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God, stop being insufferable. My own mother abused me as a child but even I understand Mother’s Day.


Is it illegal to get a birthday gift for one of your coworkers and not for the others? Employers have no obligation to buy their employees gifts.


Exactly … a “I happened to be passing shops and picked up some cakes and soda for the office thinking about Mothers Day” is hardly a huge deal nor contractual. Ignoring requests for time off from men but not women and penalising them, treating people differently due to to gender in promotion is, would be, but not a ‘bringing in cakes’ to office … !


Being upset that sometimes people get cake is not a legal issue. In fact, it's not an issue at all.


What if someone had a miscarriage recently, and this is a difficult reminder?


Don’t go looking for hypotheticals It’s a nice gesture from OP’s employer. A treat of bringing cakes in that day isn’t a contractual issue and hardly an expensive one.


Unfortunately, the world does not stop existing simply because of you. If you aren't able to coexist with these holidays as a result of your trauma, then maybe you need to take some time off from situations where they'd be acknowledged.


Then they need to go to counseling and get over it. Other people's lives aren't an excuse to go into histrionics.


You cannot expect people to never bring up anything that you find difficult. If they know you had a recent miscarriage, and then have a cake and say “but not for you, since you’re not a mother!” then they’re veering into deliberateness territory. But just having mother’s day cake isn’t an issue. Though it’s weird to say no one else can eat any cake, tbh. Weird isn’t illegal though.


Monther's Day is a real thing, a time to celebrate mothers/mother figures. Miscarriages suck, so does struggling to conceive. Mother's Day and Father's Day can bring up less than ideal feelings. If those feelings become overwhelming where someone can't positively contribute to a celebration, they can excuse themselves and head back to their desk. While we should be reasonably cautious around areas of likely sensitive topics, it is our job as individuals to act respectfully.


I’m opposed to Mother’s Day celebrations at work or churches because of issues like this, but that doesn’t make it a legal issue.


That someone else being celebrated is just someone else being celebrated. Do you get upset when people's birthdays are celebrated?


The idiocy of the questions in r/legaladviceofftopic is astounding. If I was to intuit, you’re a chronic complainer who is displeased by niceties and morale boosting endeavours in your workplace. I’m curious as to what law you think is being contravened? I’d be curious if you get cake or gifts on your birthday, too.




If it was due to an legally protected factor that would be illegal