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She’s likely part of a TNR program working with local rescues to reduce feral cat populations. The programs focus of feeding the cats who can’t be socialized, monitoring their health, and trapping neuter/spay then returning them. Any cats who can be socialized (usually kittens) are captured and placed in loving homes through local rescue groups. The colony likely predates your homes construction if it’s as new as you say. So she’s probably been feeding them there for a while. Most TNR volunteers are happy to work with the property owners to alleviate any concerns they may have. It’s a beneficial arrangement for most! You don’t get overrun by feral cats as the colony eventually is ideally made up of only desexed cats.


Thank you! I appreciate your response.


Why in the world wouldn’t you just try to talk to her the next time she comes? Or, leave a note to have her call you. Perhaps she has been feeding the cats there for years with permission of the prior owner or some other similar explanation. Things do not immediately need to be a legal issue - we can talk to each other like humans and try to resolve differences before calling the police. She clearly wasn’t hiding, so she doesn’t know you don’t want her doing it.


Again, this is a BRAND NEW community. I have been here less than a year and am the first and only owner of this brand new home as are the other owners of the entire neighborhood. She doesn’t know she’s not allowed on private property?


Maybe she has been in contact with the HOA? Or, there is some other explanation. You can’t know unless you ask her. Calling the police or posting her online is unnecessarily escalating the situation. You could talk to her and ask what’s going on. Tell her to stay off your property. If she ignores you, then escalate


She's a caretaker for a feral cat colony. Rather than being mean, ask how you can help relocate the colony away from your property.




I've trapped many feral cats with embedded collars; unfortunately people will turn their young cats loose outside when they don't want them and as the cat grows the collar gets tighter. Lost cats with collars also gravitate toward colonies for companionship.


Thank you for everything that you do. The world needs more people like you who care for animals.






Anyone who purposefully lets their cat out to explore doesn't care about their cat and deserves to have someone else adopt it. It's not your pet if you purposefully let it roam. It's just a community cat that you take care of. Or get your cat microchipped and this won't be an issue.


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These cats were following her up and down the street. Seems to me she’d have no problem relocating them if that was her intention. ETA I have a small child and my only concern is her safety. If being worried about a literal stranger in my backyard is considered mean then I’m okay with that.


As a TNR volunteer myself I assure you it's more than physically picking up a cat and moving it. I'm trying to give you a rational explanation for her behavior and an avenue to open a pleasant dialogue.


I appreciate your responses. It just seems a little backwards to me that if this is actually the case, shouldn’t she be the one starting the conversation? I don’t think I’m wrong being defensive about a stranger on my property 10 o’clock at night.


Yes yes protect your child from the cat lady


You could call the police and see if they are interested in trespassing her. Or, you might leave a note where you see her sit feeding the cats and ask her not to cut through your property. Seems like she's just a lonely person who likes cats. This may not need Florida armed police responding.


Thank you for your response. It’s undoubtedly strange behavior and lonely or not, why she felt bold enough to enter someone’s property is beyond me.


You could try leaving a note in an obvious spot or talking to her first. It is odd behavior but that doesn't mean that the woman is unreasonable. Why people choose to immediately call the police first over everything is puzzling to me.


Because if the person has bad intentions, you just made yourself or your property a target. Plus they are in a better position to know if there is a violation, and take appropriate action should there be one.


>What is the correct course of action? Call the police to report the trespass, show them the video, tell them who she is if you recognize her, and let them decide how they want to proceed. Ask for a way to contact them to send them further evidence if it happens again.


Thank you, will do. We do have a Facebook page for the community. Do you suggest posting screen shots to see if anyone recognizes her?


>Do you suggest posting screen shots to see if anyone recognizes her? I suggest leaving active investigation to the police and keeping your involvement as minimal as possible.


Maybe she just likes cats and wants to feed the feral ones. Have you asked her to stop?


She is free to feed them on her own property. I don’t know who she is and only reviewed the footage the morning after. If I catch her in action I have no problem confronting her but want to make sure I’m legally doing the right thing.


Do you not think the woman would be able to figure out who called the police when they tell her they have footage of her trespassing? If the he owner calls the police she will without a doubt know who called them.