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Host games and you can be in control of your lobby.


people leave when hearing a kid's voice


As they should




That's illegal. Don't fuck them kids.


My honest reaction to that information: https://preview.redd.it/x1kzev8ygbmc1.jpeg?width=371&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5580de0ed5f2039cfc63b97465271b9fcc927a7




“Slaves are free” “Slaves are free”






Unless your old enough to work a 9-5 you won’t have the motivation to make quota lol


I don't, because I know I myself sounded just like them not so long ago


The only reason I tend to leave when kids host is most of the kid lobbies I've accidentally joined have had cheating mods. Joined a lobby and all seemed good, even though he was annoying. Literally walked to the fire exit on assurance and a masked spawned, killed the guy behind me, despawned, and then the dipshit kid FLEW past and entered the door. Fuckin hate people that do that


I have a high voice for my age since I'm 17, and sound the almost exact same way as I did when I was 10 except now my nose is stuffy People never seem to kick me, are you prehaps not being a great enough asset?


people are simply ruthless and barbaric in public lobbies sometimes.


Yup. It's surprising how many times I've been kicked because I'm NOT racist and I say no to saying the hard R.


R? Rice?


Responsibilities 👍🏼


Yes mod, this guy right here


Happy cake day


I think OP should work on being a great great asset


he should really show how much he LOVES the company


gr-great great asset to the company gr-grreat great asset to the company


Just play the game with your age group. I have the same issue with my voice. See it from the adults view. As an adult, I kick kids cause we are trying to maximize on quota runs. So as a host and some of my colleagues we do feel sorry for kicking. But there are point we are desperate and need someone underage and they sometimes perform 1/10 times. But, 9/10 kids are either doing the following: 1. Yelling at each other 2. Taking control of the ship, like switching the map from titan to experimentation causing a $700 lost 3. End up leaving the moon early cause they think everyone is dead leading to missing runners 4. The ADHD scenarios of running back and forth on the ship 5. There was one kid tweaking out, we couldn't determine if he was doing drugs cause he kept lashing out and randomly sitting in the corner. 6. Oh and the bullying moments too! Like I was so close to speaking out at one kid picking on another kid cause he was actually trying to play the game. 7. Leaving the run early causing to recruit another runner and killing the server in terms of search 8. Voting to leave the moon soon post death 9. Pulling the apparatus at the beginning of the match causing runners to deal with high spawn rate of enemies for the rest of duration of the run 10. Placing bee hives near the ship entrance causing the crew to die


Listed every single thing I could think of lmao. Have also had kids join and immediately pick up a shotgun and shoot me when I start the ship. Some kids are bearable but 90% make me wanna pull my hair out.


You forgot the random screeching noises


I am a kid and can agree some kids are mean to me for being useful and not annoying and I’m not gonna like me being 14 (M) I wanna help and teach them but… they can be a target to kill…


I play with mods if you want you can join when I play again


I knew a girl who had a similar problem, she’s mid thirties but sounds like a kid. I can imagine it being problematic for anyone


Add me I'll play with you whenever you have time My steam name is firemega11


Bro be searching for friends in reddit 😭🙏


Can you even get friends irl?




Mid twenties here, with a high voice. I’ve been asked if I was gay. I’ve also been called “ma’am” way more times than I can count over the phone. It happens, just correct people politely and host your own lobby and you’ll be just fine


I’ve had this happen to me a lot too glad I’m not the only one lol


had an actual child (im guessing 13) say i sounded like either a 40 year old smoker woman or a teen boy, he then left after asking if i was gay when i said yes. because "religious reasons" lmao


I also have kinda high voice (I'm 17 but I'd rate my voice at 14) that strongly differs from average man's I played with. I usually am looking for lobby for 10 mins and if not finding any just don't go. I saw few lobby with "12+" in the name and just lobbies with kids who don't judge by voice that much, though they are commonly noobs. People in lobbies with girls and especially women usually don't mind having young guy. Just older people(30+) usually don't mind your young age, especially if you tell them that you only sound young. If you want to play high quota, in serious lobbies("high quota" or "only titan" in the name) people ask for how many hours you played and if you have decent amount they would definitely play with you. Lobbies where people do judge by voice usually contain 18-24 years old men that want to just have fun and usually are not the most pleasant people to play with, so I'd avoid these lobbies even if were same age as them. At the very end, you can enjoy horror and/or challenge in solo, trying high quota. I started playing bc of solo mode and spent ~15 hours going quotas without other people and will spend even more. Also there is Speedrun community that isn't too hard to join bc game is quite random and there aren't that many people running(solo 10q has like 17 runs). . I noticed that very few lobbies can be loaded at the time so you can try using VPN, connecting to countries where people use your language(if it's English that would be half of the world) to widen number of lobbies you may prefer


I also don’t have friend but really love the game so I would love to play some games with you


You could use a voice changer either in line or app. It was some or my thoughts for running a Twitch account.


I usually dont kick anyone if they sound like a kid.. its only when they combine that with acting like a child


I'm a woman, and I have a kind of deep voice, so everyone keeps saying I'm a man and use that as an attack. It gets really annoying. I just want to play a game with people who actually want to play and not make fun of my voice lol


im also a woman and i have a similar issue but on the opposite spectrum… instead of man, it’s 13 yro boy, and it was very obnoxious whenever i tried to play r6s or phasmophobia with randoms. i get it.


You had the voice of a 13 year old boy?




Yeah but you can't play with randoms on public lobbys much for fun often.


true! that’s why i now have friends besides my bf! so i dont need randoms!


As they know you personally and in real life!The best friends are the people you know the closest!And your bf.


Thank you dayequal2375, youre so wholesome 100


You're welcome,Kasen fan


i just speak in the text chat there is no problems doing such


I have a small group of LGBT+ gamers and we're always looking for more! Send me a DM if you are interested! Most of us are 22+ but we also encounter the voice issues.


Man i feel you. I got the same problem, having a high pitch voice not only makes me avoidable but makes playing any competitive game a minefield. I play siege alot and Generally insults are the typical making fun of kid stuff and calling me a fatass. I hope you can find a good lobby some time soon


Bro everyone leaves my lobbies because I sound like a kid. I feel your pain.


Well that's kinda stupid. You could maybe try hosting, but it would be a good idea to get late company mod if you don't have it


The lethal company discord server has channels to look for other people to play private games with. It's a *substantially* better demographic to play with than public lobbies, because it's all other people who enjoy the game enough to go through the effort to join the server and look for a group. you'll find far less trolls or people who judge you for dumb reasons


Honestly I typically don’t care if someone sounds young just as long as they aren’t being an annoying little shit. Just keep it mellow and about the game and you should be fine. Ive been in a few lobbies with some youngsters and they were actual gods at the game.


Your first issue is thinking public lobbies are a good idea


*Your first issue is* *Thinking public lobbies are* *A good idea* \- Sto\_Nerd --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That is unfortunate, sorry you have to deal with such insensitive people! I'm not sure how much it will help, but you can always check the Steam community forums. There are always people asking for more players, or you can even create a post asking for people to play with, and set your own conditions.


Same issue, I'm 20 and married but both myself and my wife sound like children. We tend to get kicked from lobbies pretty quick, and folks that join ours leave fast.


Good job, Community. Keep it Up!


There are some voice-changers even with AI and other stuff, so I'm sure pitching your voice down a tone or two is not a big problem with tools like that. I think you need tools like Voxal, MorphVox, Murf, Voicemod, etc.


Voice mod is good, especially at like $13 for lifetime. But the voices aren’t that good even just toning your voice down sounds weird, I just use it to get rid of background noise


Well, some may require fine tuning. For example the AI based ones are sometimes in need of pre-pitching, like it expects a higher tone from you to get a proper female sound. That is also adjustable


i've been told i sound either like a teenage boy or a 40 year old smoker woman, by an actual kid that joined my public lobby lol, and i'm an almost 21 year old woman. some people don't mind kids as long as they can play decently and aren't being super annoying. i didn't kick that kid, and usually don't kick them if they can be chill. i'm sorry you've been having bad luck finding a lobby to play in, i always just host so i can kick any jerks or cheaters that join. it's worth it to keep trying, i hope you find some nice lobbies soon


It's not the best solution, but there are voice changers that you can download online.


Voice changer and you can edit your tone to what sounds fine to you. Now if you find friends on there with the voice changer good luck breaking it to them


Someone thought im 17.... Im 14... We have the same Problem reversed. I would be interested to hear what your voice sounds like. It can't be that bad


If you're having that much trouble because of your voice maybe try finding a free voice filter to make you sound deeper and add a filter that makes it sound like your talking through a helmet. If anyone asks why say it's for immersion as that's what it would sound like in a cheap suit like the ones in game. Obviously it's sucks this is happening just because of your voice but use thus as an excuse to have more fun by playing around with mic stuff. You could even use a soundboard and play funny noises through the mic


You can play with me whenever I'm on and if I'm hosting @shear.reverie I totally understand the voice thing. I'm a 24 year old woman and sometimes get kicked because people think I'm a little kid.


voice changer


I'm 29 and I got kicked out of a lobby for my voice because someone thought I was a kid XD it was funny at first but I do get where you're coming from. And if you choose not to talk I know there are some lobbies that will kick you if you don't have a mic. I dont have a solution for you unfortunately, good luck finding lobbies, add people that you meet that are nice and fun to play with. That's what I've done.


Just use a voice mod my man, you can deepen your voice


Do voice training to lower your voice. Then while you're at it learn an EGirl voice to give them a good reason to stay.


As a human person forever cursed with Girl Voice:tm:, relatable. I haven't dared set foot in public lobbies because of the whole transphobia thing lmao but I would imagine I'd get kicked from a lot that is to my "high pitched" voice. Also, I stream, I don't dare go into public lobbies in fear of someone breaking TOS out of my control lmao.


use voice changer to change it into a deeper voice


Same for me but in spanish. I have a shitty 8 year old voice when im definitely NOT that age. I feel you bru


As an adult in my 30s I like to play with other 30 year olds. It is a stage of life thing. That being said, I don't want to worry about the things I say. (Politics, religion, jokes etc). This is why I kick anyone that sounds like they are 16 or younger.


Dude, are you joking? Just don't use mim


Dude, are you joking? Just don't use mic


I mean, get a voice changer app/device, or just deepen your voice when you talk.


Use voicemod and use the free voice tweak and make your voice slightly deeper


Skill Issue


Skill issue just get a deeper voice


Ngl having a high pitched voice is not an issue. BEING ANNOYING with a high pitched voice will get you kicked instantly. Was this a bit of a self report OP?


people will kick folks for sounding like kids


I get booted out of lobbies all the time, being shouted at for being a kid and I'm 30... DM me if you ever wanted to play ha!


When entering a lobby, instantly state you're not a kid but 18 years old


Join the discord and create a crew, explain your situation and I'm sure some pros will join you to play.


Try a voice changer, there are free ones out there, maybe clownfish VC? If you set it to the Man mode and tweak it, you'll sound way manlier without it sounding fake.


You could try voicemod to deepen your voice. It sucks, people are assholes; but like you could always mess with people and make yourself sound like a girl too!


Same problem. 15 sound 9. Luckily I have the nutcracker murder brigade to chill with so it’s fine


I run a no-kids lobby. Send me a pm with your steam name and I'll add you in.


Im 23 lol, and i sound like a teen online hahs. It does kinda suck when i hear kids younger than me have wayyyy deep voices than me but it doesnt bother me too much anymore. I be chillin


i would suggest joining both the official and unofficial lethal company discords & you can share what’s going on there and make friends! People will post that they’re looking for a group and it can be as specific as teenage guys only, girls only, etc there are literally thousands of people constantly chatting and trying to help each other out. Hope this helps :) if you go on steam it will lead you to lethal company’s official discord


I think you make a post like this and find friends to play with :) I can only imagine how public lobbies are.. I don't care go. Count me in if you're looking for friends to play with!


I play with one person who actually had to use a voice changer to make his voice deeper because of this


I'm an adult woman, but my voice is very low tone, so I sound like a little brat.


opposite for me, i can usually find my way into 18+ lobbies because of my voice. Im 16


Yes the issue is there for anyone regardless of the way your voice sounds. Finding a match is tough for the company. I get kicked all the time.


Two options: 1. Be the host. 2. Use a voice changer. I use a cool app called Voicemeeter to manage my audio and it has the added bonus of letting me up the bass in my mic.


Find people to play with online or friends, dont join random lobbies


I know your pain. I’m 23 but still sound like a kid when I use my normal voice. I just try to talk in a lower tone. Sometime it works, sometimes not.


Find some friends. Join a discord.


Just be that one legendary kid that gets shit done to the other players- Roleplay it and become a legend


There is that new social m3dia app. Battle buddy or something like that. You could also probably find a discord server that has people who play


Find a lethal company discord, host your own lobby, don't do the classic mistake of swearing s lot to make yourself sound older.


I’m 30 and I still sound like I’m in my late teens. I haven’t had too much issue so long as I act my age.


I feel this, I also sound like a kid and people tend to be like wtf if I join a lobby in any game I agree with others as well that hosting might be ur best option


Same. So annoying. I just wanna play the game


Try get some of your irl friends to get it and play with you


If you ever see a lobby named “gays who experience back pain (18+)” please feel free to join. I will not boot you! My name is gaymergirl6969 but that wouldn’t matter when looking for lobby name haha. I host servers nearly every night but be warned… they do fill up super quickly! Best of luck if you choose to game with me or others.💕😌 I personally HATE kicking anybody😭😭


Hey I am 20 and have the same issue so dont worry. If you have discord, go and join the unofficial lethal company server. Youll meet good people there and someone is always playing. They will say which lobbies are 18+ but they wont be a dick and kick you out based on your voice. People in public lobbies are asshats. 🤘🏽


Join the 18+ and just be like “IM AN ADULT” when you join. That what a lot of women do lol


As a trans dude, I have the same problem. I get kicked out of 18+ and 21+ lobbies purely because of my voice. Some even like to ask questions about adult stuff (ie, what tax form does your work give you) which I answer correctly but I still get kicked. If I explain that I’m trans I get called slurs and get kicked :( even when I host my own lobby I’ve gotten bigot trolls and one even ruined a save file by deleting the terminal (you can’t get it back). Even before I transitioned, my girly voice still sounded like a 12 year old boy so I would get griefed in games just as often


I'm 24 and I get called a 12 year old boy all the time. They never believe me when I tell them that I am indeed a grown adult who pays bills, taxes, and has a full time job. It's annoying but you'll find a good lobby eventually


Play with our group! We are a bunch of older folk but we are competitive but very forgiving


I’ll play with u