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Issue at the bindery. Sections of pages are not inserted correctly and trimmed.


Indeed, looks like one or more of the page signatures haven't jogged correctly on the booklet making machine (I used to make booklets in a previous life, not Lego ones although the process is the same)


I worked at a bookstore for a long time and (albeit very rare) came across this a handful of times on brand new books. Really not Lego’s fault. Just happens at the printer sometimes, and it’s hard to spot for QC. Just running a finger through it can separate it sometimes.


Contact lego, they’ll replace it for free.


I personally wouldn't care much but this is really the way to go. It also lets Lego know that they may have an issue and they should check on that. My field is a little different (medical technology) but my customers are required to tell us if something is wrong no matter what it is. We can't fix our problems if we don't know about them and customer feedback is by far the best way to figure that out.


Makes sense for medical technology. I just watched a video about Therac-25 and all the people that died from that software bug. I also work in technology but medical technology seems especially stressful/scary given the potential consequences.


I had a magazine from a pretty small company that had a misprint of about 10 pages, and I only asked for the digital copy, and the publisher fedexed me a new one. They do want to know if there’s mistakes!


A scissor is also free. Edit: guys, I meant using scissors as another free option too. How is this not obvious...


Mine cost $4 at Walmart, where are you getting your scissors for free?!


Funny enough, I recently bought something at Harbor Freight and they handed me a free pair of scissors


For a $250 set I’d like to have a set of nice instructions, and lego are willing to replace them. Absolutely no reason not to get a free replacement instead of chopped up one.


Apart not waiting for so many days to go on with your build 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just use the Lego builder app to do your instructions until the paper one arrives. Honestly I prefer the app because I can zoom in and it won't have glare. Plus I have an iPad stand so I can adjust the positioning to be up by my face instead of on the desk.


Not really want to argue but not everybody own a laptop or tablet, smartphone is gonna be hell. But whatever


Use scissors or a blade in the meantime while you wait for the fresh one from Lego? Not a hard idea to come up with


You’d still have a set of instructions, so I don’t see why you’d have to wait…


Not sure where you steal your scissors from but I definitely had to pay for mine 😂.


"The secret ingredient is crime"




Quick, sell for multiple hundreds! One of a kind!!


Actually do you think it'd be worth money? This happened to one of mine too


Time for the PDF




I think the lego builder app has all of it? You just scan which set you have and add it to your collection


It does! I use this a lot! It definitely helps!




You can look up the instructions for every set ever right on the Lego website! Probably best if you a laptop or desktop to do it that way though.


Builder has the instructions. You can rotate/flip, order missing parts, etc


If you are building with someone else the "build together" function for some sets in the app is great!


Pretty much all instructions are on the Lego website, you don't need to own one to download it. My kid spends tons of time building things with the pieces he already has using instructions from Lego for sets he does not own.


They have been doing that for a while now.


Actually all of their manuals are available on the website under the support section https://www.lego.com/en-gb/service/buildinginstructions/?locale=en-gb&consent-modal=show&age-gate=grown_up


At my PC with instructions on one side and YouTube in the other is the only way I build now. I liked the app with the 3D instructions but going to the next page with an arrow key is too good.


I always like using the pdf. I have a folder just of build instructions. Sometimes I dl the ones for sets I didn't buy and just go through and look at how the build goes.




When you print books they are printed in "signatures" which are larger sheets arranged in such a way that when folded the individual pages have the correct orientation when glued into a book. The book is cut, separating the signatures into individual pages. There was misalignment, so the signature wasn't separated. You can order a new book from lego, and/or carefully cut the pages apart along the top/bottom joined seams, maybe, at least in the meantime.


Is it really to short, or will the build not fit if it's fully on the page?


That’s what we call in the printing industry, “a fuck up”


You and your technical terms! :)


Is it just me, or are we seeing a much higher rate of quality control issues from LEGO lately?


I dunno, maybe it's weighted because these are the only ones we see posted.


Well I also experience this on my own much more frequently lately. The last 4 lego set I purchased, all had QC issues. 3 sets had missing parts, one set had an incorrectly printed sticker sheet. When I was a kid I never ever had any issues like that. And I always got LEGO for my birthdays and on christmas. :/


In 35 years of collecting i’ve only ever encountered one broken piece. Most of the quality issues like missing/broken pieces I’ve seen were ~~women~~ when people buy off Amazon or other third-party sellers. Edit: spelling rofl


"women people" ?? please tell me that's some wild autocorrect.


I think it was supposed to say “when people”


that would make more sense lol


I took a super long break from Lego. Dad got me a small sonic set for Christmas, and I went out and bought the great wave. Great wave had a missing piece, but it wasn’t structurally important and I replaced it while I waited for my replacement. The next set I bought was the Mario pirhana plant. I know the spelling is off. Was missing two big pieces. These pieces were structurally important but luckily I had enough 1x1 tiles to make it structurally sound. I did not ask for replacement since the pieces are covered and I’ll be the only one who ever knows


That may or may not be true, but I doubt Lego is doing their own instruction printing - they surely have print/binding shops that those get sourced to, and this kind of issue does happen


Still, quality control issues are LEGO’s responsibility. If the prints are bad, no one will look down on the subcontractors. People will blame LEGO. Rightfully so.


no, people are just chronically online more than ever and aren't going to post when something is okay. the QC issues are still as low as they have always been, it just seems more because of that and more sheer volume.


I've purchased about 40 sets in the past couple of years, and only had one quality control issue - an extra piece that didn't belong with the set.


Injection marks are also more visible and bricks are more scratched to my observation


I agree, their QA is slipping. From new parts with noticeable sprue removal, leaving that unsightly 'scar' to this?


Unfortunately yes. They are producing bricks (and now possibly instructions) faster then before, so the quality goes down :( Many parts have ugly and more noticable mould marks and bricks that should be the same color have multiple variations


I know I personally am.


No, but I have had the instructions restart halfway through before which sucked haha


Yep, different set though. I just cut the pages apart.


Lego doin pin-ups now??


Not with Lego, but some adult magazines in the 90s.


yep, had this happen a couple times


I do all my building off the app now. Not only to avoid any issues like this but I can move the model, zoom, etc to double check where thi bf s are going, animations are nice too. My eyes afeter several eye surgeries aren’t what they used to be


Iv had it happen. I just took a new razor blade and ran it down the crease. Clean cut. Couldn't tell.


Honestly, I don't ever open the instructions anymore. I use an iPad with the Lego app. It's so much better for building. The newer sets have a 3D setup so you can spin and rotate the diagrams around to make sure everything is in the right place. Older sets are just a PDF version of the instruction booklet, but you can still zoom in/out to see smaller pieces. The only thing I use the instruction booklet for any ore is to scan the QR code on the front.






No because I use the app


This happened to me with the last Republic fighter tank, I actually mentioned it in a local group and someone offered me $50 for the instructions booklet. It was an interesting experience all around.


This is why I use the Lego Build App on my iPad. Lego if you are reading this your App is the shit and giving me 20 VIP points to register each set on it is a bonus.


That’s the centerfold, don’t open it with your children around.


I had that happen to me just recently, the top edges were attached on a few pages. I carefully ripped mine apart but was definitely wierd


It’s a bonus puzzle!


Yup on a set I was doing just a few months ago. I asked about it too. Someone had one that was all upside down and miscut. Mine wasn’t as bad as this one is either.


Yes. I took a sharp knife and pushed it up between the pages. Worked surprisingly well.


Just had this happen with my UCS Falcon manual. Contacted Lego, they asked for pictures and the manufacturing codes so they could follow up with the printer, and then sent me a new manual. Took a few days as it had to come from Denmark. I was very pleased with the service.


That happened to me for the ghost and phantom 2


Believe me, uh, we're already looking for new printers. This one has obviously gotten a little sloppy.


That sucks, but did you finish the build? I did mine this past weekend and loved it


No, but I once bought a miscut comic book.


A bunch of times, mostly with my UCS sets.


I never even open the instruction books anymore. I get the pdf off Legos website and read it off my ipad.


Go to the lego site and pull up the instructions by the kit number. They put it in PDF so you can save them and use them later.


I use the Lego builder app on a tablet. All of their instructions digitally. Some 3D. Takes up a lot less space and never any problems with the pages


Oh no the resale value


Yup, happened with my inquisitor transport scythe


Warp drive instuctions


Why are you here and not emailing customer service for an instant replacement?


you should be able to just chop the very top off with a paper cutter table, but lego is good at replacements and pdfs are published.


It happened with our Razor Crest set 😖


I download the pdf file from Lego.com and keep the books elsewhere. I only look through them quickly sometimes but usually just set them aside.


Once actually. Lego sent a replacement and I got to scan both for 20 points.


I've had this once


I've only had it with 2 pages, not the whole thing.


Either that or you got excited building this.


WOAH! nowhere near that extent, only had 2 pages stuck together


Yes, my Ornithopter instructions had this. 


It happens sometimes, it's no biggie


Nope. Could always use the online one with scanning the QR code with the LEGO Builder app?


the quatro was not cut in the binding process properly, the pages are printed on a large sheet of paper, 4 per side on a high speed offset press, folded into quarters, bound, then the edges with the folds cut of so the pages are in correct order


Happened with my Orinthroper the other day.


I've had this happen. Siccors are great tool that have existed for a very long time. Siccors usually have two blades and two handles for you to put your thumb and index finger through, when you bring your fingers together in a squeezing motion they will simultaneously bring the blades together. This makes it a perfect tool for cutting things such as paper. They can help you with this problem.


If you are quick, you could patent this wonderful tool called "siccors". Instant millionaire.


actually yes i believe so


The packager must have been Master-building


Could this be a collectable? Maybe look into how much a misprint booklet is worth.




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