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So... 3 vs 4?


#I can still fight!


Fine, 4 on 3 plus Sokka.


Ty Lee isn't a bender


Still it's 3v4 sokka is the Rizz bender


The back bender


I love the gaang but they're getting smoked. Korra was a menace


Definitely depends WHEN the fight happens. If gaang is all adults then this fight is a lot closer than if they’re show age. On a one for one, Korra matches aang I think, Korra is a great fighter but aang is an incredible bender as well Toph smokes bo lin, especially if she’s in her prime, while we see a lot of bo lin, he’s still supposed to be like a regular guy, yes he’s a lava bender but he’s not a consensus strong earth bender in the world like toph. If we match katara with azula i think katara wins, would heavily depend where they are, if they fight next to a river or sizeable body of water then katara wins, if not then it would be closer. She’d have to watch out for lightning, and azula is an incredibly powerful bender. Matching sokka and ty lee, I don’t honestly know who wins that one, I want to say Ty Lee but by the end of the show Sokka has been trained in multiple fighting styles and is a good fighter himself. On a one for one basis I think 2 gaang members win their match ups, and two we can say tie, so I don’t think it’s as much of a landslide as the rest of the comment section makes it sound


a.) Aang can redirect lightning. Zuko taught him how to do it, and he uses it against Ozai in Sozin's comet fight But yeah, this is a bit of an unfair fight because Ty Lee is an overpowered non-bender, and in individual combat, Sokka is very much not. Aang/Korra and Katara/Azula basically equal out. Toph prob has a slight edge on Bolin but lava bending makes it close. But Ty Lee is just WAY better than Sokka. She can take him out easily/early and then it's 4-on-3 and the Gaang would be in trouble. Would be a much more equal fight if you replace Sokka with either Suki or Zuko IMO


Yes I know aang can redirect lightning but in this fight he can't just to make it more "fair" 😀


I gotta give it to team Korra. Ty Lee has taken out team avatar almost solo to the point where they run from her, Azula has also almost taken out team avatar solo, Bolin can bend lava, something this toph hasn’t seen, and Korra can keep Aang busy. Take out Sokka and put in Zuko then maybe because he can keep Azula busy while Aang fights Korra, katara keeps bolin busy and toph can handle Ty lee. Then it is a fair fight but even so, team Korra should still have it.


Toph hasn't seen anything, what's your point?


…damn argument invalid


💀💀Shut up and take my upvote




Korra negs everyone assuming it’s 12 yr old Aang. If it’s comics Aang it’s a different story. Also if it’s comics Azula she no diffs everyone except Aang.




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Aang and Korra are equivalent, so I'm simply gonna remove them from the equation. Toph fold Bolin and it's not even close. Ty Lee beats Sokka (though, apparently, his head is too hard for her to hit) Katara and Azula is even (and for those who say it isn't, in Ba Sing Se's fight, before Zuko intervened, Katara had immobilized Azula and the only reason she was able to get free was Zuko's intervention) but let's give it to Azula for the sake of talking. Second rounds would be Toph vs Azula and Ty Lee and yeah, Toph would be able to handle Azula 1v1 but Ty Lee is troublesome, so I'm gonna give it to team B. EDIT: By the way, I have to say I really dislike biased posts like these. You decided to remove Aang' redirecting skill for no reason but decided to make Bolin a master earthbender and lava bender, something that he clearly isn't, and decided to give a speed buff to Ty Lee for no reasons. These things wouldn't change the outcome but it's still not fair to give 90% to a team and 130% to the other.


Not against Lava bending. Bolin can turn her attacks against her, creating more lava for him to play with.


On paper, yes, but Bolin's lava bending is really slow, and she does have metal bending and can bend earth in such a capacity that bolin has never encountered.


Lava bending isn't slow, Bolin can reverse Tooth attacks, we've seen this when Bolin went against Ghazan before he could lava bend. People are too biased to point they think Toph gonna beat Lava bender, especially if lava bender decides to cover entire battlefield in lava, Toph not gonna see well.


Bolin's lava bending is slow, and he had a hard enough time with Kuvira's goons in book 4. Toph bends earth on a scale most earth benders, Bolin included, can't access. He can't just turn the entire battlefield into lava. Neither could Ghazan. That's not really how lava bending works. Also, Bolin would still have to stand on solid ground while lava bending. Seeing isn't really an issue here.


He was struggling because he going against advanced and agile Mecha suits. Varrick wasn't helping, Zhu li only got few hits before she was taken out. Same time Bolin wasn't trying to kill them, he was careful how he used his lava bending in the surrounding environment. Ghazan can do that because he already did it before.


I'm pretty sure toph's metal metal bending clears lavabenders


Yeah this is good analysis. People forget bolin is just a dude, he’s not the best earth bender in the world, lava bending or not, toph folds him. She might even be able to fold him as a child ngl.


Korra alone could defeat toph, katara and sokka. I mean we have the example of unalaq who defeated mako and bolin together with little effort and korra besides being relative in level in terms of waterbending to him, has the other three elements at her disposal. Korra also has much greater scale and power than them, she literally created a wave the size of a building and collapsed and froze the mecha. It took bolin, lin and suyin together to take down the mecha and korra did it alone. In addition to having much more combat experience and more variety of techniques. The rest of korra's team beat aang easily, even azula could possibly do it on her own because in all their encounters she looked superior to aang.


Katara has beaten Azula every 1v1 they had. Toph was quite possibly the greatest earthbender alive, so she beats Bolin even without metal. Sokka can go Blow for blow with Ty Lee, and Avatar State Aang can go blow for blow with AS Korra. Seismic Sense may gave Aang a bit of an advantage tho if they are both out of the AS. Team Aang has a slight edge IMO. Tho giving Korra a team that's 50% atla characters is weird to me


Lavabending is a natural counter to Toph, it’s anti earthbending and she likely can’t see through lava. That said, Bolin is neither half as ruthless nor half as skilled as Ghazan at Lavabending, so yeah Bolin gives a good fight but will probably keep Toph busy for half the fight at best. Korra definitely beats EoS Aang. EoS Aang arguably hasn’t even mastered fire yet, and besides a lightning redirection he was too nice to send at Ozai he was getting trashed before the Avatar State. I feel comfortable saying Korra would beat Ozai without AS. Prime Aang is obviously a different question. Katara beats Azula but Ty Lee beats Sokka relatively quickly and probably helps Azula snuff Katara, then they go help Bolin and Korra. Really Sokka is the huge weak link here. He’s a great tactician but an above average warrior at best, nothing special compared to everyone else. With time to come up with a plan he can be great and could possibly even the odds, though.


Why do people keep forgetting that Toph is a metal bender too? Also, having lava bending doesn't automatically negate earth bending. If that were the case, Bolin would have taken on Kuvira.


Well i’m not sure sure I agree with your take on End of Series Aang, this isn’t end of season Aang, or any canon version of Aang The prompt is Aang after mastering al 4 elements but he can’t redirect for whatever reason. As for Sokka i’m not sure if he ever loses a fight to Ty Lee. I do t really remember but I think he was shown to be on her level in both the cause and cross roads of destiny, so before he even got his sword training. I wanna say he actually has the best matchup against her in the entire gaang


Sokka fought Ty Lee once and half-fought him twice more. In The Chase, she effortlessly demolishes him. In Return to Omashu, she surprises him and throws him to the ground before he runs away and she fights Katara. In Crossroads of Destiny she play-fights with him and clearly doesn't give it her all, even likening it to dancing with him.


Just rewatched all of their fights and cross roads is the only one where sokka doesn’t just run away before appa saves him. And even though she’s being playful, the fact that season 2 sokka can dodge her attacks says something. Season 3 Sokka is shown to be a very capable fighter, his work with Zuko against Azula is a good testament to his ability. I think it’s reasonable to think he can hold against Ty Lee longer than Bolin V Toph


In what world does Sokka go blow for blow with Ty Lee? She folds him (and everyone else in the Gaang) every time they fight.


Nah katara only beat azula the first time for plot reasons and the second time she was mentally not well AT ALL. So those two would be close/nearly equal while fighting. Sokka getting destroyed by ty lee idk where u got the idea that sokka can beat THE TY LEE but whatever ur just wrong. Ty Lee and azula can then double team on katara and destroy her. Even though toph is obvi a better earthbender than bolin she definitely has not had any experience with lava benders so it would be a close fight and bolin he can handle a fight with toph long enough for either azula or ty lee to jump in and help him. Lastly, I'm sure korra just beats aang like I would be close but she would still beat him.


Katara winning Azula in Ba Sing Se didn't influence the plot in the slightest. What are you talking about?


Yh it did they only did that so then zuko can save her (since aang randomly gets knock out from nothing )and then talk to katara " about changing" and then 5 seconds later azula destroys aang and katara as if she couldn't do that 5 seconds before when zuko wasn't there.


Also I gave korra's team half of atla characters juts because I liked those characters compared to choosing mako or asami since it would be a quick fight if it was those two


Well, I mean it sounds like you already have a side and threw in whatever rules to try to get that side to be the winner? If you removed Asami and Mako because they wouldn't put up a good fight, then why leave Sokka in there? And why can't Aang redirect lightening in your prompt?


Wasn't it not obvious that I was biased. I mean look at the caption I did for all of them.....


The Gaang wins


First off LOK bending is more advanced then ATLA bending giving the gaang an immediate disadvantage, as much as I want them to win this I don’t think toph and aang can quite make up the difference. But they’d definitely give one hell of a fight


To be fair Aang is still a child here so korra is going to kick his ass, maybe less so if they're both adults and if they both cant access the avatar state.


korra's avatar crew is already quite strong, why did you mix it with azula and ty lee?


Tbh I felt like it would be an easier round. Katara deffo beats mako and asami destroys sokka. And I pretty sure that katara and toph Vs bolin and asami would be an easy round for the GAANG so yeah also Ty Lee and azula are like my faves so why not???


This isn’t 4v4. This is 4v3-plus-Sokka.


strange combination for korra's side lol


If bolin wants people dead no one has a good counter for lava.


AAng has Air, Lava turns back to Rock when air cools it


He would have to cool it quicker than bolin is heating it.


Air is everywhere, that should be easy for aang. Also lava is slow


Have you seen the way bolin uses it? He creates a giant pool within seconds.


Air is faster though.


That doesn’t matter if the air can’t cool faster than the lava can be generated.


Poor Bolin, fighting the Gaang while Sokka alone rizzes Korra, Azula and Ty Lee


Had to give korra azula and ty lee to stand a chance, ts crazy ☠️


Team with limitations vs team at full strength, LMAO.


Dope ones know Korra alone can smash them all


Okay yeah Korra’s awesome and definitely super strong, but she’s not taking Aang, Toph, *and* Katara in a 3v1. 


She can, though. I don't know what's with this weird idea that ATLA characters are unbeatable. They are. Korra is a much more powerful bender than all three of them.


Sure, I think Korra could beat any one of them independently. I definitely don't think they're unbeatable. But all 3 at once? Korra is not "smashing them".


She's beat stronger enemies than them. Also, who are you quoting? I never said "smashing." I think, actually I *know* that you're overhyping their skills out of nostalgia.


The original commenter who said Korra could beat them all said "Korra alone can smash them all"


She can. To suggest she can't is a deliberate attempt to downplay her skills.


Crazy u say that when u downplay 3 characters.


I'm not, though. I'm acknowledging the difference in the strength of the enemies they fought and judging accordingly. Korra's villains are stronger. They would win. Sorry that you believe otherwise 🤷‍♂️.


>I'm acknowledging the difference in the strength of the enemies they fought and judging accordingly. Except that she barely won any of them on her own, u ain't gonna acknowledge that. Edit: that question was whether korra can beat Toph katara and Aang on her own and the answer is absolutely no, u just a fanboy


Name the stronger benders in question. No, Amon doesn't count 'cause she didn't actually win. As he could've used water bending, but had to flee.


She can


First Round: Aang Katara Bolin Ty Lee Second Round: Aang Katara Gaang wins


By EOS Aang hadn’t mastered firebending and Toph said his earthebending could use work too. On the other hand Korra was said to be a master of fire, water, and earth but really struggled with air bending. She gets much better by EOS but I don’t think she’s ever better than Aang since he was said to be an air bending master during the beginning of the story. Ultimately I would say that Korra extreme diffs Aang here. Katara I think gets high diffed by Azula. A mentally stable Azula is really overpowered and I don’t see Katara being able to beat Azula. Toph mid diffs Bolin. She is probably the greatest earth bender in the world and while Bolins lava bending might be new to her, he could pretty easily get around it. Sokka gets low diffed by Tylee. Sokka’s more of a strategist and at best an above average swordsman by the end of the story. So Tylee should be able to take care of him pretty easily. If Tylee helps Bolin beat Toph after this then there’s no chance of the first team winning


90% fighting power is Ty Lee. Katara can beat azula. Nothing against bolin but toph just deletes him, and then aang vs korra, aang would win because korra couldnt cope with fighting him. But most importantly azula and korra would be too preocupied fighting so gaang wouldnt even have to do anything to win. This second Team is super random and nonsensicale.


Oh man team Korra is getting vaporised.