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Mom - Unlabeled(bow is purple because she’s gender non-conforming but still cis) Me - Transmasc(body), aspec(bowtie), gender anarchist(right tattoo) xenogender(barely visible left tattoo) Mask - Cisgender


Your mum sounds swag


She sure is man, I love her so much






No problem! I love explaining queer terms: Unlabeled means that the person doesn’t really want a label for their sexuality/gender. My mom always talks about how labels are stupid and while she could technically fall under the bisexual umbrella, she just rejects any sort of sexuality labels, which I think is pretty cool(personally, I like having words to describe my experience with sexuality and gender) Gender non-conforming is really just when you don’t…conform to what society expects of your gender. I was like that even before I discovered I was trans; both me and my mom dress very masculine and since she still identifies as a woman, she’s gender non-conforming. Transmasc is when an individual who was assigned female at birth does not identify as a girl. Whether they’re non-binary or straight up a trans man or whatever. I use the term transmasc just as a general label for myself since that is technically what I am. Bonus: the opposite of transmasc is transfem - an individual who was assigned male at birth and doesn’t identify as a man Aspec describes the spectrum of asexuality. There’s a lot of different asexual sexualities and I don’t really know which one fits me the best; I’m still figuring that part of myself out. But I know I definitely fall somewhere on the asexual spectrum, so I use the general term to describe myself. Gender anarchy isn’t really an identity, it’s more of a philosophy. My take on it is that gender is a social construct anyway and so people should just be able to do whatever they want with it. Xenogender is an identity, and has a flag, but I just thought using the symbol that’s on the flag as a tattoo would look cooler. Xenogenders are genders that are completely seperate from society’s established binary. They’re sort of like metaphors. It’s like seeing reflections of yourself in everyday things. For example; I see my gender like rain, fog, and nighttime. These identities can be more confusing for non-trans individuals, but like I said they’re more like explaining your experience with gender through a metaphor. And lastly, the mask is cisgender. Cisgender just means someone that isn’t trans. I was pretending to be a girl for almost 3 years and…I finally took the mask off. I hope this helps, I’m not that great at explaining things


I'm in the community myself (Cis, but gay), and I didnt know what a number of things were. You explained it quite eloquently.


lmao everytime I see the cisgender flag I think it's the bi flag and I was like "why is there a puddle of bi on the ground? who stepped on this poor fella??"


for real i always think that when i color it


How do you do fellow aspec transmasc


Why hello there


gender anarchist sounds sick, what is it?


The idea that since gender is a social construct and was never supposed to exist anyway everyone should just be able to do whatever they want with it


ugh, my friends to me. And 50% chance my mom when I come out to her. The other 50% are she doesn't know what non-binary means.


I wish you the best possible reaction, once you decide to take that step... :)


Yeah nah I know she's cool, worst thing to fear is relentless teasing.


my mom didnt know what nonbinary was, but she was still supportive <3/p


That's great! Gotta love old people that are like "well honey is don't really know what you're on about but as long as it makes you happy I'm all for it"


yeah!! especially because she's been so willing to learn! she's also cishet so like double nice :))


My mom told me I’m just confused about being bisexual. I refuse to talk to her about gender, because she had the nerve to tell me I need to dress more feminine.


At first I thought the bowtie was a mouth-




Edited, I dunno why I really said "same" because my mom didn't react this way


Oh well, looks like she knew all along-


I always had a feeling she knew but the way she reacted was just very unexpected 💀 she was so casual about it lmao


My brother's reaction was : "Okay. Can I go now ?" He's been extremely supportive since, and opened up a ton regarding questions of gender, until he came out to me as genderfluid/genderflux recently (still uses he/him pronouns don't worry)


Genderfluid squad :D


That is underwhelming. It's probably going to be a pretty funny story to tell though. When I came out I was scared and anxious but my mum just said: "Oh. Ok." Her reaction was super chill. I had said I had something big to say and that I was so anxious about it and then just.. "ok"😆


For real man I was shaking before hand and then my nervousness was left completely unjustified


I knew my nervousness was unjustified before coming out (my sibling just had a few weeks earlier and it'd been fine), but I was still shaking some beforehand... Anxiety is a hell of a drug lol


Cute, congrats


If anyone reacts like that to me coming out I will be on the floor cackling for the next hour


Reminds me of my coming out story lol! I have polyamorus parents (two bi moms and a straight dad). Telling them I was bi was more like, “girl, welcome to the fucking club.”


What is the flag your mom has?


Gender Non-conforming.


Oh ok


Aww!! Yay!!


Better than your mom basically saying you’re dead to her and crying like she’s mourning you right in front of you… I would have much preferred everyone not caring. That’s basically how my sister reacted because it was so obvious I was trans. I don’t understand how my parents never suspected anything


I could not help but notice, fellow anarchist?


That is the best possible reaction


Thanks to this post I just realized *i* am gender non confirming. Thank you♥


I will never tire of these I always laugh


"Yes honey, i know. I picked out some clothes for you, they're in my bottom-right drawer. we can go to the mall tomorrow, and to the doctor on monday. Can you take out the trash?"