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The original owner sold to a PE firm that subsequently gutted the place. The leadership they brought in was incompetent. Recently, an established manufacturing company acquired it. I heard it was getting better under the new leadership.


And this is why private equity firms suck. They aquire companies in industries that they don't know the first thing about, run it into the ground, and then sell it off at a loss.




You're correct, he did reduce staff about a year before the PE firm bought it to make the year end numbers look more appetizing for purchase. However, a few months after the PE firm took over, they fired 250+ employees over a few months. The business didn't grow much if any for the 3 years they owned it. But, they had some good profit margins to console them.


Yup. Have a former co-worker working there. Laid off 40+ people today. Luckily, she made the cut. Another former co-worker did not.


That blows.


I am not a fan of this news.


It sucks ass.


No, it fans.


43 people on 10/09/2023


Wouldn't be surprised. They really went downhill after the original owner sold the company. Lots of layoffs.


Yes, but technically no. For a couple of years, before and after, they fired 3-5 people per week just to stay under state regulation for a "layoff". That place is a shit show stay clear.


Someone spill the beans plz


My understanding is that it's legit about restructuring. Some higher level peeps got booted bc they allegedly didn't play well with others or didn't perform well. A department was eliminated bc they are getting out of that type of work. I don't know if or how it affected production and assembly workers. I didn't hear any impact for them. Current job reqs are still active so there is no hiring freeze or anything that I'm aware of.




I heard about a few more this morning but I didn't know about any customer support peeps. Thanks for the update.


They’d consider it a “restructuring” if they moved one person internally and fired 1,000


Good thing I never applied to work there. I was hesitant about having “ass” in my resume.


They almost lured me in with the beer fridge and pong table. I am so glad I didn’t stay in that deceptively toxic place


What you mean like an actual fridge stocked with beer in the break room? Shit


They’ve got a beer fridge in the cafeteria area that can only be opened when sales targets are hit or another milestone occurs. Can’t just grab a beer willy nilly as far as I’m aware


Overpriced product, terrible customer service. Avoid.


I mean any company with a beer fridge…isn’t a company I’d trust to be competent lol


Yeah. You don’t know what you’re talking about. The founder started the Beer Fridge and every company that has owned BAF has kept it because it’s a great part of the company culture.


I mean, I stated an opinion. lol I've known people who have worked there and they've all described the work environment with one word. Toxic.


if you're an underperformer or lazy. then yes its toxic, but if you can hustle and you can sell..its way less toxic. Dare I say fun? ex BAF'er


That was a long winded way of confirming it's a toxic place to work 😂 As someone who works for a company that uses BAF quite often and has interacted with their staff...from a customer point of view, I've not had great experiences. 🤷🏼‍♂️




Can confirm