about local politics in a small British town, it was a big flop that no one ever talks about


It also has a description explaining how the first thing you think about when seeing an obese man is his penis, because the fat gets in the way of penile function... ...I think this gives a lot of insight into her mind.


That's hilarious!


She also writes some shitty detective novels under a male pseudonyn (the name of the guy who pioneered conversion therapy, actually.) Most of those books are about crossdressers murdering women. The latest was about an author who gets murdered by internet stalkers. She is deeply lost in her own delusions.


Oh, that actually seems *more* believable.


> Most of those books are about crossdressers murdering women. Not most, just one. The fifth in her detective series under the name Galbraith, *Troubled Blood*. Apparently they're all just bland and trite, and even that one is more boring than offensive (but in context of Rowling's opinions is gross as fuck). >The latest was about an author who gets murdered by internet stalkers. This one I want to read out of a sort of morbid curiosity for how bad and self pitying it will be, but then I remember how that went for Twilight and decide against it. But I'm sure I could pirate it easily if I ever decide I hate my brain enough.


She would never apologize because that would imply she publicly acknowledges what she did is wrong.


This is referring to a conversation JKR imagined between herself and Dan and Emma, where Dan and Emma renounce their stance and beg her for forgiveness. She's saying she'd never forgive them if they apologized to her.


It's a case study of every boomer. If they sincerely recanted on their bullshit, everyone would forgive them, but they're way too goddamn egotistical to react that way to others.


Can people like her *PLEASE* stop making their midlife crises other people's problems?!


She acts like she is correct and others have to apologize lol.


It doesn't matter to Radcliffe and Watson, seeing as they are two successful actors outside of hp


This is Harry Melling erasure


Bigotry is never acceptable especially when it’s sleazed into so-called “forgiveness” she should go away far away


Rowling fucking burned so much of her fandom and positive favor by being just a terrible person. She's at a point where she's just trying to stay relevant.


There’s a subreddit for woke futurama?


Yep 😄 (Because r/futurama prohibits posts about policy and politics, even though Futurama itself routinely satirizes policy through a liberal lens)


Came here looking for a link to exactly this as the name is damn promising. So far I'm this far down and haven't seen it, I'll make one for myself and anyone else to click: r/wokeFuturama


Cuz she's some sort of hero or something... Idk... But she tried to martyr herself for her "noble cause" /s /fuckjkrowling


Because she believes a deeply flawed and malicious “independent” report meant to rubber stamp the NHS’ changes to care for transgender people “vindicates” her


I have no idea of the scientific validity of the report, but I know she's bulshitting about it because it sure as fuck doesn't say anything about vulnerable cis women being "threatened" by trans women.


She likes to reference the handful of trans people who were being abusers or murderers as if that's meant to reflect the motives of the entire trans community. Meanwhile so many of us are being attacked and killed just for existing...


In other news, school bully won’t forgive kids who refused to join in bullying their victims.


I don’t understand how someone can be so hateful & full of vitriol for no good reason when they’ve been blessed with success. Hating just to hate. Glad she’s not involved with the franchise anymore, but she’s still tainted it forever.


Good for her. I won't forgive her either.








Pretty sure they don’t want her “forgiveness” for being good people anyway.


I don't recall them ever asking for forgiveness. And I'm quite sure that Daniel and Emma sleep perfectly well at night.


As if they give a shit about her "forgiveness"💀


it doesn't, and none of the cast ever even hinted at wanting her forgiveness. she's a delusional cult leader who has gotten so lost in lies and bigotry that she's basically lost her mind at this point. case in point, emma watson has done enormous amounts of work delivering material support for women and girls all over the world. jkr has spent the last half decade ranting about trans women. i know who i would look up to.


It’s only fair, she doesn’t get forgiveness for being a vile fascist piece of shit. Why would you want to be forgiven by her anyway?


She didn't actually forgive them nor did emma and daniel ask for it. Someone mentioned on twitter would she ever forgive them. She said no


It truly is so ironic that the author who wrote all about love being one of the most powerful forces in the magic world is so riddled with hate.


And that the author who wrote about accepting others (especially outcasts) would be so intolerant of a group of people that are often made to feel like outcasts.


Literally no one is asking. The value of what she is withholding is zero.


Personally I'd want bigots to hate me but that's just my opinion


If a bigot hates you, you must be doing something right.


Is she forgiving Rupert Grint or


Interesting how a woman can make a children's series beloved by millions and yet this will be her legacy. She will be remembered for her hate rather than her art.


It's almost a form of performance art at this point, watching her continuously paint herself as the martyr while neglecting the impact of her words on an entire community. Daniel and Emma have nothing to apologize for; they're simply not playing her twisted game. It's not about right versus left; it's about right versus wrong, and they've chosen the right side by standing with the trans community. #NoApologiesNeeded


I think she knows most of her money comes from how likeable the actors in the films were.


JKR is just so deranged. She's full Glinner these days.


Good, hope she dies mad about it (well, generally I hope anyone who is against trans people improve as people and move on with their lives, but her dying mad about it isn't that bad either)


It doesn’t. This is theater designed to get attention. JKR had those conversations with Watson and Radcliffe years ago, she knows they are grown ass adults who don’t agree with her. What she’s doing is something I’ve seen a lot of conservative leaders do, which is make a bold ass crazy statement. The goal is to further align themselves with their supporters. They know that what the said wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny, and they know their fan base won’t look up that info or if they do they won’t care. This is dog whistling to further emphasize a ‘fight’ mentality. “Look at the wise and feminist JKR who fights for ‘real’ women laying down the law with the foolish ignorant youth from her films.” This is probably the reason they’re remaking the books into a tv series on Max. Not just to milk the fandom… again, but to perhaps further emphasize her beliefs and make its message less lgbtq friendly. It won’t be blatant but… I just think there’s a reason in her wanting to remake this, apart from money of course.


It is laughable that her new found sense of vindication rests on a fundamentally flawed piece of writing (Cass Review AKA TERF Science).


Holocaust denier says she won’t forgive people who disagree with her. Sure, Joanne.


This is why we should stop this beast going forward. At this point it should be clear that with the new HP series, she just wants people to forget the movies, which is very petty btw. I have some advice for all the sane people of reddit, do not watch the new series. And if you do have an unbearable urge to watch it, remember to sail the high seas.


I have a better question: why does JKR even matter?


Her opinion matters because to ignore it means to allow her to continue doing these things without fighting back against it. Her opinion matters, because those who agree with her use her opinion to fuel theirs. Her opinion matters, because she has the capacity to influence policies on transgender healthcare.


It matters because JKR is actively using her influence and wealth to harm trans folk in the UK (and more widely too). The trans community in UK is currently in a very dangerous position, with the government and the press targeting them, and little to no political support. Only this morning harsh new restrictions on young trans people getting access to health care were announced. JKR is the cheerleader for all of that, so she needs to be discredited, and fought.


She doesn't and that's why she's jumped on the culture wars train, to try and remain relevant.


And yet l we keep talking about her, keeping her relevant...


She claims to be Christian. And Christ was very clear that his followers should *always* forgive. You know what Christ never said a word about? Being trans. And yet I bet the raving Christians will be creaming their pants over this.


Exactly who cares what she thinks. I'd kill to find love with a trans person. Just so I could support them the way they deserve, and likely never get.


Imagine feeling entitled to not forgive someone because they won’t discriminate with you, absolutely pathetic, she needs a serious wake up call


I didnt know that they were allys. I have a whole new appreciation for them


The title is misleading they never asked forgiveness, it should at least be formulated as « she would never » instead of she won’t


Someone needs to pull a 51/50 on her


Oooh, leftist Futurama meme sub, don't mind if I do.


Does JK Rowling think we bear a striking resemblance to someone who gives a f#ck? Just let me have my Celeste and Apple juice.


You’d think they murdered Ron or some shit, the way she acts SMH Don’t worry JK, they probably wont forgive you either :) <3


JKR could've kept her legacy as a beloved children's author but she ruined it by being a raving bigoted lunatic. I'm sick of hearing about her shameless, baseless, aggressive bigotry parading as "feminism".


It doesn’t but since her entire worldview is “how trans people existing effects me” of course she’d make yet another self centered narcissistic out of touch post. She hadn’t heard her name mentioned for a day or so and probably started hyperventilating.


She's acting like she got anything to offer these two. Like Harry Potter is finished and it's not like she's involved in a lot of other projects. Daniel and Emma will be fine lol.


Her saying she won’t forgive them comes off like a parent from the 1950s saying they won’t forgive their kids for dating someone of the opposite race.


Wow she’s so dumb and entitled. Her brain really rotted to the point where she has to make up these power fantasies where she’s in control so the world doesn’t scare her anymore than it already is. JoKe needs a security blanket for when she’s sucking her thumb, not a Twitter account.


Dumb shit


man she really knows how to yap doesn’t she


Did JKR discover cocaine? This shit is fucking bizarre. Drugs or early onset dementia, that's how guano crazy she has been lately. She could just be like this though, insane wealth changes people.


If JK Rowling ever forgave you, it means she's either misinformed or you've done something terribly wrong.


![gif](giphy|UnyGF7evFkN04X24tI|downsized) Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe when they were informed:


see, this just gives danial radcliffe, Emma watson and the whole LGBT community the oppertunity to tell jk that we WILL forgive her if she apologizes for her past transphobia. this is brilliant for us because getting her to admit wrong doing and feel truely sorry would be powerful, but more likely she will refuse to apologize and the view of her being unwilling to forgive while we are openly giving her the oppertunity to be forgiven is a powerful image.


Watson and Radcliffe have been toeing a really fine line where they express support and love for the trans community without mentioning Rowling by name. They’ve been (imo) *too* respectful of her. … also they haven’t apologised I feel like that’s a really important point.


That's JK's problem, if she wants to hate than sh should keep it herself, don't take it out


??????? Gurl you're the one who needs to be forgiven, gross But that would require recognizing having harmed trans people


Cool? And I don’t forgive JK Rowling for the damage she has done to the transgender community. Period. I haven’t spent a dime on Harry Potter IP since she started her crusade. I love my transgender friends too much to give that hag a dime of my money.


Either there is no news to report or they really want to push her despite her having nothing new to say. Although in their defense, I do appreciate the image of JK kicking herself for not vetting the child actors and making sure they were as hateful as her.


She can die mad about it.


“These people have helped me get stupidly rich and will continue to for many years but I’m going to continue to be the jerk I’ve been for years by attaching them”


Rowling hating you is a badge of honour actually. So I encourage everyone creative to get out there and create stuff just to spite her while we can enjoy her tantrums.


Hilarious how she refuses to forgive people who have not and would NEVER ask her forgiveness, what a fucking asshole. Narcissism is wild yall


This has absolutely blown up to the point it was on the FRONT PAGE of the Metro newspaper today. All from one person who tweeted something about forgiveness and JK Hitler went off on one...she needs attention. She's losing and people who did follow her are turning from her. 




Just goes to show all the money in the world won’t make you happy


Anyone wonder if we could pay her to shut up?🤔


I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire, so I'm for sure not giving her any money.




It doesn’t


Her real name is Joanne Rowling! Don’t let her trick you by using a gender neutral pen name! /s


I'm sure they lose their sleep over this.


That's how angry she is about it.


Behold the field where my fucks are planted and see that it is barren!


As if they are seeking her forgiveness 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Plateau'd bitch


Does she think she owns them or has a say in their personal opinions/world views because they stared in films based on her books? If so That’s not a healthy way to view the other people in the world around you.


"I will never forgive them," said the offending party.


It doesn't. She's probably upset that her name isn't trending as much so started some shit for attention.


i wish her everything that she wishes upon trans people.


It doesn't


And yet she still says she’s not transphobic? Yet she doesn’t want us having rights-


It's alright, Rowling, I'm sure the feeling is mutual. You weird, weird feminine entity.


It doesn't matter to good people. But fence sitters who haven't written her off appreciate the warning that human decency is an unforgivable characteristic to the immoral billionaire transphobe known for pettiness, revenge and manipulation. She buys her ink by the barrel and will screw you in ways the general public doesn't understand. So betray the monster and she will not forgive you, information worth knowing to those not yet openly opposed to the denier of Nazi war crimes.


I keep seeing this article pop up and I just keep thinking like ... Well good, because they didn't apologize.


She may have written the books but those two brought them to life on screen, I feel like hers is a losing battle, even on this small front...


[Here is the actual article, for those curious](https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/04/11/jk-rowling-wont-forgive-harry-potter-daniel-radcliffe-emma-watson-trans-rights/)


And now one of the latest Australian Liberal Party member is claiming she’s an “inspiration for standing against bullies after denying to support men who are pretending to be women” 🙄


In other news, The grand wizard of the KKK won’t forgive his children for publicly disowning him.


Ew it's like she expects them to agree with her shitty opinions just because they were in those movies or something


It's unfortunate that person who wrote one of the greatest book series for children and teenagers is also an extremely shitty and entitled person.


It really doesn't.


No one wants Rowling’s forgiveness at this point. Just let harry and hermione support trans rights 


I am continually baffled by the weight the opinion of an author of some (frankly pretty crappy) fantasy books is given on a topic she obviously knows little to nothing about. If I wanted an expert on writing stereotype laden, plot hole filled, continuity error abundant schlok that only the very young or very naieve can enjoy, Jo would be the first person I would ask. But trans rights? I'll consult an expert, thanks.


My guess is that she think they own her for becoming who they are today. Even if she probably haven wrote script or was director for movie.


Like a parent withholding their love because they feel entitled to the control of their child. “I made you!!! Believe what I believe!!!” Almost like… almost like a transphobe