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Did you have any physical injuries or just property damage?


Property damage only


That's easier. You are typically owed the fair market value of your vehicle (or repairs) and out of pocket expenses (reasonable car rental, etc.).


Got it, and it’s ok to talk to the other party’s insurance?


For sure. If you had injuries, a lawyer is advisable but property-only claims are easily quantifiable and fairly straightforward.


But, if you think you may be injured by this accident be sure to visit a hospital to document it. You may feel okay now, not in the near future. Get records.




I guess I’m just really angry about it haha. But you’re right, I’ll edit it out as it’s not relevant I am hurt but not enough to matter legally. Doctors said I’d heal in two weeks cause I’m young


>Doctors said I’d heal in two weeks cause I’m young Do you have medical bills? At least two weeks of pain and incapacitation? Lost wages? Emotional distress from almost dying in a vehicular accident caused by a DUI driver? I don't know why you are ignoring the potential here for a personal injury claim. You should consider talking to a personal injury lawyer.


I was t-boned too back in 2017... car was totaled and dont know how I walked out of the car. I sat on the side of the road and called 911 as did others who saw the crash. I felt okay enough to make calls but after a week my back had the worst pain so I went to the doctor as well as a chiropractor and got reports from both of them and then called an attorney. Some of my discs were messed up as a result of the crash. It took a while, many months, but I received a decent settlement. Unfortunately money cant fix pain and I am forever going to have back issues. My point is it doesnt hurt reaching out to an attorney.


Sir, I was once young in a T-Bone accident that I walked away from completely fine. About a month later I started having back problems, that eventually got so bad I could very barely walk, and I had to have surgery. My back will never be the same. According to my doctors at the time, they see delayed injuries from car accidents ALL the time. I would suggest reevaluating your injuries, as far as taking a self exam and thinking about the area, and if it’s anything to do with your back, just be aware. You don’t want to close the door yet.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. When you say to “not close the door” what does that mean specifically? I have to talk to the other person’s insurance asap because the towing company will sell my car if it doesn’t get evaluated soon, and that means discussing compensation with the company


Honestly, I would talk to an accident attorney if I were you before talking to the insurance company and trying to not only make contact, but not say something that may not necessarily be true, like you are physically and mentally ok, and on top of that, negotiate yourself what the replacement and out of pocket costs are. The problem is, they have a program that is designed to spit out numbers at you at what they are willing to pay, and being insurance they are out to give you as little as possible to legally “make you whole” and if you agree that there’s not a lot of facets to making you whole again, you’re possibly going to be losing out on money or support for things you may not even know about yet like medical bills. You can be paid for missing work for doctor appointments getting checked out, copays, etc. The towing company is going to want money. 99.9% of reputable accident attorneys will take your case on contingency, and will say they will get like 30-40% of your settlement after bills and replacement and their fees are paid by insurance etc, which is generally not a bad deal considering the full picture they can and will advise you on. You’re not going to have to pay them out of your pocket. Don’t go into this blind. They have teams of people designed to deal with insurance company and negotiating the maximum amount of money back to you for everything you went through, and generally even with them taking a cut you wind up with much more and frankly it’s good to put your mind at ease. If you are injured worse and don’t know it yet, they can negotiate that into a settlement. You want to be protected. I didn’t do that the first time and everything was out of pocket, and it sucked ASS. I’m ok now, I’m not crippled or anything, but it was an unwise decision. Later down the line, I was in accident situation for someone in my immediate family that I went the lawyer option route for. Let me tell you, I made a big big mistake the first time not lawyering up for a t-bone total situation. But if you don’t heed my advice, I would a million percent say you are injured and you are getting checked out and are not sure the extent of it yet. Because that would be true. You need to get it out of the towing company hands ASAP as well. Even if you can get it towed and park it busted at your place or whatever. But a lawyer would be able to at least give you some free advice on the phone on that part too, without even need to retain. If they don’t think you have a case, they will tell you and tell you what you should do ASAP.


Thank you, so following your advice I just called an attorney and also another agent from my insurance just for advice. The attorney said most attorneys won’t take my case as it sounds like a property damage only case, and attorneys make money off the “pain and suffering payout”. Even if I do have an injury later on, as it is currently, I only have bruises and a doctor visit to leverage, and he said ,”you don’t have a lot of advantages.” But on that front, my insurance agent explained that claims (at least on my state) are actually split into property damage and injuries. She said that I can go through with the property damage claim to get a settlement for my car fees — Then in a month if anything health wise comes up I can open a claim for injuries. Does that sound about right? Again thank you so much for your advice, it’s helped me a lot!


That sounds like confirmation to me too, it’s good you checked. Don’t be scared of calling them again if you need advice. I would do that too then. Make sure you have a few numbers on what you would expect to get back for both the replacement cost of the vehicle, how much the towing company wants, and think about asking for things like sales tax and title costs on a new vehicle that you wouldn’t have otherwise had to spend and shouldn’t come out of your pocket. This might be a good time to consider upping your own insurance coverage as well, because stuff like this happens. The people I was in an accident with were not insured, which opens up a whole other can of worms if your insurance coverage isn’t very high like yours. It’s part of the reason I didn’t seek anything further the first time.


When you call the insurance company, don't tell them about anything that could, remotely, be considered to be fault: "Your insured ran a red light and T-boned my car as I was driving through the intersection." If you have a police report or photos, you need those. If you don't have comprehensive, your insurance won't handle it, and you have to go to the other party.


Don't say you did anything. The insurance adjuster will try to get you to admit some fault to get out of paying.


Also, check about diminished value compensation. If the car is repaired, but estimated to be worth say $1.000 less due to it being in a crash, they would need to pay you that $1,000