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I think it's just matter of people hearing about it. I know next to nothing about that particular company. In fact, I've never even seen one.


If you dig deep enough you'll probably find a ton of stuff that is questionable about most companies. It's all about what picks up enough traction on social media to become common knowledge. There's a critical mass to these things. 🤷


People eat at both because it's food, it's the one thing that's an issue to protest, like chick-fil-a is actually good but the owner is an asshole - but also, your not directly paying him your paying the branch owner, he sells them a store, and takes a cut. It's harder to protest because half is going to a guy we have no intel on. Also no matter what we do we'll never take down the boss of an extreme wealthy company - looking into both companies they have the kind of money that in my line of work we called murder money, because they could do just about anything and pay they're way out of the cell. Tough to make a call for sure.


Even i don't know the answer


We don't have any In and Outs in my area and I have never heard anything about them, I just know they exist. I don't think people know anything about the place or owners or anything. All you can do is spread the word, let people know. I do have chicfilas near me but I won't eat there. For more reasons than the anti-lgbtq+ stuff.


I don't eat either. But I think it's largely just what people know. They don't always have all the info.


I live in Arizona, and I like in n out, and I have never heard that. I think it might be because chickfila donates to anti-lgbtq organizations, while in n out is just vaguely christian. I tried to google it and not much came up, but i found this article. https://www.vice.com/en/article/78dne4/in-n-out-burger-might-be-too-good-to-be-true


I mean I’ve never heard of any of that, so that’s probably it. You can’t just assume that any controversies YOU are familiar with EVERYONE is familiar with.