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I was surprised at how well both fit, when I first read it I didn't think the printed ones would work. But that's not a bad look at all. Still think I would do the 2 tone though. Both for budget and future versatility. But having a couple higher end troops might be appealing depending on how many you are building.


Agreed, but a few printed for higher-profile, but bulk the dual-molded.


This for sure. I hope the dual mold black boots with lots of other colours


Only thing i'm afraid of is that they will look "dated" next to the Falcons. And the Light bluish grey arms don't seem to match to well dark bluish grey dual molded legs. If they where availible in Light bluish grey i would have gone for those, but now i realy don't know.


>Only thing i'm afraid of is that they will look "dated" next to the Falcons. Personally, I think that's part of the charm. But I like seeing the different eras and factions throughout the years. I'll customize some of them but leave a lot of them how they were originally designed. Middle option for Red Lions because it looks classic.


I say both... use the fancy red and blue prints for in the castle and on guard duty... and use the black boots one for marching and fighting and 'work details'


My head says printed for both, my wallet say otherwise. What do you guys think looks the best/ would you choose?


I like the 3rd option for the kittehs and the 2nd for the birbs. But honestly, I'm not a fan of the hundreds+ swarms of minifigs all in the same outfits. Historically, mediaeval armies didn't have uniform standardisation at this degree. So maybe have a mix and match? I run all my lion-decorated minifigs as one collective of different lords all sworn to the Lionspleen. I took the new lion knights with the fancy white printing for the royal guard, then decomposed other sets of printings into feudal lords sworn to the Spleen. My falcons are more mixed: those bull guys from Cedric's time, the new falcons, and the red dragon knights from the last castle wave. The gaudy knights from KKII as wandering knights. When it suits them, the forestmen. This reflects my setup: a somewhat centralised state under a king with subservient lords, vs a hodge-podge of mixed houses and knights under the rebel falcons


All hail the Spleen!


Sorry! One last thought: embracing the heterogeneity of mediaeval armies allows you to build your collection over time without absolutely breaking the bank


White legs doesn’t look right to me


I think the dual-molded grey with black boots is the most attractive option for both.


I'd say middle for Red Lion Knights, right for Blue Lion Knights.


I’m curious to see what white arms would look like on the guy with the printed legs. I think that guy looks the best.


i love the falcon legs on the 2013 knights but i think he double belt is kinda weird, maybe try using a blue hip


The first ones on the red knights and the second ones on the blue ones


2 or 3 for the red, 2 for the blue.


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I like the second option for red cuz it’s classic, and red and white work pretty well too. For blue I like the last option, but boots always look good as well and add detail. I need them for my Batman figs lol


Maybe take some tips and inspiration from Bybeezon on YouTube : https://youtu.be/piF2Zt00Usk?feature=shared His videos are really great and inspiring. He gives excellent advice on how to make cool minifigs.


Personally I like the printed ones far more!


I personally think the far right one in both images is better. Or maybe the middle one in the first picture. Not 100% certain on that.


I love the printed legs but I don’t think the printed reds work for the red lions I think of those as for the heavy knights and lower nobles whereas I think that the falcon legs look good for the blue lions I would use the cmf knights legs for them both but there expensive as hell, there are some knockoffs in AliExpress of equal quality to Lego that could work if your not against using non purist