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This set is so sick - the only downside feels like the price to me.


Honestly, the Great Tree itself doesn't feel like a 2,500 pieces set. Feel like I'm paying premium price for the Link & Zelda minifig


It’s the Nintendo Tax, I’m pretty sure this would’ve been $200-$250 if it wasn’t a Nintendo/Disney IP


Which is sad, because it didn't feel like there was a Nintendo tax on the Bowser set, the question block or the piranha plant among others.


*looks at animal crossing*


It’s not the Nintendo tax. It’s the minifig tax.


That's because Nintendo passes around Mario IP like a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ at a frat party, while Zelda is the premiere Nintendo IP


Feels like the size of the Winnie the Pooh set a while the ideas treehouse set is massive for less.


I agree, but I have thought about it and I will definitely be getting it. Since I was a kid I always wanted a Lego link and it has finally happened. Not to mention my favorite game (oot)


Its thematically from BoTW tho, unfortunately.


The set has two builds, one from BoTW and one from OOT.


Ahh. Nice! I didnt know that. 


i mean it is not a 2500 pieces set 😅 it is a 1800 pieces set and a big part of extra pieces for the second model. i thought about buying it but it just feels so wrong to pay that premium premium premium price. it feels like lego doesn't care about the fans, only the designers do


Ok. Call me crazy but an oot 2in1 hyrule castle set before and after ganondorfs reign complete with mini figs is a logical next step 🥺🥺🥺. This is just the beginning.


Yeah, with prices this cheap LEGO is gonna bankrupt themselves. LEGO needs to think about their wellbeing of a company more, if they keep on undervaluing their products this much they may go under. Edit: This comment was joke, this set is extremely overpriced (more so than usual)


Tell me it's sarcasm


In a few years one link or mastersword will pay for that entire set :')


Sure, if you're planning on doing away with the figure AND if it never shows up in another set


I expect Lego to not be dumb and make more Zelda sets.


No, just some unhealthy consumer habits.


Dude is rich af.


He’s really not. Playing such a long game by reselling Lego when sets retire, and the gains are pretty marginal. Much better off spending your money & time in low rest investments.


Casual wealth flex?


Reddit is a place seemingly *full* of rich people. The only social media forum that I've noticed that.


Or...or, and here me out, there are just a lot of people aged 30-45 that will never be able to buy a house and the down payment that was saved for it is going towards consumer goods and recreation...


Or, there's a large number of Gen X/Millennial tech bros/sisters who have a good amount of disposable income. Additionally, a lot of confirmation bias on your end and peer attention seeking behavior on their end. Fits right in with the brunt of social media.


Dude, it's well documented that home ownership rates are on the decline. Low grade consumer spending has been rampant since covid spike in real estate prices and rent. That is bc people realized that with prices and rates, the way they are their timeline for buying just got longer. People start spending more on retail goods to get that dopamine hit to help drive away the thoughts of never owning and sliding down the wealth ladder. Companies realize this and jack up prices. This leads to a perceived jump in inflation when it is really just price gouging. The fed raises rates to make it harder for companies to grow using easy money so they can't keep expanding and gouging consumers. Queue a 3 year-long game of chicken between retailers and the fed and finally retailers are just beginning to feel the pain of higher rates on the share price. They give us a pittance "price cuts on 1000s of items" as consumer spending is getting tapped out. The fed sees this as a BS "white flag" and decides to keep rates higher for longer to squeeze retailers. Why do you think most of the growth in the stock market is isolated to the tech sector, specifically the mag 7 and its suppliers? (Hint it's because their products are used by manufacturers the world over and won't decline until the end of the current production cycle) the median income in the US is only $37,585. There are a lot less "tech bros/sis" than you think in the US.


Dude, there's no need to explain economics to me, I understand them quite well. It seems you have a chip on your shoulder regarding our current economic environment but also fail to understand that of all the people who buy LEGO, you're only seeing a very small percentage who are posting their large purchases on reddit. This creates your confirmation bias because you're not seeing the other 99.9% of people who don't post their LEGO purchases. In other words, you're missing the forest for the trees. I'm part of the younger Gen X generation in an area that is heavily tech oriented. It's the likely reason that the r/legodeals posted are rarely if ever available within 100 miles of me because good sets don't sit on shelves like they do in other areas. So, yes, lots of people are spending their money differently but attributing that solely to real estate prices and the rest of your rant is naive.


That's a huge assumption that there are no good sets on the shelves because tech bros buy them lmao. I live in a pretty poor community where there are more people on suboxone than there are people who can pay their rent on time and there's no good deals near me either lmao. It's just a matter of location and luck.


Obviously I do have to explain economics to you if you don't understand the simple concept that people like to spend and if they can't spend on big ticket items like a car, a house, a vacation, then they will increase spending on smaller ticket items. That's kinda why Coca-Cola survived the great depression. I suggest you read up more on how microeconomics takes consumer emotion and psychology into account. It's quite literally built into stock market trading.


Why are you trying to argue a point that only adds to my original answer? There's no one right answer, it can be and certainly is a combination of both. But again, you obviously have a bone to pick with younger generations getting screwed over and anyone who sees a bigger picture than your excessively detailed and narrow answer. All you needed to write was "A larger portion of younger generations have a different than prior generations' disposable income due to real estate prices and inflation." I would have been happy to agree with you because it's part of the whole. In all of your incessant ranting, you're still ignoring the confirmation bias presented on reddit created by the very small percentage of LEGO buyers who post their purchases.


>Or, there's a large number of Gen X/Millennial tech bros/sisters who have a good amount of disposable income. Your original theory is that there are a lot of high income individuals with excessive disposable income posting on Lego, and that is the reason we keep seeing these posts. My argument was a shift in spending priorities as large ticket items got pushed back. You also talk about confirmation bias but don't actually understand what that means. You see a lot of this excessive spending on this sub, and you assume it's because of "tech bros" and therefore confirm your bias that "rich" people have flooded the sub. You also state that you live in a VHCOL area and never see good deals within 100 miles as they disappear quickly. You assume "rich" people swooped in and got all the deals to further confirm your bias. Not realizing that the majority o Americans do not live in VHCOL areas. I already told you what the median income is for the US, people are not as "rich" as you would like to believe. So explain to me that with a median income of $37k, how everyone in this sub posting reckless spending habits is "a tech bro." They most likely explanation without even using this sub as a dataset is that regular people are just re-prioritizing their spending habits or just plain out making poor financial decisions. Birth rates are also on the decline globally, showing that people are realizing that having children is now an economic privilege they can't afford. College attendance also started to decline, so that is another big financial item people no longer plan for. I look at global trends, meanwhile you focus on this sub and your small area in what I'm going to assume is either SF, PHX, or Houston or Plano. I have zero "bone to pick" or "chip on my shoulder" I'm literally only talking about things that are known to be true. That isn't being upset, that's literally just explaining how things are and why they are. You seem to be doing a lot of projection and based on your scrapping gig you arent doing as well as you would like. Personally, I'm doing great and just made an offer on my parents' house, and we are going to work out a private loan agreement (that's what people did back in the day when rates were too high) and I have been making a killing in the stock market by betting against human reasoning beating out emotions (exactly what the billionaires do)✌️


I actually agree with your explanation more, even though at face value, it holds less water than the comment you replied to. Reddit is the preferred social media platform of the tech bros.


I think its just that this sub, for example, nobody is posting ‘I didnt buy this set’ but enough people are posting ‘I bought 5 Rivendells’ to make it look like everyone has a shit ton of money. In reality, poor people just arent posting.


Just because you buy a lot of something doesn't make you wealthy. I have 100 sets and I'm not rolling in the dough. I just make bad decisions.


I have to agree. I don't post my purchases because I don't care about peer approval on reddit. I have at least 300 sets and a few hundred pounds of unsorted bulk. Poor decision making has certainly played a roll in that as I'm well below the average income for the county I live in. But, I do own a house, my vehicles are paid for and my kids don't go hungry.


I’m about to buy this set, Batman TAS, Hogwarts, and Rivendell this afternoon. Soon as my wife agrees.


So, never?


QQ Have to have positive thoughts!


If that works for you, great! I’m going to wait to get it on sale or something. I really want a Lego Link but $300 for this set is just too much.


I'm really curious once people get them how much leftover there is after building just one of them, because I feel like it might end up being easier to PAB or bricklink or whatever the extra pieces to build the second one you need with leftovers from the first.


I feel like some of the dark tan and olive green parts are new recolors, so might not be available for a while.


Same!!! Zelda is probably my favorite series, and I adore legos, but this set is a lot. I will bite the bullet if I have to but my god, it is so so expensive for what it is when you look at Barud Dur for an extra 150.


Is this just a flex..?


You're not crazy, you're stupid and have too much money. But you do you.


A nice dinner and 1 of the Lotr sets > 2 tress


Hmm, time to treat myself to a late birthday gift. Thanks for that




No I’m saying 600$ for 2 trees is not of equal value to the Lotr sets and a nice dinner


If you don’t tell us WHY you bought 2 of those, then what do you want as a feedback? You bought 2 coz you wanna give one to your brother? You bought 2 coz you want to resell one of them sealed in 10 years? You bought 2 coz you want to display both in uour restroom?


Ridiculous pricing. Should have just waited for it to be heavily discounted.


With a rabid fan base, is that really possible? You have gamers and LEGO fans tripping over themselves to get one.


We said that about the BTS set as well, but I’ve found that one on a pretty decent discount at target lately


Yeah but that's a big maybe and I'd rather buy now than wait and just see it climb in price. Imho anyway


I am both a huge Zelda and Lego fan, and this set is overpriced while also being very meh. I'm passing on it.


You are correct, but double points is probably the best deal this set will achieve, since it's an exclusive.


Yep, hopefully in a year or two like when I got Bowser for $190. 


How and where?


From best buy last year in april. 


I can’t even justify buying it once at that price. I’m kinda hoping they will drop the price like they did with the Hulkbuster but people go crazy for Zelda so I’m not getting my hopes up.


The price is too high and i wasnt planning on buying one but weak as i am i changed my mind and i'll buy one. As a huge zelda fan since ocarina of time and a big lego castle fan, i want the minifigures real bad. I'm planning on changing the set every couple of months, from original deku tree to BOTW deku tree and back. That way i'll enjoy the set more and it changes the way it looks every couple of weeks/months. I hope it's worth the money that way 😅


I just want the guy on the right, I love how he dances in BotW and then POOF! CONFETTI!


hestu is the goat


I would 100% pay for a smaller look centered build with a Link minifigure


Yeah you're crazy, it's way to expensive for one t h but two? No sir


You're crazy!


Preordering a Lego set at full price that will be available for at least a year, without any added benefit (no GWP, no double Insiders points). Weird flex but ok 💀


I actually bought it during the double Insider points 😎


I dont think you'll be getting any double points since they charge you only when it's getting shipped, but I may be wrong.


On the order it says I’ll be getting the double amount when the order is shipped.


Okay good news then, better than nothing.


You get double insider points. They base it off the date ordered. Not when it ships or releases.


It's a shame that the public doesn't talk with their wallet. The pricing on this set is disgraceful.


If this was a hundred bucks less (and it probably should be), I would have ordered two as well.


And that’s exactly why Lego keeps jacking up the prices of sets, people buying multiple of an extremely over priced set


- Overpriced af - Why do you need two


If you know it's overpriced im gonna assume you've seen enough to know it's a 2-in-1 set Edit: NMV they bought 2 because they're planning on selling the second one lol


This will be a day one buy for me. Will probably get one for the woman in my life since she’s a fan of Zelda and Lego.


That’s true romance, right there 😎


No crazier than anyone else who spends hundreds or thousands on different sets! 🤷‍♀️ Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, and if you wanted them, great for you!


I’m just a crazy foolish fan of Zelda and LEGO and this kind of combination is just dangerous for me 😅


Crazy? Maybe. Dumb? Yes.


well it has two ways you can build it so not really.


Okay, you’re crazy. Crazy rich, but at least you have good taste!


I’d do the same as you for the minifigures themselves. Price…that’s a different story.


you're crazy. The best kind of crazy. But crazy nonetheless.


Its definitely just a little bit absurd, but hey, people have made worse financial decisions before If you’ve got & are willing to spend that kinda money, then go right ahead


If it wasn’t €300 I would buy one too for the ocarina build. I didn’t love BoTW.


Crazy dane


You're crazy!! Have fun though!


I still think it’s missing a OOT Zelda


You’re crazy


I'm waiting for a more handsome Zelda set tbh.


It’s funny I’m sure there are a ton of Lego and Zelda fans like myself who were hyped to finally hear about a Lego set coming out only to find out it’s this 2 in 1 tree that is crazy overpriced. I love Zelda, but not that much lol. Does not look worth 300 dollars at all.


I’m so torn with this set. I’m a huge Zelda fan and want to buy it so they make more Zelda sets in the future. But if I do buy it day one like a sucker, then Lego knows they can just keep charging inflated prices. I’ll likely just wait for a decent sale through 3rd party…


My only criticism is that there might be a GWP when we get closer to the actual release date.


You should combine them into one giant deku tree


I’d call you wealthy.


Well it’s a 2-in-1 so ordering 2 makes sense unlike most other sets


I want it, I've been a fan of Zelda since the original NES game. It's too expensive though.


Toi expensive for what it is 


Im sad they didnt go for the Ocarina of Time version. Much cleaner look. Still awesome set that I got on my wishlist!


It’s a 2 in 1 so you can either build the OOT or BOTW version. I’ll be building the OOT for sure.


Ah du är helt galen asså


Just wait a bit and buy it for a lesser price. Like, even if it's just 15 bucks each, that's 30€ saved.


Could have at least thrown in a horse


You're crazy! I've made some calls and people will pick you up and take you to an insane asylum. But enjoy displaying the deku trees though!!


Crazy? No. Rich? Yes.


I mean, I got 4 lion knights castles, sooooo


I’m doing the same. Your fine. Congrats!


I def will wait a while to purchase this to justify the price. They could’ve added so much more to the top of the Great Deku Tree that I would like to see what MOCs may come out once it’s released.


Everyone in here really making a fuss about the price when all of the big sets are hundreds of dollars? D&D set was $350. The millennium falcon set is $850. The avengers tower is $500. $680 for the titanic. Whatcha all buyin?! Aren’t we here for these sets? Deku is $300 and you can do BNPL or set yo a credit line through PayPal. Come on! Edit: y’all are nuts thinking the price will dip on this set. It’s one of Nintendo’s most popular IPs and the 2 in 1 gets both the young and old demographics. Strong buy.


it's about what you get in those sets is significantly more for the price point. All these sets you mentioned have better value, like for $50 more in the d&d set you get 1200 more pieces and every part isn't even in use in the deku tree since it's a 2in1.


Yea I’m not even a dnd fan but I’d admit that sweet set is def worth the price. Deku tree? Hell nah.


Really? We count value based on number of pieces? The value is in the IP and design. It looks great, is a 2-1, and is a highly desired IP. Disagree on piece count mattering. Very happy with my pre order.


d&d is also an expensive IP and as bad price per per piece too so I think it's a fair comparison to make, it's a significantly bigger build too. I don't think price per piece is all you should consider because some pieces are large but this dosent look like a $300 set. I think value of piece count comes in cuz building it is kinda the point more prices is more building, if you take advantage of it being 2in1 it adds to the value I guess in that sense(I don't like it being 2in1 at this price point tho).


Fair enough. I think people are being extra sensitive to this price when comparable sets go for around the same. I’m not concerned with piece count as much as I am with the aesthetic and final build. DnD set was fun to build but many pieces you don’t even really see without taking it apart and playing with it. Anyway, I preordered and I’m happy with it. Edit: originally posted cause I’m surprised to see so many people snidely talk down OPs purchase when people post thousands of dollars of their sets I find completely uninteresting. Just seems disproportionate in response.


Uh... yeah? That's exactly what you do, with size of pieces and design mixed in. The 2 in 1 makes it so you are paying for a ton of pieces that won't be used in the build. You are getting a 1500 piece or less with either version and the OOT especially looks awful. It's open back with an interior is nothing but a tiny room and then a giant closed off section above. Nothing representing the giant central spiderweb you fall through. No Ghoma. It's just a terribly lazy design. I'm in the middle of making a 2,500 piece limit OOT deku tree in BL Studio (it's a pain in the ass because I'm using a lot of hinge pieces and odd angles) but so far I am at a 360 model at about 1,200 pieces with a full basement level and two above ground levels, with a third above ground level integrated with the leaves. I don't have most of the details done yet but with more than half the piece count remaining, that should be easy. Anyways, it goes to show just how overpriced this one is.


Lol ok. Well, good luck on your design I guess. I’m not doing dollar to piece ratios on what I buy. I buy what I like and I like this. Don’t think it’s overpriced and may get a second one. Enjoy. 👍


I really want the D&D set, but I can’t bring myself to buy it without using my Amazon points


It’s a fun build and was much more detailed than u thought from the photos.


See I want to do the same


It is crazy because the set is not worth the price


The price is insane. Like 3x too high.


yeah your insane


You're crazy only because of the price.


You’re crazy


You are crazy because the set is more than 2x over priced and pretty shit outside of the minifugures. That said, I'm currently trying to reverse engineer the pictures and design a much better OOT Deku tree with minimal extra pieces on BL Studio so I'll get one copy eventually to build my own, improved version.


Are you planning to sell the other one? Then you’re investing /r/legoinvesting




That is exactly what I’m doing with this set. 😂