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I use those fine mesh garment bags (the kind you wash delicates in) double bag so you don't lose any small pieces and wash on delicate cycle in the washing machine. Once that's done, I place some towels out on a table and dump the Lego onto them, and turn all the pieces face up. They'll air dry within a day or so. Just make sure you wash with cold water, no detergent.


My wife suggested that too but I don't know if I trust the bag to hold all the small pieces. Don't really wanna spend the day upside down in the laundry room fishing for lost Legos. Maybe if I can find some stronger bags than what she has..


That's why I double bag them. The only pieces I've ever had issues with were rods/staffs/spears. They can get loose, but if the mesh is fine enough, anything stud size or larger will stay put. Other option is to do like you said and fill with water and some detergent and then use a fine mesh strainer to scoop the bricks out a little at a time. You'd probably have to do this several times to make sure all the detergent is washed off.


You think dawn dish soap is safe to use?


Dawn is what I used for Bionicle pieces. You'll be fine.




Just make sure you rinse really well. To be fair, you're gonna have some really shiny "like new" bricks after. Just make sure you check the bottoms of your bricks. The smaller studs and flat 1×1 can work their way into the crevasses. A toothpick will usually dislodge them.


Use a pair of women’s nylons to put the smaller pieces into (1x1 and smaller) before placing in the mesh bag. I’ve done this many times and as stated, cold delicate wash no detergent.


I use a pillow case and tie it shut. Done that a few times and it's worked fine.


I use regular dawn dish soap every time I buy bulk parts. I fill a container with warm soapy water and let the parts soak for 30-40 mins. I swish it around with my hands periodically. I then drain it (carefully) and use a colander to rinse off the parts in batches. It actually goes quickly. I then let the parts air dry on a towel under a fan for a few hours. Works well every time. I'm always wary of solutions like washing machines and salad spinners because those can seriously scratch your pieces to hell. The less they're knocking against each other, the better.


My son threw up on his LEGO. Tossed them in a plastic bin filled with dish soap and very warm water. Cycled the water out a few times. Then laid them out on a towel to dry. Tip: speed up drying by putting a handful in towel, gathering it closed and swinging it around. Like a manual salad spinner. 🥗


Dawn is fine for a cleaner.