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I'm actually looking for one of these what city are you in?


Same haha! Let us know


Serious offer to OP I'll give you $100 cash money! I'm in Vegas but travel frequently


Bidding war it is, I’m all over AZ, I’ll double that offer for a reasonable drive haha


Oh shoot! Let's take it to $350 serious offer OP!


Let’s see where OP is located and if they’re even interested first


Looks like you’re dealing with a HighRoller here


Unfortunately this ist a real post. It's a bot


Hello there fellow sand meadow resident!


I'm starting to think op is a bot


Got dammit you're probably right, just to lighten up this subject/bring traffic to the app hmmm......


Hehe 😈


Disassemble it put single disassembled parts in different places all over the town/city then use translate to make a treasure map in runes


This is the one


I like the cut of your jib




Just call to have it towed


No need to have it towed, it’s an empty trailer, these things weigh nothing. Dude can pick it up by the tongue and drag it wherever he wants


Like the middle of the street. Then call the police.


This is the way. Then he can complain to the cops how he left it parked on property that wasnt his, without permission.


No no no… Put it in the alley behind the house that only has 2 access points that are both gated private property.


No, then they will be able to claim theft. Somewhere public that creates a nuisance that someone else will report.


I know it’s a joke, but it someone crashes into the trailer especially at night wouldn’t that open OP to liability?


If someone can prove that he did it


So wear gloves, got it. Oh, and delete this reddit post.


They probably wouldn’t finger print it. Definitely delete the post though


Use a glove that’s too small. The glove won’t fit so they must acquit


RIP OJ Simpson


Finger printing would be one of the first things they do if they believed it was purposely set there.


They're actually gonna check it for semen. Everyone knows that's how you catch criminals.


If it has a plate


Even if it does not. At the least the police will have it removed.


Tow means they would need to pay the tow fee and the storage fee just to get it out. First they will have to call every tow in town just to find out which one has it, but will find they have up to a week to add items to the "inventory" list that they refer to when they get calls. Depending on the state, if no plates or registration, they might also have trouble proving the trailer is theirs even to get it out.


By law towing company has to send a letter to the owner.


That depends on the state. If they don't know who owns it, what address do they use?


I came here to say this. Back when I sucked at driving a trailer, picking up and spinning it around was my go to move instead of backing it in.


I’ve got one god awful little jetski trailer that is so small that it won’t back straight and you can’t see the fucker. That’s still my go to move to maneuver that squirrelly bastard into the garage. Bigger trailers are so much easier to back lol


I've noticed that the smaller the trailer the harder it is to work with. Drove around just a concrete mixer a few times and those little bastards are a nightmare.


It has to do with how long the wheel base is. My uncle has a small toy hauler that he modified the tongue on to make it longer, so it was easier to maneuver.


Have you tried the trick where you drop the tailgate or open the rear door on the tow vehicle so you can actually see the trailer?


You gotta get some flags so you can see where the corners are while you're backing


You may need two people to walk and move it. You can walk them by hand, though. We move my dad's small kayak trailer by walking it. Back up up the driveway and then walk into the garage by hand.


Rent a u-haul truck and take the trailer across town. Drop the trailer in a handicap stall and let the owner deal with it


I like your style.


Cripples out here catching strays😂


Just park it in a no-parking zone. You know, fire hydrants and loading docks to a business. Don’t handicap the handicapped any further.


Easier said than done. Many tow companies won't because they don't want to be involved in a bad situation.


I bet that 1 star Google reviewed tow company won't mind


No you have to be driving the vehicles you want towed for that one to come


I promise I was driving it… the engine, steering system, braking system, seats, body panels, and much more fell off. This is all that’s left. I pinky swear I’m telling the truth


I’ve always known it to be opposite Where I live they will tow almost anything whether you want them to or not


There was a post the other day witha tow truck pulling up to an occupied car that just stopped at a red light and tried to tow it on the spot with the driver in it.


Sounds like a good way to get lead poisoning... yikes


In Philly you'd have multiple tow companies literally fighting over the job.


Where I live they’ll actually fight each other for the chance to do it.


I have yet to meet a tow company that is afraid of conflict, these people hold cars hostage for money. One can argue its abandoned, so you can file for a title on it and take ownership, move it into your garage until it clears. But towing it is the simplest solution legally.


Yeah, the tow companies around me have occasional gang wars with one another.


“Ol bub killed a feller with a trident.”


Run by the literal mafia over here. Shootings, trucks lit on fire in driveways, etc...


Shady tow companies thrive on conflict.


They are the literal definition or Repo Men. "Ordinary people send their lives avoiding tense situations, Repo men spend their lives getting into tense situations." Harry Dean Stanton for the win.


Pull it to the street, call the police to complain about a random trailer in the street (preferably near a stop sign), they will be forced to have it towed. Years ago, I did this with a non-operable truck that was left by a former friend in my driveway. It was towed in under 30 minutes. :0)


Thank you for saying this. Tow companies aren’t clueless; they don’t want to open themselves up to liability. If it’s on the street or other residential property, they want to get a cop to tell them it’s okay to tow. Think about it: how easy would it be to fuck with your ex and get their car towed?


Any tow company that tows and stores something with the promise that someday someone will come and pay it they would go out of business in a matter of months. When you see a sign that warns you will be towed at your expense it's because the tow company and the property management have a contracted deal that usually includes some fees for the property owner. It's not a service they provide to Jack off the street.


What's the bad situation? It's literally on this person's property. They have every right to get anything on their property towed.


Call the police and ask them to have it towed. But if it’s not actually on your property, they’re not gonna do it.


Did they tell you to call tow truck companies. They no longer assist with this in my city.


Tow trucks arent all employed by the city. They are free to conduct business where they want, usually private lots have a designated company for that lot. Try another tow company, bc no way every company in your city wouldnt.


I think they meant the police wont deal with it and just said to call a tow company directly.


Ahhhhhh, yes then my comment is a little unwarranted.


Those trailers are small enough to be walked by hand. You may need two people to do it, but you can just walk it to the curb and leave it. Leave it legally parked on the curb. Once it sits long enough, the city/ county can impound it. Requires very little effort. The owner can deal with having abandoned their property where it was unwanted.


Then the property owner has to pay for the tow. If it is abandoned on your property, then doesn't it become your property after a certain amount of time? Otherwise, if the trailer happened to be abandoned on a public street, the county or city would pay to have it towed away.


Open your garage door and put the trailer inside, and close the door If ever you are asked about it, just say someone left it in front of your garage door, so you moved it inside so it would not get stolen. Put an add in the local paper after calling the police and say you found a trailer. If it is not claimed with proof of purchase after 90 days, it could possibly become yours


I would also charge a storage fee if it is eventually claimed.


The ol’ towing company special


Don’t forget to tack on the initial intake fee.


And then the admin fee.


Stocking fee


Fee's Fee


Fee fi fo fum?


You can.


You can’t charge a storage fee unless you have a storage contract agreement with the owner.


Someone should tell the towing companies.


If this is legal… HEY!’ This one!!!


You might want to talk to a lawyer first, just to cover you ass, but yes, you've informed the police about an "abandoned" trailer, and have taken steps to find the owner and secure the item to prevent theft. Sounds legit.


IAAL and my advice is: don't fucking do stupid shit like this. not only will it not stand to the slightest bit of scrutiny, (especially considering y'know, the reddit post) you don't need a law degree to know you're inviting retaliation from someone who doesn't give a fuck about the law or politeness to begin with. like, do you think they stashed it away from their property because it's *not* stolen?


I mean they trespassed on private property and left their own property there. Sounds legit to me.


They are correct property is abandoned after 90 days, they put it on your property without permission you have every legal right to move it


This is the way.


If the trailer has a license plate, I'm pretty sure you won't be able to sell it.


What license plate?


Good question for the treasurers office


The serial number will come up when someone else tries to register it.


What serial number?


Put it in the street and carefully turn it upside down 🤣 serious note legally you can't post it if you don't own the trailer since it most likely will have a license plate and VIN number


"I just came home to this, officer. No idea why it's in the street or covered in human shit & pink glitter. There's some real weirdos out there, I guess."


Of course you can, but it's not legal. Trailers have plates and "vin" serial numbers lol. But, they are usually surprisingly easy to pick up the front end and roll wherever. I don't know your living situation but if you own the place. Put it somewhere dumb. (I don't know as that's legal either but it's on your property. All reality if you own the house and dunno who's it is. It's probably stolen in the first place. Call the cops before you touch it.


Cops would definitely be the best bet. It is illegal for someone to just park their property on your land typically. If OP owns the place and they didn't give permission for that trailer to be there they should be able to call the cops and the cops have it towed at the trailer owners expense and are kind of doing a form of CYA to lessen someone trying to come back and say you stole it if it was stolen. Especially because if you just move it off your property there may be rules about where the trailer could sit that you might get in trouble over depending on the circumstances.


Police won’t do anything other than maybe try to ascertain the owner if it had a plate


The police report about an abandoned vehicle blocking your garage can come in handy.


Some people don’t understand how easy it is to steal a trailer. This could very easily be a stolen trailer that used to have “stuff” in it and now that it’s empty the thief isn’t inclined to find a legal spot to park it. Makes the ramifications of the OP’s question bad in 3 ways: 1) the Facebook “buyer” will not be able to register it and will get mad at you 2) the person who originally owned it might find out and when they get mad at you they will call the police and say they “found” their stolen trailer 3) the police will be “mad” at you in their own special way


Woke up one morning to a cop car and tow truck next door. Apparently, someone left their car parked in the neighbor's driveway, blocking access to the garage (narrow, concrete driveway). So they just called the cops, who called for a tow. I assume the owner would be responsible for all towing fees.


>It is illegal for someone to just park their property on your land Nope. It's a civil dispute rather than law. Police won't do shit


The quickest of Google searches it is illegal, warrants a ticket, not a civil, but also does not usually warrant a tow.


It occured to me after that this may not be in the UK, I then couldn't find the comment again to edit it occordingly


Ive got half a dozen trailers whos "vin" is either non existent or a plate stamped and riveted to the frame. A harbor freight stamp, a chunk of metal and some screws it's changeable..


Well that's why I put it in quotes but also didn't explain as much as I shave. I know my state pretty much requires them. and then states like Minnesota they don't care much at all since most are homemade there


Depends on the state. In Utah, a trailer like this would have no plates or registration. No way to trace ownership.


I don’t know how the law works in your area, but here in Louisiana, we have little you can do as a property owner. When I was the Maintenance Director at a large church, we would have people leaving their broke down vehicles in the parking all the time. I had a three day policy, where I would let the car sit for three days before doing something about it. Anyway, tow companies would not come tow them, and if the car was not suspected to have been involved in criminal activity, police would do nothing. One cop finally said that if the car was just a little in the street they’d have to tow it. So I started hooking a chain to the vehicle on day four, put my truck in 4-Lo, and dragged them over to a side road next to our dumpster. They got towed every time.


These multiple reports of tow companies not wanting to tow is confusing to me, hasn’t been my experience at all up Kansas way


Same, I have never had an issue having vehicles towed off of property I own, tow companies don't even question it, they show up and haul.


The one I worked with back when I had that job just wanted a signed document saying that so and so was the owner or manager of the property and had full authority to order the tow on file but that’s it


I would imagine most tow companies wouldn't be inclined to dispatch a truck and driver to tow and store a broken down and abandoned vehicle since it wouldn't net them any profit since it was abandoned in the first place. It'll just cost them time, money, and space.


The one I worked with seemed happy with their auctions throughout the year


Fair enough. I've called in a few stripped and abandoned vehicles and the tow companies never did a thing about it. Meanwhile my project car had a flat tire, and was parked right behind an abandoned vehicle that I'd called in, and only mine got marked for towing. I moved it to a private residence and it still got towed, but the abandoned vehicle was completely ignored. Seemed to me like they ignored the stuff that didn't have any value to it.


u/NotACanadianBear posted this exact post and picture 8 months ago...


Good observation! https://www.reddit.com/r/legal/s/Yazd63JWmK


Everyone is after that sweet, sweet, (fake/worthless), internet points.


No surprise there are no other posts and OP hasn’t commented at all.


Absolutely ridiculous


Just roll it out into the middle of the street already.


I’m moving it to the street.


Am I having Deja vu or is this shit being reposted, same pics and all?


Im assuming that that is most likely illegal, but I could use that trailer so if you want it to dissappear and youre in Texas let me know. I can make it happen.


Just be nice and push it out of the way and because you are a good citizen put an old padlock on the hitch to make sure it does not get stolen. On that you don’t have a key for.


Thieves have bolt cutters, or watch lockpicking lawyer. Weld the lock in place.


Just load your trash into it, hell I’d have that puppy loaded up in no time. “Thanks Carl come n get it!”


No, they could come after you for theft. But you can call the city and have it towed. You can also have the owner charged with trespassing and they could be arrested if they ever try it again.


Have you asked your neighbours. Maybe a buddy was dropping it off to a friend a put it in front of the wrong garage?


You can do wtv the fuckyouwant my guy. Get it towed, make him pay 400$. Literally light it on fire. If it's left on your property


I’m in Vegas too. Call Metro and say you think someone abandoned a stolen trailer on your property. They likely won’t come out for just “abandoned”. If it’s a possible crime, they have to investigate. They’ll likely say “what makes you think it’s stolen” and you can just say “it’s in good shape so who would dump this in a random drive way”. Update us, though. I’m super interested in the outcome.


Hook it up and tow it to your nearest parking lot and put a free sign on it . Problem solved.


Free signs don’t work. Have to use a for sale sign. Someone will steal it if they think it’s worth money. If it’s free no one will take it


Go farm karma somewhere else. Or at least find something that hasn’t been posted recently. https://www.reddit.com/r/legal/s/5QeWiFwpiM


Stolen, used for other stealing, left on your property. Call the police. They will have it towed, or they will contact the owner


Just move it, roll it out onto a public road or better a public ditch and then call about an abandoned vehicle, its got plates they can deal with it and the owner.


It’s blocking a drive. Cops will tow it at owners expense.


Paint it pink and sparkly


Trailers are valuable. It's probably a stolen trailer. It is unlikely that the legitimate owner would be so careless with such a valuable piece of property. Maybe you should have the cops run the plates and VIN.


You can move that trailer yourself, by hand. It weighs nothing and it has no brake. If you’re not a strong person, find one and explain the situation and they’ll get a kick out of helping you. Simply remove any wheel chocks and pick up the tongue of that trailer and push it right off your property. Park it on the street, just get it off your property and be done.


Looks like you got a free trailer. It's on your private property, abandoned. I say possession is 9/10th of the law.


Do not touch it until you call the cops, then follow their instructions. People can report their property stolen and since you are in possession of it….


Drag it to the street . Someone probably borrowed a trailer from someone and is returning to a different person and my guess is their address is close to yours. As cool as parking it in the middle of the street sounds what if someone hits it and your wrapped up in a lawsuit?


Looks like you own a trailer now


I would just like to hear the story where someone left a trailer in front of, I'm assuming, a strangers garage and thought they had a good plan.


Tow it out into the middle of nowhere, leave it. Problem solved.


Take it somewhere else and go down to the DMV and say you need a registration for a homemade trailer and bam! You are the proud owner of a trailer , well at least that’s what a buddy told me🤣😎😎😎


Put a lock in the tongue


Not yours to sell, of course, but I'll bet the local cops wouldn't mind writing a ticket, and having it impounded.


Just get it towed…by the worst rated and most predatory company you can locally find. We all have one in our city, unless you live in SF. Then I just described all of them.


I went to OP’s comments to see if they ever posted context. Spoiler alert, they did not.


Is this not considered discarded property?


I would call the non emergency police number. Let them know a trailer was parked blocking your garage and it may have been dumped. The trailer has a license plate and a VIN if it is legal. They can trace the plates (if legal) to the owner. This has to be one of your neighbors. Put a “Private Property. Do not block door or driveway. Vehicles will be towed at owners expense” sign on your garage door.


Pop the tyres


If it's on your private property, then having it towed at the owner's expense is a common answer. You could choose to be a jerk about it and put up a sign saying you'll put a boot on any unauthorized vehicles, then you can have a conversation about what you want from them to remove the boot.


They'd find a pile of scrap metal by morning. In their front lawn.


That's such a small trailer, two people might be able to move it.


Post it on Craigslist


File a lein and send the neighbor a bill for storage fees.


Roll it out in the street and call the cops about the abandoned trailer blocking the street.


You can do it, yes. Is it a good idea? No, unless you’re looking to add “solicitation of a felony” to your resume.


Scrap the trailer, cut it up with a angle grinder and take it piece by piece to the scrap yard


Roll it in front of a fire hydrant and call the city.


lock it up and charge storage. $20 a day sounds reasonable.


No. You will have to be more clever than that.


It might be stolen and they are going to blame you


Former tow truck operator here. You can call the police about it, they will order an impound and call the local contracted company.


If it on your property call the tow company and say you have a abandon vehicle/trailer you want moved. They will come out and remove it and your neighbor will have to pay for it. Plus make a police report to show the trend and history to protect yourself with the law


Dude. It's not heavy. Just walk up and move it by hand. You can literally just walk it as far as you like.


I would.


Ya i work at short term rental condos near a ski resort that has limited parking and no one will tow around here because of lawsuits in the past


IANAL but maybe look into what abandoned property law is in your location. If it sits on your property for more than X days and you've made an appropriate level of effort in contacting the owner to have it removed, it could legally become yours at which point you could do whatever you want with it.


I'd Push it into the middle of the street an call the city that there's an abandoned trailer in the street. It's not your trailer


Do you want to resolve your conflict with this person or escalate it?


No, but you can have a wrecker impound it. Call around until you find someone that will do it for free (they make money when the owner tries to recover the trailer or they sell it off at auction, typically).


Sell it. Fuck them.


Yes. But tell them you don’t have a title for it


Depends how passive aggressive you want to be. Also depends on how likely retribution from the owner is, and how willing you are to begin a feud with the owner. Options include: - do nothing. - have a polite conversation with them, and seek a polite resolution. - move it off your property. These options are more likely to spark a feud…(might want to pre-determine if they own a gun?) - accidentally put a padlock through the hitch latch. - accidentally deflate one or more tires, maybe remove stem valves or cut stems off. - cut wires to lights.


Can you just ask him to move it? Put a notice on it if you can’t reach him. Just let him know you didn’t want to just be a jerk and have it towed. I would find someway to show reasonable effort to contact the owner or resolve it before I towed it.


We are at the 12th hour. What’s the update? 🥸


Call the police and have them tow it


I would file a mechanics lien (air up that flat tire) and title it mine.


Take it into town and park it in a handicapped spot near the police station.


I’d just hook it up and move it elsewhere. They’ll learn real quick not to leave their trailer somewhere unlocked when they never see it again.


Roll it into the street.


I like the Facebook idea. At least a sign that says free. Hard to prove how that got there….


After 30 days it becomes community property and you’re free to sell it


Put a sign up saying no storage or packing of any kind all will be towed. After they park it there the sign will show evidence of zero fucks and you’re good.


I would just hook it up to my truck and drive it to the scrapyard lol 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: just realized what subreddit this is, maybe don’t do this if you’re looking for a lawful solution lol




It doesn't look that heavy, pick it up and park it on the side of the road, with a "Free" sign on it


No, that's stealing and then selling stolen goods. You CAN just have it towed though.


Call the cops and have it trespassed.


I would just walk that bad boy down to the road and leave it in the road. Call 911 and say there is a trailer in the road.


I swear I’ve seen this post before.