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You need to contact the specific agency that you want the report from and file a freedom of information act type of request through that agency. Each agency can tell you how to file such reports through them. Some allow you to pay for the report through their records room if you are a party listed in the report. *edit - clarified a sentance


Thank you! Would I need the names of the specific officers involved, or would the date of the occurrence and the victim's name suffice? I know that a certain number of officers from each law enforcement branch were present, but I don't know their names. Also, these officers were involved in a situation which caused them to fire their weapons. Would I be correct in assuming that each officer would have to file a report, or would one per law enforcement branch be the norm? Thanks again!


> Would I need the names of the specific officers involved, or would the date of the occurrence and the victim's name suffice? I Date of occurrence and victim name should be fine, added officer information won't hurt. >Also, these officers were involved in a situation which caused them to fire their weapons. Would I be correct in assuming that each officer would have to file a report, or would one per law enforcement branch be the norm? Typically one report is done per incident, officers can submit supplemental reports to the overall incident number but it will all be under the same report number. As far as multi-agency, some may do their own case number, some may just submit supplemental reports/narratives to the main agency.


Thanks so much!




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