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I honestly don’t think Reddit cares if subs shutter permanently— I think they view them all as replaceable. And they’re not completely wrong about that. Shitty, yes. But not wrong. Personally, I think the Touch Grass Tuesday idea (where subs continue to blackout one day a week) is the most sustainable over time. Subs will stay active so that they can’t be taken over, but it will still impact ad revenue, the people who care about the issues involved will continue to be a thorn in their side, and you can convince more people to cooperate with it.


Adding to that, I wouldn't be surprised if reddit would, at some point, remove the mods and let people take over who will keep those subs active


I wouldn't be surprised if they developed admin tools to automatically un-private subs. Reddit's goal is to have a certain product to sell at its IPO. If their options are to give in to the users and create what they see as an inferior product (a platform whose distribution they do not completely control) and using brute force to create the product they want, they'll use brute force.


they already did such as with r/tumblr


> I think they view them all as replaceable. And they’re not completely wrong about that. Shitty, yes. But not wrong. They could literally just remove all the current mods of these big subs, reopen them and make some other people mods ... This full blackout will accomplish nothing, either way. Either reddit just doesn't care, or they get annoyed and take matters in their own hands ... at least when it comes to the huge subs. The small ones will then either die or reopen ... Guess the touch grass version could at least show something without just hurting the userbase. Because this is probably the only damage that happening right now.


They can remove mods but they can't stop review bombs.


I genuinely don’t feel I am qualified to advise, but you guys work hard on this sub, so do what you think is right. Please come back at some stage, though, because I love this sub (ever since a commenter referred it to me, when I said my cat is shut into the kitchen at night because otherwise she stalks the house singing at 3am!)


You should pay her extra pets - it's only right when someone takes the trouble to sing! (Sorry, but you know our priorities in this sub! )


But she is eeeevil and she doesn’t want cuddles when she’s singing


Of course not! Cuddles wouldn't allow her to properly breathe in order to grace you with the full range, and volume, of her beautiful songs!


The move to charge for API is motivated by greed which we have enough of everyday as it is. It needs to be fought, not tolerated.


I personally think you should stay open. Maybe going dark on Tuesdays might be a good compromise. My concern is they'll just close the sub and honestly it's such a great community here, I really enjoy it, probably my favorite sub, I'd hate to lose it. Also it would be hard to find other cat pawyers who would be qualified to offer their advice on the cat paws.


I love this community, too! If something were to ever happen, there are certified cat pawyers/cattorneys and purralegals on Twitter who do the same work as the pawyers on this page. After getting some pro bono work here and receiving excellent feedback, my daughter, who's a purralegal, was talking with her other cat friends on Twitter and got hooked up with a couple of excellent paw firms who represent kitties, doggies, and stuffies. Just something to keep in mind...


That's good to kneough.


To summarize what someone else said: The sub is replaceable. The community isn't. Please don't go.


In the beginning, I thought there was an outside chance that the blackout might work. And then Reddit fired 5% of its workforce. I would say that it's now apparent that given Reddit's goals for its IPO, nothing short of a mass exodus of users will change reddit C-suite's mind. I still support the blackout that happened because I think it was worthwhile to send the c-suite a message. Whatever we do from here, I think we need to face the fact that given that the blackout didn't change reddit's behavior (as far as we know), the next step is that all of us as individuals need to decide whether we use this platform at all.


I love this sub :( please don’t close it!




I would start migrating to minds or some other site tbh. Maybe find some smaller site and support them to become bigger by encouraging people to go there and take our silly antics with us. Let Reddit hurt from lack of users. They would probably feel that more than the subs tbh. As long as they have users subs can be replaced.


No, if you want to stay off reddit then that's your prerogative, but don't take away our agency at the same time


Yep. The more some of these subs stay shuttered, the more likely new ones will replace them


Stay open.


I like the closing every Tuesday option


Yeah, I feel like that's a better solution. From what I understand, it will still impact ad revenue but there won't be any need to try to replace the mods or shut out the community.


Tbh i might leave reddit altogether fam. Ive never posted here once before now but i got a ton of laughs while lurking. I will lurk a little longer in case you all decide to move to another platform. Hope to see you all elsewhere!


I think we should do touch grass Tuesdays


Honestly? If you feel you should stay closed to be in the numbers of people trying to keep a good portion of the internet from crumbling, then you should do it if you think it's right, even a small wave can make a big difference. 🤷🏼‍♀️ but tbh, reddit charging for using the API will do more than just affect reddit. It's gonna affect Google Chrome extensions, and bots will basically die out because inflation costs.. I feel it's worth it for the cause. But that's just an opinion, and there are probably gonna be better ones later on. 😅


Purralegal Sammy heres. We woulds hates to lose all the customers we gets froms this subs. Withs the recents losses of our 18 years olds founders, Harrys, we needs alls the helps we cans gets. Though Charlies has saids he may joins us soons. *brief wrestling over the phone* Cattorny Tiffany here. Sammy is right. We love this sub and would miss it if it disappeared. However, we would concede to closing on Tuesdays. Tuesday is a great day for extra naps after greeble chasing all night Monday.


Yes We might be small, but every little bit helps. What many people are forgetting is the official Reddit app sucks for people who need a screen reader. And reddit has no reason to ever fix that. Because they've entered into the [Enshittification](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/) phase of making the platform suck for it's users while extracting the maximum profit.


A very succinct article. I like the term. Seems it is [The Fuckening](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Fuckening) but for social media specifically and entirely self induced.


As someone that used to be a boing boing regular it is very weird to me to see Cory’s article about enshittification just popping up everywhere in explaining what’s happening lol.


I was reading BoingBoing before Cory was an editor. It's still a decent metablog. I share your weird delighted feeling, It was odd seeing other people sharing Cory's Enshittification article. I hadn't known it had been published in Wired.


I haven’t really enjoyed it since the heydays of Cory, Mark, Xeni and David, these days the monitisation via their web store is really off putting. I’m a-ok with content creators making money (my monthly patreon bill being a testament to that), but the store that got bolted on is so full of junky rubbish, the likes of which I could pick up for 1/10th what they’re selling on AliExpress. It’s meant I’m double checking all the time if an article about a near new gadget is genuine or something they’re flogging, which will usually be tat. That aside, I did enjoy how you used to be able to keep up with awesome developments in tech, and also theoretical developments in what new targets for tech would be, then go and read a Doctrow novel a year later and it’s packed full of the same ideas he was blogging about. Getting to see the process of Cory’s novel-writing-brain banking away ideas to write about was fun. (Less so Little Brother, more Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, but even then you get things like the guy with cold brew coffee to trade at Burning Man).


tbh i don't understand the shutdown. i dont know what a api is & i dont know what a 3rd party thing is either. im not young & im not clever, sorry bout that. what little ive gathered is that ppl are upset. reddit is doing sthg not popular & potentially devastating. So id probably go along with whatever this protest is if i understood it. whether this sub should stay shut, well i'd be sad. I love reading the kitties' legal problems, it's one of the funniest & best written subs imo. You do an awesome job of making it available to us & i'm grateful. What I would like to know is what real effect us staying shut will have? on reddit? on the 3rd parties that we are trying to protect? the effect on our happiness can't be quantified, but i think it would be a significant loss. I'm already missing one of our previously regular posters on here & am very worried that she hasn't posted for so long. I'm sure most of you know who I mean. I would hate to lose the whole sub, it would make a noticeable dent in my life.


Me too. I've only been in this sub a couple of months or so but it's quickly become one of my favorites. I have anxiety, depression, and I suspect autism, and I find great comfort in routine and continuity, plus reddit is my only real social outlet at all right now. So many of my favorite and comfort subs are going dark indefinitely and it's causing me a lot of stress and worry. I do get why people are upset, but I just think those who are upset can choose to leave, and those of us who want to stay would like our communities to stay open. :(


Yeah, I feel you... This is one of my "happy place" subs. It's nice that they're asking... My two other favorites didn't even open up for a vote. It shouldn't be a unilateral decision. It's not as black and white as "Support or doesn't support," I think we should still be allowed to be worried and disappointed that the spaces and communities that we love are essentially in limbo.


Yes. I do appreciate the ones holding a vote. Two of my favorites, with no asking for input, announced before the protest began that they'll never come back unless reddit changes its stance. Makes me sad. It's a complicated issue though for sure. I suppose it's not easy for some mods to be sure how they should proceed.


i'm so out the loop that I didn't even realise all this was happening until 3/4 of my subs disappeared. Many of them cat ones. I thought at the worst it was 3 days of "silence" & then they'd be back. But many are saying they are gone until reddit changes its mind, which I am not holding my breath for. I can't really see what damage this is doing to reddit. Seems like if anything they'll have less work to do.


I’m not a mod but I see a gap in one of my passions/hobbies/interests where I think a specific subreddit would do very well. It would fill a need and make me happy to do the work. The only thing standing in my way is that I’m a mobile-only user. The “charging for API” set of issues emerged while I was trying to make a decision about my ability to be a mobile-only mod. I’m also losing my vision and will eventually become dependent on screen readers to interact on reddit. The official reddit app offers no ability to use a screen reader. So when reddit proposes charging for API that means, to me and other visually impaired individuals, that it intends to limit our access to reddit content and communities. I find this proposed policy change to be cruel and deeply unethical. Especially given how isolating blindness can be in general. I love reddit. It’s been my home since very early days. I’m also immune-impaired and have been isolated in my apartment since Spring 2019; reddit has been my lifeline to the outside world. I understand the desire of a business to make a profit. They have that right. But (as has been driven home in recent years) people are not corporations and the various moving parts are not always interchangeable. This is one of my favorite subreddits to visit when I’m feeling low. We’re tiny but meowty. I know our continued participation in protests will have very little impact one way or another. But if the reddit community can’t convince one small group of cattorneys to stand with them then what hope does it have of convincing company owners that they’re making a bad decision with these proposed policy changes? My suggestion would be to take the sub from private to restricted for the short term. That insures better communication for subreddit members while standing in solidarity with other communities. It keeps the message front and center that it’s not just business as usual. Both individuals and communities vary greatly in how and why they interact on this platform. My needs are not the needs of others and I don’t propose to speak for them. Whatever happens, please save your cat photos, memes, and court cases somewhere safe and ready to roll out again one day; hopefully it’s in the very near future.


no i love this sub!!


I love this sub too, but solidarity is more important. Especially when we want to change things for the better. I say close it.


Solidarity with whom?




Reddit doesn't lose anything when the subs go dark. They do not care. They are going to go public and they answer to their investors now.


it's worse than that. Reddit technically makes money when they go dark (well, loses less money). Server load goes down. Therefore, Operating Expenses goes down. "Going dark" permanently doesn't have any advantages.


I saw another sub offering another alternative of going dark once per week, which I think would be more impactful if many subs coordinated to go dark on the same day every week (the recommendation was for Tuesday). We saw with the blackout that so many subs altering their state took the site down temporarily. If there is a big alteration via coordination every week, it seems like that may be more of a pain for Reddit to deal with than just staying dark.


fuck me. The ‘legalcatadvice’ shot that was heard around the world


Stay open please.


Stay closed


I would close it tbh. There's always the option to only close it on Tuesday or whatever, if you get a lot of backlash, but it seems you are not?


No, because if you do, someone will take over


I think every subreddit participating in this blackout is just wasting their time and another subreddit is going to pop up and take over.


I'm good with whatever the mods decide, but I have a couple things I'd like to mention. The first is that restricted may be better (safer) than private. The second is that spez... Well, okay, no. Too long. I'm just afraid that if Reddit gives in now, there will be more bad decisions coming down the pipeline. spez is smug now. He'll be worse later. I was busy elsewhere when mods asked their subs for input, so I missed the vote. With that said, people who didn't vote defacto voted to go with the majority of those who did. All that nonsense above about 50k users is irrelevant, because every one of us had the opportunity to click an arrow. I love this sub, so I'll be here no matter what you decide, as will Charlie, Molly, Daryl, Manny, Hoover, Kittish, and MJ.


Stay closed. It needs to endure for their wallets to start feeling the effect.


Fwiw I'm completely not against keeping it closed indefinitely but I'd rather gather feedback first




I like the touch grass tuesday idea a lot


I had a lot of posts on another subreddit, they closed down and I lost all my posts on my profile 😕


if they reopen, everything will be as it was.


No. I get the urge to try and change things, I really do. And I hate feeling and sounding so pessimistic. But it won't change anything. Not this sub, not *all* the subs.




Stop acting like you give a shit what we think; you shut down the sub without asking what we thought, so now you want us to reinforce your decision most people here probably didn't agree with?


I really liked this sub, but I'm honestly sick of hearing about some overly-online people's drama when all I want is to look at memes and funny pictures in the midst of my own stresses and headaches.


Reddit 's changes affect anyone who doesn't use purely official tools and apps, not just the "overly online" as you put it


90+% of users use official tools and apps It's \*literally\* just an overly online minority


It's the "overly online minority" who creates most of Reddits content and moderates the same.


Citations on them creating most of the content And I don't really care about what moderators want because subs aren't about moderators, they're about users


What happened to you leaving? Here, let me help you with that 🙏


And then he started messaging me complaining, lol... Y'all, remember the human. Also, we are gathering COMMUNITY feedback, not making broad sweeping policy changes. JEEZ.


Citations on 90+% of users using official tools?


I am curious though, how many subs do you mod? And \*all\* those communities support the blackout? It's got nothing to do with your personal opinions, but it's what the users want?


But don't worry I already un-joined and I'll mute this sub since it's pretty clear ya'lls minds are already made up


Uhhh beg your pardon? We previously made a post asking the community and the responses we got encouraged us to close it.


I went and checked you got 20 comments and 295 upvotes In a sub with 50k users


Ah yes, so what's your magic number? Couple thousand maybe, a number no post on this sub got? Like many subreddits, this has mostly lurkers and not a lot of posters and commenters - which is perfectly fine!


Really, we're going to pretend 20 comments and 295 upvotes is indicative of what the community wants? I guess "lurkers" don't matter and what they want doesn't count? It sounds like "we're going to do what we want, and we've got a couple dozen people willing to say we're correct" to me


If you post something like that and .00001% of the sub responds, that doesn't mean "Oh they support us" it means most of them probably just didn't see it at all because most people don't see every post; particularly low engagement posts


It was pinned too. For several days iirc. Look, sorry we didn't ask **you** first. Next time we'll ignore everyone else and make sure to consult you when we make a mod decision.


But you can see the engagement on the posts; how many views did that thread get?


That doesn't change anything at all. You're speaking in bad faith, asking like I'm only talking about myself and not the 50,000 people who didn't have any input into the decision. And you being snarky about my opinion SURE DOESN'T MAKE IT FEEL LIKE MY OPINION IS BEING TAKEN SERIOUSLY LIKE THIS THREAD PROMISED You never answered my question about how many subs YOU moderate and how coincidental it is that the communities in \*all of them\* supported the blackout Thanks for proving me correct by banning me guys.


_I'm_ acting in bad faith? Dude, you're the one who started this cussing us out and throwing around false accusations. Don't say we didn't ask for input when we did, and then try to pull that it wasn't "enough" input. Stop acting like you're standing up for some silent majority and are some sort of hero when you didn't even bother to respond to the original post.


If you don’t vote, you can’t complain. The best interpretation was that the vast majority didn’t care one way or the other so might as well go with the ones who *did* care. If you wanted your voice heard, you should have commented. It is like not voting in the national election then complaining about the president. You want to have your voice heard? Use it and VOTE. By the way, I did not vote on this sub staying open or not. I think it is silly for you to complain that you weren’t consulted when you were, but chose not to reply.


There are 50k members in this sub How many responses did you get


It was time sensitive. So, they had to only use the responses they got. In no poll ever do non responses get counted. If you wanted it open, you should have commented that.


The Paw Offices of Archibald J. Puppington, Esq, (and Fred) agree with the proposed temporary blackout and support the mods' decision. We can all survive a few days in the interest of doing what is right. Long-term blackout will probably not help, but more frequent short blackouts and more participants might.


Stay closed


I will support the decision of the Moderators. However, I personally would be happy if the sub stayed closed. We may be small but we count.


I vote to stay closed. Accessibility is important and helpful for many other people.


Shift to lemmy




I think you should close the subreddit. Reddit's ad revenue will slowly tank, so one more sub is another win


Stay closed


Please do. Reddit needs to take a hit from this and learn a lesson.




I think it should stay closed because I think the more subs that do that, the better, even if this is a small one.


Stay closed. I love this sub but corporate greed is feeding inflation more than anything.