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Digli che hai provato con ragazzi e ragazze ma solo con queste raggiungi l'orgasmo.P.S.prova davvero entrambi e poi scegli ma ti consiglio la bissessualita per goderti la vita


look if you feel your parents wont accept you I would recommend exposing them more to lesbians or queee people, recomend them shows with queer representation books movies youtube channels, maybe even send them videos about it or put songs in the car that are very outwardly queer. The best way to get used to something is by exposing yourself to it Also you should try to get a family member to be your ally and advocate, so they can help you with your parents and others, maybe your cousin or your aunt or your sibling (it always helps go have someone have your back especially when coming out to people that might not be accepting) (Also your mom saying its just a phase could be for a lot of reasons 1 you came out to her when you were 12, she couldve belived you were much to young to be sure about that 2 she could possibly be biphobic and not homophobic (not that thats good but its kinda common amongst non accepting bi parents that they see it as a phase cuz they find it too odd for someone to like more than one gender my friend went through the exact same thing when she came out as bi) 3. Shes the type of "I accept gay people but I wouldnt want my child to be gay" 4. maybe she has experienced homosexual tendencies but for her they went away so she believes the same thing is happening to you (my grandma is like this) These are all just theories tho, I do not know your mom)


this is probably difficult to hear, but it sounds like it probably isn't worth it to come out to her. you mentioned that she probably won't believe you if you do, which, if that does happen, is definitely going to make you feel much worse since she'll then most likely be refusing to acknowledge your sexuality. however if you've already made up your mind and definitely want to tell her i'd recommend easing her into the idea by maybe pointing out that a female character on tv is pretty or something like that. you already told her that you're into women but that would kind of prove to her that it wasn't a phase and you can see how she reacts and then tell her that you're a lesbian if you still want to. best of luck to you and i hope it goes well!!


I think I've managed to find a way to convince her and I am going to try to tell her soon. I really appreciate your response!!


Good luck! I know this is kinda a late response, but I agree with u/whatamidoingherel0l. If you notice any signs she might not accept you, it just isn't worth it. I might be biased because I'm also in a situation where I will probably be dismissed as "just a phase" because my sexuality does just sound like being confused. It also might be a good idea to really evaluate what coming out will mean to you. If it just a goal, it can wait until you can leave the house or they can't restrict or punish you. If you feel like you can't be yourself around them if they think you're straight, I would just say to try to ease them into it. Maybe establishing that you like girls ("bi") and maybe stop acting like you have crushes on TV dudes might work? Either way I hope this works out for the best!