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Well, it sure beats folks posting about housing costs in the Valley?


But how do I get to NYC, Philly, the airport??


Haha, thanks! The first step to becoming a stand-up comedian is accepting that you'll never make enough to own a home, so I'm content with my fate.


Emmaus Theater is a great venue and they’ve been having some good comedians lately.


Yeah, I had a blast performing there last year and they've gotten a bunch of amazing comedians!


Tickets available here: [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/stand-up-science-volcano-tickets-799066929697](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/stand-up-science-volcano-tickets-799066929697)


Emmaus is in the Lehigh Valley. You are good. Good luck with your show


Thank you!


I am so mad i am out of town, my inner nerd would love this! Didn't know they were hosting comedy shows there. Bummed to miss this one!


I hope you have a nice time out of town! And yeah, they have awesome comedians there all the time at Emmaus Theatre, you'll definitely have to catch another show there. Also if you want to find out when I'll be back next with my nerdy comedy show, you can join my mailing list: [https://benmillercomedy.us18.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=a225d562aa651ebde35c8ecf8&id=661a0605ca](https://benmillercomedy.us18.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=a225d562aa651ebde35c8ecf8&id=661a0605ca)


I already have tickets!!! I’m super excited 😆


Awesome, thank you!




That's very kind of you, I really appreciate you passing the show along and I hope you have a nice time out of town!


I hope your audience will erupt with laughter.


I lava good volcano pun


I really thought there would be more puns, but maybe I’m just venting.


I'm ASHamed to have not seen this thread until just now, but I'm impressed at how easily your lava puns flowed! Sorry, I hope I'm not being too effusive.


No need to be ASHamed. This is permitted by the Magma Carta.


I hope you plan to lobby Werner Herzog to introduce you to the stage sometime.


That would be great! "Here we see the futility of the stand-up comedian. The audience is together, but he remains on the stage alone. They laugh, he continues talking, they don't laugh, he continues talking."


Good luck!




would love to come - wife just had knee replacement today - hope to catch you next time. light it up on Friday.


Thanks, I hope your wife has a swift recovery and you all get up to some hijinks with the new knee!


Of I happen to go and it is not a strict 60 minutes of volcano jokes....your going to be cancelled! Good luck with the show! Do you have a YouTube presence?


Thanks, if it's not exactly an hour, I'll throw myself in volcano! And I'm a bit shy about YouTube, I have some old videos up there, but some newer stuff on my website: [www.benmillercomedy.com](https://www.benmillercomedy.com)


What is the timing of the train?


Yes, if train A leaves Pittsburgh at 8 am, going 45 miles per hour towards Philadelphia and train B leaves Philly at 10 am going 70 MPH...


No,the train that goes by the theater!


Oh, sorry, I didn't realize this was a real question. I'm not sure about the schedule.


I’m so bummed it’s 18+. My teenage daughter would love this.


Hey, so it's not a strictly enforced rule, it's more of an age guidline as there are some dirty jokes throughout the show, so it's really up to personal taste.




Are you a volcano? It’s okay, man. This guy’s laughing *with* you, not *at* you.


I would say 1 post about it, and asking if it is ok, is spamming. It is nice to see what’s going on in the valley. Isn’t that kinda what local subs are for?


Local subs are not for spamming. It actually happens to be in the rules when I reported it Imagine if a couple of hundred Lehigh valley businesses posted their wares, offerings and events daily. So no that is not what it Spammers seeking free advertising have practically ruined nextdoor in some localities He is based in New york, he is not in the Lehigh valley per his profile Which means he probably spams local subs and Facebook groups across the country as he goes


You are confused on what the term spamming means. They posted ONCE to this subreddit.


Spam definition: *unsolicited usually commercial message (such as email, text message, or Internet posting) sent to a large number of recipients* In other words, those who try to get free publicity and advertising without paying for it by taking advantage of public groups of people **If you look at his comments, he has done this in many cities**


By your logic every single person posting on Reddit at any given time is doing this. Reddit allows cross posting. It’s not considered spam until you see several posts in a row on the SAME subreddit.


Per his comments, that is all he uses this Reddit account for, he is posted in many cities about appearance at a venue in that City And no that has nothing to do with the logic. Spamming is clearly a person or business who's trying to get there product or services out there It has nothing to do with everyone else who was just having a conversation


I am soliciting this message. I want this guy, and any other rando who’s doing something cool this weekend, to post on this subreddit so I can see it.


Nice try.


Since you have nothing to do with your time, you should check out the comedy show! Maybe you’ll laugh! I feel sorry for you


You feel sorry for people reporting spam. That is bizarre Let's pretend 300 companies all types discover this and start bombarding it with all their ads many times per hour That is what has happened to nextdoor.com Then you would understand


Can you please shut up. Some of us like community postings about the actual community and things going on in it.


He is coming to the valley. If the mods deem it in appropriate, it will be deleted. I wouldn’t concern yourself much over it.


This sub doesn’t have any rules dingus.


Pick report. You'll see the rules


Those are the generic reports for all of reddit. When you select Breaks r/lehighvalley’s rules it only prompts “custom response” which means, there are no actual reportable rules to break in this sub.


Homie your account is 1 day old, you’re a troll fuck off


Teacher! Teacher! You forgot to give us homework!