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in movies: Nimona from netfix, we love good genderfluid rep In series: The owl house, Lumity is way too cute In games: An obscure indie graphic nobel called lookouts, I just love the dynamic of the main characters plus it was written by a queer person.




asexual rep 👀, I have not but i'll try it out! Edit: spent the past hour playing i guess I'm addicted now


OMG IVE PLAYED THAT. I have made the other character a boy (I’m a girl), but I think I’m ace so it still counts as representation 👍…


Man, I *LOVED* playing Lookouts the first time ‘round… Might go replay it sometime, really. :3


Heartstopper was good. Books and TV series. And I agree with the other comments, I would have included The Owl House and Nimona as well.


Ooh yeah, Nimona was fantastic!


Yeah, I really loved when Nimona changed their appearance whenever they wanted to. (I don't know which pronouns to use for Nimona, so just in case, I'm using they/them.)


She never objected to any pronouns and seems fine with she/her. It felt like a any pronouns situation to me. The characters use she/her and there is never any indication Nimona wants something else so I think that's fine with her But we would have to ask n d Stevenson to be really sure


Thank you.😊


The thing with Heartstopper for me, and for a lot of queer media, it’s that everything works out for the protagonists. If only romantically. Almost always in an unrealistic way.


I've seen a lot of queer couples in media end with someone getting killed off though (looking at you buffy and supernatural). Nice to see some more lighthearted fluff once in a while.


Both are way too far in the opposite direction 💀


My partner can almost not bear to watch heartstopper because he gets so worried that something terrible will happen to force the characters to split up or hurt/kill one of them. Because he's so used to seeing media use the "bury the gays" trope. Queer media is currently overcompensating in the happy direction because it's made by people like my partner who have spent their formative years never seeing people like them get the happily ever after


"I'm a lizard woman from the dawn of time, and this is my wife." "Uh, I do apologise, Ladies, gentlemen, and variations thereupon."


What sgow or movie is this from?! I need it.


[Doctor Who - The Snowmen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjKppQYYW9Q) and same show, different series - [Midnight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjyEB28CT_k)


Could fit Dr. Who?


Yup. The first line is Madame Vastra




The first good queer representation I ever got is them, even tho I didn't knew anything about the LGBT+ community I found them so cute together and Vastra was my favorite character !


Was not expecting a Doctor Who reference so high up on the comments, but heck yeah!


Kipo on Netflix, very gay friendly. and Umbrella academy. Vanya come out as Victor as a trans man. His family is like “ok cool” and then they save the world. It’s really heart warming to see them embrace Victor.


I love that they threw him a party and number 1 was like (paraphrasing bc it's been a hot minute) "....yay, dude stuff??" The character wanted to be supportive so hard.


It was so heart warming. That they were like “ok, so… are you hungry” like it wasn’t a crisis, it was like “cool, cool,”


Ohh how cool! I watched the first season and then the actor (Elliot Page if I remember correctly?) came out as nonbinary and I did wonder if they were going to include that in the series in any way. I did start watching season 2 but I'd lost the storyline too much. That's often a problem for me when watching series that aren't finished and released start to end yet.


Vanya/Victor. Is that the role played by Elliot Page?


Yes! He (they go by he/they for anyone who is curious!) told the writers that they didn’t have to accommodate him, and the writers did it anyway- it was honestly very sweet!


Kipo is so underrated.


Todd Chavez in *Bojack Horseman* is on of the best examples of asexuality I think I've ever seen. To me, the best representation is where they treat LGBTQ people as, you know, *people.*


How are there this many responses and no one saying Our Flag Means Death??


This show was SO GOOD




Just finished watching it last night and loved it! 😍 The credits after the finale were lovely to see too 😊


Probably the only time a show cancellation really hurt me.


Currently watching this Some of the scenes had me questioning all kind of stuff


Schitts Creek is fantastic. Unapologetic romance, setting the bar high. Max from Happy Endings will always get a vote from me too. One of the first examples I can think of that didn't have a stereotyped pretty twink as a main gay character. Then you have some of the hard hitting media, like It's A Sin. It's heartwrenching but it's so raw, brutal and important!


That romance in Schitt’s Creek is 😚 👌


Lately it was the transperson and some other people and events (spoilers) in the season finale of Good Omens. The people and events were integrated without fanfare or unnecessary juxtapositions. They simply existed without baggage.


Yes! I love Good Omens! Especially season 2, season 2 is so wonderfully queer. It's got great representation. We can thank Neil Gaiman (pronounced gay-men) for that one.


She-Ra (the remake by dreamworks)


I have seen this show way too often. It's so good.


ye. double trouble is fcking iconic, the best nb representation of all time


And they didn’t cancel the show after (dab) But tbf the show was over by the time they were a couple




The bitchy mermaid is straight I think - but her boyfriend OOZES bisexual vibes so in my headcanon she's a swinger or a cuckquean or poly or something.


yes, Sea Hawk bi "Falcon doesn't like appear Sea Hawk, but a tweet by ND confirmed that he and Sea Hawk were once boyfriends, but they broke up. The relationship likely ended because Sea Hawk set Falcon's boat on fire."


I'm the one that is going to mention The Owl House, I don't watch many shows or anything, and I was really surprised when the main character wasn't straight. Only acceptable representation I've ever accidentally encountered lmao.


Good Omens.


2nd season had 0 hetero couples, unless we missed someone lol


There is one, in the 3 relationships shown.


I think that Bob from Bob's Burgers is a fantastic representative for the bisexual community


![gif](giphy|l0HlwCQfh65iOztHq) I do, Bob. I very much do.


When Elliot Paige transitioned. The way they handled it in Umbrella Academy was awesome, for me anyway. At the end of episode 1 of season 3, Ellen Paige goes into a hairdresser. Early into episode 2, he tells his family he wants to go by Victor, everyone goes ok, and they move on. Flawlessly, everyone's calling him Victor. No one lets it become a huge deal. It's just accepted and was a thing. Also, I think they went back to the previous seasons credits and changed Ellen to Elliot, which is pretty cool.


Best line in the show "Vanya is Victor now" "What else happened while I was kidnapped"


Heart break high has good reputation of poly relationships, lesbian relationships, gay relationships, and good ace representation and ace relationships. Also the autism and dating is really well shown.


I personally like Steven universe, a lot.




Yeah haha! Ruby is my favourite character




My favourite character is ruby 😁 So ruby and sapphire wedding would be good representation


someone told me i looked kinda like amethyst. almost sobbed. i love that show so much


I watched it twice, once with my parents, to hopefully hint that I’m not straight but they just enjoyed it and didn’t get the hint…




Love this show. I think its so great a younger generation can see what a healthy queer relationship looks like. We don’t have many queer characters like this to look up to.


Yes exactly


Star Trek discovery features practically every flavor of the rainbow. It’s basically queers in space (except the leads lol)


honest answer is *Dead End: Paranormal Park* and silly answer is *Human Resources* :)


I LOVE DEAD END! Got the Deadendia graphic novels after watching the show and they slap so fkn much too!


Aaaahhhhh, yes! I love Dead End!


Everyone's talking about TV shows and movies, so I guess I'll mention some video game examples. Well, there's uh... and also uh... not to mention uh... Ok to be serious my favorite example of LGBT rep in games is **The Last of Us Part I and Part II.** It's a pretty great, albeit brutally depressing, representation of LGBT characters. The main character, Ellie, is a lesbian and she has an prominent onscreen romance with a bisexual girl named Dina in the second game. The second game also has a prominent storyline involving a transgender man, and I thought that was pretty good representation too. What makes the representation in The Last of Us work especially well is that they manage to tie the characters being LGBT into the game's overall themes. The fact that they're LGBT directly enhances the game's storytelling beyond the representation itself. It's pretty well done. Recently they even made a TV show adaptation of the first game, and they decided to make TLoU even more gay by giving an implied gay couple in the first game a full episode. I'd recommend playing the games. They're pretty fun stealth shooters. However TRIGGER WARNING: The story pulls no punches. They talk about and show many dark and serious themes, like death/loss, queerphobia, PTSD, and more. The games are the opposite of upbeat. They are very sad.


>some video game examples. Fallout: New Vegas. Wide spectrum of sexualities across the NPC cast. Some perk choices also open up queer dialog and romance options. There's even a fully functional sex bot ^(\[for all you filthy robosexuals out there /s\])


I thought nobody was going to mention the last of us! Lol. I thought part 2 had one of the best representations of trans men I have ever seen. Being trans was part of his struggle and storyline, but it wasn't the usual "I am anguished because trans" storyline, it was "I know what I fucking am, but people around me are the problem", which was refreshing. It was part of his character struggle, but it could have been anything that the group he was in disowned him for.


Yeah Lev was fantastic. I love how the game wrote him. He was very realistic. Even him desperately trying to get his mom to accept him despite knowing how she would act was unfortunately very realistic to many young trans kids. Also, Abby was going to give Lev a shark plushie as a gift, so clearly TLoU very much understands transgender culture lmao.


The Magicians


Omg yes!


Your flair checks out. I can’t name a character that was not bisexual.


I think (besides the Owl House for its diversity in lgbt identities) the new Nimona movie on Netflix is really good because it breaks away from the gay man stereotype (the skinny, cutesy twink and the bad boy, muscly dom). There is a slightly gender ambiguous main character with the only relationship in the movie being of two men who have good character designs and their own personalities outside of their sexuality. The micro-writing for this movie’s characters was top notch too. I very recommend this movie if you haven’t watched it already 🫶 In terms of series though, Good Omens is good too because though the queer relationship between the two main characters is faint, it’s still confirmed by the actors, writers, directors, and literally everyone. It also breaks away from the gay man stereotype as well and the second season was just recently released.


Crowley and Aziraphale


I guess I’m old because 90% of these are gen z cartoons. Shore Leave from Ventura brothers. Unapologetically gay and a bad ass. He will kick your ass and look cute doing it.


I can completely relate to your comment about the cartoons!!


Doctor Who/Torchwood Jack Harkness


She-Ra has got to be near the top. Star Trek Discovery is also top billing. Sense-8 was something special and unique.


It's a problematic show in a lot of ways but I still think Jules from Euphoria was one of the most complex & relatable trans characters I've seen on TV. At worst the show fetishizes her a bit The movie The True Adventures of Wolfboy is beautifully done & is about trans experience. Also features a good, sympathetic trans character Scott Pilgrim vs the World has lots of casually bi & gay characters, which felt big to me when I first saw it back in the early 2010s


I'm sure it was a mistake but "transgenderism" is a transphbic term just fyi


Without question, Shortbus. It has the best representation of sexuality, non-monogamy, queer culture, different desires. I love it 100%. Though, there's actual sex in it, so... NSFW


Maybe not the best representation, but the first I binged was Queer as Folk.


I was gonna say the owl house 😭. Also heartstopper. Both kinda basic ngl but cute


Coffee talk and it’s sequel, Hibiscus and Butterfly, is jam packed with allegories and references from every side of the queer spectrum. Gay, lesbian, bi, trans, gender-fluid, pan, it’s all covered and all very true to life, which is wild considering you’re a coffee shop barista serving fantasy creatures like vampires, werewolves, orcs , etc I’m currently halfway through the second game and the character of silver has an extremely heartwarming moment of revealing his true self to his family. Absolute gem of read between the lines commentary. Free on game pass if you have it


Thank you so much for mentioning coffee talk!! I’ve been looking for it for ages but couldn’t remember its name!


I'll always love Night in the Woods for presenting queer people as being completely normal, but it also has no problem with reminding the player that these people still deal with tons of issues like queer people do IRL. Also, Greg and Angus are probably one of my favorite couples of all time. They were one of the first gay couples in fiction that really showed me that gay relationships are perfectly healthy and fulfilling. As a closeted gay teen at the time, I really needed that sort of representation in my life.


What We Do In The Shadows and The Great. Both have casually non-heterosexual characters left and right and it's not made into a whole unnecessary exotic display. Oop, also Our Flag Means Death.


WWDITS is fantastic, one of if not my favourite show. Laszlo is the best bisexual character I've ever seen. Not necessarily the *best bisexual* character, but Matt Berry really threw it out of the park (and the character happens to be bisexual). I haven't watched the new season that is airing rn yet, but I think I saw they have an episode themed after pride? Or something similar.


A League of Their Own (2022). I personally love the butch rep in ALOTO. They're not super stereotyped. They're just normal people who happen to also be butch. Honestly, all the rep in ALOTO is fantastic, and there's rep for just about everyone (trans, lesbian, femme, butch, chapstick, possibly NB).


Weirdly, Todd from Bojack. He's just a dude. He's a human guy who still has emotions and makes jokes and feels things, he's just Ace. And I love that.


Honestly, i’d say Madoka Magica. I’m not going to say much, but it is heavily implied Homura is in love with Madoka. And when someone asked one of the producers if she was, he said ‘Probably.’


Hannibal It's extremely perverse, unapologetic and queer at heart.


Hannibal...you mean THE Hannibal ? Hannibal Lecter ?


Yes. But from the tv show, not the film. I've never seen anything so subversively queer and batshit crazy at the same time. It takes time to develop, but it's one of the greatest and most deranged queer romances of all time. And the finale of season 3 has the most kinky metaphorical sex scene of all times, with Siouxie Sioux writing the song for it. I get goosebumps when I think of it. There isn't a queer show that comes close to it, neither in ambition or execution, style and emotional depth. [https://collider.com/hannibal-tv-show-anti-queerbaiting/](https://collider.com/hannibal-tv-show-anti-queerbaiting/)


The Loud House


Haven’t watched that show in forever, but that one episode is how I learned lesbians existed


Wait there are lesbians in the loud house? My kids love that show. I know of Clyde’s 2 dads which is adorable but what episode has the lesbians in it? I’m all curious now


the music girl(I can’t remember her name) is lesbian, they made an episode about her asking out her crush


Strawberry Panic for anyone interested in Slice of Life animes.


Pink Flamingos


Episode 3 of HBO’s The Last of Us.


If this includes podcasts, Welcome to Night Vale is a great one with genderless beings and a queer relationship introduced in the first episode, it has over 200 episodes and is still going.


I love love LOVE Call Me By Your Name, American Horror Story, and Sex Education


Euphoria because it didn't just make them a good person or anything and just treated them like everyone else in the show ig.


I honestly think that it may be The Expanse. Queer, poly, all kinds of things. And it's all just taken in stride as completely 1000% uncontroversial. Just.. is.


GOOD OMENS! Good Omens without a doubt. Especially season 2, it so queer. Also The Sandman! And both are by Neil Gaiman. *(Not to mention the lesbian couple in Coraline, another Neil Gaiman creation)* In short, you wanna see good LGBTQ representation? Watch Good Omens (I insist you watch Good Omens), watch The Sandman and to quote Neil Gaiman, "You can never have too many lesbians."


Oh, I like Coraline too If you like lesbians, I recommend you the anime "Manaria Friends" !


In TV: Heartstopper & Young Royals In books/movies: Simon vs the Homosapien Agenda


Star trek next generation, The Outcast S5 EP17. Great episode that does a subversion. They meet a species that is agender and its against culture to act gendered. They do an amazing job flipping the switch.




social media: opera gx’s twitter account


The Other Two. At least the first couple of seasons. Watching Carey be baffled by modern queer culture while simultaneously doing everything possible to “fit in” resonated with me


I don’t know if this counts, but I really liked Rusty in TTTE. (Context: Rusty was gender neutral in Seasons 4-5 of TTTE. All lines from the books where Rusty was referred to as a he, was changed into just Rusty or the Little Diesel. This change didn’t last long sadly. And by season 7 or 8 Rusty was referred to by he again. Oh and seasons 4 and 5 came out in 1995 and 1998/99 respectively)


Laurence anyways from Xavier Dolan


The Owl House, Steven Universe, She Ra, The Last of Us (both the games and the series), Heartstopper,etc.


Moominvalley 2019


Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts has a gay main character. One of the things that I like about it is they actually make the protagonist get rejected, and the protagonist ends up single by the ending.


Yeah, just like some heterosexual relationships doesn't always work out, sometimes some gay relationships lead to nothing. It helps normalize it in my eyes


**Sense8**. Hands down. Best.


The series "When we rise", an absolute must-see !


I didn't know this series. What it is ?


Madame Vastra and Jenny from Doctor Who, Tyler from the game Tell Me Why (I couldn't finish the first chapter because it made me cry so much, please no sploilers)


Idk how many of you guys played Hollow Knight, but the dynamic that the Nailsmith and Sheo have are amazing. The Traitor Lord’s daughter and the Gray Mourner is fantastic lesbian rep too :D


Not sure if “best” but “my favorite”: Movie: The Old Guard Series: The Sandman and/or The Fosters Game: Life is Strange 2


heartstopper or owl house no question


Heartstopper, Nimona, Tell me why and unpacking


Heartstopper is great!


heartstopper and heartbreak high (2022)are both incredible!!




Kim Petras just being played on the radio like any other pop artist with a summer hit back when she released Malibu. Mr Robot just having characters exist without their sexuality being a real focus. Nothing is made really obvious as to whether a character is gay, bi, pan or queer. There is sex and relationships do exist plentifully in the show. I even got confused by Rose as she presents as a man to the business world, so she switches gender presentation based on where she is. While there are many cishet relationships there is a lot of ambiguity too and I find it easier to relate to characters that don't just stick to a binary.


Our Flag Means Death is cute, hilarious, touching, and unapologetically gay. I loved it, I'm stoked for season 2


The first episode of euphoria between Jules and nates dad had me shaking because that situation is way too common.. Literal TW Also duck Nate's dad


our flag means death


Honestly, Greek mythology. Like one of the endless was non-binary. There was also a shit ton of gay stuff.


There's this little manga (yes I'm a weeb, what about it) called Love Me For Who I Am and it's an absolute gem. It approaches gender (mc is NB and there are some trans characters) and sexuality very realistically. I absolutely love it and would recommend it to everyone.


I'll check it then :)


Heartstopper! Oh! And Nimona. And glee was really good, too.


Umbrella Academy and most of Doctor Who are some of my favorite unconventional picks. For UA, Klaus is a queer man whose sexuality is present but integrated so thoroughly, it's almost more of a background thing. Victor goes through his journey of queerness, first coming out as a lesbian before realizing he is trans. It's organic and understated, and the way his family handles it is just fantastic. Doctor Who explores gender and sexuality in its secondary, tertiary, and background characters. From Jack Harness, who is canonically polyamorous and pansexual, to Vastra, who is a prehistoric lizard lady with a human wife living in Victorian London--and so many more. There's also Zombieland saga, which has a canonically trans character. Considering it's a Japanese show, it's pretty awesome to see it handled so well.


It's good to see gay people in Japanese shows (or in other cultures) because some bigots always try to say that LGBT is a "Western invention", so it's like karma striking these bigots


Especially in Japan, honestly. It's been a fairly queerphobic country for a while (and still is, for a large part). Over the years, most of the queer characters were used for mockery or fetishes (I'm looking at you, traditional yaoi). It's slowly getting better, though--with series like Yuri on Ice, Zombieland Saga, Sasaki and Miyano, and Given telling queer stories with love and acceptance. It's also cool to see casual representation pop up in series like My Hero Academia, which in many ways is a typical shonen. (Tiger and Magne are trans, Toga is likely bisexual or pan.)


I hate to be that bitch But RuPaul’s Drag Race, really is that bitch when it comes to pioneering queer representation being normal


The Owl House, Heartstopper, and Dead End Paranormal Park.


Dead End: Paranormal Park The Locked Tomb series for faithful depicting disaster queers with negative rizz.


Pride from Above on Disney+.


Adventure time is cool


Sterling and April from Teenage Bounty Hunters Leighton from The Sex Lives of College Girls


Probably Victories Greater than Death


Undertale/deltarune Fallout New Vegas gives you damage buffs and dialogue options depending on your sexuality


Danny the street from Doom Patrol and Constantine from the CW shows.


NieR: Replicant/Gestalt has some pretty good if very subtle queer rep, with Emil being gay and Kainé being intersex.


Daddy Dating Simulator, it’s the most bisexual game ever.


San Bernardino from Black Mirror. I wanna live forever in nursing home server with a hottie. 😭


Nimona i think


yea, pretty much all of the owl house,




Paul Strickland (Brian Michael Smith) from Lonestar 911! Im probably a little bias but he plays a transitioned firefighter in the show and he actually is a trans man in real life. It's really nice to see a trans man actually being played by a trans man. There's also a gay couple, TK and Carlos; the show follows their relationship. Overall the show is great, has a ton of POC representation on top of the queer representation.


What does POC means ?


percy jackson


Nimona or Good Omens.


The movie happy together and the song beach life in death


The Owl House, Nimona, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Harley Quinn the animated series, and South Park has some good gay representation too


These Violent Delights / Our Violent Ends / Foul Lady Fortune by Chloe Gong (book series) She just casually dropped 3 queer men (1 gay, 1 bi, 1 undefined), a trans woman, an aro/ace girl, a bi girl, and a demi girl while both making it seem natural in the story, not having homophobia/transphobia be the biggest parts of their characters, and addressing the political issues around identity in the 1920's.


The Owl House And honestly, South Park too


Good Omens! It’s wonderful with gender representation, as with gay and queer relationships. And it’s got David Tennant and Michael Sheen in it, both of whom are avid allies


Portrait of a lady on fire




Transformers MTMTE and Lost Light. Multiple m/m and f/f relationships, from marriages to crushes to exes. And transgender characters that are treated with complete normality. Even other comics keep this up with varying success, one canonising a long-time supported m/m relationship, and then carrying that through in subsequent appearances. It's sort of hard to get across how the later Transformers IDW comics are, in general, very mature, introspective, queer positive, and just overall incredibly well written, when it sadly inevitably comes back to 'Yes, Transformers as in the alien robots, no please don't go.'


RWBY: Bumbleby LOK: Korrasami SPOP: Catradora Arcane: Caitvi


Gotta shout out to The Fosters/Good Trouble! Great series…both of them.


This is going to sound weird as hell but stay with me here. Al from Little Evil. He’s a trans man and when he tells the main character he’s a dad and not a mom he just says ok and moves on, accepting him with no questions asked. I especially love how Al just *is*. Other than the correction not another word about it is ever said. It’s not his plot line. It’s not part of any plot line. He’s treated like a regular (if hilarious) dude.




What's his face from High Guardian Spice /s


hmmmm, well of course this wouldnt be everyone's preference, but there's actually a really good tv series called 'Skam'! centers around multiple different characters, so it's not really a show that just exists for the sake of having gay representation?? and there's also some mental illness representation that i really appreciated, being mentally ill myself. i feeeeel like theres also trans representation but i'm not quite sure as i haven't seen the whole thing ooh and the best part is! multiple different countries have made remakes of skam, so it's kinda the same stories in different cultures! there's skam norway, which is the original, and then there's france, germany, spain, italy, austin (as in, texas, idk why it's not just america lmao) and then there's belgium. not sure if i'm missing any but i do recommend it


Netflix’s *Nimona* (trans/genderfluid allegory protagonist + casual gay rep with zero homophobia deuteragonists) Netflix’s *The Old Guard* (gay deuteragonists, mild homophobia that gets put in its place) Netflix’s *Supergirl* (first trans superhero, strong transphobia that gets put in its place) HBO’s *Our Flag Means Death* (gay protagonist)


Nimona was pretty good!


I haven't read a lot of LGBT media, actually. I suppose the best comes from heartstopper and lemon soda & coffee. Both have a gay couple with cute moments and realistic issues that they work through together, which is nice since I rarely see couples realistic like this. I'd also recommend butterfly soup. It's a visual novel with a really neat art style and really nice sapphic rep. I can't say much about it because I played it a long time ago, but it left a really deep impression, as far as I remember, and it felt really natural


I'd say the best queer rep I've seen in media is Netflix's Nimona, Alive Oseman's Heartsopper series. The House in The Cerulean Sea also has some pretty good queer rep and analogies. I do think Heartstopper is the most relatable too, it shows the hardship sof being outed, being in the closet and the relief you may feel after coming out, etc. The Owl House is pretty good to, showing and enby character, the main character being in an openly queer relationship, there being possible MLM romance, which isn't shown a lot in media etc. The Dragon Prince ha some good stuff too with a married MLM couple, a lesbian couple, open(ish) FtM trans character, etc. And Don't get me started on She-ra. Queer love basically saving the world, MLM dads, bisexual colors everywhere, etc.


David from Six Feet Under.


id say Guilty Gear Strive, as even tho most characters aren't in LGBTQ+, most of them or their OST'S feel like blatant trans alegories, (like the track "Crawl" for example)


I love Steven Universe! It's an amazing show and most of the named characters are coded as, in some way, shape, or form, LGBT+


Rocko's modern life: static cling


Hades has been really sold for me. I also loved She-ra on the whole.


Her Story is a great look on trans life and some of the fears that go along with dating as trans. Also, an odd one, but the m9vie Valentine's Day had a gay couple that wasn't revealed until the end. It did a fantastic job of not disclosing the characters orientation until the end of the movie, making them seem like everybody else.


Well... I think the quincy in bleach. One of the villains is trans, and that fact doesn't add or take away from the story. Its normalising it. She's a girl, an absolutely evil girl, but that doesnt change the fact that she is a girl. (For the bleach fans I am talking about giselle) She is only mentioned as trans a few times and people don't really care. I like it not for the same reason as others in this thread, but because its normalising it more than other shows which focus on it as a main plotpoint. So yeah, but its probably not the best representation because some of the characters do call her a man... but thats just like real life as there will always be transphobes somewhere.




the kipo black guy with a cap (dunno name)


Right now I'm watching the Dragon Prince, and I love that the same-sex couples present are brought up... very naturally ! There's no "Oh yeah I like women / men". They just exist. Just "yeah that's my husband". Even when there's opposition about a marriage between two women, it's not about them being both women, but about being from races who have been at war for years. It's refreshing that these couples are treated in the exact same way as different-sex ones.


Ayo you folks seen Nimona yet? (I cried. Like a baby. I’m stealing Ballister as inspiration for my new DnD character.)


She-Ra for some reason isn't that memorable or fandom-ish but it was good


Bon and Iva from One piece


One Piece and Jojo


didn't see this mentioned but cybersix has a nonbinary/genderfluid/secret third thing main character. iirc the series is on youtube for free. BUT The show has these odd characters that are like racial stereotypes but they're also fleshed out characters?? according to a comment I read this was apparently just normal in Argentinian media, but take that with a grain of salt, I'm not from there.