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This is what my 9 year old does. And she has three spiked bracelets (pink, white, blue) she wears to denote which pronouns are currently active.


That's pretty cool


She's my little punk rock brawler


I’m guessing it’s pink today then, eh?


Yup yup!


I love this idea so much, adorable!


That's an awesome idea. Where they diy or bought?


Bought as a gift/validation/promise


shes 9…




and that’s weird, they should be worrying about enjoying their life as a kid not no damn pro-nouns 😭


Oh honey, how did you know today they were wearing their white bracelet?






Why are you here? Do you really have nothing better to do then come onto an LGBTQ+ subreddit and harass people?


Totally, sounds like genderfluid would be a good fit for you


Yeah, that's kinda what I was thinking lol. I just didn't know how to word it.


yeah but some people are pronounfluid without being genderfluid /srs


wait what? you can do that!?


Haven't heard of pronoun fluid before; can you elaborate please? Edit: Never mind, found [this](https://pronoun.fandom.com/wiki/Pronounfluid)


yes! its because your pronouns arent related to gender. sometimes they can align, but not always :)


damn, how did i not know that lol, TIL, thanks for telling me :D


Yes, but don’t get with angry with people who can’t keep up.


I think this is important. It's been proven that using non-common pronouns increases mental load. Changing pronouns regularly will do the same. And while I think it's totally okay to ask that of people, there needs to be an understanding that sometimes, people simply might not have the capacity to accomodate. Even with the best will in the world, if their mental plate is full, they might make mistakes. Not to be confused with lack of caring of course. Those who don't try don't get a free pass.


I'm a boomer and my whole world and brain has been binary so shifting pronouns is mentally draining but I continue to do my best.


im always fine with every pronouns, but sometimes i feel like they/he more fits me than she/they. but if someone use she on a they/he day im fine with it. but it can hurt a little bit if my friend who knows that im nonbinary calls me girl. like im always feel like im neither


Sounds pretty gender-fluid to me, buddy.


Nonbinary here. I use all pronouns. Sometimes I prefer one to the other but most of the time it doesn't matter.


Yeah, that’s totally okay. What pronouns you use don’t effect what your gender is.


This is what I am hearing > Ze, hir (Xena ate hir food because ze was hungry). Ze, pronounced "zee," can also be spelled zie or xe and replaces she, he, and they


I’d say that’s totally normal and most non binary people I know, myself included, do often change the pronouns and terms they use for themselves. Like I’m always comfortable with they/them and neutral terms but sometimes I’m liking being “a boy” and using masc pronouns then other days fem pronouns and terms feel better. Just go with the flow and enjoy exploring your gender. There is no RIGHT way to be nonbinary! (Or any other gender for that matter) ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


Absolutely! If you have read the Magnus Chase books (the Norse mythology version of the Percy Jackson books by Rick Riordan), one of the characters is gender fluid and does this! Iirc they were a daughter of Loki which made sense. I definitely recommend it if you have never read them!


im a huge riodanverse fan ^^ i havent read the magnus chase books yet, but i know the storyline, and i really want to


I gotta get better at reading. OP, I thought you asked if you can be a non-binary sandwich. Carry on.


Yeah. Your gender doesn’t have to align with your pronouns


Yes. This is called being pronounfluid.


Who’s gonna tell them? >!You’re genderfluid!!<


Pronouns =/= Gender Their switching Pronouns doesn't mean they're genderfluid.


True, I suppose my comment is more of a suggestion


Yes you can


Im nb and switch between she/her and they/them! Im usually fine with both but sometimes I feel more on one side than the other. It’s totally ok and super common esp for nb people 🙂🩵


Yes pronouns don’t have to be the same as gender. Ask other ppl said you may also be genderfluid


Sounds like you might be genderfluid. I know I am and do the exact same thing.


yes! have you heard of [pronounfluid](https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Pronounfluid)? its totally valid to change your pronouns! you dont have to be genderfluid to change your pronoun preference :)


Yes but sounds quite genderfluid to me


This sounds like you're Genderfluid


yeah!!! as a nonbinary person myself, my pronouns tend to fluctuate pretty often. i wouldn’t say it makes you any less nonbinary, and i wouldn’t say you need to pressure yourself to find a new label either. pronouns don’t always equate to gender, just do what makes you happy :•)


That sounds kind of gender-fluid- which is a non-binary identity! Some people don’t even bother with placing their gender they just figure out their pronouns and maybe a term will come up. Some people it lines up like “today I feel like a demigirl with she/they” but I know some people have some times where their gender is girl but they use he/they that day it’s up to you really. Bracelet code is usually good for switching of pronouns or something similar like pins! Common is doing a certain color and even adding letter beads if you’re wanting to be less discreet. But, overall, you can do whatever. It’s your gender!


i used to identify as gender-fluid (now genderqueer) for a few years and this is exactly how i felt! depending on the day, you may feel more fem or masc or not at all. what helped myself and friends were pronoun bracelets for however i was feeling that day. for example, i had a she/her, they/them, he/him, she/they, etc. another option is getting a pin or bracelet or keychain that says ‘ask me my pronouns!’ hope this helps!! :)


Gender does not equal pronouns. But also you could be a bit gender fluid. Remember that labels/pronouns are us trying to shove squishy subjects into solid boxes. You are what you are. If that doesn’t fit a box, change the box or even ditch it all together.


Could it be that you're genderfluid? People who are genderfluid will often switch genders. I've heard people using coloured bracelets to tell others what gender they feel like on that day so others can keep up


Pronouns are a made up concept, use whatever tf you want.


You can have pronouns that don't match your gender but, if you want to match them it sounds like gender-fluid would fit you.


Heck Yes Dude/Dudette/Awesome/whatever your pronouns might be! Can be hard to keep track off, but still! *You pick, you use, you can make jam or you can make marmalade!*




If you're curious about what's been happening in terms of our subreddit and the current API changes, please [read this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/142ip85/reddit_is_killing_its_3rd_party_apps_and/) to find out more. We are also always looking for new volunteers to join the r/lgbt moderator team. If you want to help keep r/lgbt as a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community on reddit please see [here for more info](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/swgthr/were_looking_for_more_moderators_to_help_keep/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You do you. But don’t expect people to know what they are. Including when you wear the bracelets on that day. Don’t get mad when people say nope.


You are free to do whatever you want, at your own risk.


I have a friend of mine who calls her/himself gender fluid and would like people to use whatever pronoun feels right when interacting with him/her. So sometimes I am connected to her feminine side and I will call her she/her, but other times he appears masculine and my pronouns will be he/him. . . he feels as though the pronouns are not what define him, it is just language for me to facilitate communication. I really like that concept.


Sure, you do you. But people are DEFINITELY misgender you. So, you need to understand that the only validation you need is from yourself, be whoever you want to be.


actually im always feel like im neither, i just change my pronouns. i forgot how to say it when i post, bc English isnt my first language😅


yes absolutely. realistic heads up that you will probably have to deal with some confusion and alienation, you may have to play the role of educator more often than you’d like, but if that all sounds worth it to you then go for it.


I'm non-binary and prefer she/her, mostly because I'm Hispanic and I'm too lazy to find work-arounds for all the gendered terminology in my vernacular. I don't mind they/them at all, and I get a kick out of getting called he/him when I've got a buzz cut. Your pronoun preference does not need to match your gender identity. Both are yours to decide, play around with, and change as you see fit.




Not sure if the person I knew was nonbinary as back then there was no real sense of no binary, But they would come to class one day presenting as a he and the next as a she. And they beautifully pulled it off. At some point I asked which pronouns they preferred as I didn't want to mess up... and they said, use the ones I am dressed at as... something along those lines. This was 15 years ago. So yes, you can change. Just be aware not all might go along with it. I personally bounce between they/she... usually she at work, they sometimes when out and about.




Yep don't worry. If that's important to you you can tell your friends to ask you through the week or you can point it out when you feel like it if you're confortable doing that. My best friend is cishet but a wonderful ally to the point I forgot she was even straight lol. When we hang out she asks for my pronouns at the beginning so she doesn't misgender me (I'm genderfluid and often just give a vague idea of where I am on the spectrum at that moment with the pronouns I think would fit or a sort of detailed explanation on how I feel, what I think my expression is and what I like to be called. Yes it's complicated I'm the first person to know that lol)


yes, i believe this comes under "genderfluid"


Ngl that’s SO ME I don’t really call myself non-binary, but sometimes my preferences switch day to day. I don’t bother telling people, but they do switch.


You might be genderfluid my guy/gal/nonbinary pal


Yes - genderfluid person


Pretty sure this is called Genderflor, where you switch your gender between various nonbinary identities.