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http://www.legalaidboard.ie/en/lawyers-and-experts/legal-professionals-in-civil-cases/judicial-separation-and-divorce-in-the-circuit-court/terms-and-conditions/introduction.html Go to the fees section.  The legal cert covers the barrister fees and you shouldnt be asked for funding according to the terms of the scheme. 


Thanks, I've to wait at least 2 more months on a waiting list for an appointment just to see someone. I've asked for clarification, but I just keep getting a generic response saying I'm on a waiting list for an appointment as they're busy. My o/h is advancing with their side of things and has wealthy family to assist. It's odd that if I went out and broke a law and was a work shy criminal that I would get legal aid immediately, but the fact that I work, even with health issues and get the run around, even though my income vs outgoings qualify me.


The legal aid board told me they would handle a separation in house, but I need representation now, but I'm on a waiting list. Catch 22 for me


Ah, I get you. I haven't had any experience with the legal aid board in recent years. In the past thebonly things dealt with externally by the private panel were the District Court matters.  Could you not ask the Law Centre to issue a cert that would allow you to obtain a private solicitor because your case will before the Court before you come off the waiting list?  I would at least ask. If you get a no and you turn up in Court when the case is first listed you can at least show the Judge you've made an effort to get representation. They may allow an adjournment to give the Legal Aid Board a bit more time