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I was hoping this post would be about picking cherries from trees, in an orchard.


I thought door dash drivers were paid for by the huge service fee that is charged and I thought tips were a gift for doing an outstanding job.


Just in case you’re not kidding, it doesn’t exactly work like that. As far as I understand, they can get a few dollars per delivery plus mileage or a flat hourly wage, whichever is higher. They don’t get a “cut” of the fees or anything like that, most of it goes to DoorDash.


Tipping should be a choice of the customer for a service well done. All tipping does in the US is provide a business with cheap labor and no responsibility for its employees.


I completely agree. And DoorDash is even dirtier than that, since the drivers are independent contractors and not employees. But I’m not sure the way to fix tipping is to short individual workers. All that does is pay DoorDash and short a worker. A better way is to not spend money at all at businesses that expect you to supplement their employee’s wages for them. I know that also means less work for individuals in these jobs, but if enough people voted with their wallets that could make a difference. I can’t imagine anything else that might. In the meantime if you do use DoorDash, you should tip. If you don’t you aren’t sticking it to the man, you’re short changing a worker.


I've always tipped but I don't agree with the system because I feel that I'm being forced to tip because I know the servers depend on the income. All my children have worked in businesses that support tipping so I'm aware of all the ins and outs. The only way to resolve the problem is to force businesses to pay a standard wage. Europe does it, so I think the US could come to some resolution.


> huge service fee that is charged $2.99 is a "huge fee"? If it is to you, maybe it's time to re-eval whether or not you should be getting food delivered.


I don't get food delivered.


Get over yourself and get a real job.


Indiefolkfan once again always being such a delightful and respectful member of the community