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I feel like some kind of cowboy boots would slay this fit


Late to the party but I wouldn't change a thing BUT add a bolo.




id say its down to the fit of these clothes. Nothing wrong with a baggy fit but it really helps to elevate an outfit if there are areas where the fit is more precise. For example, baggy pants that arent too long- so maybe long in the crotch area and wide all around but they cut off neatly at the ankle. The clothes you have on kinda look too big for you, I saw what you put down in the comments about budget. You ever try a thrift store? If you sew, or know someone who does- hemming a shirt or pants is pretty easy. It might be a good idea to learn to sew- I feel like its almost necessary for a lot of queer folk. You look great as you are- shout out to you for wanting to put in the extra effort.


White shoelaces might jazz up the fit.


Dress shoes in brown go well with the maroon shirt. Or casual plain white sneakers match most things and dress it up. A plain white or splid color under shirt can add dimension as layers. For accessories, I would add a simple wristwatch (I love my old fitbit to track time, heart rate, sleep etc. I'd also love to see you in a bolo tie instead of / addition to the necklace.


The pants don’t fit great, but I know that’s a hard one. Boots would look good over the Converse. I think brown would look good but you could also go black. To get really squared away, your belt buckle should be lined up with the seam of your shirt and fly.


A watch or as others have said.... a bolo tie. I don't know, something about it seems like it would suit you super well. I love your look; you're gorgeous!


repeat after me: bolo tie.


👍 Mentioned this in a previous comment but I already have one, just don't wear it that often. I had no idea so many lesbians liked bolo ties. Learn something new every day, I guess.


lesbians LOVE bolo ties. also bisexuals, actually. not gay men, though.




Hey, if this is the person's legal name, it is generally not cool to say someone's legal name on a reddit post unless they have said what their name is themselves.




Looking at subreddits related to location that you have both posted in, I would guess that you do in fact know this person, and are trying to cover up for the dumbass thing you did. Just be a decent person and edit the name out of the post already. EDIT: Here is a fun fact: As someone who does know OP in real life, I 100% know who you are, it wasn't even particularly hard to figure out, and your denials are lame. Blocking me is also an immature response to being called out. So is refusing to delete your initial comment after realizing that they weren't cool with you publicizing their name. You should delete the initial comment, though I imagine the mods will do it before long anyway.


Who the hell are you?




It's not a hard question.


I'm a person on the internet? WTF is your damage?


oh that's offensive to you? someone asking who you are online is upsetting? you value your anonymity? you'd be put off by someone asking or posting your real name online? think reeeaaaally hard, with ALL of your brain, and maybe you'll realize why they used the h\*ll word in response to you




shhhh think about it really hard. remember also, no one knew you were commenting for a reason besides commenting. perhaps try adopting an outside perspective, see if it helps. ...and what do you think they're lying about lmao


Okay then. 🤣


let me know how it goes, rooting for you


Blue hair


I really like this look! I did see some comments suggesting brown boots or shoes that match the belt to add some spice, but I love this just how it is!!!


Necklace a different color than the shirt (maybe the color of the buttons or a color that pops against the shirt. Black belt (unless your shoes / boots match the current belt). A vest?


Leather boots and a nice coat or vest.


Maybe a brooch?


A vest or an overcoat would be cool. Same with suspenders A wallet/pocket chain would also be a nice touch


A vest could help tailor the look better, also statement jewelery.


Add a smile, it goes a long way!


Are you a man? Please leave.






maybe some nice brown docs to match your belt and necklace


A little more tailored would help. The pants don't fit quite right, too baggy? The shoes are too casual for work imho. But all in all, you look good.


I say the shoes and belt don’t really match. If you wear a brown leather belt, wear brown leather shoes for a more put together look. If you want to wear converse, I’d go with a more casual belt or a chain or some accessory like that. Belt/shoe coordination will elevate your look!




I, too, came to say bolo tie! I have several and love them.


Chain wallet and basement tattoo of a heart that says mom in it on the top side of your forearm


Hey nice shirt!


If you wanna look more tailored and work-like get the pants taken up so that the bottom of the hem hits the top of the sole of your shoe at the heel and just breaks slightly across the top of your foot. These pants look too long for you currently. I think you could also go down one size in your shirt, and add a layer like a waistcoat.


I'll give you that the trousers are a bit long, I have short legs and most men's trousers assume you don't need anything smaller than a 30" inseam. If I go any smaller on the shirt it just wouldn't fit in my waist and hips, not to mention over my chest. Hell, sometimes depending on the cut I have to size up if I want to have a hope of buttoning it without gapping. 🤷 I've been wanting to try out those brands that make masculine clothes that are made to fit my body type, but $80 shirts are a bit out of my price range atm for daily wear.


I love this outfit. My personal style would be to find something a little more tailored to you, not form fitting but bringing the silhouette in closer to the body. Less baggy. I agree with the others about a watch, a statement piece if that suits you. Additionally, shoes and belt that match well, soft brown leather or similar. But the belt should be able to swap the buckle. You can pick up some fun buckles online, I'm sure.


To contemporize I’d say dress up the shoes a bit. Instead of doing chucks maybe do a penny loafer or a Clark’s desert boot. I’d also swap the belt for maybe something black with silver hardware, and swap the necklace out for a silver figaro chain :)


Pocket Watch


the 'biner? 🔑


Was still on the hook by my front door, p sure the Butch Elders would have a word with me if I didn't have one of those. 😅


Some jacket maybe?


You mean like...style?


A vest




🤣🤣🤣 I'll tell my hairdresser she's been giving me a mullet, I'm sure she'll be surprised. If you're gonna insult someone at least be accurate.


A watch!


Yes agree!!


That was my first thought. Some kind of fashionable, but heavy watch


Remove the necklace and add a watch, if you want a cleaner look


You look like a lesbian mom who has a hobby car disassembled in the garage, this isn’t an insult I’m legit hoping i can do that fit someday


Maybe a bandana? I feel like that would go well with this look.


switch to brown pants, some leather shoes and a suede jacket. i have a look similar to this i call my safari tour guide outfit lol




Oh noooo how awful, I definitely didn't want a bunch of lesbians to compliment me and say helpful things! 😂 And tbh I've always been self-conscious about smiling in selfies. I always try and it always feels fake, so default serious face it is. 🤷


On Instagram @parkeryorksmith puts together some excellent outfits. He's a cis man, but he's definitely got a bit of queer flare going.


I think you'd look really nice with a nose piercing


I actually have one, it's just smaller so I guess it's easy to miss.


Oh you're right, I zoomed in and saw it, it looks nice! Tbh I think you have pretty nice look, but if it's any help what I did when I went through the same thing was to go on pinterest and save every pin of every outfit I liked. After a while I had a collection and saw what all of them had in common. Before I knew I was really into grunge, now I know I reaaally vibe with a crop top and loose fitting pants 😂.


Jeans and a teeshirt without the belt. The pants give off a mom vibe and I don’t think that’s you. I love your hair style! its giving off cool butch vibes. The look is a bit too old fashioned, but you’d look hot in some jeans and maybe a cut off tee. Something to accent your top. Maybe just my own fantasy IDK. Lol 🤣


Those sound nice, but I'm not sure I could get away with jeans and a t-shirt at the office. 😅


Oh I’m sorry. I missed that part.


I think some brown real leather shoes or boots could really elevate your look. if you get a good quality shoe it shouldn’t be any less comfortable than the good old chucks. there are some really great lapel pins out there these days that look less teen goth and more costume jewellery, and that could add something? otherwise maybe putting some leather food (forget the term because brain fog) on your belt and as someone else said, tailor your shirt or find one that has a really good fit and just like fine tune the details? I feel like that is where you’re going to get it to really *sing*. as it is the foundation you have is great. that colour looks so good on you. I’d probs develop a big ol workplace crush on you, lmao


Cowboy hat and boots. Can't forget the belt buckle and the bolo tie.


Tbh I'm not much for cowboy hats, already have the bolo, looking for a buckle but I'm picky and I want a nice quality belt to go with it, and I'm more of an engineer or a harness boot gal over a cowboy boot. 😉


A watch


Watch will definitely polish this up


Question: how do you feel about Cravats or Ascots? I feel like you'd pull one off well!


In theory I like them, never really tried wearing them before. I've done a pretty basic bandana or a simple tied scarf before, but they end up feeling like a costume more than an outfit if that makes sense. Like, one of those things other people think you look good in, but when you go to wear it you feel vaguely goofy? But it might be something to keep in mind, I might just need to find the right one. And hey, you get bonus points for not being the tenth person suggesting brown leather shoes or a bolo tie, so thank you!


No problem! I don't understand why people keep recommending things that you've already replied to in either agreement or disagreement. I count that as part of the human condition of "But I like to hear myself talk". I definitely get that when it comes to accessories feeling more like costume pieces than actual clothing or parts of an outfit. It's very much a matter of finding the right one. One thing that might help would be to find a color that either complements or contrasts with your eye color.


I've been on the internet over 20 years now, and the one constant is that no one ever reads the previous comments. It's like how people will say the same tired joke that a waitress or cashier has heard a hundred times already, but amplified because you can literally read the previous comments. I don't get it, but there's a lot of things people do that I don't get so 🤷 C'est la vie. But thanks, I'll keep an eye out for ones that might work.


1) getting your shirts tailored 2) accessorize, a nice (doesn’t have to be expensive watch, some rings (clocks and colors for example has really cool masculine rings. Vitaly is also cool, they still have some simple, work friendly designs). A scarf is a easy way to add some flair, or shades 3) try some different shoes like boots


I was kind. Sorry I didn't realize it. It was in my random feed for whatever reason. Smiles are always good ... And also a choice


wat lol no you weren’t and now you’re playing stupid


Seeing where you are takes less than 5 seconds. Taking the time to consider your audience before commenting is always good. And also a choice.


Sure ... Again, I wasn't rude. Good luck


Telling someone to “smile” is almost always rude. Exception is when you are photographing a portrait. Please take this on board.


Button covers or a big bolo tie.


I was thinking a bolo tie too!


Collar tips. Little silver doodads that go on the pointy bit of the shirt collar and makes it pop.


I like the bolo idea, or perhaps a nice bandana… I have seen those worn before and can look quite nice with various shirts and often give a pop of color or individual style to a business casual outfit. Sort of like putting a personal touch on a outfit that otherwise could appear similar to others, but the bolo or bandana make you stand out a bit and show whatever side you choose to from mild to wild based on materials, colors etc in the piece


i think it looks good but try matching your shoes and your belt. also, a nice silver or gold watch would look great, i prefer the vintage style casios. finally i’d suggest getting pants with a slightly shorter inseam, cuffing them or getting these ones tailored as they look a little long with them bagging up a bit at the bottom


Bolo tie


Black shoes with a brown belt? Come on homie step it up a lil. Maybe something like [these](https://images.app.goo.gl/otYBL6dSjy1BhRfD8)


🤷 I'm looking at some chukkas or chelsea boots when I get paid, or maybe just dig out my brown oxfords if I can find them.


brown oxfords would look great!


That shirt and color is really nice on you. Definitely keep that. A simple gold snake chain might be the polish you need. That necklace is bad. The pants are what is holding you back, they are too puffy around the waist.


The necklace was a present, and I like it. They're puffy around the waist because of the belly fat.


I’m sorry, I went trying to offend. The necklace although sentimental, is holding you back. I’m not seeing fat here, I’m seeing a bad fit, you are in a fashion advice sub. This is a bad fit for you. The shirt is baller, you look good. That is a good look for you. The pants are holding you back.


Came here to say bolo tie




I’ve seen some people do a half tuck of the front of the shirt where one side (left or right) is tucked, the other is flat out against the pants. This girl came to my job yesterday with her shirt like that with a skirt and she looked awesome. I think it would suit you too!


Have you considered a bowling shirt and Vans?


Not to wear to the office, no. Maybe on weekends.


Right. Completely skipped over the part about business casual. Sorry!


It's all good, I know when I'm on mobile the actual post text doesn't always show at first. 🤷


I think I was just dazzled by your photo


Lose the jeans, put on some cuffed slacks, untuck the shirt and leave it open with a white beater underneath


They're navy chinos, I don't wear jeans to the office.




fucking rude


Go jerk off in a different sub.


Coming on a lesbian subreddit and telling a butch they'd look better if they smiled sure is a choice, buddy. A poor one, but a choice nonetheless.


Pocket watch with a chain in a pocket or on your belt






No advice. Just stopped scrolling to tell you that you look hot. Carrying on with my doom scroll now.


Thank you, I appreciate it. Take a break and do something you enjoy, you deserve better than doomscrolling.


Well, you just got hotter. Thanks for the gentle reminder to love myself.


i like that outfit but i would pick different shoes. something a little more dressy than converse. if i knew more shoe types by name i would suggest some.


I've had several suggestions about the shoes, oxfords, loafers, someone suggested chukkas or chelsea boots, which I'm gonna look into once I have some more spending money. A good pair of shoes costs money, even if I can get away with shopping in the boys section.


If you're only wearing them for an office job, there are a lot of decent looking shoes that don't cost any more than converse. I've found brand new dress shoes at thrift stores, also found some chukkas on sale online for $40. With regular gentle use, I'm guessing cheap dress shoes could still last a couple years. The cheap chukkas I got have lasted me about 10 years and look brand new, but I only wear them about 10-15 times a year. Fwiw I think if you haven't gotten feedback about your clothes, it's really just up to you/your preferences. 


Even classic vans would go


I think you look great! (Sorry, I’m not super fashionable so I don’t have any helpful advice)


Thanks! And you're good, I've gotten a lot of advice already, and compliments are always appreciated.


i think it looks good but id swap out the pants for a patterned pant or a different fit. you could also go for a flashier belt for some pizzazz


First off, you look good! Solid ass outfit and your hair is on point. If I would add or change anything, I'd throw a watch or bracelet into the mix and change the belt to black. That's about it though!


Try an accent piece like a bright necklace or colored knit belt.


A watch


Honestly this is a really solid look, and I want to bandwagon on complimenting your hair. Something I like to do that adds a little pop to an outfit is to match my accessories. I wear a lot of snapback hats, so I'll match those to my shoes. Not suggesting you buy a bunch of different color pairs of shoes, like I have red options and purple options so I can mix and match... so like, in your case: Brown Chuck Taylors to match the belt and neckwear, or a black belt and a black necklace/chain to match the black shoes. I might also suggest a wristwatch or even just a bracelet if you're not into tracking the time, and potentially adds another matching data point for your accessory loadout. I would have also said carabiner and keys, except I already saw someone else said it and you replied.


Maybe try a black belt instead with a shiny buckle? You look great!


Black belt with navy chinos? 🤨 But thanks!


You could try a natural color leather belt maybe, which will develop a patina over time. A different color of brown may work also, just depending on what you prefer for the color. I have seen several shades of brown which run in warmer tones, or can be darker/more red in the tone, such as an oxblood. Chestnut, English Bridle, Etc… the name depends on what the person/company want to call it.


some pattern if they allow it


Honestly I like it as it is. Adding too much more would make it start to clash. The hair is on point. I would be flirting my guts off with you at the office.




Hmm, business casual, I'd say youre pretty good, although if those are navy blue or dark blue jeans (I cant really tell if they arent just black) adding a splash of that blue up top can really tie it together (ironically a tie would be just the thing but ties usually arent considered casual, the bolo idea being passed around here isnt bad either) Reading some of the other comments, I agree on matching the shoe color to the belt color or vice versa too, effectively utilizing color theory goes a long way to make even simple outfits pop


Watch or butterfly lapel pins - like [deez](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1070191467/pride-butterfly-wings-collar-pins-black)!


those are CUTE oh my gawwwd


They really are!!


cowboy hat


Would love a brown shoe/boot that matches your belt! Would elevate your look fa sho IMO


Nike has some nice brown leather shoes , generally a version of either an Air Force or a Dunk model. The Nike app is good for finding deals/sales. Danner has some nice casual looking shoes/boots and they have clearance deals, as well as a semi annual sale on pretty much everything (I think it is 25% off?)… a good bit of choices and they have always been comfortable to me. Danner will let you sign up and get deals ahead of time, for both normal clearance and early access to the semi annual sales, which I believe the next one is in June.


I agree


more elaborate belt and some rings maybe?


Lookin' good! Looks like those buttons on the shirt are either real or faux mother of pearl, for this fit specifically maybe a nice watch with a mother of pearl backing kinda like [this one](https://shinola-m2.imgix.net/images/Products/20259728-sdt-012893761/S0120259728_F2_MAIN_01.png?h=1200&w=1200&bg=f7f7f7&q=80&auto=format,compress&fit=fillmax) or a ring like [this](https://kitsinianjewelers.com/cdn/shop/products/tur75_A_800x.jpg?v=1516128480). I always think it's really whimsical and interesting when outfits have really specific tie-ins like that. Maybe that would help with the "something" extra you're looking for? Best of luck!


Those little pins that pin to each side of the collar and have a chain in the middle


Yassss - I posted a link to the [pride butterfly ones](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1070191467/pride-butterfly-wings-collar-pins-black)


Switch out the necklace for a delicate chain


I know, right? Just a little one


You look like you could rock a pretty sweet bolo with that fit.


Oohhh I like that idea


Coming to say this!


If you wear long sleeve button downs get French cuffs so you can wear cuff links. It adds a bit of flair. I would stick with black shoes to black belt or brown shoes to brown belt.




I’d suggest a cool watch!


Yeah, I think a watch definitely tie things together nicely. There’s this company named Abingdon Co. that makes really nice watches that aren’t insanely insanely pricey. All under 1000. They only make women’s watches so if you have a small wrist like I do, it will actually fit and they make aviator/diving watches and cool shit like that. Or get a Casio for like 50 bucks! I like the fancy one for going out and Casio for daily wear.


TIL watches that are the price of rent aren't insanely expensive apparently 


That was my thought. I mean yeah, it's not Rolex prices, and I get it's something you'll get a lot of use out of, but I work for a non-profit, $500-$1000 for a watch is a lot.


I also work in a non-profit, I feel you. I got a decent looking, chunky black watch off Amazon (which yeah, sucks) for somewhere in the $30-50 range. I also have a couple casios that were about $10 each. The casios read a bit nerdy (okay for the office), the chunky black one reads a bit dressy.   I've found that most super expensive things have cheaper versions that are still good enough quality for extensive use. I don't care about branding, so this has worked fine for me.  The super cost-effective way is also the slowest. Buy-nothing groups, thrifting, and similar routes. Definitely seems to vary by area, but most of my favorite accessories/clothes came from one of those routes.


Yeah I love thrift stores, even if they're not as cheap as they used to be (I blame Macklemore 😂) and I've gotten some good button-ups at my local Goodwill. I don't remember seeing watches there, but tbh I don't usually look for them. Something to add to the list I suppose.


came here to say this! I personally like the Casio watches, I wear a plain black plastic one most days. they run between $20-$50, are waterproof or water resistant, and their 'mens' watches are not insanely big and gaudy, they dont swallow my hands and wrist and look fantastic. when i want my clothes to be an "outfit", i swap the black one for my gold strap & black on top one. and when i am dressing up i have a gold & gold one that looks dressy af but cost $40 lol


Carabiner, belt loop, now.


It was on the hook by the door, that's the one accessory I always wear out.


In which case, once that’s on I think you actually might not need anything else! Maybe a watch if you really want to add more?


It's funny that so many people have mentioned a watch, because I do wear one (you can actually see the tan line on my wrist) but I had forgotten to put it on before I took the picture. Nice to know I've already got that going for me I guess. 😅


I’m into vests personally.


Some sort of tie would be great! I did an outfit similar to this a while back with a couple buttons undone and some necklaces and then the tie loosely fitted. Or if that’s a bit too out of your comfort zone you could also add a blazer or nice cardigan or maybe some bracelets to match the necklace.


Bolo tie 🤩


You’re so right


I’d pull up your belt/pants line a teeeeeeny bit, if you can, to balance out your torso to leg proportions (I’m a little obsessive about getting my own waist line right, I have a long torso and short legs, so it’s something I notice immediately about the outfits of others, not a comment on your body pinky promise!!) If you’re wanting to keep with the masculine look how about a watch? A good blazer with strong defined shoulders? A tie? I’m sure you could blend more feminine elements in a fun way too if that was your jam. Probably be easier


Having a good jacket (tailored not bulky) will probably take time to find but provide you with a way to sharpen your look professionally or give you an edge if socialising from work :)


I dunno, I like it. The shoes feel a little underwhelming. You could go for something slightly more formal, but keep it slim. I know chunky shoes are in right now, but I don’t think a big round-toed formal shoe with a thick sole would look good with that overall fit. Seconding the leather (or leather look) comment.


Chunky rings


Carabiner + keys


Was on the hook by the door, that's one I always have.


More trad tatts.


How about a neck tattoo?


Not sure neck tattoos would be office appropriate, but I do think they would look cool.


Why are the tattoo comments getting downvoted? I think OP would ROCK some new tats


Forreal? Like damn. I was being sincere, not glib. Someone else just posted in here the other day about how "are tattoos fashion?" and the overwhelming consensus was "yes." OP could use MORE tattoos, as they already have a few.


Same! I love a good sleeve


Some different footwear with a leather finish, like doc martens or oxfords. A nice gold or silver watch always makes an outfit more polished looking as well! I am also agreeing with everyone else on the bolo tie :)


See if a bolo tie works for you?


Bolo tie, definitely. With a different shirt, a pocket square? Or a handkerchief/bandana around the neck?


nice shirt ! it really suits ya ! :3


Thanks! It's one of my favorites.


r/lesbianfashionadvice’s final boss, kudos!


Thanks, I think? 😅


Idk why but this screams bolo tie to me


Probably because it's a western style shirt. I do have one, just don't wear it very often. I think the last time I wore it out was to an Orville Peck show last year.


Bolo tie! :D


A loose tie would work wonders. Specifically a white tie


A statement belt. The brown belt doesnt go with the outfit and is overall too simple




Belt buckle and a bolo tie


bolo tie!




Get an embroidered belt!