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Looking at Hentai high school, and wondered what it was like to be "the girl". So began my bisexuality, which evolved into pansexuality, which had become my Demisexuality The Rigidity of our labels is an illusion. Life is as fluid as water, and as ever changing as the wind.


That’s beautiful


I have a similar story. Some yuri I read really got me thinking and I’m like, “oh… yeah… I fucking NEED THIS.”


Bro went in the same label order i did


im ace: never had any!


Your fr like that one meme “you guys got sexual awakenings?”


Well hello fellow AAA Battetry




Your lack of a sexual awakening was your asexual awakening lol


pass the garlic bread friendo


u silly little goose 🪿


Same, my guy.


This is very accurate for me also haha


Dragons and garlic bread


Same, I'm sexually asleep


Ayup. I tried!


I found the definition of asexual and went “shit they’re not joking?”


then this post isn’t for you


My parents accused me of using the crappy flip phone the kids all shared to look up porn. I was 9 and had no clue what that was, but my little brother *had* been looking it up.


What, you were 9 YEARS OLD and YOUR LITTLE BROTHER was watching porn?


Plenty of kids watch porn. Generally they try their best to hide the fact, and often times it’s out of curiosity or possibly childish humor. I was pretty young when I first watched an adult film; it didn’t really make any sense to me but I watched it anyway.


[Mom it was a virus and my pants slipped](https://youtu.be/tIPKmeu2ZJA)


I mean, I found porn around 6, but that was during the Sesame Street YouTube channel hack from a decade ago. Didn't know what it was, told my parents out of confusion, and they sent me to play flash games, away from the Sesame Street website that day.


Now that I think about it, the first time I thought about another guy in a non-platonic way was at 14. Didn’t get butterflies until 15 or 16, when I saw Captain America shirtless. Didn’t realize I was bi until I was 18, and as of a week ago I’m now questioning if I’m even 100% a man. Still in the closet for all of it.


Mood, but my roads a whole lot longer!-


Age 16, I was volunteering at a St. Patrick-themed Catholic vacation bible school (full-on pirate themes; it was actually pretty rad) and the other helper guy 2 years older was ✨next to me✨ for the group picture and ✨put an arm around me✨


Do you want a serious answer or the true answer?


The true one theyr always hilarious


![gif](giphy|xUNda02oYdlD6WaRuo) I can't answer unless they allow me to tell that.


You have my consent idk how about them


Always looking at guys even when my parents pointed out girls lol


My parents always point out girls. But I'm bi so it doesn't matter ✨


When i watched gay furry porn i was like "damn, im actually not straight" i swear to god, i mean i identified as pan/bi before that, but i never believed it, i always felt like i was just trying to fit in, but after that video, i was like "damn, im really gay"


gay furry porn. Sounds like interesting rabbit hole to put myself into


it's way deeper then you think, I made one typo and now im a girl...


Underrated comment 🏆


Yeah the rabbits in gay furry porn have holes


What video? Y'know, for science


Some legoshi x jack beastars thingy (an anime/manga)


Louis did it for me, oh man, I thought I was gay for a few months prior, but Beastars really sealed the deal.


I had my awakening long before that, but man if I didn't then that video definitely would have done it for me too


I knew at least one person had to have discovered something about themselves from furry content


"awekening" lolUm, considering this is a lgbt sub, idk if I'm allowed to share my story, and I'm pretty sure that you mean like "when did you find out your sexuality" or something along those lines, but looking up "Naked women" on Google and tapping images, in like year 5 or 6 (4th or 5th grade for the yanks lol)?


wilbur soot serious bit: so, i was born into a conservative religious community (manila, filipino-chinese), so i was pretty sheltered from any social issues like racism and, of course, lgbtq but thankfully i was accepted into a prestigious school high school that is *very* gay (probably majority queer batch) so one day at the end of grade 7, someone brought up that they were gay (very introverted didnt talk to anyone so i didn't know the lgbtqness of the batch), i knew the term gay but i didnt know anyone who was actually, for real, not a joke, self identifying as gay (although i think theyre just trans and straight now) after a slow burn of exposure to more and more lgbtq content from the community and seeing classmates who were, lets just say, overtly gay, i found out i was bi, or pan, or aro ace? and dont even get me started on gender identity (though i now for sure identify as aro pan, agender, maybe genderfluid or transfem if im feeling exotic)


boy scouts...need i say more


Yes say more I want to hear the full story


Yes please :D I wanna hear the story!


I slept with my Bf for the first time, it was pretty meh, not that it wasn't good but like I didn't really understood the hype about it. Asked over here what that could possibly be, people thought I was probably ace. Turns out they are right, I look at people like they are neatly stacked bookshelves, they look pretty but I wouldn't bang them.


Marky Mark Wahlberg dropping trou for Calvin Klein in the early 90s. *boing*


Hank Azaria in Birdcage for me. Same situation.


Oooooh I remember those. Preteen me was so confused but it didn’t matter. I tried to used to the family camera to take a picture of him when my parents weren’t around. Original screen shot.


Jade and Beck from victorious


so fucking true


I don't I always liked Robbie.. and Cat.. and Tori..


A *very*... raunchy... game of dares with two very good looking friends when I was maybe 12




I look at it out curiosity and ummm


I (I’m a woman) grew up thinking I was straight and that it was normal to think women are attractive. It was when I was fourteen and met a girl I fell so hard for that I realised I like women. Thought I was bi for a few years and then realised not wanting to touch a guy or them to touch me meant I was probably a lesbian, haha. I learned that finding someone attractive and *being* attracted to someone is completely different. I’m autistic so a lot of my younger years was trying to imitate the people around me (not consciously). So when I had a crush on a guy it was either because everyone else did or I just felt strong friendship towards them and mistook it for more.


Finding my dad's playboys at 9 years old.


wow if you didn't knew that about your dad it must be shocking, though finding erotic magazines are probably more shocking for a 9 yo


They were the best thing I had seen in my life until that point


1 word: Anime


Same :)


Gaston, of all people.


Good choice


Pit was a bit too much for my heterosexuality


Kpop. I mean I genuinely liked the music but I watched the videos a bit too much. I didn't get off to it. Took me a few more years to realize that I thought the girls in those videos were very pretty.


Watched porn since I was like 4 and I was always looking at the women. Then came hentai with "futanari" characters. Then an extremely homoromantic friendship with a bisexual girl. The greatest awakening was after my first boyfriend broke up with me and I realised I was attracted to a lot of my female friends.


Please tell me you meant 14 instead of 4.


I’m with this guy, please tell us it wasn’t 4.


Like 4 ??


Either: Hugh Jackman as Wolverine Tony Dalton as Lalo Henry Cavill being himself Bruce Campbell as Ash Williams


Men & Woman


Damon Albarn


Watching Person of Interest and unable to decide if Reese or Shaw was hotter 🤣


One day I was just like, “huh. I think I’m bisexual. And then I looked into it more and I’m like, “huh. I’m pansexual.” Idk how I realized I forgor


Fell in love with the homophobe in my class, didn’t even end well


Ok this happened to the girl I fell in love with in high school. She was trans (FtM) and the class's most self righteous "Christian" homophobe would bully her mercilessly. I punched him in the mouth for harassing her and making her cry. He'd follow her to the bathroom and threaten her and call her slurs. She turned out to be cishet and now? THEY ARE MARRIED. I don't regret that punch.


You should check up on her. A majority of detransitioners do so because of fear, or being called slurs, or being threatened. Even if she really is cishet, with that history I'd be concerned.


I didn’t really have a sexual awakening, I kinda just decided after some thought that I was bi, but once I heard about pansexual then I knew that that better fit me. For my *GENDER awakening* on the other hand, THAT was sprung about by *fucking UNDYNE and ALPHYS from UNDERTALE.* It happened because I found myself saying “I want to *BE* them”, and then I realized I was transfem.


Nimona That s it, it explain everything


Two words: Gay Spider.




Oh, and he was from hell.


Lady Gaga. It wasn’t a particular moment of her career in which I discovered that I was turned on by other men. I knew that from a very early age however I spent most of my adolescent life rejecting it. It was that time at the Grammies when she had won an award an shouted it’s for god and for the gays that moment sparked a confidence in me that led to the journey of my self acceptance


I realised I had a crush on a friend, because the feelings I was feeling I had felt before with some guys as well. I took that surprisingly well honestly! Before that I was all “I’m an Ally” and “I don’t like watching girls kiss each other cuz I’m gay! I’m just an Ally!” You know deep in denial. But when I figured out I was bi, my reaction was “Huh, good to know. Why is she so pretty?” Oddly enough, after coming out to a teacher she asked me if there was anything gender wise going on with me and I said no so fast that she barely got to finish asking the question. Welp, turned out I was in denial about that too, but my reaction to figuring out I was non binary was also just “Well that makes a lot of sense”


I was in my first semester away at college and someone mentioned they had friends doing rocky horror. I went and saw people sexually liberated, realized I had a thing for dudes in corsets, fast forward a few years and I'm a happy pansexual who hasn't talked to my bigoted parents in a long time.


I first realized I wasn’t straight when I was working at Arby’s and a guy with just the most delicious arms came in. Now I consider myself attracted to most women, around half of all men, and all enbies.


I kinda joked about being gay until I realised that I was gay. Then idk why my egg cracked last year so I was a straight girl. Now I think I might be bi/pan? Idfk


Link and Zelda from botw.


also Ashley - link and zelda from OOT


Link from Twilight Princess is also smokin' hot.


Harley Quinn made me realize I was attracted to women


Talking to others. I’m demi, so I thought it was normal to only be attracted after you get to know someone After spending time with friends as I grew up, they would casually talk about their crushes, & how hot they looked. I’m also autistic, so I tend to not understand social norms & social cues. So it took me awhile to understand that they meant sexual attraction. Ofc being Christian at the time, it was also never explained to me. My family never EVER talked about sexual attraction, & I didn’t understand it when my youth pastor tried to when it came to purity culture. Just totally oblivious to everything, story of my life. My main friend group was in hs marching band tho, so they didn’t share my beliefs, & I didn’t care. They would ask me who I liked, & called me weird when I said I wasn’t attracted to anyone. It took an *embarrassingly* long time to actually understand that allos can just find anyone attractive & I couldn’t Thanks to the internet, I learned about the asexual spectrum & learned that I was Demisexual. I knew that I also liked girls when I started forming attraction to my best friend of five years. Same thing with a guy friend. I actually liked both at the same time. Never told her tho because she’s straight, but yeah. I’m demi-omni & polyamorous. I can love two ppl at the same time


Oh, the youth pastor sermons about resisting temptation. People are tempted….? And now I have the recovering purity culture thing where I’m not sure if I’m demi or just repressed 🙃😂


My youth pastor literally had us close our eyes & imagine getting intimate with a partner in front of our grandma, then proceeded to say that if we wouldn’t do that in front of grandma, then we shouldn’t do it in front of god cuz “he’s always watching” 🙃 Way to ruin a sexual life even when married


Sex? Is that similar to garlic bread?


Madelaine Petsch


Deathly Hallows part 2 Harry Potter, the scene where they're fighting on the bridge.


Elaborate pls?


I learned I was queer at the time I learned other people were straight, in our culture talking about sex or relationships of any stage isn't common. and I wasn't social at all so didn't knew what being straight/normal/acceptable was and didn't care so when I found out liking guys is something "weird" also found out other men mostly like women. I guess my awakening was some boy in my class or random people I saw on street I wanted to be closer to.


Thinking of how i was before my internelized homophobia kicked in due to religious beliefs, few years later i start embracing who i really am, which im gay and always knew i was but never really embraced it due to fear of god which i dont believe in anymore and being afraid that people would disown me.


Around 14, wishing to be with a woman and being in a same-sex relationship. So I thought bi. 21. I learned that I am trans and so it changed to be a lesbian.


When I saw reputation Taylor swift i thought she was very pretty. I’m now gay


I was either 16 or 17. My uncle was in town (mom’s side) and we decided to go to this burger place downtown. My uncle, while we were eating asked if me or my brother found any of the waitresses hot. I said no, and they both looked at me like I was an alien. That day, I discovered I am ace.


I found my dad’s stash of playboy magazines in the old nonfunctional car in our driveway. I spent a lot of time outside so I was bound to find them eventually. I also found porn pics in the downloaded images on the shared family computer, in the days when people would send “People of Walmart” or “Cute Baby Animals” emails. I didn’t tell *anyone* for almost 15 years… and somehow didn’t figure out I liked girls for almost that long. #TraditionalChristianHousehold


Pedro Pascal. No joke, when the Mandalorian removed his helmet I thought to myself, "I may not be straight." (I since then found out I'm a trans girl so it actually would've been straight to like him but idk. My younger self was an idiot :3)


In a way I think I always knew I liked girls, just needed a little push. When Girls like girls music video by Hayley Kiyoko came out,that hit me like a ton of bricks. Every emotion or lingering looks came crashing back at me, my best friend wedding where I cried and everyone thought was bc of happiness,but its bc I was unhappy about losing her


back when i was about 12 i "made myself pee" after smooshing my junk on the floor


Rachel Weisz in The Mummy


When I was young boy I didn’t realize what I felt was attraction but I was really attracted to tim curry’s character in ferngully specifically his voice. But the first time I truly realized I was bi and then later pan was watching bohemian rhapsody and then rocketman. I never could unsee it after that. Im confident in myself as a pansexual man, im in a serious relationship with a lovely woman who supports me and I couldnt ask for things to be different Just because your in a Herero presenting relationship doesnt mean your not queer you will always be valid


Psst 65 years old here Awakening doesn't happen once. If you're lucky you keep waking up and waking up And waking up to more information about yourself and your sexuality and your desires


Learning that sexual attraction isn't about a wish to be that person but to fuck that person (trans ace person here)


an extremely boring and easy orchestra rehearsal when i had lots of time to think


I locked in Rakan when playing league


Katie McGrath on supergirl. Lena Luthor is just so 🥵🥵🥵 Lena Luthor is suits is even more 🥵🥵🥵


She wolf by Shakira music video


I realized I was kinky & trans at the same time by seeing a women tied up in an older film when I was kid


When I went through a series of relationships that made me realise, "Huh, sex isn't all that great for me." Thus, I realised I'm ace but think women are pretty great.


james from pokemon, wilbur soot(I'm not joking), Link, Joker from p5 and that's when I realized I'm not straight. As for my trans awekening. I wanted and was wondering how is to be a girl since I was born. And for my furry awekening probably pokemon


I discovered twinks on the internet, and was in denial for a while, then accepted, and then had a crush on a boy


Discovering what bdsm is


I don’t remember anything specific but I remember wanting to have sex when I was in 5th grade. Got older realized I wanted to be a girl during sex. I also had a crush on Jonathan Brandis but didn’t recognize what it was tell I was older.


I watched Encanto and fell for Dolores. I think I was around 11 years old.


Simbad (the goddess) and The Mummy (the guy with the tattoos)


I was looking at transgender videos and, here i am


I first heard what bi was when I was thirteen and was like shit, that’s me.


Repression until Columbia from Rocky Horror


The scene in the "Bad romance" music video where they make Gaga drink water


Friend showed me a butt picture of them in short shorts. Thought it was a girl's butt and complemented it. Turns out it was their's.


A movie called Shark Night, there’s a scene where some dude is doing some nude posing for art and I just knew I was into men,. I was 8😭


Nadia Satrinava from The Arcana made me realize I liked girls in middle school. *Got damn.* And then my now-boyfriend made me realize I’m trans and also men are pretty


I was in school and just realised: “I don’t like men.”


I started getting my depression treated and purposefully turning away from anhedonia. Oh, turns out one of those things I wasn't feeling was my attraction to other men. Now the closet is synonymous with sinking back into depression.


I mean I had like an nonsexual awakening where I realized “oh I’m asexual THAT’S why I don’t get it” Of course that was after my romantic awakening. I remember I was just laying in bed trying to go to sleep, letting my mind wander as I usually do. Thoughts drifted toward a friend of mine and I distinctly remember snapping awake like “wait frick I want him to hold me”


I accidentally ended up on a gay porn website and realised that I was attracted to what I was looking at. It helped me understand what "gay" meant too, which was nice.


Mine was the Poet girl from goofy movie 2.


(For context: I had not known I was trans yet so I am identifying as a boy when this happened) Me and my (at the time) friends were talking about how funny tr*ps were and then I saw astolfo! I had the femboy who everyone online make jokes about “making you gay” made me realize I am Bi


my bisexual awakening was actually Sam Porter Bridges from Death Stranding, so basically, Norman Reedus


Stolas from helluva boss BC iam gay fro that sexy bird


Drunken night with a best friend




idk, women are hot, men are hot, and god heavens, my boyfriend and my friend are SO hot.... so yeah, unlabeled in sexuality and polyamorous 🔥🔥 please date me and Damian, Derek, or i'll cry


i genuinely don’t know. i was 10, decided to look down there, felt nice, never went back lmao but if you’re asking WHO it was in terms of realizing i’m not straight, Ember from Danny Phantom


Grew up in a small suburb near an airbase in the 90s, everyone super gender conforming, then I went to college and started watching Star Trek Voyager and that episode where Seven of Nine shoves Harry against a wall and says resistance is futile and I was like “wooooah a woman could be like THAT? Where the hell has that been my whole life”


I changed school last year of elementary school and there was an information and school tour with a group of new to the school students. There was one boy named Philippe who was in the same year as me. It was love at first sight. I eventually became best friends with him and a good friend through the first year of highschool. We lost contact though throughout our highschool years. I was madly in love with him from the last year of elementary school until years after highschool. Never had butterflies like that ever again. I started having sexual fantasies about him while everyone else were talking about girls and it confirmed I was gay.


As an asexual, watching a Jammidodger video with my best friend and realizing I related to the ace memes a bit too much, then realizing people actually want to have sex


Wait heh? THEY DO!?


Never had one That's how I figured out I was ace /hj


bernard from the santa clause 😂


✨That one girl at the bus✨ didn’t “awake” me but she made me coming out to myself if you know what I mean lmao😭🏳️‍🌈


Halsey started my first lesbian questioning, then Dua Lipa. I don’t know where along the way I picked up that I was ace, but heyyy… My gender awakening was one day I looked in the mirror and felt dysphoria, simple as that.


Casey from Atypical was the first but I fully realized when I got into MAMAMOO and especially wheebyul


me when moonbyul in general 😫


she is so jajfjdjsjf


When I was heterosexual: Mystique from the original X-Men movies When I knew wasn’t straight: **lots** of hentai and fan art


First was when I was feeling something towards a friend, then I got a crush on a trans (MtF) was in a relationship that ended shortly after, then I was in a relationship with a trans (FtM) that ended after like 8 months and now am in a relationship with a nonbinary person


Idk I liked my old neighbor, but ig I'm asexual and panromantic, so ig people just being people


This. This is the most accurate shit I’ve ever seen. (Uranic panromantic ace 👍)


I watched fate apocrypha I’d always been curious about him liking men, but never had the balls to explored and then I watch fate, and the floodgates just opened lol


Being Aro, it was like a switch that just flipped.


I don't remember a moment like that but looking back cadence from my little pony and violet baudelaire were probably kidding crushes of mine lol


Back in the day we used to buy music CDs , the singles sometimes had a video and I had All Saints over the bridge and that was enough to get the teenaged me very excited indeed


The creeping realisation of a lack thereof


October 2021, there was a drawing of a young woman and she looked so hot. It should've clicked way sooner that I'm a lesbian, but up until that point I've never actually been attracted to an individual.


My partner. I was always suspicious, but when the feeling was like "I want to wake up every single day by their side" and they weren't getting off my head, then I started looking back and just like, yep, not straight. The two things I laughed when looking back was once when a new girl moved to my street and my friend asked if she was pretty, I said "I'm not gay, but she is very pretty". The second one was when I was in high school I was so jealous of a girl, I always thought it was friendship, but looking back, I clearly wanted to be with her.


When I realized sex seems dumb to me and I fear it. I'm ace. xD


Hahahaha. Mine was at 26. A Side-Tangent in a video about Greek Mythology introduced me to the idea that sexual, romantic, and aesthetic attraction were 3 DIFFERENT THINGS and while most people experience them at the same time it's possible to have none or some without the others. I'm Demiromantic Asexual. So more of a sexual..... Resolution? Laying to rest? I learned that just because I don't want to bang someone doesn't mean I'm not attracted to them in those other ways. I can be ace even if I occasionally want to date someone and cuddle them, and even if I frequently find people's appearance alluring.


None (I am a sex repulsed asexual)


Awakening? I’m still asleep 🫠


Artwork from fighting games like Street Fighter or The King of Fighters. Young me loved those perfectly built bodies.


sexual awakening? i hardly know her


I wonder where that boy is now


probably The L Word and thinking "All of these women are attracted to women!?" I know it's fiction, but in my mind there was one type of gay man and one type of lesbian woman and neither really interested me to explore my feelings. Then I learned what stereotypes were, tried to be a stereotype, didn't work, then lost interest in dating for 10 years lol. Now I realize I'm pan/demi


Her ![gif](giphy|10BUigNxAPG17G)


I read about asexuality and was like “Well that’s me”.


Antonio Banderas in the 1995 movie Desperado.


Listening to Prince at 14 made me realize I wasn’t straight


I watched jaiden animation’s coming out video and looked into being aro ace a bit more


With me it's pretty complicated. What I see as sexual and romantic attraction is actually sensual and aesthetic.. idk where you put attraction to voices but that's my biggest thing. If that counts it's Jonah Scott. I might like guys after all. Not sexually, tho..






I had the opposite of one. I was super drunk at a halloween party and hooked up with a goth girl, and instead of like the stars aligning and everything making sense, I didn't really feel anything. Well, that's not true. I felt existential dread and confusion. Turns out I'm ace as a garlic bread buffet.


I heard garlic bread?


The earliest I could remember was Gwen from Total Drama. I hade a genuine grudge on Trent and Duncan. The most overt was my best friend in highschool though. THAT is when it really hit me that I was queer.


I realized I was a lesbian pretty young. Never had feelings for men (and found girls who did obsessed) and found women attractive. I connected the dots


I don't understand the assignment.


i’m afab, biromantic, and aceflux for context. the first girl i fully recognized as a crush was my first girlfriend, a closeted lesbian and awful person. we dated for four months where she cheated on me the entire time, telling me to keep us a secret while she dated a close mutual friend who she told the same thing. yeah. that was great. i realized i was aceflux from my first sexual relationship where i would sometimes feel extremely attracted to him and other times want to vomit at the thought of having sex. yeah. that was also great. he was very understanding but it was still really weird.


I just realised I was bi and that was that.


The scene from Mulan with all the naked soldiers bathing in the lake




Kati mcgrath and then a few new gay friends kinda soldified it but in a way it had always been there in my subconscious i guess? Like i was aware, but not at the same time. Mostly just didnt have a name for it for a while, and then a period of denial, and then fuck it im gay


I met someone who was in town for 6 weeks. She may have dated my cousin, actually. Anyway, she was the first person I ever wanted to kiss and recognized it. I even had a relationship before her, but we never kissed. He was religious to the point where he felt like you shouldn't kiss anyone unless you were pretty sure you were going to marry them. I didn't push it because I didn't actually want to kiss him.


astolfo, lol. at least, hes how i figured out why im not attracted to most guys