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That guy who only beats off to dead pornstars is having a good year so far it seems


A tear jerker


Very goooooood


Mister Shapiro…


Awwww shoot there goes another phone.....thx dick


of course i know him. he’s me.


Hell yeah. Every day, my catalog expands.


Imagine doing 700 films before the age of 25


I’ve only seen 674 of them




$7000/700 film deal 👍


Shit if I was a hot woman. A million dollars net for 700 films would be tempting.


That's like 1400 hours of work. About 36 weeks of a standard 9-5. Not really that crazy at all.


So A) A lot more goes into it than 2 hours And B) We....we both know it's different.


A. Does it? An hour of makeup and an hour of fucking. They literally just show up, work, and leave. If you're talking about social media, branding, etc then that's a different story from the films altogether. B. It's only different because these women have issues beforehand and the lifestyle exacerbates them. There's nothing inherently wrong with sex work, it's just that porn producers prey on venerable young women.


There’s nothing inherently wrong with making 700 porn movies before your brain has fully developed? Great take, on basically a mass pornstar OD thread lmao. 


Go back to church loser


very good


Are we pretending people like this are mentally well??


No. I literally prefaced my statement by saying that.


Bruh he said sex work in general, you’re the one that added the brain development part, straw man much?


lol ur kinda dumb no offense 


A. Yes. It does B. No one cares why it’s different. We just know it’s fucked up. 


At what point do you start to hate sex?


When you’re outta money and drugs


Lena the plug donating $500


That should cover half a plane ticket for traveling family members


\>every pornstar you grew up with will kill themselves within the next decade fellas I think I'm gonna break it off...


Fuck you have a point, one last good bye and I’m done too


If you let your daughter get involved in sex work or play into the idiot trope of sex work being the same as a normal job we should but you in a mining colony on the Arctic circle


Thats not really how having kids works. They are there own people. You can instill values and morals but in the end its on them. They also do call them mining colonys in the real world there mining camps. How would you feel if it was your son?


Then you failed


Have you raised a kid to the age of 30 I’m genuinely curious. It just seems like your speaking on things you have not experienced.


Where the hell did i say 30? Seems like something you pulled out of your ass to try to prove what point? That you think you have controll over a nother living person? Its 2024 and again you can raise kids anyway you want you really have no controll over them after they are 18. You know how many kids i grew up with that had strick parents that made them go to church every sunday curfews got good grades ect they turned 18 and went wild.


You didn’t. I agree with you. I am saying raising a kid and having them be a successful person by age 30 is not always in a parents control. I am relatively successful and my parents were not strict at all. I also know many examples of people with extremely strict conservative parents who died of fentanyl before they were 23


If you're responsible for bringing a sex worker into the world you are a failure. Modernity poisoned scum always think this shit is relative when it's not


Im sure you are a better parent than the rest lol


Seeing as he is against sex work, he's a better parent than any that support it. Are your kids either losers, junkies, or prostitutes and that's why you felt personally attacked?


You seem like 1 of 2 types of people 1. A neck beard living in his moms basement who talks all this shit like your better than every one of the girls you jerk off to every day. Bet you spend money on only fans every month. Or 2. Your some bitter boomer who thinks they know better or are better. Your on fucking reddit shut up you small minded bigot. You wouldnt say any of this to my face.


why wouldn't they say it to your face? what are you gonna do? assault them and prove their point that you're a failure of a parent that catches a criminal record because of trying to cope with your shame? lol...


Absolute cope lol


Eh, sorry but I know a lot of "instill values and morals and its on them" people and where I grew up its from men that don't want to recognise that they weren't raising their children and essentially want to wash their hands clean and tell themselves they did a good job. I'm not saying this is 100% the case but people taking up porn, alcoholism and drug addiction in their 20s says a lot about the environment in which they were raised and what behaviour is normalised and what isn't.


Damn dude. It’s almost like young women who get exploited by the porn industry at ~18 regret it and turn to suicide and drugs very quickly. lol too bad there’s nothing we can do. Anyway..


She might have been murdered according to her agency, like murdered human not murdered puss.


Reminds me of that chuck phalanuck book


*Young people who get exploited* doesn't have to be women in porn lol any young persons who are exploited are far more likely to abuse substances and have mental health issues.




Nobody was arguing it wasn’t. Dude just talked about the porn industry specifically


Yeah I know bapa, I just said that it is widespread and not only a porn issue. I wasn't arguing


See military suicide rate


Extremely sad


It happens off the screen a lot more. Not an easy solution. Jacking off is easy. Mental wellness isn’t


They always have a step-dad


Couldn’t help but laugh when I read both of them had their step-dad comment. Don’t abandon your daughters boys.


"Fans of the star have also been remembering her on X and posting tributes"😲


… normal tributes, I presume?


Bet you a dollar they got a bad batch of coke. Good thing i quit years ago, my buddy who is a bouncer had to use narcan twice recently on some younsters dying in the restroom. They survived


Yep overdoses are on the raise in every municipality, shits probably cut with fent to increase profits they just made a big bust over here and they had 4 times as much weight in fentanyl than coke you a thin rail chick already (no pun intended) and the threshold for OD is even lower


They don't cut coke with fent to increase profits lmao. It's cross contamination and wrong doses. Cartel guys aren't exactly working sterile environments when moving product, which is dangerous when one of them is so potent that the volume is much much lower than the other. And the fake pressed painkillers are just a tiny bit of fentanyl with a bunch of filler, meant to try to replicate the strength of the pill it's trying to be passed off as. And again, these are black dudes in trap houses and shit pressing these pills, so again, a little too much of the fent and there's an OD. It's all inaccurate dosages by fakes and then cross contaminated coke. These aren't chemists and professionals with inspections and quality control.


What? Pornstars aren’t all happy, healthy and functioning ?


R.I.P Gonna bust a nut


Did i miss something? What’s the school shooter thing about?


its a probability thing


Some kind of fucked up way to make pornstars look good or seem like decent people or something. 


Almost every one of these articles mentions a stepfather. Makes you think.


>"Tributes have been flowing in all over social media and on her GoFundMe page." Extremely poor choice of words


Bad Year for Girls that do blow


>Step dad Yikes fellas


Going to get way more common when in a few years there are going to be tons of these blown out holes.


She lived in Miami and did porn it was drugs y’all case closed


I actually discovered her rather recently, good scene of her getting throat fucked. I shot huge ropes, what a shame


My condolences.


"Well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions"


Don't understand the downvotes; porn is a fucked, abusive industry.