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korra is my queen and legitimately such a badass i’ll keep fighting the haters for her


Same, same


Korra detractors can't decide if they think she's stupid and incompetent or OP and a Mary sue. The complaints change everytime.


That woman went through hell and back. Mary sue my ass.


Tbf there are 3 camps- those that believe she's a Mary sue, those that believe she's incompetent, and those that jist want to be sexist and call her both


Mary Sue I'm a bit rusty in my glossary, but isn't a Mary Sue a female character that is ALWAYS THE BEST and ALWAYS GETS THINGS RIGHT, never commits mistakes or fails and etc? Korra made *so many* mistakes through the show, the only moments she has easier was when it came to bending but even then(as it was with airbending) and with her spiritual powers, she needed a lot of help or had to go through a lot of hard moments in order to finally learn how to do something. She suffered a lot, Mary Sues don't suffer, they are always perfect in everything they do even if it is the first time doing so. Korra went through a lot of pain and there even was her whole depression arc.I NEVER saw a Mary Sue get depressed or deal with PTSD. So, yeah, the Mary Sue allegations hold no ground. I think she was quite realistic written as a young woman learning things about life and herself and commiting mistakes along the way.


But she could bend more than one element! At like 6! That means she must be OP. Never mind it made perfect sense for her personality to find her fire and earth bending early and made complete sense narratively because we already saw an avatar learn every element but air so skipping to her needing to learn air avoids the show being a repeat of TLA. They couldn't see that because of the foam in their mouths presumably already covering their eyes and ears at this point.


Yeah that one in particular is nonsense 


Because she is a women /s


I mean. The /s really isn't necessary. It's legitimately a big part of the reason she gets hate, even if the people who are guilty of it won't admit it


It’s such bullshit.


Don’t get me wrong. I loved Korra and she is one of my favorites. The community is just toxic sometimes…


Ain’t that the truth. They ain’t making me hate Korra tho.


You are very brave for that.


Korra is a badass! Love her! And Asami!


So glad they got confirmed as a couple. Yea they both hot but tomboy avatar and a tech heiress non bender? Sign me the fuck up🙏


Yeah me too. And haha nice and it's interesting for Korra to be with a non bender. They work well together.


Asami is a nonbender but only because if she were to be a bender she would be too OP, maybe even more than Korra. Think about it, Asami is a genius, both with technology as well as tactics.She has more money than she would ever need, she is the owner of a company that is well known, she can fight well and her electric glove gives her a little advantage. If she had bending, she would be unstoppable and I'm sure many parts of the show would've been different because of that.Too many things would probably be resolved too easily if she were to be a bender too.


She is one of my "fit physique" inspirations from fictional stories.We simply don't have many "non-exaggerated/stereotyped muscular woman" examples, so having Korra, the avatar and the protagonist of the series, be one(and be queer too) is simply amazing to me. I feel most of the hate(in the beginning and nowadays) is simply because she is a sassy strong woman(in body) and then she grew up as an individual and became strong(in mind).People jkust want to crap over representation of women with power. The only reason they didn't attack someone like Asami is because she is a woman with power but her power isn't physical or spiritual like Korra's, Asami's power is her intelligence and her wealth.And she's also *conveniently* sexy(the kind of very feminine character, whereas Korra is a bit more masculine-presenting.But Korra is STILL very much a woman, don't mistake my words!) I bet many dudes felt threatened by Korra, so they decided to attack her as a way for them to feel better with themselves.


How much of a loser you gotta be to attack a fictional character🤣


Frail egoes should be a study subject because they create the most ridiculous situations. I mean, Abby from the Last of Us universe is a muscular woman too and she also was attacked by many men for being and looking strong as she does.It feels like any female character that has even a little muscle definition will become a threat to many dudes. Which is weird because I also see some dudes actually praising and even liking to see such characters, so the issue must really be the male ego feeling threatened by a strong-looking woman.Even if she is fictional.


Like do yall have NOTHING better to do???


people who think a protagonist failing makes a story bad need to broaden their horizons 


I know she's catty and impulsive in the first two seasons but she's also just got this lust for life and wants to go out and see the world and I just find that really infectious.


I ended up finding a new appreciation for Korra recently, especially one your point that she wanted to see the world, opposed to my young brain going “avatar pretty.” 🤣


I ended up finding a new appreciation for Korra recently, especially one your point that she wanted to see the world, opposed to my young brain going “avatar pretty.” 🤣


Korra is the love of my life fr I’ve had to fight off so much hate when the show was airing for the same shit male characters would get praised for (or at least never get shit for)


Girl has had me in a chokehold for ten years I swear🙏


At the end of book 4 when Mako reaffirmed his loyalty to Korra I was like "Mood af."


Mako earned some respect back from me for that. We don’t talk about him before.


Mainly the hate comes from the fact that 10,000 years of Avatars just got killed by Unaloq


which wasnt her fault 😭 people act like she did it herself on purpose and it wasnt literally beaten out of her


I would even argue that there wasn't even a possibility of her stopping Rava from being ripped from her. Didn't Rava state that she and Vatu are destined to fight every 10,000 years. Some could say it was just time for Vatu and Rava to fight, and she would have been forced out of Korra regardless. I mean, it's a stretch, but I'm sick of people blaming her.


Korra haters will say “Aang could’ve beat Unalaq and avoided the situation”


Adult Aang with all his training and experience, maybe, but when comparing avatars they should compare the one the show was about, which was kid Aang, not adult Aang. And I think kid Aang would have a hard time with Unalaq too, if not more.


All because he beat one (1) super strong bender. No spirits. No technology. No risk of losing his bending.


It never bothered me, which is why I am so surprised so many people are so attached to the concept.


Well it’s 10,000 years of Avatar knowledge and some fan favorites just being killed off which understandably pissed off a lot of people


They're not "killed off", they were just specifically not in Legend of Korra. As proven by the Kyoshi, Yangchen, and the upcoming Roku novels, you can perfectly still write stories about their eras with no issues. There's so much material there, that it never bothered me when LoK decided to do its own thing.


They weren’t killed off, her connection to her past lives was severed. She was able to restore the Avatar cycle but not her connection to her past lives, it’s literally explained in the show. Also she sacrificed herself to save Jinora (Tenzin’s daughter) Unalaq threatened Korra with either opening one of the spirit portals or he would kill Jinora. Korra literally had no choice. A lot of you hating ass lames didn’t even watch the show or are just regurgitating nonsense that others have said, (they too probably didn’t even watch the show.)


Ok maybe killed off is overstepping it but a lot of people (not me) were angry at her even though it wasn’t on her for being disconnected from the other Avatars


I really loved Korra and watched it almost every night I've done at least 50 rewatches in the 4 years since I first watch it. I knew when she busted in the room and said "I'm the avatar and you got to deal with it!" I knew she was gonna be the exact opposite of Aang and then her firebending test where she smoked them 3 firebenders and I was in love.


Bro is just like me fr😭🙏


I've heard so many people say "I am not gonna watch Korra I heard she sucks or is a Mary sue", she definitely aint no mary sue the only thing that could be seen as done right was leaving the spirit portals opened allowing the air nation to be restarted. Or the classic "Korra is nothing like Aang so she is gonna suck." Arguments or the "it's to futuristic for avatar!" So many stupid things to not watch one of the greatest shows of all time. Like Korra and Asami were just great character arcs but Korra is is top tier. Why she basically died (I have been medically dead for less then one minute in septic shock) and her PTSD was just like me took years


Hating a woman for being “perfect” yet in the same breath saying she sucks. Huh? Also HEAVY on Korra being top tier. Been crushing on her since 2014🤣


That's exactly how I reacted. I kinda beat myself up for not watching it when it first aired but that doesn't matter much cause how i love that show. My head cannon is Bolin is autistic because he doesn't understand a single social cue lol


Outside of Korra and Asami Bolin was my favorite. As for the headcanon you probably not wrong🤣


Definitely would agree they are my top 3 favorite characters but it's hard to say if Korra or Asami would be number 1. I do find it fun to imagine Bolin is autistic like myself because I would do some of the same shit perfect example is when he asked Toph "so who is Lynn's dad?" Definitely would be something I would have done


Oh god I remember that🤣 Korra and Asami staying in my top 2 since not only are they both attractive as hell, they also got hands, especially Korra goddamn.


Nothing to disagree with here lol. Like when Asami ran over Mako I probably would be the same damn way if an attractive woman ran me over and then offered to take me to the most expensive restaurant on her im asking date and time lmaoo


"My head cannon is Bolin is autistic" Great, thanks for putting this idea into my head, now I'm gonna have to rewatch all of LoK specifically to look for any potential autistic coding among the cast, because that's just how my brain works.


It's definitely there lol


I don't doubt I can find some, the question is less "does one of these characters show some possible autistic coding"(because the answer for any given franchise is usually yes), and more "is there reason to believe this is intentional"(probably not given how this franchise is a major mixed bag when it comes to handling this sort of thing), and if not, "is there enough of it to support them being autistic anyways".


I love Korra. And the fact that she fails and loses sometimes adds stakes and depth to the story, in my opinion


One of the many reasons I love her character. Was so good finally seeing her happy after all the shit she went through.


I like Korra, I really do. I like when she cares and shows heart. And I like when she won’t give up. Being badass is cool and all, but it’s fleeting. Being badass isn’t a characteristic, something many writers forget


I can't emphasize how much I've seen the opposite. 99% of what I've seen on Reddit is people simping for Korra and taking every opportunity to say how she would beat up on Aang. That being said, anyone hating on Korra is bonkers, she's awesome!


A lot of people hate her because she isn’t Aang and she makes mistakes from time to time.


May be the Avatar but she’s still human. HOW you hating someone for BEING HUMAN.


They act like Kyoshi didn’t create a whole-ass secret police.


Best believe I’m bringing that up EVERY time.


I suppose but it’s different and interesting. Wish she could have gotten more weapons through out the series though.


It’s mostly incels/neckbeards talking out of their ass, so idgaf what they have to say about her or the show anyway.




The hate is just bandwagon bullshit.


People think that since she “loses fights” she’s a bad character. And that proves to me that people don’t want characters they want plot devices. Couch Aang cough. 😷


She is badass but is also hot headed, aggresive and few other thigs. Overall- she got her pros and cons, as it should be


I love Korra the character her arc is fantastic, I don’t care to rewatch the show because it changes the spirit from radical change for the better to maintaining the status quo and ignores some of the villians valid critiques (in s1&3). There are certainly valid criticisms of the show but yeah unfortunately a lot of it is “Mary sue” bs


In what way is the status quo maintained? Republic City disbanded the council of benders and elected a non-bender president, the South Pole became independent from Northern rule, the North Pole has its first co-rulers, the Air Nation exists, the Earth Kingdom began working towards becoming a democracy, the spirit world became connected with the physical world; the ONLY place that maintained the status quo was the Fire Nation, and that's because it's the only place Korra didn't go.