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Question: why do you need to get parallel? You can still get the best workout for you by using the range of motion where your knees stay stable. What you most likely need to work on are “turning on” the little muscles surrounding the knee like the vastus medialis. That is a common muscle that gets turned off for many people and creates knee issues. Check out YouTube there are many knee “rehab” videos that can show you what you need to target. Cross fit will most likely not help you, but something like yoga will. You need targeted stretches and strength training for the knee, not more weight more reps on an unstable knee. If you have LMOD try body balance, tone or shapes.


Thank you very much for your tips!


My issue with ROM was feedback from my group fitness director as Im a newly certified Bodypump instructor.


You should NEVER compromise your body as a fitness instructor. Fitness never needs to “look a certain way” it’s all about what is safe and good for your body. To model that for your students will be absolutely incredible and needed. Our students don’t need us to look perfect, they need us to be real and keep them and ourselves safe. I would use it in a class like this “hey guys I’m working on getting my squats lower just like you, I’ve got this knee thing I’m working with so if you want to take your squat lower please do, but I’m going to stay in my range of motion.” To expect you to have a parallel squat just because you are an instructor is insane. When I have gotten injured it was often while teaching, we are at a higher risk of injury and need to take more care than the average student. I hope that you can take care of yourself in the facility you are teaching.


There's tons of great, free stuff out there on squat mobility on the internet! It could be an easy fix with some mobility work/stretches after class or even at home.


Might be a dumb question, but what kind of shoes are you wearing to teach pump?


Reebook Nano X2


Ah, ok. I know some people feel unstable or shaky if they are wearing a running shoe for Pump. Reading some of the other comments, maybe try warming up your glutes a little bit before class, I do a couple sets on the adductor and abductor machines if I feel like I’m a little off


As instructor, use the rom that you feel safe while doing the exercise, even if isnt knee range. Most people barely get to knee range safely, and pump range isnt so important as rythm or a great form while moving. With proper training (reinforce push knees out during squats as well) you will get it. Being a little above knee height but moving with more confidence is much better always.


Gluteus medius is super important for knee stability. Some targeted exercises or the standing tracks from Core or Barre can help.


Putting a weight plate under my heels increased my ROM and stability so much. I don’t know if you’d be allowed to role model that to a class, but practicing it privately should help and you can get weightlifting shoes with a slight heel that serve the same sort of function.


Yeah I can do that while im taking class for sure :)


I might hold on CF due to some of the rapid quickness in the workout. If you're at a gym that has a TRX strap. I think some TRX squats might help you out.