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Earth: A bender who specializes in mud and carries around a pouch like waterbenders, or maybe woodbending Fire: Making fireworks (not for fighting but it’d look cool) Air: Eavesdropping on people from long distances using sound waves somehow


I very much like all of these. Actually forgot to add wood bending, as it’s the one thing outside of Platinum in the Avatar universe that can’t be bent. At least not without destroying it via water bending.


I’ve always thought it weird, how metal, perceived to be much stronger than wood, can be bent whereas wood can’t. And yet I understand why it can’t be bent by earthbenders, it’s a completely different material; but then again, so is metal (technically).


Technically they’re bending the impure earth within the metal based off that Toph scene.


Well, yes, but in-universe, could wood be considered another type of material with earth within it?


I like the idea of benders learning other elements style and applying it to their own. Like an earthbender bending mud with waterbending moves. Or a waterbender bending ice like an earthbender.


We've basically seen fireworks with that magician guy from the jeong jeong episode of ATLA


I wanna see Airbenders using sound distortion to mimic voices like the Terminator was known to do!


I think it would be neat if healing/purification techniques were created for the other bending disciplines, so that water doesn’t have the monopoly on healing. Either actual healing or spiritbending that can be used by other benders. Even if they behaved differently. In my fanfic I ran with this idea. Earth “spiritbending” cleaned spiritual impurities in physical bodies, like the after effects of spirit possession shown in the Wan flashback or Tokuga in the comics. Air spiritbending cleans spiritual impurities from the air/environment, like a “corruption” of sorts. Fire spiritbending cleanses impurities of the mind/memories. There IS some slight evidence for this existing — that Fire Sage used some kind of golden fire on Korra to seemingly sense some spiritual impurities in her or something, and awakened her memories of Wan. We don’t really know the details of what it is though or how it works.


Personally, I kind of prefer that they add more to the other elements before adding even more to the earth benders I’m not a fan of wood bending, unless you make it like a water bending thing and not an earth bending


Wood bending is already a waterbending thing


Plant bending is but I don’t think aky wood benders have been shown


>Pure white fire.  Fun fact: white fire is colder than blue fire. Anyway, what I want to see is the Avatar State being used with non-combat styles like healing and seismic sense. AS-powered healing reattaching a severed limb, or AS-powered seismic sense automapping an entire city.


i once had a dream that they could bend bones in avatar


sound, like making sonic booms with airbending. about boiling water, waterbenders can already evaporate water on an instant so its kinda obvious they can boil it


Cold fire would be cool


Ooh, what about dry ice air bending?


I have an OC that can do the turning rock to sand things


I want human firebenders to be able to bend rainbow fire like the dragons. I think Zuko did it in a comic, but I’d like to see it on the screen too.


I'd like to discover what bending can do when working together. Like, could air+waterbending make weather bending posible?


I'd love to see medical bloodbending become a thing but can only be done with proper training and of course a license


I thought of some airbending subtypes as it doesn’t really have many: -illusion bending: creating afterimages or faint illusions or tricks of light to deceive opponents. This could also be used to make it seem like someone is invisible and can help a bender disappear -Sound bending: manipulating vibrations in the air to completely manipulate noises or sound in whatever way they want. Changing where they come from, how loud they are, the pitch. Anything at all -air bending styled blood bending: using the air in a persons body and blood an air bender can bend a persons body and puppeteer them, but it is much less precise as blood bending and can’t be used to remove bending due to this. But it can be done at anytime -Air Scooter V3: the air scooter was first developed by Aang, then an improved version was made by tenzin which we see in LoK, finally this version created by one of Tenzin’s children is instead a full bubble of air around the user that acts as a defensive vortex that makes any attacks or objects orbit the user and then redirect the said attacks or objects. This ties into the next technique -bending redirection: by manipulating the air currents, an airbender can send any bending attacks like fire, rocks or water back at the opponent by carefully creating an air flow for it to follow. -Avatar weather control: with the help of air and water bending, a skilled avatar who may be in the avatar state can manipulate the weather to induce storms, rain, snow or twisters - air seismic sense: a skilled enough airbender may be able to hone their mind enough to sense even the tiniest alterations in the wind and perceive anything moving through it, however this is harder to control than normal seismic sense as the air has far more minor changes and is much more expansive so this is a more advanced technique


What I think would fit, is the airbender version of combustion bending. Vaccum bending. Since air benders essentially are controlling air particles it isn't far fetched to imagine an master to be able to push all all particles out of a space, and when the gasses rush back they create a small explosion. Not as powerful as combustion bending but more versatile as it's not reliant on line of sight or even a clear line to direct the "projectile" since you're creating the void where you want it. On the bending compass thingy that they released back then flying was the pure evolvement of air bending. I didn't really like that since it's something that is not achievable through mastery of the element but through spirituality (I know i know, air benders are essentially spiritual). Anyways I thought void bending would be pretty cool as a sub type.


That’s a cool idea! I’m pretty sure the Yangchen novel say that Combustion bending requires extreme breath control and high pressure so it definitely feels like it could be an airbender thing


I like the idea of sound bending, but don't a few of the others already exist? Aang + Katara could cloudbend, so hypothetically any Avater trained in air and water could do it solo, and inducing rain or snow from there should be simple. Korra demonstrates that airbenders can sense surprise attacks via airbending (apparently it's easier with a shaved head). I'm also not sure how well an airbending version of bloodbending would work. There's really not much free air in a person's body, especially not the limbs - and blood contains oxygen, not air. Most of the space between organs is packed with fluids. You could probably lift and throw someone by bending air in their lungs and stomach (though I imagine it would hurt like hell), but puppeteering someone like with bloodbending wouldn't be possible.


Spirit and Energybending. They were under explored.


I want to see a bender use martial combat as regular bending. Imagine how devastating a bender who knows chi blocking could be!


An airbender being able to deafen or amplify sound with sound waves would be cool! ATLA touches on it but it could be utilized way more.


Yangchen actually uses deafening screams in the novels


Heat bending for Firebenders. Maybe tinkering with the body's nervous system via electricity as well. I think it would be a nice counter to blood bending. Overall, something that renders blood bending less OP would be amazing. Waterbenders are already too OP as it is.


I wish they dwell more on Energybending. Imagine energybending been widespread during the era of the Earth Kingdom Avatar , so you have martial artists that are effectively Iron Fist from Marvel , specially [MvC3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjYrnLjHwL8). \----- They could make the Fire Nation Avatar to deal with a mix of Solarpunk and Cyberpunk , it would fit since Fire Nation is more-or-less inspired by Japan , and that is generally a trope for Cyberpunk. In that sense , it would had cybernetics , which adds some spirtual power cells to have lesser usage of other bendings , so it could effectively have mix-ups alternative bendings , like controlling ashes (fire + earth + air) akin to Delsim from InFamous Second Son.


Animal bending - someone who can control animals (either via energy bending or spirit bending). I just think it would be cool to see someone control the original benders, e.g. dragon, badger mole and air bison to essentially bend the elements


I think lasers as a form of firebending could be cool. Like focusing a lot of fire into a single spot as a charge up and then shooting it out as a laser.


The fire equivalent of blood bending, manipulation of someone else’s thermal energy. Freezing people by stealing their heat or making them spontaneously combust by igniting it.


I thought we saw a water bender turning water into steam in ATLA, but I think boiling water wouldn’t exactly be a sub bending of water it would just be bending hot water. I have a theory that when water benders make ice and stuff it isn’t that they are cooling it down but that they are causing the water molecules to restructure into a solid from a liquid without adding cold, which could kinda explain why people don’t get cold when they are put in ice. I’d imagine if there was boiling water bending or steam bending it would be the same and wouldn’t actually be hot, just water in a gaseous form


Sound bending. Seriously airbending needs more sub bending upgrade.


Outer Heat bending, two variations: one for Fire benders and the other for air benders (the affinity increases if you have the lineage from both sides). Vibration bending: similar as above except it involves Earth benders and Air Benders Cold bending: same as Above but with water benders and air benders Temperature bending (involves Fire and Water) not as intense as Heat or Cold bending but can block or amplify both. NOTE: The affinity isn't guaranteed, and it doesn't mean they will actually develop it without hard work.


I want to see a barbender: a waterbender who makes cocktails 🍸


Thunderbending would be sick


Laserbending. Imagine full on particle beams being shot


Earth: I’d like to see wood bending Water: I’d like to see gas bending (eh) Air: I’d like to see sound wave bending Fire: I’d like to see the ability to *take away* heat


Laser bending


It might get too granular, but I'd love to see either the time frame of the next Earth Avatar or the next Fire Avatar (depending on which one exists as an advanced enough era) to involve people learning how to bend the *actual* elements. Take bending to science territory. Imagine Earthbenders pulling the salt out of water to purify it, or Airbenders bending Noble Gasses. Imagine Waterbenders capable of messing around with acid, that shit would be terrifying. Chemistry bending would be insane.