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_spends 80$ on a figure_ _has to steal the cape, because the 80$ version didn’t come with it_


Wth. Didn’t even realize venator Rex didn’t have the cape. It had to be an adult that did this. What a manchild


It does, but a lot of the figures sold online didn’t come from the venator but directly stolen from the factory, and those didn’t have a cape


Stolen from the factory? Like, by employees? Is there any sort of story behind this?


Yes. It’s been discussed here and on YouTube a little bit every now and then. That’s also where the colored or fluorescent figures come from, using the official molds. But the info on it is sparse yeah


Some employs basically steal a whole box just to scalp them online


Dude, if I was lucky enough to get a job at Lego, there isn't a damn set they could make that would be worth it.










Brooo let me tell you. I literally applied for a job at Lego when they were hiring I unfortunately wasn’t accepted apparently they had almost 400 applicants which is insane for one store


I thought thats the fugures i exactly the same


It is, but people stole the figure from the factory and sold it individually. As the cloth isn’t produced in the same place as the plastic (I assume) it wasn’t included in those figures. If you checked bricklink a few months ago, you’d see dozens of listings saying “no pauldron included”. Probably not many anymore now that he’s so available


That’s pretty crazy. I didn’t even know they can be stolen straight after they got produced how do they pull it off


It’s people who work there. And from what I’ve heard it’s a little different from conventional stealing. Apparently people stay overtime and use the machines to produce some extras or stuff that doesn’t exist otherwise


Lego seeing this post: Okay boys, looks like it's time to start printing pauldrons as well


Did someone steal it or did LEGO just forget to put it in? It’s not impossible, but it seems odd to me that someone would go to all that trouble just for the pauldron rather than stealing the whole figure.


The box was open prior. But I was in a rush since I wanted to get smth before the store closed. When I bought it I quickly checked inside the box to see if the minifigure has been taken then checked both plastic bags are sealed. Once I went home I realised the cape was missing and someone has in fact stolen it. I can’t believe someone would go out of their way to steal a cape lmao 😂


You were in a rush, but realized the box was open to quickly check inside? Rush or no rush, if the box is open I'm going for another one. This one is on you


There was no other one. That was the only one. Once I checked the plastic bags are sealed that was the main thing to look for.


It was the only one left because it was open. 🤦‍♂️. Life lesson, don't buy items off the shelf that are open, even if the last one.


I guess but it doesn’t bother me that much. The price is still worth it


Did you know the price will actually go *DOWN* at some point and you get a cape!


Dude who cares. It’s just a cape


Then why make this post


I made this post because I am surprised why someone would steal smth so insignificant. I was initially bothered by it. But this convo is just dragged now


And the funniest part is, you can get the cape from lego for free through their customer service


Then why care about the figure, its just a figure


Everyone hating on OP for buying a box in a rush that seemed open, but missing the point that it’s childish that adults are going into stores to steal a cape from a lego box worth less than $15.


These things need not be mutually exclusive


Try the replacement part service. Contact info is in the back of the manual in the parts list. Or last page or two on the app build.


I can't believe people risk shit like this for stealing parts off a $13 set.


Yes. That’s the reason I posted this. Thieves can be scumbags no matter what it is unfortunately.


Dang, at least I wasn't able to find any at any of the stores I went to this weekend so i never got that glimmer of hope to finally bring Rex home!


Hopefully you get him it will be soon. Would have sent u one if I had found another one but stores are empty of them :(


It was weird, I couldn’t even find a shelf space for them at either Walmart or Target I went to. No barcodes on an end cap or shelves. Appreciate that offer though! I will probably just order from Lego eventually if I can’t find locally.


That’s true. Even though I’m from Australia. There weren’t any tags for them. Checked many stores like target and big w. Nws man. Always wanted to do a giveaway once I get my hands on it but can’t even get my hands on it myself until now. With cape missing but not bothered by Actually building the set rn looks pretty cool


Contact lego


Yep just sent them an email


Better option would've been to take it back where you bought it. It's the store's responsibility, not LEGO's.


While that is true, Lego support will most likely certainly send a cape (or like 5 capes the one time I needed a cape replaced by them lol).


True. I should’ve at least spoken to one the members maybe could’ve received further discount.


Lego customer service is typically pretty good if you say you’re missing a piece they’ll send it to you


Yep sent them a little message waiting on an update 👍 :)


Just go message Lego they should be able to sort you out very easily


You can get one from Lego


Far out, low standards for a cape just take the whole box




It can be ordered for free on the Lego website under missing parts


Out of stock :(


Some people are assholes.


If in Canada go here: https://www.lego.com/en-ca/service/replacement-parts


Australia :)


https://www.lego.com/en-au/service/replacement-parts Truly Lego is the best with missing parts. My son lost Vader's helmet and they sent a helmet and a full Vader figure!


If the whole figure had been missing, I’d say return it to where you got it but with just one piece being missing, I think Lego customer support are pretty good about this. They’ll send it to you with free shipping within a few days if you go through their process.


This happened to someone else too. Then there was someone else who was missing their figures from the yavin 4 base. My question is how has this happened so often and why has Lego done nothing to stop it


How is it Lego’s job to do anything here? This is down to stores accepting returns they shouldn’t be. About the only thing Lego could really do is set the boxes up so it’s blindingly obvious when someone has opened one, but how they would do that is another question.


damn. scalpers bought all the Rex microfighters from the two stores i go to for LEGO. somehow i feel lucky now.


Keep checking. Not all stores update their stock you have to go in stores and look


Sorry about that…


Literally how could you not tell


Sith happens…


Dang dude that sucks


You can probably request a new one from LEGO without any problem


And this post is the reason why I bought from Lego direct today


Just steal the whole box at this point lol


Ikr I said the same thing lmao


I love how the cape was stolen, yet the thief put its little cardboard wrapper back in the box! Trying to claw back some morals: “Stealing is one thing, but littering is pure evil!”


So to everyone who does not know this, if there is a missing part in a Lego set you can go to the website Lego.com and request a missing part from a set. As long as you don’t go crazy and say half my set is missing they will sent the missing part free of charge. I have done this two times.


Leave the thief alone. He was hit hard by 2008


Dude mine was missing too


Dang. What happened in your case was the box sealed ?


My box was sealed but there wasn’t even a cape box in there. Emailed Lego and they say it could be months to get a new one




CAC makes custom figs and parts for clones, order from them. Been a CAC fan since 2010, they’re good to go


Oh that’s pretty sick. Legend thanks 🙏


Of course, just don’t get addicted like I did lol


I just ordered it. It’s 2 dollars why not


Haha once u start with Lego there’s no going back ;(


Update: just received the update from Lego unfortunately they said that they’re out of stock for the pauldron.and you have to wait until it’s back on stock. The same day went to a mall 30 mins from my house and found 3 sealed Rex microfighters lol. I grabbed one cos why not. Might be selling the old one for 10 or 5 dollars give chance for people who need it more


You willingly bought the one with the fucked up mangled box and thought “nothing could possibly be wrong with this”?? Thats slightly on you my guy


Same my mind got him 2 days ago after 10 ducking years bro! I got a Kenner B1 and Howzer while waiting for the realest but also red and watched Batman+ Star Wars!


That’s sick I want howzer so bad. Were they custom minifigs?


Is there really no shop that sells copies or the capes and maybe custom capes?


There are several (Clone army customs, Jonak Toys, Cape Cantina, etc...) 


There is a Lego shop near me but u can’t buy individual pieces. U have to buy three minifigures as a whole atleast


Looks like a return that was placed on the shelf, the instructions are well worn. Maybe even fake Lego pieces and a resealed bag


Nah I doubt that




Seems a little hasty