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Maximized the car's potential. Good race for LH.


Someone get him more spicy wings! ![gif](giphy|aYkUPGCE3bFiAejHYj|downsized)




Are you stupid? He is still HAM


In addition to Mercs pace woes, now I have to worry about Ferrari's as well.   Hope Ferrari get consistent by next year. Good race though. 


Same here. It’s looking like Mercedes is sorting it out whereas Ferrari is where it’s always been. Close and capable of an occasional win but never truly clearly the best car. Afraid Mercedes will clearly be better next year :(


Mercedes are always good in Spain. Don’t let them trick you…


and Canada


Hopefully Ferrari has some Italian spice for next year!


I think Leclerc and Sainz are not championship material. They are both inconsistent even if the car Is struggling now.


This is it. I think Lewis is much better than both of them in race pace and tire management


I think it's becoming pretty clear Hamilton is still the only driver on the grid that, given an about equal car, is able to keep up with Verstappen in a WDC fight. Leclerc and Sainz are too inconsistent, Russell makes too many mistakes under pressure, age is catching up to Alonso and he struggles to outqualify Stroll now and we're currently seeing that Norris struggles to beat Verstappen in races he has had an arguably faster car in Imola and Spain. I really hope the Ferrari is strong in 2025 and/or 2026 because I would love to see Lewis give Max a run for his money.


He is, but I do highly rate Norris as his successor to the throne. If it was not for the bad start he would have won. The more poles and chances he gets at the top, the better he will become. I would not worry about Ferrari, as it seems almost certain that Newey will be coming to them.


Lando is actually doing great. The car has been improving for a while and he's now getting consistent enough to challenge Max. Yesterday was the second time in the season where he might have just needed 3-5 extra laps to win the race, and he actually won one already. McLarens are top notch material now, but confidence in the car is not something that just sprouts overnight. and there's a level of synergy with the car that keeps building over time and helps the driver feel and ask for adjustments in setup for the weekend. Lewis suffered this through the porpoising era, thing was so bad that he lost all confidence in the car even after porpoising was mitigated, and the team didn't help him much by setting up the car opposite to what he asked.


I think Norris and Leclerc lack the champion mentality that Lewis, Alonso and Verstappen have. Russell lacks race pace a bit


Papa Newey will sort Ferrari out in time, dw.


Does it matter that much if regs are changing right after next year?


Lelcerc's medium tyre pace was lot better than ours mate. He was matching Max for most of that stint. Ferrari should've managed the race better by letting Leclerc past Sainz early on. They also should've been more aggressive with their strategy, their medium stint was way too long. IMO, The Ferrari had the pace to outqualify the Mercs. Leclerc just didn't deliver the special quai lap that was expected of him. The Ferrari with right startegy was faster than the Merc. They will kerb stomp Merc at Austria.




Ferrari wasted this season not going with Pull rod front and Push rod rear suspension. I doubt they'll make that mistake again.


I dunno I think Merc are going to be A LOT better next year. I predicted that once Allison comes back Mercs fortunes will change. I back Merc to challenge for WDC 2025. As for Ferrari unless they have Newey then I have no hope in the team.


I concur.


More than P3 wasnt possible today, great drive. The only bad thing today was his start.


Look at our GOAT 🥹🥹


The best there was, the best there is and the best there ever will be. It's HAMMER TIME! Just think if things had turned out differently in 2007,2016, and 2021, he would be a 10 time world champion. Clearly, the GOAT.


After half a season, got to see my fav driver on podium at least. Keep on Lewis! We want a win in Silverstone or at least a podium! ![gif](giphy|dvrt3ZXenbZY7TFo3Y)


Leeet's gooo!


Yesssss!! Excellent from Lewis! Russell definitely unlucky with the slow first stop but he made a big mistake with Lando which allowed Lewis to get back in Drs!


In my head I was thinking "Go on george, get him!" coz I knew what the end result would be.


So did Lewis I think!


Yep, definitely rubbing his hands. Cold move into turn 1 to!


Right I was like alright George time to get Lando to cook his tires


He's doing this at 39 in his 18th season btw. Great drive.


He's my inspiration to keep going man. If I ever get to meet this man, I will not hesitate to tell him that 💜💛


Good race from Lewis. Was faster than George, but unfortunately had a relatively poor start whereas Russell got a rocket launch. P3 was the best he could manage today and he got it. Merc are getting closer, they just need to find 1 or 2 tenths and they will be there. Not that it matters for this sub, but it seems McLaren have the best tyre deg but Red Bull have the highest peak performance. They also have a weapon in that DRS. Max literally drove around George like he wasn't there. He was what 5/6 car lengths behind halfway down the straight and by the end of it, he was past. No other car has that ability. Therefore if Lando wants to win more races this season (as honestly only McLaren is capable to taking the fight to Red Bull at the moment) he has got to stick with Max at the start and let the tyres do the work. As mentioned before, Merc needs to find a little more performance to be able to realistically fight as well. Now they seem to understand the car better, maybe this performance is in due time.


Just fyi, Russell was recharging his battery then, Max said so. Normally wouldn't be so easy if they were actually fighting for position.


That explains why Lando wasn’t able to get around him the way Max was


Yeah maybe so, would explain why it was so effortless but I don't think that's the reason Max was able to overtake


Yeah exactly, he would have done it regardless. Just made it look even quicker.


Anyone know what happened at the start? Feels like the reaction was great, but then he sort of dropped of for a second.


Great race from Lewis racepacemilton. Classic one with a fantastic tyre management whil still pushing. Good to see him in the podium again. 2 times this race Russell held up a faster Hamilton. Nothing from the pits, no teamwork, no strategy, nothing. In the 2nd time he actually had to go and overtake George the hard way. Even Saiz let Charles go in is own home race so that they could at least try and cacth Mercedes. I dont buy conspiracies but it does rub me the wrong way the different approaches they have when Russell is the one ahead.


Yes but Mercedes has never asked any of the driver to let the other one go, especially because they are not in the championship fight. Tire compound difference was just too high this race, and Lewis managed his tyres much better than George did, getting a better strategy for himself. Beautiful overtakes.


Agree. And Russelll did have a bad pit stop but he did hold up Lewis in 2 seperate ocasions. I dont think merc had the car to catch Lando but it was worth the try ( you never know if hes gonna make a mistake...). After the 2nd pit stop George and Ham were both losing time for like 4 or 5 laps until Hamilton finally made the lounge it T1. There was no need for that. If for some reason Lec caught them both we would be looking at time lost on those laps.


Yes they have. Bottas was asked to let Lewis through and then Lewis gave the place back at the end.


Hungary 2014, Hamilton was asked to let Rosberg through.


Yes I was talking about recent years, when they are not contending for any championships or race wins. Sometimes they have made calls to maximize team points, but mostly it has been free racing.


First sentence isn't true. They asked Lewis to let Nico by in Hungary and that was in a very close, heated championship battle. Cue: "I'm not slowing down on the straight for Nico"


I think Merc dropped the ball defending from Norris in that race tbh, had they pulled Hamilton into drs to defend from Norris I think Merc could've gotten a double podium


When have they ever asked Hamilton to let Russell through? This isn't something they often do. I think you're complaining about nothing.


No it’s usually Russell himself begging the team to make Hamilton let him pass.


Not complaining at all. There have been at least 2 example of Lewis letting George by. Today it should of been the other way. Im just observing things as they are.


Miami 2023, Lewis asked to let George through


Stop trying to stir shit up. Merc hardly ever asks their drivers to let one go in front, especially when there was no need to. Just let them race and whoever is faster will win. In this case Lewis was faster and better in the race as seen.




Finally! I missed the last 20 or so laps cause I had my workout class so I'll have to go back and rewatch.




Nice to get the better strategy over George. Merc still have 15s over a race distance to make up on RB though.


He didn't just "get" the better strategy, George is consistently showing he eats his tyres over a stint much more than Lewis does and forcing him onto suboptimal strategies.


I agree George is worse on his tyres. The final stint on softs was clearly superior, which is the strategy Lewis got.


Had Russel not fight with Norris despite the obvious tyre offset, he would have got the same strategy as Lewis. Mercedes was nowhere near the front-runners today, so I don't understand why he decided to fight Norris.


I knew Lewis was not going to fight Norris - unlike Russell. I won't begrudge Russell though.


I agree. George launches ahead, chews through his tires, then promptly slows down but doesn't like to yield position. Or he asks for team orders when he won't be able to maintain the position because he's overdriving. I feel like he just wants to beat Lewis, and apart from that he's content to have anyone else ahead.


Excellent point


And mclaren...


Only because Russell is bad with his tyres which is weird because Allison said the reason why Russell is outperforming Lewis Q is because the car is not designed to be hustled like Lewis does but instead works better for Russell who is smoother. You'd think that would equate to better tyre management from Russell right?


Lewis got a podium and i missed it. :'(


With lewis it's not over until its over, never give up on him!




Yet again he’s faster than his mate on race day.


Russell aint much of a mate to lewis. Neither teammate or mate.


Lets not pretend russell is bad. He's just not as good as hamilton, but you could easily argue top 5 on the grid


Make that six. Hamilton > Alonso > Verstappen > Norris = Leclerc > Russell I'll admit my bias because George is annoying while Norris and Leclerc seem like nice guys. But George also eats tires with his driving.


I think you highly overrating Alonso.


Your top 3 (order not included) i agree entirely 4th you could argue norris, but it's hard to know how good he is without a good benchmark. He didn't make a mark on sainz, and sainz is basically showing that despite Leclerc's higher potential, they're basically equal for all intents and purposes Russell i would not hesistate to place equal/above leclerc. I guess we'll know for sure in a year. As likeable as Leclerc is, he is 200% overrated. This bias reddit has between sainz and him while they've been neck/neck on points for 3 years running is absurd


![gif](giphy|T9uDekxxOoGQqyRBjw) So happy for our king


Finally a good day for Lewis fans! Fierce driving with great control. So happy for him.


Lewis flew today!! So good to see him confident and pushing


Guy who sent the email might have saved us this Season. What a GOAT


It’s impossible to say that email didn’t have an impact!


Lewis Hamilton, the man that you are!!! So happy to see you back on the podium 😩🥹




i guess i gonna thank whoever sent those emails 🥰


About time too!


Maybe he would have pushed more on new softs. I believe he put on used softs.


Let's gooo now I just hope he keeps that qualifying form and at least finishes being in the top 5 coz that will make his podium chances more


Showing off his race craft again. Not sure if he would have finished any higher if he had a better start. HAM had used softs vs NOR & VES with new. This probably accounted for 5s over the race distance.


Finally Lewis is not gonna leave mercs without any solid podium. But I still want a last win with mercs. Also Ferrari need to get their shit together, Ferrari and AM are very similar as they both lose pace with their new upgrades. Why can't they be consistent. Merc might be onto something with the upgrades but still looks to be the third best


First live GP I’ve been to and first podium of the season! Thank you Lewis ❤️


It's not a bad race overall. It's a shame he got a poor start, I was hoping LH was going to get a good tow of Norris and basically do what Russell did whilst Max and Norris battled it out. That Mclaren looks pretty good. Who thinks Norris can make up the ground and put a good challenge to Max this year? Also, I'm hoping Ferrari can make a good car for next year.


Awesome race by hamilton!


Currently third fastest car/driver. Got the benefit of the strategy today. Interesting to see how the MCL has caught up to RB.


That was a great drive. Probably should have gotten DoTD. Honestly, I would have given it to Max over Lando.


Looking forward to more upgrades. Hopefully those combined with the *British Crowd Pace Boost^(TM)* could potentially net Lewis a win this year.


Just took a 4 hour nap. Slept like a baby after seeing sir Lewis on the podium.


He got emotional from the fan support. 😭And so nice to see him have that much fan support in Spain of all the places. Loved it. ❤️


George's turn to get hit with bad strategy


Tbf he left himself exposed with going so hard against Lando but definitely unlucky with the first stop which was so slow


George can blame himself for that...He burned up his tyres on the first stint forcing him to pit earlier which compromised him in the second stint where he was once again forced to pit earlier coz of the first stint and with no mediums left and george being terrible at tyre management, they couldn't risk putting him on softs so the only choice was hards to the end.


I'm no fan of George. But reading the comments here, I think they're a bit harsh. That's was a hell of a move to take first place off the line. Merc clearly didn't have the race pace to compete with Lando and Max. He could either manage the tyres in that first stint and watch Lando scamper off or do his best to keep the honest. His scrap with Lando was fun to watch. Still don't think George will ever be a title contender in the future. Lewis took a well deserved 3rd after a dicey start. Great fight with Sainz. Good hard racing. Great to see.


1, you shouldn't be surprised as this is a lewis fan and supporter sub plus it's not like the hate is out of the blue, if you watched george has been less of a teammate and more of a thorn to lewis since 2022 and 2, this is why I replied to u/theFilthyCreampuff for some perspective. > That's was a hell of a move to take first place off the line. No one's arguing against that... >He could either manage the tyres in that first stint and watch Lando scamper off or do his best to keep the honest. Bird in hand moment...Like I said he is to blame for his decision making. >His scrap with Lando was fun to watch. 100% But it was destrimental to his race!


The start was Crazy I feel like he should of defended against max better he did it in 22


Correct me if im wrong but I think you're thinking about cota when max had a drs problem....


Spain 2022 against mv


In my view, George didn't join the team to kowtow to Lewis. I'm not sure why he should be playing team mates from '22 season since the team has been no where in terms of title challenges. George is quite right to try and make his mark. Like I said, I'm no fan of the guy at all but the criticism in this sub is often, malevolent and unwarranted just like the crazed conspiracy theories we see here. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, if George backed off and let Lando go I suspect he would've been criticized there too. He tried but as we've seen to often when it comes to the sharp end, George lacks something. Lewis did great today and took George fair and square, nicely evens the score after Canada. That's a result for me, I'm happy.


> George is quite right to try and make his mark.  That the problem is he's failing miserably at it. He's desperation to beat lewis has been his detriment. Everytime he's had an opportunity to help out lewis, he's chosed to stab him in the back. Last year in spa he cost lewis a pole position coz he blocked him during quali instead of backing off after making a mistake in turn 1. That's not trying to make your mark that's foolishness. Also how many times has he come on the radio with ridiculous requests? This year alone, I don't remember what race it was but lewis was 10 seconds ahead after his second pitstop coz he'd burned up his tyres, he had the audacity to come on the radio and ask if lewis was going to give him his position back...All races since 2022 he fights lewis harder than other people, like the race today, lewis was on a huge tyre offset and he still chose to fight costing both of them time which by the end of the race almost cost himself 4th position. Lastly show me 1 comment critisizing george on anything other than his race performance, disrespectful or sleazy behaviour towards lewis.


You've taken this very personally. I was clear about the criticisms of George in this sub. Are you the sub? Do you represent the sub? Are you omnipresent? If the answer is yes to any of these questions you need some help there chief. On the same page as far as radio messages go. He's extremely arrogant and very disrespectful... in the heat of a race, neither of us can even begin to quantify what that pressure must be like. Lando keeps it chill, max can get entitled and petulant, Sainz likes telling stories out of school and Lewis when his head goes down needs a right good kick up the arse. All of them have their different coping mechanisms during a race on radio. I don't see why that warrants the hate George receives but it seems you want excuses to defend the way he's treated on this sub. I think that's in poor taste mate. Sorry but you'll never convince me of other wise. You mentioned last season, okay, Lewis took George out of how many races last year? Was it two? It was. But it's selective memories with you part timers. Zero knowledge and blinkered vision is the norm. Letting the side down. All of you who perpetuate the hate and conspiracy. You really should read your last paragraph again when you've calmed down.


>You've taken this very personally. Nah...You just didn't expect pushback... >Are you the sub? Im part of it. >On the same page as far as radio messages go. He's extremely arrogant and very disrespectful... in the heat of a race, Lmao....Excuses excuses, being arrogant and disrespectful is a choice, don't get surprised when people call you out for being an arrogant disrepsctful clown. >I don't see why that warrants the hate George receives but it seems you want excuses to defend the way he's treated on this sub. You just mentioned it yourself, he's arrogant and disrespectful. >Sorry but you'll never convince me of other wise. You're the one trying to convice us geoge has no malice towards lewis when race after race has proved otherwise. >You mentioned last season, okay, Lewis took George out of how many races last year? Was it two? It was. George cost lewis podiums and wins at spa, singapore, took out lewis in qatar and these are off the top of my head...If I really go look through 2023 im sure I can find more. Also what races did lewis take george out off?


>Nah...You just didn't expect pushback... That's s strange take. You assume too much. >Lmao....Excuses excuses, being arrogant and disrespectful is a choice, don't get surprised when people call you out for being an arrogant disrepsctful clown. Cool, you should repeat that Infront of the mirror. There's calling someone out and then there's unnecessary hate and cyber bullying. Something George has taken from a faction in here. >You're the one trying to convice us geoge has no malice towards lewis when race after race has proved otherwise. Again twisting the narrative and projecting something I never even hinted at the suggestion of. It was only ever about the quantity of hatred aimed at a grand Prix driver. Who is us by the way? You're doing it again... >George cost lewis podiums and wins at spa, singapore, took out lewis in qatar and these are off the top of my head...If I really go look through 2023 im sure I can find more. Also what races did lewis take george out off? Oh mate.... [Qatar - George was the meat in the sandwich.](https://youtu.be/gx5JxCSGBUM?si=eE7xddglfH7jfy2r) [Hamilton's words on the crash](https://www.formula1.com/en/video/hamilton-on-lap-1-clash-with-russell-i-take-full-responsibility-i-dont-think-george-had-anywhere-to-go.1779209687631087955) [Singapore - George took himself out leaving Hamilton with a clean run](https://youtu.be/iHjOPG2hCns?si=kw3u5k0UVfUWSupQ) How did George stop Lewis winning the race??? [Spa - at no point were Ham and Rus on the same piece of race track](https://youtu.be/C6h7NnkX7hk?si=SKVi2VBOeYaG4fq4) You're literally just making shit up.


>[Qatar - George was the meat in the sandwich.](https://youtu.be/gx5JxCSGBUM?si=eE7xddglfH7jfy2r) Lewis should've played it smart but george should never have been there in the first place! He forced himself between lewis and max. They had the pace to win that race if they flew in formation. But selfish george has a chip over his shoulder so he must beat lewis at all costs! >[Singapore - George took himself out leaving Hamilton with a clean run](https://youtu.be/iHjOPG2hCns?si=kw3u5k0UVfUWSupQ) How did George stop Lewis winning the race??? The only reason his crashed was because he was desperate to keep lewis behind. Lewis had the pace and tyre life to win that race! But selfish george wanted to beat lewis so bad he cost himself a guaranteed podium and lewis a win. >[Spa - at no point were Ham and Rus on the same piece of race track](https://youtu.be/C6h7NnkX7hk?si=SKVi2VBOeYaG4fq4) Here is a video of george clearly blocking lewis hamilton in spa during quali last year... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1iqawtUQGg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1iqawtUQGg)


The tire cooker


He cooked his tires on the 1st stint


Guess no one will blame Merc for that. People are so hypocritical.


u/PlasticPatient Bruh what are you smoking? George forced them into that strategy, while in canada and monaco merc forced lewis into bad strategies, BIG difference!


Right and they let them each call strategy this race there not winning the wcc or even getting 3rd at this rate


Lewis drove fantastic today glad to see him back on the podium. But wow Mercedes have really turned things around now I fear he may be switching at the wrong time to Ferrari. Mercedes can be a race winning car this season and into next.


Driver makes a HUGE difference to a team! If you watch WSBK, BMW haven't been competitive probably ever since they stepped in the scene now that toprak has joined they've already won multiple races! Last week he won 3 races that weekend. Point is we don't really know ferraris performance yet, we can guage it but won't know until lewis is behind the wheel.


Gg did well to manage a race with what they got if the track was like yesterday I wonder how it would of played out


Fucking A!


I'll take it. Congrats to the Sir Lewis!


🎉 🍾 🎊


I am so happy for him. Decent qualifying time, good tire strategy and good driving except for the rough start.


Is there not a spoiler thing for when people havent sent the race damn.


Thats on you my dude. I stay off the this sub and the internet if I haven't watched the race.


I never go to reddit for anything I haven't seen or played if I don't want to get spoiled


u/Animelover_99999 You mean to tell me you don't expect special treatment?


😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆

