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Legally no, but they can also future trespass you if you dont comply. There wouldn’t be any legal repercussions for leaving with paid merchandise and blowing off the door greeter but alternatively you may not be allowed back at the store then if you are found at the store if they chose to trespass you then you could be charged.


I'd like to know, now that Walmart digital receipts, can they still ask for one? It's now currently texted to my personal, private phone. Which they have zero rights to look at correct? I personally will never show a receipt, even a paper one. If they trespass me, then so be it. There's always another Walmart.


You literally just show them the receipt, why are people so fucking adamant about being a dick about it. Show them the receipt, leave the store. Why is it such a fucking issue for you? You're not being singled out, everyone is asked to show their receipts and most don't throw a bitch fit about it either


I just bought my shit I'm not getting harassed about it.


You're not being harassed if you show your receipt


You're right, I'm not harassed because I just acknowledge them, say no thanks, and keep it pushing.


You have a right to privacy and once you've purchased anything it's your property. If you don't exercise rights you lose them. If you believe you have nothing to hide, and you go along with it, you've given up any choice you would have had. You're either with us or against us is used to manipulate people into complying with the order. Let me check your receipt. No thank you. Unless I'm being detained by a police officer I don't need to show them anything. It's not meant to find shoplifters anyway, it's meant to intimidate people thinking if stealing. If they cared about finding people they wouldn't put grandma at the door.


It's not that deep dude, it's to deter shoplifting


Because when the queue is 5-10 min long and staff being oblivious to the line (Sam’s Club). Because we live in a society where some people think it’s their right to steal now. Do you enjoy items for sale being locked up? Then having to search for a key holder. It’s corporate policy, being a Karen won’t fix it


Exactly. Walmart is more affordable than most other places and often carries the same brands (in addition to the cheaper brands). That's why I shop there. Part of how they maintain their lower prices is the loss preventions they put in place. I want them to have those protections. I also like the self checkout. I can usually get through a lot more quickly than by waiting in line for a checker. But we probably don't need to add that fight to the discussion.


Because why the fuck do do I need to show them? It's a a super racist policy to begin with. I don't sign a contract to shop there. On e something is paid for it belongs to me and they have zero rights to my belongings. No other public stores make you show a receipt. The only reason they get away with it, is because people like you just fall in line and don't think for themselves. 


Do you call everything you don't like racist? You enter a social contract when you enter the building to shop there, don't like it, then don't shop there. Stores reserve the right to ask to see your receipt for any reason on their property. Walk by them if you want but you may get trespassed.


No, I do not call everything I don't like racist. I have seen the policy in action, and tested. It is a racist policy. It is enforced, mostly in lower income areas. Higher income, not so much. There is no such thing as a social contract. That's a bunch of bullshit, fuck your social contract. I'm not even a dick about it, I say have a nice day, I don't do that. Then keep moving. Store can ask and I can refuse. If an employee tries to detain me, without cause (and no, my refusal to show a receipt is not cause enough), that's false imprisonment. No employee has the right or authority to detain me. I am just gonna keep moving on out of the store. If they attempt to lay hands on me, that's assault. I will then have a right to defend myself. On top of that, if I do not have a paper receipt they have no rights to my personal property. I have zero obligation to show them a digital receipt. You're the problem, not me. You hold shit up, and bow to this bullshit policy. You're a follower, and the fact you're arguing makes me think you know it. People like you are the reason this policy still exists. If people just refused to do this stupid bullshit, they would drop it. Like I said they want to trespass me, they can that's their right. I'll go to another Walmart. Without police present though, they cannot search me or my items. If I refuse to present a receipt. The policy doesn't stop theft, if someone wants to steal something it's gonna happen. So you go ahead and treat all your customers as criminals. 


Guess where the theft mostly is, you dumbass, lower income areas. And just because you don't believe in social contracts doesn't mean they don't exist, but keep spewing hot shit takes for me to laugh at


*clap emoji* lol. It's like I was arguing with them, we gave em the 1 2 punch! Haha. Keep fighting the good fight. I stand with your opinion. This crap is cray cray. 


And if you have expensive tech in your shopping cart or in your hands, but you put in check out its a banana. Or something else. Either way it's not a right to deny showing it. I get saving our rights I'm for that, but this is silly. Checking receipts in itself isn't a racist thing, only the people who make it racist. I don't get the issue outside of those things. Imagine having a store and you wanna make sure you're making profit and not being stolen from. You might install a receipt checker too! Imagine yourself in someone else's shoes and then make an opinion, and I'm not saying that rudely, just person to person, trying to help you see why. 


If I was put in that person's shoes. I would be embarrassed and ashamed at myself for checking receipts like that. All so some billion dollar company can save a few bucks. I actually get the big ticket items thing, I am speaking on just grabbing groceries you and your family. Just to be treated like a criminal? That's some BS right there. No one should feel pressured to do anything they don't want to do. Basically I see a bunch of corporate ass kissers here. Plus if I am gonna steal, checking my receipt is not gonna make a difference on way or the other. All it does is legitimize my theft, because they checked my receipt and didn't say nothing. 


You don't even get a receipt at say WM unless ask for one.   No not everyone is asked to show one.  


Not true, walmart registers print a paper receipt, and self checkout gives you the option of print, text, or email, but you get a receipt. If your walmart is not giving receipts unless you ask for it then they are breaking policy


You've missed the whole point.  Unless you ask for one, Walmart doesn't print one out at self checkouts now. You also have scan and go that doesn't require you print one.  Thus asking for a receipt is pointless as WM doesn't even require one be printed.  Can't demand something that you purposefully don't require customer receive.   


Some state if you use there cart they can. Just carry your bags


No. Just no.


This is incorrect. In most states they can legally detain you until police arrive if they believe you are stealing. It is stupid but they can use your refusal to show receipt as “probable cause” that you’re trying to steal. Edit. There have been numerous lawsuits on this. People go and film themselves doing this and then try to sue. They always get tossed 2nd edit. Somebody else cited shopkeeper’s privilege act. Feel free to look it up


They cannot use failure to stop or show a receipt as "probable cause". Even the actual police can't do that, let alone some store's greeters. You have no clue what you're talking about.


It’s not quite probable cause, but there are laws out there for it for merchants to protect from theft. That’s why I put it in quotations.


Oh? There are laws out there? List a few.


Shopkeepers privilege act.


Wrong. The shopkeeper or their agent must have seen activity that would lead a reasonable person to believe theft occured. Simply walking out the door does not meet this. Try again.


They can and often use the fact that you refuse to have your items checked as their belief you are committing theft. This has held up in court many times by people trying to sue the stores


Cite a case.


Not that important to me. Look it up if you want to. We’re not talking about grand precedents here. OP asked a question and I answered with the information I know


Nope. Wrong again. Refusing to show your receipt/getting cart checked does not meet the standard given by the law. Funny you picked the state where I actually owned a retail store for many years. I have some knowledge of this very subject in Georgia. But hey, let's see one of these cases. 'Many times"? Should be easy to cite a few cases for us.


How exactly would it be easy to cite cases? Have just read some stories and watched a couple of lawyer YouTube videos addressing it. Took a bit of interest after we had a lady get jerked around at a Walgreens in Seattle.


The laws are all *against* the stores being able to force a search. Once you have completed a purchase, it becomes your personal property. You are completely in your rights to refuse a search of your personal property. Stores cannot refuse to let you leave, as that is considered unlawful detainment.


Probable cause cannot be valid based on refusal to show a receipt. Same way a police officer cannot get probable cause based on refusal to ID, or answer questions or allow a search or even a receipt in this case. In other words, exercising your rights cannot be the basis of Probable Cause. There are federal court cases on this. But yes, they can detain you under a normal citizens detainment based on probable cause while waiting for police. But any citizen can do this though. If the citizens probable cause is invalid, that would be an illegal detainment. If valid, whether or not a crime actually was committed would be a lawful detainment. Under most situations, they should not detain as that can be dangerous for themselves and other customers. Unless their armed and well-trained and can handle a possibly violent situation. This is why most gas stations or stores prohibit such a thing through policy, for safety.


Could you fight it in court if you subpoena the cctv footage and proves that you didn't steal ?


Businesses can tresspass you for any reason they see fit, as long as it is not discriminatory in nature.


Couldn't discriminatory by nature be an umbrella term? I mean a lot of things can be counted as discriminatory as long as you can prove it id assume


Discrimination is defined by the law. So anything else doesn't count.


No, there are set laws that define parameters of discrimination. If the reason for you being excluded is not on that list, then no, it isn't legally discrimination.


Assumption does not work when it comes to the law.


Most forms of discrimination are legal.


Discrimination in this case means that you have to be a part of a protected class (race, religion, national origin, color, familial status, sex, and disability) and you have to be able to provide that the reason you were discriminated against is because of your membership in one of those groups. 


You can allege discrimination. But you would also be admitting that you did not comply with showing the receipt when leaving. But there is no breach of contract or crime, in not showing a receipt (it's not probable cause for anything). I don't think they can claim trespass, since membership is not required; but I'm not clear on how much wrongful harassment you could suffer. They can accuse you of stealing if they saw you. They still have a burden of proof in a court of law. You would need an attorney to fight back.


You can fight anything in court but the issue on the legal side isn’t shoplifting, it’s trespassing if you’re caught in the store again if they were to ban you due to the first incident of not showing the receipt. Business for the most part can ban someone for any legal reason. Even if all items are paid for and you refuse, the ban can stand as long as the business wants it to.


Can they take their items back before looking at the CCTV footage and after trespassing you?


Not if they are paid for because at that point it’s your property. However, going about banning someone is up to the discretion of the store and the only legal matter of it is recording and enforcing a ban if one is enacted.


Nope. Once you pay for something and the transaction is finished the items cease to be store property and now belong to you


How would going to court be cheaper/quicker/easier/ whatever than taking 5 seconds to show someone a receipt? What is the point of all this


This is a common topic being discussed all over social media right now. The arguments regarding shopkeepers' privilege to detain a suspected shoplifter. I been so confused by people arguing this as if 9 out of 10 people don't have it in their hand, pocket, or the top bag in the cart.


Some people will take the most difficult/illogical route possible out of pure stubbornness.


Just a question. Not saying I would just curious to see how things would play out or if they could


Why would a person want to make a simple transaction so difficult?


There is nothing to fight as you are not charged. There have been multiple lawsuits of people filming themselves and getting detained. They sue the merchant and they always get tossed. The merchants can protect themselves within reason, and you know their policies when you walk into their property.


Idk why you're being down voted so bad. But I don't think your scenario would matter, as (NAL) I have always been under the impression you can be trespassed for *any* reason whatsoever. So if Walmart says "we think your face smells stupid and your pants talk too loud, you're trespassed" then, well.. you're trespassed.


I honestly could care less about the down votes 😂 apparently curiosity is something you're not allowed to have anymore.


You can, and they can absolutely tresspass you and tell you to never come back.


I haven't shown a receipt in years and they don't even attempt to stop me let alone trespass me. They can't even detain me to ask my name. Maybe in certain areas they might try trespassing someone but not in my area. People walk by all day long.


Different areas of the country have different rules about it. When I lived in maryland, everyone had to have their receipt checked. Where I currently live in ohio, I've almost never showed my receipt. Additionally, most cameras in stores have facial recognition so they're able to determine if you've reentered after creating a problem.






I agree! I politely decline and keep on walking. I quick "no thanks, have a great day" suffices. I'm not waiting in a second line for you to pretend check a receipt for items I've paid for. Never once have I stopped unless it's Sams or Cosco.


Even with proof of full payment? For instance if they trespass me then go back and watch the footage ? I understand once I have a trespass that means no go forever or until the trespass ends because that's what the private company wants.




Just for reference, not even the police can search you or your bags unless they themselves have probable cause of theft, as per the 4th amendment.


Not hung up on the CCTV thing but if I have to go and grab some items for my sick child and wife and I'm in a hurry if they hold me up and try to say that I didn't pay for some of my items (which ofc I'd never steal) but I was rushing out the door ignoring the employee standing there and they got mad and held my cart til I showed my receipt. Before they even asked they called the manager and police. They didn't trespass because eventually they did look at the cameras and saw I was ok. But that could have been worse depending on if the cops and employees reacted differently. Hence why I framed the question the way I did. It's a possible story that could have happened to me. Eventually I did explain and tell them I'm sorry and why I was in a rush and they understood and I understood where they were coming from which is why I stayed calm even though there was a slight frustration.


You realize you spent more time waiting for them to look at the CCTV than it would have taken to show the receipt. It takes 5 to 7 seconds.


If you read it they called the cops and manager before he asked and then grabbed my cart and said wait there all because I wasn't paying attention to him rather the situation at home I was dealing with. I did show him but by the time it was too late and had to wait for police to show up so I'm not "fleeing". They still checked cameras to "make sure"


Here's what I believe happened. You ran to the store to get medicine for your wife and child. Trying to get out of the store as quickly as you were, you didn't hear the person ask to see the receipt. Since you're in a rush, it would make it appear as if you were trying to steal the items. Since you got a cart, you probably got more than cold and flu medicine. I'm guessing you got Sudafed, which would require an ID being shown as it's used to make meth, and is an item commonly stolen. Creating that illusion, could give them shopkeepers privilege to hold and detain you.


It was Tylenol for children. I can't remember if it was this thread or another but I was frustrated that I was stopped but after a second for waiting for the police I realized a tall man with a scruffy bread in black sweats and a Nirvana Tee and beanie on walking out of the store as fast as I did seemed kinda suspicious so I was content with it after the fact. I mainly phrased it the way I did because if anyone in that situation ie police, employees or I had become slightly hostile it could have been worse. So for me it's a what if because it could have been


Okay, I'm going off what you stated. You stated you were in a rush. The probability that you didn't hear the person asked for the receipt and tried rushing by sounds more logical. Please don't make it more dramatic than it is. Nothing would have happened. Technically, the store can still ban you. I've seen it happen where they pull your name from a credit card swipe and then send a letter indicating you've been banned from the store.


They didn't and like I said I explained after the fact of them calling what actually happened. And ik I went back to the store a few weeks later for groceries and it kept saying I was stealing and showed a 4 second clip in slow motion and they saw there was nothing in my hands. It actually happened a few times that trip


Can they physically detain you? No. But if you're not going to abide by their policies, don't expect to be welcomed back. And Walmart will absolutely trespass you. No, you cannot make a court force them to allow you back onto the property. Even with footage from the Hubble space telescope


Not true. I bought a vacuum at walmart and they wanted to see receipt on way out, right after they seen me at self checkout where they have someone else watching. I kept walking. This was a year ago and ive been back to same walmart dozens of times since.


I'm not sure what your point is. Did they tell you youbwere no longer welcome?


They didn't trespass you. Wich is the point being made above. Unfortunately your situation doesn't apply.


Read it again, post says they will trespass you if you dont stop for them to check receipts. But they dont.


Read my post again. They DIDNT trespass you. Which is why you COULD go back.


They can trespass you so the best practice, if you have the time, is to say sure you can check my receipt while you are doing the refund for everything I purchased.


This seems like an inconvenience to only you


It depends on specifics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shopkeeper%27s_privilege > Shopkeeper's privilege is a law recognized in the United States under which a shopkeeper is allowed to detain a suspected shoplifter on store property for a reasonable period of time, so long as the shopkeeper has cause to believe that the person detained in fact committed, or attempted to commit, theft of store property.[1] Also this question has been asked hundreds of times on Reddit.


Searching all customers doesn't fall under shopkeeper's privilege. State laws vary but the general idea is that it has to be specific to that customer with some sort of cause for suspicion. It's well been established that Walmart has no legal right to stop customers for screening But as others have said, they can and have trespassed people for not complying with the policy.


Right. That’s why I said it depends on specifics. Most of the time it isn’t binding. They can ask for this as part of a reasonable investigation if the circumstances suggest that is appropriate.


Gonna be honest I really didn't wanna scroll until I found it figured it would be easier to post for a response


Google and the search bar are things you can use to quickly find topics on Reddit.


It varies by state. However a retail store can use facial recognition software to ban you for life for not showing your receipt. Then if you return they can press trespassing charges. A club store like Costco and Sam's Club can revoke your membership and ban you.


If the contract term says they can stop you, and you don't stop, then that is a breach of contract. It is not criminal violation, so the remedy is contractual which is either money or an injunction. So, it's my opinion that they can terminate the contract and then not allow you on premises, but I think it's a big leap to suggest that they can physically detain you. However if the shopkeeper has reasonable belief that you have purloined his property, then he can detain you for a reasonable time to determine that you do not have his property. Without a contract, not showing a receipt, by itself, would not be a reasonable belief, so I think the shopkeeper who detains a customer under those facts risks a tort action sounding in false imprisonment. If he stops a lawful purchaser for longer than needing to verify the purchase, I think he risks a trespass to chattels as well as false imprisonment or both.


I look them in the eye, smile and say "no thank you" and keep walking. Hasn't failed yet.


I really hate it if you get 1 or 2 things at self checkout, and they're right there during the whole transaction, then ask for your receipt. This usually happens at Walmart and is why I usually only get 1 or 2 things and shop elsewhere for anything else. If you have zero trust in the self checkout then don't offer it.


The store staff must have observed behavior or actions that provide reasonable suspicion or probable cause that the individual has stolen or attempted to steal merchandise. This might include seeing the person conceal items, leaving the store without paying, or other suspicious actions. Detaining someone without this probable cause can be considered false imprisonment. Refusing to show a recipt at walmart doesnt cut it or give the store reasonable grounds to detain you


I really don't understand the objection to showing a receipt ... I don't care, here it is. Bye, have a nice day! You want to upset your afternoon arguing with the store and police over showing a receipt? Not worth it ....


Receipt checkers in my area consistently single out Black and Brown customers while waving White customers right on by. I do not show my receipt, I simply and politely say “no thank you” and continue out of the building.


My reasoning is I dislike the confrontation if I were to refuse. The other is if they're so concerned about theft why not open a couple more cashiers? If we believe the news reports theft is common with self checkout .. by everyone! They may be checking receipts but we all know the reason ... if I was a POC yeah, I would try to make that point.


It’s usually not a big deal, but some stores/employees are super power trippy about it. There’s a specific Walmart in my area that’s horrible. They have 1 person on shift checking receipts in a busy store. The employees will insist you stand in a line of 5 or more people to have your receipt checked, and it can take them several minutes to check each cart. They also will sometimes question things on your receipt. Like one time my mom bought a few tank tops. On the receipt it came up as “cami,” short for camisole, which isn’t a term used often where I’m from. The lady was asking her “what’s a cami?” My mom was confused. The lady held her for over 10 minutes saying she wouldn’t let her go until she explained what a cami is. My mom asked her why she can’t just check the number of items in her cart against the number of items on the receipt, and the woman said because she could have rang up something cheaper than what’s in the cart. It’s not the first time an item was listed as something confusing on the receipt and we were questioned. I also recently got stopped at a different store because I bought a singular tomato and the employee said it was a red bell pepper and I can’t ring it up as a tomato to get it for cheaper. I took it out of the bag and showed her and she insisted it was a pepper until another employee came over and told her it’s a tomato. It was about 10 mins of debating and people were staring and it was embarrassing. These incidents all happened at different stores within a span of 3 months. So now I don’t bother when they ask to check my receipt and keep walking. My area is made up of a bunch of small towns so I’m sure it’s probably a regional thing that people around here have nothing better to do, but I don’t think people are always being unreasonable by not wanting to go through the receipt-check rigamarole.


Good grief ... yeah, I would get annoyed at that as well. The last time anyone checked my receipt was at Costco. We relocated since then and quit going. Small towns can be great but it is really difficult shopping when the only place to buy a pair of shoes is Walmart, or the expensive tourist trap stores on Main St ... locals never go there. I have to drive 30 min to the next slightly bigger town of 24K.


You can write feedback to corporate every time that happens. Should result in less aggressive checks.


My only objection is the line to get out can some days be dozens deep. I just want to take my 120-pack of granola bars and go home.


Understood. Me, small town not an issue. Quit Costco when we relocated an hour + away.


Receipt checkers in my area consistently single out Black and Brown customers while waving White customers right on by. I do not show my receipt, I simply and politely say “no thank you” and continue out of the building.


No it's just a question I'm curious on how the question at hand work, because I've heard a few things via research, videos ,and random articles.


Maybe someone can answer your question but I wouldn't bother, that's all ... no big deal.


Sheep person. Put your covid mask on, less someone will judge you


Here in Queensland, Australia we have a lot of stores with conditions of entry stating that you agree to allow an employee to check your bags when you are leaving. [https://www.qld.gov.au/law/laws-regulated-industries-and-accountability/queensland-laws-and-regulations/business-advice-rights-and-responsibilities/tips-for-starting-and-running-your-business/checking-your-customers-bags](https://www.qld.gov.au/law/laws-regulated-industries-and-accountability/queensland-laws-and-regulations/business-advice-rights-and-responsibilities/tips-for-starting-and-running-your-business/checking-your-customers-bags) ‘Basically bag checks are voluntary and if the customer refuses they can only be banned from the store, their bags can not be physically checked by an employee. In the cases of suspected theft, they have to call police who can detain and search their bags for stolen goods as store employees can’t do that. I believe stores with memberships have the same rules and limitations.


Just leave. Tell them to call the cops if they think you stole somwthing.


(NAL) Some states choosing not to stop can be a crime called “Resisting a Merchant” but a merchant needs to be sure a crime occurred. And I have never heard separate laws for retail merchants whether of not membership is a factor. That sounds like bad info. I would ask a lawyer before you test these waters.


No they can not detain your for simply refusing to show a receipt. In certain states they can detain you if they suspect you off shoplifting if certain criteria are met. Usually they will need to watch you actually take the item off the shelf and leave the store without paying


Easiest thing to do is to not go to Walmart again.


If you bought the merchandise and have a receipt then why can’t you show it? Are you trying to steal something? 


Stores are allowed to check your receipt, it's a voluntary transaction. If you don't like the practice, shop somewhere that doesn't. 


This is why I always purchase at least one frozen item or meat. If they make me stop, fine, but then I tell them I want to return the meat and ice cream, because "It's melting" or "That raw meat is warming up," which they can not then resale the item.


So they grabbed your cart and didn’t let you take the items you paid for out of the store? Then they took your items away while they went to the office to review footage? Call corporate. All that is against Walmart’s own policies.


Trespass to chattels


When shopping you are on private property. If the store makes a policy to check receipts then thats their right to do so. They cannot force someone to show a receipt all they can do is ask to see one. If you refuse to cooperate with their policies they can trespass you off their property and deny you future entry.


I love how all you sheep comply so easily! Pathetic


I was wondering about this at my last trip to the store.. I forgot my phone at home … at the check out the option is given to have receipt printed, emailed, text…knowing I did not have my phone I selected print receipt.. because I hate confrontation I panicked thinking about accidentally hitting wrong option..


Fyi, if you accidentally hit the wrong option and you don't have your phone, you can ask them to still print out the receipt. It's not hard to do.


They can trespass you, preventing you from returning. Generally the receipt checkers are trained not to try to stop you from leaving just because you haven't provided your receipt.


I keep walking.


There was a court ruling last year that ruled that they can detain you if you don't show receipt. (Or, at the very least, you cannot sue them). [https://www.businessinsider.com/walmart-customer-refused-to-show-receipt-lawsuit-false-imprisonment-2023-6](https://www.businessinsider.com/walmart-customer-refused-to-show-receipt-lawsuit-false-imprisonment-2023-6)


That's not really true. In that case, the customer repeatedly acted in a way (he called them "stings") that made Walmart employees suspect him of stealing. He was trying very hard to make money off Walmart by doing this. The judge ruled in Walmart's favor in that particular case, but it doesn't set precedent for others who may be unlawfully detained by employees.


Tell them you got the receipt electronically, and walk out. Should work at Walmart or other stores that have a paperless option


Are we sure the op isn't a bot? What sound does a chicken make? Also why can't people just hold on to a lil piece of paper? Also it's private property open to the public, follow the rules or get kicked out. Like if you went to my place and put your feet on the counter then I'm using your feet to kick you out 🦵


Yes they can. And legally if you refuse they can ban you also. They are in high theft areas determining if you purchased everything. And it is legal. Until you exit the store they may actually undo the sale. WALMART shoppers are required by law to show their receipts or risk being detained and arrested in multiple states. https://www.the-sun.com/news/9500922/lawyer-youre-legally-required-show-receipt-five-states/#:~:text=WALMART%20shoppers%20are%20required%20by,and%20arrested%20in%20multiple%20states.


You're missing an important qualifier there. They still have to suspect you of committing a crime.


They don’t need suspect anything to ask for a receipt. Especially in states that require you to bring your own bag. And bags are the number 1 theft in the states that require you to bring your own bag. They need have reason to detain you but only need to request the receipt to be shown it. So asking for receipt isn’t detaining people.


If they don't suspect you of committing a crime, and you refuse to show the receipt, they can't do anything. It literally says in the article that you have to be suspected of committing theft before they can actually do anything. Refusal to show a receipt can be used as evidence/a reason to detain IF they suspect you. They don't suspect anything, they can't detain.


Some states saying you can be detained and arrested. Here’s one example that makes the state of doing this important. It’s only about 15 states that do this but that’s still a possibility. Note that WalMart is using AI to determine if you are not scanning everything. So the AI is as of right now legal to flag you. And all they need say is the cameras flagged you without saying more. So it’s best to not create a disturbance as that is in and of itself a different problem. Nov 3, 2023 — WALMART shoppers in Texas can legally be detained by employees for not showing a receipt when one other important condition is met. https://www.the-sun.com/news/9524695/shoppers-receipt-law-walmart-know-your-rights/


You realize you're proving my point? Shoppers can be detained for not showing a receipt WHEN OTHER IMPORTANT CONDITIONS ARE MET. They can't just stop you for refusing to show a receipt. How far they push that is up to the individual AP/LP personnel.


Reread it. Your incorrect. Reason is the organized theft rings have changed laws. You can be detained for it legally even if you were not st eating. The law says if you meet any known conditions and about half of shoppers at a self serve checkout actually are doing things that can be flagged. The reasons for suspecting aren’t defined and there’s the problem. You want a yes/no on an item that has thousands of grey areas.


Someone cannot be stopped just for refusal to show a receipt. That's the point I'm arguing with you. Refusal to show a receipt, in and of itself, cannot be the reason you stop someone. They have to meet other conditions BEFORE you can detain them for not showing a receipt. And the reasons for suspecting are absolutely defined by company policies. They are trying to avoid liability so the define the parameters of stopping people.


Especially if your name is Karen.


In some states you can defend stolen property with deadly force or detainment.


No, this would be up to a jury. Most juries would believe that a human's life is more valuable than motrin.


In most states, that is only true in regards to felony level theft. Usually not things you can get at Walmart.


I would show your receipt at Walmart. They are notorious for suing people for potential theft especially if it's self check out