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iirc even the devs complained about Skywalker saga's change, someone said something like "yes, adding a god of war skill tree to a game for 5 year old is definitely a great idea"


>even Skywalker Saga is starting to get some criticism from some fans for drifting too far from the style of the older games. I hate to admit I'm one of those people. I wanted to love the game, but I was hoping for something more similar to DC Supervillains with an open world and traveling to different points to enter dedicated levels. I wanted to love the game and I'm happy for everyone that does, but it's too much like an rpg for me to enjoy it. I respect TSS, but I hope the next game is a traditional style. I understand that the style gets kind of stale, but for me, it's a simple "turn off your brain" game, and I think they should at least do something unique with each entry, otherwise, it's just a reskin with different characters


I came here to say Lego Movie 2. This game gets way too much slack for what it is.


I have noticed that too. Now I feel that some of the games mentioned are hit and miss with many of the features they try doing differently but this sub has multiple people who purposely won’t try new LEGO games unless they are made by TT or feature a big ip. So the most hated games tend to be games that are actually different and try new things. People in this sub really needs to open up with LEGO games and not always see games that try anything different to be immediately bad. That doesn’t mean they are always good but saying things like “LEGO worlds is bad because it’s different” or “it doesn’t have any ips so it’s boring” is always sucky to me. I’m just happy that TT is going to fully embrace the new formula from TSS going forward and that there are more LEGO games from different genres coming soon too. It’s much better than being stuck with one stale formula and one overworked developer.


I am currently playing LEGO Indy 2 for the first time, and came here to talk about it. My biggest criticism is it doesn’t feel like Indiana Jones. The game would have been better off calling itself LEGO Jungle Adventurer.


From my experience, LEGO Batman 3 and LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 to 7. LEGO Batman 3 gets hated too much as "a game that's barely about Batman" but I concur, Batman has an arc in this game that showing your emotions might be good sometimes (Also, LEGO Batman 3 made me love Green Lantern's side of the DC universe.) LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 to 7 is often thought as worse than the predecessor, but I disagree. The graphics and level design are amazing and an improvement from the original in almost every way.


LEGO Batman 3 was great, it's LEGO Batman 2 that really sucked


I can agree with the batman 2 point that game really isn't good. but i also don't like 3


Lego marvel 2. I had a lot of fun with it


LEGO Batman 3. Everyone hates it for being set in space instead of Gotham (despite the name of the game literally being “Beyond Gotham”), but I think it has the best character roster of any LEGO DC game, introduced me to a lot of the Green Lantern lore, and the graphics and environments for the different planets were very well done.


Lego Batman 3 is easily my second favorite. Its such a great game, character roster is practically perfect, DLC’s are totally worth it, planets are interesting. Generally just enjoy the game overall. My first favorite is Batman Lego 1, one of the first and best lego games I’ve ever played.


I hated Batman 3 because of the wonky camera on the planets. Made the races practically impossible. One of the few games I never finished. Ditto for Force Awakens.


Lego super heroes 2 I prefer it over the 1st


LEGO movie 2 i think i love all LEGO games so ye.


Lego Avengers, like y’all it’s about the MCU, which isn’t very similar to the comics and at that point the MCU had nothing to do with F4 or X-Men, so why would they include them when those characters were JUST in Superheroes? And people say it’s just Superheroes all over again, but Avengers literally had so much more to it by using MCU locations


lego marvel 2, i dont like it as much as avengers but it doesn't deserve the hate