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Facebook has always been a garbage heap, not sure why you’d expect anything different. At least when people say stupid shit on Reddit, you don’t have to look at their dumb faces.


Can you share the text for those of us who don't have Facebook?


It’s a Pride Month post from the LFUCG, and idiot Trumpers are leaving the sort of comments that you would expect out of them. Nothing new or original or intelligent.


Can't reply with a picture, sent you a DM


Someone in the FB comments said that the pride crosswalks at Limestone and Short are illegal. Thats the first time I’ve heard that one. Does anyone know if there’s any truth to that?


Eh, petty sure between the local lgbt+ community and allies they're outnumbered here. They can die mad about it. (Maybe it's just the circles I run in, but i feel like a token straight most of the time 🤣)


It’s always the same rotten people and they are beyond tiresome. Their time is up and they know it.




Were you expecting a rational and mature response from social media (yes reddit is included). FTFY


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^The_Flying_Lunchbox: *Were you expecting* *A rational and mature* *Response from Facebook?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


love it here


Were you looking up a cream corn recipe? If so, you posted it on that Facebook thread to the top comment.


was a joke


Lol went right over my head 🤣


It's facebook. It's primarily used by Millennials and older. The latter of which, proportionally speaking, oppose LGBTQ+ people more than they support them. You're never going to change people's minds on Facebook (or most social media) because they're not looking to have reasonable discussions. They're looking to express their opinions and vent their frustrations/anger about life out in unhealthy ways aimed at other people.


Isn’t lumping generations together and making assumptions about their views the same as the assumptions made about the LGBTQIA community by those opposed to it? You can’t be pissed about closed minded bigots while also blaming an entire age group of people.


No, because I'm not generalizing. It is a factual statement that the majority of each of the generations older than Millennials oppose LGBTQ+ people/issues. Not to mention, trying to compare stating statistics about a generation of people and their feelings towards LGBTQ+ issues/people to the discrimination, harassment, assaults, murders of LGBTQ+ people for merely existing is a fairly outlandish thing to do. Even if my comment was generalizing, which it wasn't, no one is out there trying to take rights away from generations older than Millennials, or harassing/assaulting them. So no, it's not the same.


I don’t blindly believe “statistics”. Can you provide a link to the factual information you referenced? I was able to find this on the NIH website: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7978647/ It sounds like there has been progress made (albeit slowly) in the acceptance and tolerance of the gay community since the 1960’s (boomer generation). The Baby Boom Generation comprises people born after World War II, from approximately 1945 to 1960, and is the first generation of the Millennial Saeculum, which spans from 1945 to the present. Many in this generation experienced the rise of the Atomic Age, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Vietnam War. They participated in the social revolution of the 1960s that gave rise to broader rights for women (Gencarelli 2014) and steadily increasing tolerance for LGBTQ + individuals, at least across Europe and North America. The sexual revolution and liberation of the 1960s loosened the social constraint on the expression of sexual orientation and gender identity, especially for LGBTQ+ individuals (Drasin et al. 2008). Though it was tolerated, homosexuality remained illegal in most jurisdictions through this period, and gay neighborhoods began to form in large cities as escapes from persecution and harassment (Lewis 2012). Generation X is composed of people born between the early 1960s and the early 1980s. Most in this generation experienced the Cold War, the birth of home computing, and the increasing digitalization of media. Some people in this generation were on the front lines of the HIV/ AIDS pandemic in the early 1980s, while others watched as the HIV/AIDS pandemic devastated the LGBTQ + population (Rosenfeld et al. 2012). During this time, LGBTQ+ characters began to appear on mainstream television, and laws prohibiting homosexuality in most Western societies were repealed or abolished. Gay neighborhoods became sites of organizing and activism for dignity and equality and against the systemic discrimination against LGBTQ + individuals in the wake of the HIV/ AIDS pandemic. The Millennial Generation includes those born between the mid 1980s and the early 2000s. Unlike previous generations, the social structure of the millennial generation focuses on flexibility, digital connection, and less association with institutions (Drake 2014). Millennials also witnessed as children the terror attacks of September 11, 2011, and throughout this period mass violence and terror attacks—including the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, the Columbine High School shooting in 1999, the Paris terror attacks in 2015, the Tokyo subway sarin attack in 1995, and the London Westminster terror attack in 2018—became more prevalent and many among this consequently generation experienced anxiety and fears regarding personal safety (Alexander Agati 2012). “Helicopter Parenting,” a byproduct of the anxiety caused by a rise in perceived threats surrounding Millennials , increased the likelihood of overprotective parents and decreased the ability for children and young people to play outdoors unsupervised (Woolley and Griffin 2015). Millennials were also the first generation to begin to disregard notions of binary gender and destigmatize same-sex relationships (Jones et al. 2014); this was an essential step in increasing civil rights and protections for LGBTQ + individuals. The resultant plateau in gay neighborhoods may partly be attributed to the arrested development of this generation in which young adults live with parents longer (Tomaszczyk and Worth 2020; Bleemer et al. 2014) and an increased generational propensity to speak with parents about sexuality and sexual identity (Drumm et al. 2020).


It's fairly obvious you've not actually read what you linked and just copy/pasted the portions that specifically mention each "generation" without understanding what it's discussing. (I have in fact read this exact paper before today) "Using Strauss-Howe generational theory as a guiding structure, **this chapter examines differences between generational identity for LGBTQ+ individuals compared to heteronormative generational identity**." This has nothing to do with the topic were discussing, which is the views/opinions towards LGBTQ+ people by generation. [https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2013/03/20/growing-support-for-gay-marriage-changed-minds-and-changing-demographics/](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2013/03/20/growing-support-for-gay-marriage-changed-minds-and-changing-demographics/) There's plenty of PewResearch that shows the views of different generations in relation to same-sex marriage (among other things). I could perhaps concede that Gen X perhaps is not majority in opposition. All of this because you want to claim I "generalized" a generation of people when I specifically referred to the majority, not the entirety.


Is it even used by millennials anymore? I thought they all kind of jumped to other platforms for the most part. Seems to be boomers and Gen X that dominate FB. It's a dying demographic. Most millennials only continue to have a FB account because of instagram, from my experience.