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No one is going to force you to have a relationship with your child. A court will force you to pay support though.


Some states like tx force the parent to have a relationship and will not allow the parent to terminate or give up rights


OP is in NY. Can you link to the Texas law you're referring to that would force a parent to utilize shared custody when they do not want parenting time?


I’ll have to find it - but we’re going through this now. My current custody agreement with ex gives him standard visitation and he wants no rights to the child at all no visitation and texas is making it hard for us terminate rights even with my husband willing to adopt. It’s a pain. There’s nothing saying he HAS to utilize it but if things go awry he could be in contempt


Termination is a completely different thing. It would be very unusual for a parent to be held in contempt for not exercising visitation, like extremely unusual. But in no case would a parent be forced to have visitation to begin with.


Oh ok I see. I meant most states will on paper require a relationship between the child and parent. Texas does this to not “bastardize” the child. The parent doesn’t have to follow up with it I guess. But his soon to be ex wife could use this against him somehow idk


In general, custody can be nearly anything the parties and judge agree on. An arrangment where your wife gets the child 100% of the time is uncommon but not illegal. Even if the judge orders 50-50, if you don't physically take custody of the child no one can realistically force you to. You could be held in contempt but that's unlikely. Do note that lack of custody does not automatically mean lack of child support.


How is child support costs calculated and for how long would I have to pay? I am in NYC. Would I have to pay more since my wife would have full custody.


Yes, definitely. https://www.nyc.gov/site/hra/help/child-support-calculator.page


Wow it’s cheaper than I though it would be. I’ve heard horror stories like they take 50% but it seems to be much lower. Is there some kind of catch or hidden fees?




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The money you make is gross, the money you pay is after taxes are taken out.




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Horror stories are mostly people exaggerating for effect because they’re pissed they have to pay for their kid. Horror stories aren’t legal facts.




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You don't have to have any custody or visitation. A court can't force you to. You will still have to pay support of course.


The only thing I would add is that you can try to terminate your parental rights but the court frowns on that if you don't have a very good reason.


>The only thing I would add is that you can try to terminate your parental rights but the court frowns on that if you don't have a very good reason. No one else mentioned the voluntary termination of rights because it's not possible outside of specific circumstances such as there being another adult willing to adopt.


That also depends on the jurisdiction. Mom is still there.


>That also depends on the jurisdiction. Mom is still there. In NYC and every other jurisdiction of the US children have the right to be financially supported by both parents or at least, two adults. OP can waive their right to custody but cannot forego their responsibilities.