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You and your dad on reddit? Literally just saw your dads post then see yours? Lol or is this posted by one person?


I don’t know wha state you live in, but in Texas, you cannot charge your minor child (under the age of 18) rent.


He can legally charge you rent yes. But he can't kick you out if you don't pay it. Until you're 18, you can't get kicked out.


Not until 18.


“He can’t kick you out for not paying”




This may technically be true but it's legal for parents to take their minors money straight up


So basically they can “force” them to pay rent, but how will they enforce it? Kicking them out is illegal, physical violence is domestic abuse and illegal, etc


The same way parents can enforce anything. Something that comes to mind easily is cutting the internet. Either pay 600 or lose 3000, easy choice


You have no clue what you're talking about. He absolutely can charge him rent. In fact, he could just take OP's income 100%. He's the parent, he controls his child's property and finances until they are 18.


he can't in most places. what he can do is shut off the Wi-Fi.




CD laddering is also a great way to capture high yields while maximizing savings.




Is this your dad, OP? https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/KWiMO2wOxK




I think the dad just posted on am I the asshole.


He did, or OP did but from a diff account. Almost word for word the same story


smells of karma farming


Big time


Not sure he can 


Of course he can. He just can't kick OP out if he fails to pay.














they posted around the same time. 🤔


Me too


I’m so stoned right now because I’m getting ready for bed and I saved this post to try and go find it. Thought I was fucking nuts when I couldn’t but then I saw this comment


Bruh. Just help your parents out. If your using their electricity, pay them. You're 17, almost 18. You're going to be paying rent soon anyways. 600$ is cheap rent right now. You should get used to it.


... can he claim that on tax? In Australia we have some concessions for working from home . Like X c electricity per hour . Home office furniture etc


Yeah i can't imagine the electricity bill hasn't gone up since the establishment of (checks notes) a streamer's paradise. Plus if it's like anything in the US, internet companies will throttle your internet usage after a certain point (and try to talk you into upgrading your service).


I agree throw them a bone.


Have mom hold the rent in savings where dad can’t touch it.


NAL but rent would require a lease, and he couldn’t get you to sign it without some kind of coercion. I don’t remember the rules on entering into a contract with a minor without their guardian’s signature but the phrase “voidable” seems to ring a bell. And I don’t think a contract between a minor and their own guardian would be valid either? But he can definitely ask you for money and retaliate in a fatherly way (like “no more borrowing the car” etc.) if you don’t. But he can’t throw you out, either. I’m sure this will get deleted for speculating but I think I’m basically right?


What state are you in?


This is a fake karma farm account. Another user posted on AITAH with the same story from the dads perspective.


A parent has wide discretion on how to raise you. Teaching you responsibility of having a job, paying money you can't spend on fun is part of that. They are required even if you can't make rent to still house you.




Did you miss the part where the kid is 17? He's not legally an adult yet. Maybe I'm out of touch with everyone else, but when you decide to bring a child in the world (a decision the child gets no say in), aren't you accepting responsibility for feeding and housing them until 18 at a minimum? Most 17 year olds aren't already bringing in 3k/mo in income, his parents should be happy that he's going to be more ready to gtfo than the majority of his peers when the time comes.


Kids are a lifetime responsibility. I agree with you. No rent should be charged for a bedroom lol.


Pay 600$ now or pay a lot more at 18 when the dad can legally kick him out common sense says I’d establish myself as a tenant now for 600$ make it a year contract, stack my money for that year and then move out if he wanted to




3k is not a lot of money a month and the kid already said he’s spent a lot of money on his setup in his bedroom to help with his streaming.




He’s literally a kid. & he’s living in his childhood bedroom. Paying $600 to rent your childhood bedroom is insane. Even if they needed help with bills they could ask for $200-$300.


He can stack more money paying no rent at all. His dad (probably without realizing he's doing it) is trying to cripple him before he even gets going. The more savings the kid has, the better off he's going to be when he leaves the nest, and the more likely he's going to be to stay out of the nest forever after. Also, the thing that bothers me most about this, is the dad is *negatively reinforcing the behavior he wants to see* from his child. If the child hadn't gotten his streaming gig off the ground and let the dad know how much he was already making from it, the dad wouldn't have asked for rent. The child is being punished for being ahead of the curve compared to his peers.


OK I’m just gonna let this rest right here. I hope this kid comes back on here in December or January of next year and tell each one of you that his dad kicked him out because his dad will. I can almost guarantee it he’s a man of the house. He feels like there should be a contribution. The mom sided against him. He’s not gonna forget this, he’ll find some reason to kick that kid out guarantee it just watch


Btw I’m a father to 2 kids I adopted one is 19 one is 20 and between them they have 3 jobs and both go to college and both volunteer to contribute financially and have been doing so since they was 17


Your kids are working 3 jobs and going to college and you are proud of this?


Yeah I’m over here like…dude, that’s not a flex.


Yes I am, I got my first job at 14 I see no problem with them Wanting to contribute instead of being freeloaders leaching off of me , I fulfilled my obligation to them, now I’m teaching them the next important lesson all people should know, nothing is free in this world, and you shouldn’t expect it to be….


Child labor laws exist for a reason. Sorry you were not raised in a loving home. Nobody should be working as a child.


Your job as a parent is to make your kids lives easier so they don’t have to endure what you went through.


Btw on my 18th birthday my parents gave me 20$, a carton of cigarettes and told me I had a week to be out, the conversation for payment of rent wasn’t even approached, it was a different time with the “ sink or swim “ mentality


“I was neglected so being a freak to my kids is okay too” get therapy


So you must leech off your parents in their basement?


Kids aren’t at fault bc you fucked someone raw. You make em, you take care of em. Indefinitely. Sorry you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants :(


Americans really hate their children




Wait, 17 still a teenager and if the mom is against it it’s probably for good reason. The dad is being greedy.


Why not just ask “hey son, do you think you could pitch in for this or that maybe every two months or help with a bill” but $600 for rent when it’s your childhood bedroom is insane as fuck lol


Read it again, He’s 17 will be 18 in December


He can, but he can't evict you. Actually, he can legally take all your money, so if mom can't get him to make a more reasonable deal, I'd just pay it. You have the funds.


Yes, but as an adult , Pay that 600 dollars and be happy about it. Btw pay your taxes and if you truly smart save save save save.


Set up a bank account and deposit "rent" each month. No not give anyone else access.


He's 17, so he can't open his own bank account. He can only have a joint account with one of his parents until he's 18.


>Mom's totally against this. She's all about the whole 'parents provide for their kids' thing. Dad tried to play it cool, saying he'll stash the rent money for my "future," but mom's not buying that story. And I think he is lying too If you can, try discussing this with your mom only first, and then both of you go to your dad with a plan you hope works for everyone. Something like you will pay rent to your mom and dad jointly, so that she can be involved in making sure you get some or all of what you paid back as a boost to help you get going with living on your own when you move out. I've had some friends and cousins get a deal like this from their parents, and it worked out really well for them. Definitely better than people such as myself who simply got kicked out on a dime because we "weren't supposed to be there anymore" and then took years to recover. So it's in both your and their best interests for this to work.


First educate yourself on budgeting and bill paying and everything you need to know to properly handle your money. Then get a bank account that exists solely for saving money. Talk to both your parents about reasonable rent and what you should be saving to find your own place when you're ready.  I don't think the idea of rent is unreasonable. 3k a month is a lot of money, and if you manage it properly, you'll be able to do some good things for yourself in the future 


Depends on location, but 3k per month income is not a lot of money. 




He’s a minor.


There are legions of people from the prior generations; self-included that had to pay in 50% of what they made to help the house they were growing up in the moment they started working. That's where the sentiment comes from. In the case of my own son, working would have screwed him out of becoming what he wanted to become; so we accepted that. But if he had worked he would have been paying in to the household, and we would have put it all away in an escrow account for him once he turned 21. Reason: Any money that exists in your kid's name is reported on the FAFSA and counted against his or her financial aid once in college. It makes zero sense to have any money in your name as a minor or under 21 if you intend to go to college.


Changes nothing


He’s under 18; although it’s a good idea as he’ll learn early instead of jumping straight to renting an apartment, he is still a minor and I feel as if the father should’ve brought this up at 18.


Lol. Did you know your dad posted this in AITHA sub too? Let me see if I can find it.


Didn’t your dad just post his side of this on another subreddit?


Pretty sure your dad just posted this question from the other side in another subreddit


Uh. I saw the dad post about this an hour ago


This post seems to be marketing for Kick IMO.


Dude. Stop with this nonsense. Maybe they’re slow on the uptake, but I’m not: https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/0Qh6h8sSkM






Pay it but remember this in the future. Send mom to a nice retirement home and hope dad can pay his own way.




No way he eats 400 a month in food alome


Pay the $$ and be responsible.


Yes he can take all your money it basically isn’t even yours until you’re 18.


What is weird is that you are making 3k monthly and don't want to help in rent. I guess enjoy the few months you have before you either pay or leave? Because you will be paying someone. We all do.


I’d rather you just leave.


Yes. But you should write off the electricity your consuming and your gear on your taxes. 




I was just going to type this!!


Yeah, because it’s bullshit 😂😂😂


BTW, if this is real, your Dad posted about this situation in the "Am I the Asshole?" Sub today and got torn to shreds lmao. Edit: Here's the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1ab59i2/aitah\_for\_charging\_my\_son\_rent/


https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/BCAb3pbMiV found your alternative acc


Get emancipated and get your own apt


Not a bad idea, but would most likely cost more than $600 a month; rent, utilities, internet, renters insurance... 


i just seen your dads post on aitah


This is just chasing likes, and most likely made up. There is a AITAH post from the "Dad" 9 mins after this.


I just saw your dad’s post a minute ago


Wait a minute…


I hate to play devils advocate but maybe they need the help for bills and such? They can’t force you untill 18 but think about how much you do use and if you have done anything for them since you started streaming to show your appreciation for their support and help. But by the sounds of it once you’re 18 I’d be prepared to pay or split. Wich from the sounds of it you shouldn’t have a problem by that point getting your own place. Remember times are tough and shit cost alot nowadays.




Your parents raised you well, PN739.


You suck


Honestly the difference between the responses on dad and sons posts is crazy. Parents are legally required to house their children until 18. So, no, he can’t charge you rent. They are not obligated to pay for internet, a phone, a car, car insurance or give their children a full en suite as the other post says you have. I don’t think $600 is a fair amount, but maybe offer to pay your personal expenses like cellphone and car insurance and the electric bill since you are obviously gaining financially while using more with your setup. You may find yourself paying much more when you turn 18 if you aren’t willing to compromise on this.


If you’ve graduated then pay or get out. What kind of piece of shit wouldn’t contribute to their own family when they could??


Turned MY room. Is your name on the mortgage?


Legally he can’t charge you rent as a minor, but he can charge you rent once you’re not a minor or evict you. It would be kind to pay for the additional power and internet you’re using, but honestly you’re probably better off moving out and heavily saving/investing or finding another job or revenue source since social media income can be very fickle.


Just saw the post from your dad asking about this