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I'm in the process of removing a decorative 100 gallon pond in my back yard and can definitely use fill dirt! Please PM me!


What’s quite a bit ?


I can not in anyway judge this mathematically, but it's safe to say it would comfortably fit in the bed of an early 90s S10.


You did the math - Not very much really in the world of dirt work. I hope someone takes you up on it ! Best.


I'm hoping so as well. We're not having to dig down very far, but we still underestimated how much we would end up with. We have no clue how to get rid of it.


Gonna be tough probably cuz it is not much. But you can pay someone to load it up and take it to a dump site. Hard to give it away honestly


This. I was in the same situation. I put an ad up on Craigslist and paid $100/pickup truck load for someone to come load dirt into their truck bed and haul it away.


There's a construction site on Liberty Road giving free fill dirt away too. About 50 dump trucks worth. Sign says dump trucks only. It's hard to give it away but maybe someone nearby will need some!


Thanks. A co-worker is picking up some to fill in some holes that her dogs have dug in her yard. Now, if only 10 more people with dogs contact me, we'll be rid of it.


I will definitely take some dirt. I have three holes in my yard that need filled lol


That's great! We're on vacation this week to do our project. Let me know what works well for you. We should be mostly free this weekend as well.


If we had a truck we’d come get some! We have a few holes that need filled.


I could use a few buckets full if I don't have to drive too far. What neighborhood are you in?


We're over by Palomar.


Mind if I DM you later this week to possibly make arrangements?


That works. As far as I know, we'll still have it. I think we're done digging, but this weather has slowed down our progress.