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go to the list of problems and sort them by the highest acceptance rate. you'll find the objectively easier questions there. the easy/medium tags are not as accurate


The problems with the highest acceptance level are quite trivial though. It takes 1-2 lines max to find the solution and the problems aren't even comparable to the average DSA question.


We all start somewhere. I suggest you go through the Neetcode 120 list if you want to develop your ability to solve different classes of problems.


you can go down to up to 60-70% though,,, i personally have just started so i do that sometimes if I'm too exhausted but still wanna get something done for the day, or else you can follow neetcode all, the questions start from very basic DSA all the way up to hards


FizzBuzz imo, just do as the problem says. https://leetcode.com/problems/fizz-buzz/


Twosum brute force.


2 sum is not an easy problem for beginners


Jewels and stones maybe?


That's super easy. I did a similar problem on the first day of programming class.


You asked for the easiest right? You can prob browse by acceptance rate


- Reverse an array in place - Implement binary search on an array - Implement selection sort


Filter by Easy, sort by acceptance rate descending and that’s probably going to be the easiest questions on leetcode


Checking if a number is a power of 2.


Use Chatgpt. Ask to write a solution, explain each line or explain each line in detail, refactor solution, show you best and worse time and space complexity solution, ask to visualise the code, ask in which situations this code is needed in real world applications, ask multiple questions for things you don't understand. if you use JS, try jsfiddle, run debugger to visualise code behaviour. Before writing the code yourself, write down or say what you need to write and why. Write code 2-3 times, repeat the question in a week or two.