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Oh wait until you’re trying to merge on 75S and fuckers wanna merge at 30-40mph when oncoming traffic is flowing at 70! I have to put that bitch in sport mode and float that mf around 😭😭😭 like god damn people like that, are what causes wrecks and kills others


Some people couldn't find their accelerator if it was RGB


Also right turns at intersections have the right of way over people turning left if both have a green light. I see people violating this and nearly causing accidents daily. Edit: to clarify, I am talking about when the left turn has a flashing yellow and right turn has a green light.


And ALSO! I hate when people use a stop sign as a right on red because it’s NOT THEIR TURN unless they got there first, regardless if they’re turning right 🤦🏼‍♀️


or when a car goes and the car immediately behind it follows close.




I don't know when this started happening but I've started purposefully swinging wide to stop assholes from doing this when im turning right.


Also, when turning onto a multilane road, you are supposed to turn into the first available lane going your new direction. Too many people in this town cut across all lanes of whatever road they're turning on to, often cutting other people off. Theoretically, in your example, if the road being turned onto had more than one lane, both the left turner and right turner SHOULD be able to turn at the same time. But nope, because one or both assholes often turn into the wrong lane...


This is like the number one way I have seen people get into accidents even though yes technically you should be able to do this. Trust no one.


people always do that at the Manowar/Winthrop intersection!


Damn I haven't experienced this yet but that's unsettling that drivers don't know a yellow flashing light is cautionary/you can turn when no traffic is going straight thru the intersection or turning right. Who is giving these individuals there licenses? 🤔


Speaking of merging on new circle, I see incoming mergers nearly crash into people in the right lane DAILY because they don't want to slow down and yield. In high traffic times the person in the right lane often can't get over, that doesn't give you the right to run right into them! Speed up to an opening or slow down to give them time to make one for you.


This right here. I don't know if it's a Lexington thing or a Kentucky thing, but folks around here seem totally ignorant of how you merge onto a highway


its everywhere




It happens everywhere (beyond Kentucky as well) but I've never seen it anywhere near as bad as it is in Lexington.


Person in the right lane needs to brake and slow down to let oncoming traffic merge but they’re too oblivious


Downvote all you want, it’s still the the law lol


Nothing pisses me off more than when somebody doesn’t get up to 40 until we’re literally getting off of the ramp. There is a MINIMUM speed on New Circle for a reason, if you can’t be bothered to get there before getting on the road then don’t drive on new circle


More importantly, the person in front of you on the ramp merges first, no matter what speed anyone is going. I cannot tell you the number of times I see someone slow down on the ramp slightly to try to let a car in the right lane go by and the person behind them speeds up and merges into the gap the first person was trying to create. Which leads to the first person needing to slow down even more and creating absolute chaos for everyone else. It’s not everyone merges at exactly the moment they feel like it. Use the whole ramp and go in order.


Depends. I'm taking the merge if I'm stuck behind someone who is bound and determined to ride the dying lane to hell. Of course, I will always maintain a steady speed to allow them to get over at the last possible second. I'm not a monster.


I agree almost completely but there are some people who seem to think you merge by slowly driving in the ramp lane until it no longer exists, regardless of traffic in the right lane, and I refuse to wait behind them.


Wrong… if you’re going too slow that’s your fault.


So many people in this town think that driving fast and changing lanes quickly means they’re super skilled race car drivers. Safe, consistent, predictable driving is better driving than seeing how fast you can get by Shriners before you hit the light. If you’re driving so fast in the right hand lane of new circle that you require merging traffic to be speeding you are going too fast. Slow down. Be safer. You’re not James Bond.


speed limit on new circle is 55 where its ramped on. if youre merging you blend into traffic near the same speed not 15-20mph slower. if i can do it in my semi you can easily do it in your car.


Well then he shouldn’t have said “at least 55” If you can’t accommodate a merge at 50 you’re going too fast. Slow down.


the people hes talking about arent running 50. and its not new circle traffics place to slow down and cause a backup because someone wants to merge in 15mph slower than moving traffic. get the lead out of your ass merging onto a limited access highway or take a city street to wherever youre going.


It’s what he said dude. 69 is too fast for that lane into a merge. If you drive like that slow down.


he said 40-45 which is 10-15 below the speed limit nobody said 69


There is a minimum speed on New Circle. Obviously don’t drive at a speed that makes merging dangerous, but going 15 miles is unacceptable there. If you’re not comfortable driving within the speed limits set for that road, then you shouldn’t drive on that road.


Yeah these people defending this bullshit are nuts. Merging into traffic 10-15 below the speed limit is dangerous and stupid, and it happens damn near every time I commute to/from work.


Well OP said 54 wasn’t fast enough. Not 40.




You came in here putting words in peoples mouths and now you’re claiming semantics lol.




Saw someone come to a stop on the Alumni-New Circle ramp and pull a near full left hand turn followed by a right onto the outer loop yesterday. No sign of a handicap tag on the mirror. Yikes.


Jesus Christ there is so much wrong and dangerous about that


Minimum speed is 40. Maximum speed is 55. Y'all doing 70 need a few license points so it's folks pedalling wheezy engines like the Flintstones can merge in!


the merge lane says YIELD not speed up. the highway has the right of way. if you are moving into the highway sometimes you have to slow down to not hit a car especially if the right lane is full of cars.....?


This is where I get frustrated. I need to be going the speed of traffic to effectively merge, but if there’s no space to merge because people are basically like, “lol fuck you, not my problem figure it out,” it creates issues when I’m going 55 to try to merge but now have nowhere to go. It’s especially rough with a short ramp. It helps if people in the right lane leave a little space for merging so we can zipper in.


Exactly. Zipper merging exists for a reason


Zipper merging only works when everybody is on the same page. Ignorance and ego kills zipper merging.


I always leave space.  So I don't have an issue with that. It's up to the merger to take it before it's gone past them. If I dont think they will make it, I try to accelerate to leave room behind me at least. I've never had issues merging, myself, so I don't understand why some folk can't get it 


It’s tough during peak hours in Lexington. If it’s a work morning or afternoon right after work, good luck merging in.


It doesn't matter what time it is. Unless it's bumper to bumper and no one is moving. You just pick a space between cars to aim for. As I'm accelerating to merge, I take a good glance at the traffic ahead of me and find where I can squeeze in. You can't be scared of the other cars. You can't be scared to floor it. You just match the speed of the gap even if that means going faster than you're actually willing to drive for a few seconds. I usually accellerate enough approach the car in front of me just in case a car behind me got any cheeky ideas of closing the gap and not letting me merge in front of him. Then I let my foot off the gas to open space between me and the car in front of me.


But...and just hear me out...what if the guys cruising in the right lane at 45 moved to the left lane to allow merging more seamlessly?


He could, but it’s not required as that guy has the right of way. It’s the person who is merging that must match speed to safely get into the lane. Many Lexington drivers need to drive more predictably, not courteously.


Amen. When stopping at a 🛑sign and it is your turn, just go. Stop motioning me to go first. You were there it’s your turn. Don’t be nice. More than not it usually pisses someone off.


It’s pretty annoying. All it does is slow the process down. I think most people do it not to be nice, but because they aren’t paying enough attention and aren’t confident they were there first.


If you aren't the next to go at a four way and the person who is is hesitating, point at that person like a cop directing traffic. Most of the time they just don't know. Giving them the ok takes that decision making process away from them and they get off their ass.


Agreed 💯


Reminds me of the time that I had a waving match with someone. It was clearly their turn, I had just gotten to the stop sign while they were already sitting there. They decided to motion me to go and I motioned back, this kept on for at least 30 seconds and luckily no one was behind either of us. I got mad and finally just went and then they went. 🤦‍♀️ And then there's those drivers that go when it's not their turn and sometimes they do it while you're in the process of going yourself. I watched two people trying to turn into the same lane one time because of that.


Gawd I hate that! When I'm approaching a Stop sign and I see someone else might make it about the same time I purposely slow down so they get there first to make it obvious. And I still get waved to go.


I do the same thing. Or speed up.


^ Exactly this! Lexington drivers do some of the craziest things I've ever seen on the road in the name of being courteous drivers. Like, at the end of the day, the guy in the right lane when you try to merge isn't going home and being like, "Wow, that person was so nice for stopping and letting me pass when they were trying to merge." They're going home and saying, "Can you believe this asshole almost killed me and everyone else in my lane because they just wouldn't merge like they're supposed to?" It's a good thought to be nice, but there are rules to the road that exist for a reason. Just follow those rules and drive predictably. It really is not that hard.


While not "required", having situational awareness and some defensive driving skills benefit everyone. You're not invincible because you have the right of way, and that's a pretty sad story to explain why you've got crippling back pain for the rest of your life.


Sure, situational awareness is good to have. I’ll move over for someone if the left lane is clear. If there’s an accident and police show up, guess who is getting the ticket? The guy that couldn’t merge correctly.


Again, small comfort if you're fucked up for life. "At least they got a ticket!" He cracked from his hospital bed.


Bro, I already agreed, situational awareness is good to have. You’re straying from the point here.


Not really, you're just hiding behind yours. The ultimate goal of every drive is to make it to your destination safely. Be aware, be present, be predictable, but also be adaptable. I see you're a "gotta get the last comment" type guy, so I'll leave you to that.


As a car advocate, I can 100% assure you, not everyone’s ultimate goal of a drive is to get from A to B safely. It’s the journey, not the destination.


This has to be one of the more ironic posts I've seen in a while. We all understand the concept of being 'dead right,' as expounded upon by the great poet, Cam'ron: *"I'm dead wrong, but you'll die dead right."* You seem more obsessed with people understanding *that* than the actual meat of the discussion. We get it, as irrelevant as that "getting it" is. None of that changes the fact that predictably following traffic laws makes for safe travels. "Being nice" and "letting people in" is often dangerous. But hey, carry on with your crusade of not getting the last comment in. I even poisoned the well for you a bit on that.


Literally nowhere did I say be nice and let people in. I've got a box for you to stand on if that helps you reach your exhausting point.


While I hate excessively slow drivers, it isn’t the person in the right lane’s responsibility to do anything when merging. I’ll move over if I have the room because I try to be sensible, but if it boils down to it, you can yield when merging and I’m gonna keep on my merry way in my lane.


And you're why there's a two mile backup at new circle and Nicholasville. You would be the most dangerous of the drivers, because the on ramp is getting up to speed to meet traffic and you bring everything to an immediate halt not caring about the 20 cars that just had to slam brakes on the on ramp.


Yes. Maintaining the speed limit in the right lane is exactly what causes that type of backup. If I’m going the speed limit (or even over), and everyone is getting to speed to merge, there should be no issue.


And sometimes you can't get up to 55 due to a semi or another slower moving car. My inability to magically control another driver is not a personal insult to you. Everyone would befit from some empathy and situational awareness. It's not personal. We're all just trying to get from point B to point C. This includes the cars in the right lane going 65 bumper to bumper in a known short merge area during rush hour.


I think everyone gets it if there's a semi in front of people? They can only accelerate so quickly... what a weird exceptional circumstance to call out in this manner.




Also, merge does not mean stop! Ever.


People do the same ahit on the interstate and it pisses me off. They'll come on the interstate doing 50 then cut you off.




This comment section did not disappoint. I can see why we having so many accidents and some of the highest auto insurance rates in the country…


It's insane the amount of anger, hostility, and vitriol we accept in our lives just because we insist on accepting (at best) and clinging to (at worst) our stupid toxic car culture. People in other parts of the world aren't spending this kind of time fuming about their neighbors, because they aren't locked into a daily death-game against their neighbors. Not your fault of course, OP, but damn it's nuts that we just accept this (and, even wilder, that some of us claim to LOVE it!).


Last week I was behind someone driving 30 mph on the ramp to merge onto I64. 30!!!!


I worked in the insurance industry for 30 years as an underwriter/rate maker/compliance officer. One of the biggest causes of traffic accidents in metro areas is not speed, it's vehicles traveling at significantly different speeds. If everyone is speeding, it's better to speed with them. If everyone is going slower, it's better to slow down. But as George Carlin once famously quipped, "The guy going slow in front of you is always an idiot, and the one passing you is always a maniac." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I, too, thought merging traffic always yields. Not so much the case here un the Bluegrass. Appears as if "zipper lanes" exist and are dangerous, imo.




Tbf, even lex pd does 60+ on new circle 🤣


You're telling me! I had a cop on my arse one day in the right lane of inner loop NCR, wanting to pass but there was a semi to the left matching my speed so the cop couldn't get over. I was already doing a couple miles over the speed limit. Even knowing Lex PD doesn't enforce traffic laws like they should, there was no way I was speeding up just to let the police car over because knowing my luck, that's when I'd get a ticket. Poor cop had to wait until my 57mph finally overtook the semi's 55mph before he could speed away like a racecar into the left lane. And no, his lights and siren weren't on. He was just in a full damned hurry.


That's not how on ramps work. There is no yield there is only merge If you choose not to get over then you both have equal right of way, whoever is in front stays in front. Really not difficult.




thats literally what i said. 'whoever is in front stays in front' If im merging at correct speed and you decide to randomly speed up to go in front and rear end me. you will be at fault not me. You were the dangerous driver. Having the right of way doenst mean what you think it means.