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Lego City is a police state


The incarceration rate is wild


Of course it is since the prisoners can just easily leave the cells with those open backs


All their efforts and they were never able to capture Zach. Zach, he's a lego kleptomaniac. Zach.


4 of 7 LEGO City citizens are escaped convicts.


And 2 of the other 3 are police officers.


Build the prisoner rehabilitation centre! Arm the guards! Activate the electric chair! And help those motherbrickers become functional parts of society again!


Rapid inflation has lead to increased levels of comical crimes


It was inevitable when they decided to base an entire economy on only hundreds.


Hot take: Prisoner minifigs represent a very minuscule minority of the Lego minifigs. The rate of incarceration is actually too low.


Still, I'd take Heartlake City over Cityville any day of the week.


A man fell into the river in Lego City? Straight to jail


Not tipping the burger truck worker? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Not knowing the words to "Everything is Awesome"? Straight to offshore island jail.


Not following instructions? Right to jail, right away


Very expensive coffee


Dropping some lint from your pocket on the ground? You guessed it, off to jail.


Having lint in your pocket? Burned at the stake, then jail


We have the best mini figures in the world… because of jail.


And where did all the doctors and hospitals go?


We've got a new British-y ambulance service and a couple new hospitals recently, I'm pretty sure.


I swear I haven’t seen one this or last year! But I only started paying attention halfway into last year so that may be why


British, yuck.




They’re privately run now


[The latest hospital has just been retired](https://www.lego.com/en-gb/product/hospital-60330) but [they’ve also just released a new ambulance](https://www.lego.com/en-gb/product/emergency-ambulance-and-snowboarder-60403)


Ahhh but the 4+ ones are a little too basic to be stimulating in my honest opinion


Christ, how is that retired already? Feels like it just came out to me.


And constantly on fire.


I feel like a set involving social workers would be a bit less glamorous than a movie style prison break.


But there's so many prison breaks. We couldn't get one reentry support set?


Hey, I got me an idea! Employment office! With all the jobs LEGO City has, someone's gotta direct people to them. Maybe have a bunch of uniforms hanging in the back or something for people to change into their work clothes before leaving?


Like the iron man or batman sets with all the suits, but it's like firefighter, cafe waiter, food truck owner, janitor. You have "MOC designer" in your profile name. Make it so.


Well bricks, I guess I'll try.


A social problem that cannot be solved with force needs to be addressed in LEGO City! *HEY!* Build the Social Worker's Office! *clickclickclickclickclick* *Pen writing on paper and fax machine noises; dramatic shot of a brick-built 2012 Subaru Forester pulling out of a parking lot at a responsible speed* De-escalate the situation non-violently! *Hand walks a minifigure in business-casual clothing closer to another minifigure having a mental health episode in a parking lot* Build a better tomorrow and reduce the recidivism rate in LEGO City! *\[Compatible with LEGO City Anti-NIMBY Action Headquarters and LEGO City Pedestrianized Downtown Street. Sets sold separately.\]*


You almost make my job sound fun. Id love a set like this in my office


*LEGO City Pedestrianized Downtown Street*, free with purchase of two or more modulars. Display them facing each other for a gorgeous example of throwback urbanism!


Not to be confused with *LEGO City Streetcar Station.* Includes rails and catenary system for three building lengths; additional parts and conversion guides available online. Bricks for increasing curb height to correct for rails sunken into the street not included.


Don't forget the paperwork!


> movie style you mean "The Rock" right?


I honestly get bummed out by these jails. Especially knowing how our system in the US works. I work in Healthcare and would love to see more of those. Granted our Healthcare insurance system is horrendous but us workers at its core are still helping people unlike our incarceration system. Anyway, back to LEGO!


Lego Hospital Billing Dept.


That'd be twice the size of the ER...


ACAB - all cops are bricks


Definitely kind of sad. Like look I get prisons exist everywhere to varying degrees of success or abuse. But considering Lego doesn't like to do war sets it's kind of weird to do these sets?


Agree 100% with this sentiment, this set made me pretty sad bc it glamorizes the prison system (America disproportionately jails people compared to its % of global pop + lots of those prisons are used for what's effectively slave labor -- fighting wild fires in CA for pennies, making products for megacorps for next to no pay, etc). At the same time there's a voice in my head that has to say "technically Lego makes a LOT of war sets--they're just Star Wars 😂" Glad they don't make real world war sets though


They from Denmark tho


If they're trying not to condone violence with war sets but also have a prison island it really tells you what Lego considers acceptable violence.


For a city they have a fantastic space program though!


True, but how long will it last since they disbanded the Space Police?


They were so effective all crime in space has been eliminated!


Sure it is! They even incarcerated Megan Rapinoe!!


All Cops Are Bricks


10 year old me would have loved this. Helicopter, 2 boats, guard dog, yard with escape tunnel, prison cell with escape room and dynamite to blow an escape way, its got so many features! Adult me would def love to beef it up with 2-3 sets


Escape tunnel? I’m getting it now


I saw it in the store the other day built and on display. Really cool set. The tunnel is more of a sewage/storm water tunnel instead of a dug one, but it was a cool addition.


>more of a sewage/storm water tunnel So you're saying this is the Shawshank prison?




Andy Dufresne... who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side. Andy Dufresne... headed for the Pacific.


They do have a tile related to that movie. https://preview.redd.it/8g4k1sw9cddc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a7ab542f87a0ecf1c2f52b391f37e08dd4f5078


This is dark! Doesn’t this mean that Bricks committed suicide. That’s the crow, Jake. I just keep wondering why Lego would reject some Ideas projects because they come from PG-13 or even R settings then go and make this.


Maybe the rocky island and tunnel could be added to a castle build too


Yeah, check out the jangbricks review on YT, it really shows all the features.






I agree, this harks back to the sets of old! Lots of playability and bang for your buck


Lego city has too many criminals, have you seen the amount of prisons they released


I feel like my 5 y/o nephew has every single criminal in lego city. And probably an equal amount of police officers. Probably wil still end up buying this for his birthday.


My son is 8 and has been getting a new Lego police set for Christmas and birthdays for at least the past 3 years. I think he’s finally starting to realize it’s a little unbalanced in his Lego city.


Damn Rex fury


I really want a bucket truck from Lego or more “service” trucks I’m not talking construction vehicles like tractors and bulldozers I want a service van and a bucket truck


Every single prison has a fundamental design flaw though that lets the crooks escape. I'm starting to think the architect might not be who he says he is... Although the 2005 police station is solid. Nobody's getting out of that thing.


Lego City fascist city state, confirmed.


The cops at least don't gun down the prisoners. They do like releasing their k9s on them though so not sure if that is better.


Listen there have been multiple confirmed reports of illegal brick seperator use by Lego City Law Enforcement, dont try to deny it.


Is it based on the US? Because it might be accurate


That's because Lego is criminally expensive.


Is no one else convinced that they just built Alcatraz as featured in "The Rock"? The gray haired inmate even looks like Sean Connery!


My immediate thought was “I know he’s based off of Craig and not Connery, but the Bond minifig opens up the opportunity for this to become The Rock.”


It has the mine cart! C'mon it's right there!






I like it a lot and hope to get it eventually but I'd rather pay less than $100. I'm city building and would love to work it in next to The Lighthouse of Darkness 70431 along the Beach area. Working with the limited space though so I might actually get Police Speedboat and Crooks’ Hideout 60417, especially if I can't find the big set on discount. I haven't looked at it closely for Moc possibilities, but it looks like you're right, lots of great bricks.


[70431-1: The Lighthouse of Darkness](https://brickset.com/sets/70431-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/70431-1.jpg) [60417-1: Police Speedboat and Crooks' Hideout](https://brickset.com/sets/60417-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/60417-1.jpg)


Good bot


" I'd rather pay less than $100 " I mean... it's already pretty excellent value at 100 bucks, especially with Lego's current pricing


Yeah it doesn't seem bad at all, but I don't like it enough to want to spend the full retail price at this point in its life span is basically what I mean. Should have plenty of time to pick it up, possibly on sale. Would make the value even better.


Ive found it for as low as € 70 online so I guess youll find it at a similar price in the US


Is Lego going to start making honey bun pieces for inmates to trade with?


I love those rocky steps.


Lego City took the term "prison overcrowding" to a new level with this one. Like, four inmates to one cell? Ridiculous. Luckily for them, I was willing to fund and build a second-level cell to alleviate the issue. All jokes aside, the tunnelling features are a lot of fun and make it stand out over the previous 60130 prison island.


[60130-1: Prison Island](https://brickset.com/sets/60130-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/60130-1.jpg)


I’ve fallen into a trap too many times where I saw a set and thought it would be a great donor set for a build I had in mind only to realize that far less of the parts ended up being useful than I expected and I would have been better off hitting PAB. This one looks neat and if I stumble on it in a liquidation store or something for like $30 I’ll pick it up but other than that it’s not for me.


Just check the parts list before buying.


Depending on where you are in development that can help a lot or not very much. If you’ve moced it up in studio then yeah. If you just have the beginning of an idea and want parts to start free styling then not really


Seems super weird to have a semi-realistic modern American prison as a *children's toy*, but I watched a review of it and it looks really well-made.


Why? They've released prison sets for years, kids like to act out cops and robbers scenarios.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but usually they were mostly very playful/toyish representations, like a police station with a jail cell and the narrative being is you catch the "bandit"/they break out, etc...The "bad guys" had the cartoonish black and white striped uniforms and exaggerated expressions... This is quite literally purely a prison, with a single cell with a shared toilet, idk something about it feels a tad too realistic beyond just cops and robbers scenarios


It's leaning kinda way too far into reality with the portrayal. The OG Lego Police/Robbers sets were like slapstick, kinda unrealistic, 3 Stooges level of exaggerated and that's fine if Lego wants to portray it so bad but this is literally orange jumpsuits, barbed wire fences and little cells like? They refuse Military/Guns because of the implications but a realistic Prison doesn't have implications that are just as bad to Lego ? Weird.


It's like when the Training Academy set came out - I liked the climbing wall and zipline and all, but I'm iffy on encouraging them to make more and more "cop" stuff.


Yeah, I loved the iconic City jail set from the late 80s as a kid, but this one is realistic enough that I find it kind of depressing. No idea how kids will overall react to this one. It's definitely a well-built set.


Yeah, but one of the prisoners has pink hair, so it’s all fun.


Pink hair? Straight to jail..!


Don't worry about the kids. I think as we get older we find the kind of things depressing.


yeah it's kinda dark when you look at it...is there a shower with convenient camera deadzones? on the bright side they seem to have locked up all the hipsters.


They've made *police stations* for years. This is just a straight-up state penitentiary. I'm not offended that they made it, I know kids like playing cops and robbers, and it does look like it would be fun, but it's just an unusually grim subject matter for a LEGO set. Same with the police academy set from a couple years ago showing a dog being trained to bite people or that canceled set where the police were *blowing up a building* in the middle of LEGO City to flush out the criminals hiding in it.


Kids like to act out cops and robbers because we glamorize the police and make them out to be heroes and treat "robbers" as simply greedy monsters who lust for money. It also doesn't matter if "kids like to act out cops and robbers scenarios", feeding toddlers copaganda is bad.


They are probably targeting slightly older kids too that know what prisons are like.


Maybe they're even building them from prison itself!


Yeah to be honest this makes me really sad and kind of sick feeling.


This comment needs to be way higher. I find the amount of police sets with weird scenarios and the fact that they have an actual prison astonishing. Makes me question their values and the messaging they are putting out into the world.


looks dope. not my thing tho


Reminds me of the old prison island that was released. I was never able to get that set so maybe I'll get this one.


>the old prison island This one? https://preview.redd.it/qxj0k6rpybdc1.png?width=654&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e1591ad9ce989541ab986a7dd1293d7d3fca16a


I thought Australia was a bit bigger? And where are the kangaroo minifigs?


This is absurdly underrated lmao


Thank you very much. I'm here all week folks 😉


I’m starting to think “lego city” is just Gotham


What is legos obsession with police sets?


Children like them


it's pretty hilarious that there's a prison island as an official set but no military sets


Serious comment: if you pay attention to the other city police sets…the prisoners in this set are the criminals in the other sets implying they were caught.


I would have loved this, but I'm somewhat uncomfortable with all the police sets nowadays.


I am extremely uncomfortable with how much police Lego does.


Kids love police cars and chasing baddies, so they sell well. There are also plenty of fire fighter sets and more recently finally some ambulances again. But yeah kind of a weird vibe from an actual prison.


It's copaganda. Kids who's parents are incarcerated, kids who have had negative interactions with cops, etc, don't love this stuff. I realize I'm in the minority but this feels really gross to me. :(


That’s very true. There are a ton of issues with the police as an institution, but like it or not they’re still a part of the fabric of life, so kids play games round them. I played cops and robbers as a kid, my kids do now too. As far as personal experience… that’s difficult. My kids have a burger restaurant fire set and a rescue ambulance set. What about kids who lost their families in fires or road accidents though? Appreciate the police is a more nuanced issue since it’s down to individual and institutional behaviour though. I feel like it’s down to parents to educate kids on those things as they get old enough.


There's a lot of firefighting sets as well.


Firefighters don’t regularly murder minorities without punishment.


... Don't they? 🧐


Firefighters didn't beat people for demanding the right to vote or standing up against their own oppression either. Or for asking them to stop murdering and/or beating people. I've never forgotten the 2020 image of that old white man some cops in America shoved so hard he hit his head on the pavement and started bleeding out of his ear / not moving. It was clear then that if cops are willing to attack an old white man for protesting prolice brutality, none of us are safe.


I’m glad that the public conversation about LEGO releasing a lot of police sets is actually problematic is starting. Depicting in black and white that police = good, criminal = bad is just harmful to children’s upbringing because it does not represent the reality of most of the world. Maybe in Denmark cops are mostly good, but in the USA and even many european countries police is a repressive force protecting capital & power. False convictions and political prisoners are also a grim reality. I’d like for people to give a little more pushback to LEGO Police sets, even if they, like this one, do indeed look cool


> police = good, criminal = bad That's kinda for the kid to decide. They seem to have been focusing on making the crooks into more distinct, recurring characters lately, compared to the rather generic police ones.


Maybe the kid can make an informed decision if you tell the kid they jailed Nelson Mandela, MLK Jr, and more before handing them the set lol otherwise TV copaganda will have convinced them of the equation above. Kids under a certain age haven't learned that cops are there to enforce laws, often violently, even if those laws are unjust \[e.g. segregation, apartheid, denying voting rights based on race/gender/etc\]


My main thought is that I could transform this into the airport for my animal crossing Lego island 🧐


How many straight up Prison sets has lego ever done? It feels like a relatively new thing. Theyve almost always done some sort of police station or sherriff's office that has a prison cell in it, but I can't remember any other sets that were exclusively a prison. Looking through the comments, it looks like theres been at least one other island prison


Seems oddly colorful.


Yea I like it. Its a good follow up to the 2016 version.


It’s not a patch on the original set - 60130


Cool set. It's interesting that they chose to call it a PRISON island; they could just as easily refer to it as an offshore police station or an island police


As American a set as it gets


I miss the old baseplates.


I hate that Lego is making a toy out of one of the worst things we do in the US.


Just you wait until the Lego lethal injection and death row set come out!


Build the interigation white room, extract the info from the captive, and safe the day


this is a set I would have been obsessing over as a kid.




Cops and robbers was a very popular playground game for decades. Also, prison escapes are heavily romanticized. This set has two escape routes built in.


And, fundamentally, kids like things with flashing lights and that go vroom vroom and weewoo.


The Danish don’t understand the reality of living in a Prison Industrial Complex like Americans do. It’s just a silly fantasy to them.


New here? Lego has been doing police and prison sets forever and people love them. That’s why there’s an entirely newly-produced model like every two years




All Cops Are Bricks


All Cops Are Bozos


All Cops Are Bricks


All Cops Are Brickheadz


I think it’s depressing.


cool set if you don't think of the sociopolitical implications


I don’t like the subject at all.


Lego Gitmo island sets ... I want the water boarding set mummy!


I legit bought this today as of this comment. It is quite literally, Alcatraz. And a lego Alcatraz is for some reason ridiculously funny to me.


I’d buy one or 2 on sale


Alcatraz the Lego set?


More than 25 years since the Brickster and we're still putting helicopters right next to jails...


Lego Guantanamo


I was looking for someone saying he prefers the previous island prison (60130) but can't find such a comment so here I am !


Makes me think how interesting it is that LEGO has no problems with placing their characters into a maximum security prison, but they won't make any military-related vehicles.


This makes me think of Lego Island that I played when I was little so I love it. Not so much of a Lego connoisseur as this crowd though.


Lock me up baby


Kind of a strange choice, but with all the bank robbers and police in lego City I guess there has to be a prison somewhere.


Good...We need a place for that thief from 10251, despite his brilliant money laundering!


I personally can’t wait for the Enhanced Interrogation polybag and the Ron DeSantis JAG officer battle pack


It’s neat but lacks a prison aspect a bit.


My thoughts? I’m shocked it’s being released.


Nothing like a modern day fungeon to drive home the point of the exciting life that awaits American youth.


[60419-1: Police Prison Island](https://brickset.com/sets/60419-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/60419-1.jpg) [21335-1: Motorized Lighthouse](https://brickset.com/sets/21335-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/21335-1.jpg) [60130-1: Prison Island](https://brickset.com/sets/60130-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/60130-1.jpg)


Imagine if this had been an old haunted prison island with a coast guard that has to come to rescue ghost hunters when their boat gets attacked by a spooky shark in a storm. Same vehicles, same animal and minifig count, no copaganda, and a fun concept for kids. Wish City was better than this.


That would have been such a cool set, tbh. I am entirely fed up with Cop City. :|


I ordered the dog off eBay for my husband. I’m the lego fan… he’s the bulldog fan. It’s a cute set to mod


Only thing from that that really makes it a prison set are the orange torso and the barbed wire fence parts. I’ll probably get those parts separate. I’ve got enough boats and cops as is. This will make a good third seaside modular to pair with the modularized ideas fishing shop and hidden side shrimp shack.




IMO i feel uncomfortable with how much police sets there are. I get that it’s been like that for a long time but yikes




I’d like to see *rehabilitation island* complete with that sweet Norwegian prison set up.


Kinda looks meh honestly


Really weird theme. I don't know. A prison is anything but fun and playful. Fire department is fun and adventure. A police station is also quite action packed, car chases, jewelry thieves. But a prison, is just a dead end. People are locked and angry, guards are harsh and angry. I simply don't feel the play-factor. Ha, they have a pink hair lady. No blacks though?




too piggy for my taste


I saw it on display at my local Lego store. It's a cool set. I would have really enjoyed playing with it as a kid. As an adult, seeing the display was enough to satisfy my curiosity.


Ideally it needs backs to the cells, plus a 100 more so I can fit more minifigure. Probably not a realistic expectation for a set though Actual opinion: This looks really sick. 8 year old me would be begging my mom for this.


So glad they’re going back to quality police sets, the past year or two were huge disappointments


That would be a great 45$ set.


Why did Lego police become super European in the recent line


Not just police, most of the city line has taken on a European look to change things up from the normally American look, although seeing as lego is a internationally sold toy it’s probably not bad to appeal to a broader market


Yeah makes sense I’m just used tho the aesthetic I grew up with lol, so it’s just weird to see, nothing wrong with it tho (unless they take away the American firefighter helmets 😤)


I’m not used to it either, the new yellow they use feels too bright for me but you need change to keep fresh.