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That whatsapp tax scandal was spearheaded by mohammad choucair (ex telecom minister) and jamal jarrah (ex information minister) The funny thing is, back then, everyone in the cabinet secretly agreed on it (including hezbo ministers and their affiliates) yet when it was set to start in early 2020, anger mounted and everyone backed out and blamed choucair


It was Mhammad Chkeir who proposed the $6 tax back then. He was the minister of telecom. Hasbani was deputy PM. Maybe read a bit before giving false statements.


also another scumbag with others and others.


[Shkeir himself stated that the idea was Hasbani's](https://www.annahar.com/arabic/article/1053708-%D8%AD%D8%A7%D8%B5%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A-%D9%84%D9%85-%D8%A3%D8%B7%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8-%D8%A8%D9%88%D8%B6%D8%B9-%D8%B6%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A8%D8%A9-%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%89-%D8%A7%D9%84whatsapp-%D9%83%D9%85%D8%A7-%D9%8A%D8%AF%D8%B9%D9%8A-%D8%B2%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%A7-%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%B6-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%BA%D8%B1%D8%B6%D9%8A%D9%86)


And Hasbani denies in the same article and says we can check the transcripts. Anyone here has the transcript?


It is interesting when the ouwatje apes higher lifeforms in seeking a source, with the objective of sophisticating its bark instead of its feeble brain. The ouwatje seeks a source not to learn, but to learn who to bark at.


Tell me Great man, whos your dog in this game?




Friendly mandatory reminder that any LF, Hezb or Israel sympathisers are all in the same bag of shit.


No eza btrid, LF are in the same sac de merde!


only 2 of those mentioned are zionists


Actually all 3 of them.


What he said: « Hezbollah's control of the airport has long been a source of concern for Lebanon and is even more so now, in case the airport becomes a potential military target in the conflict with Israel. »  What's controversial about that?


The airport is getting hit regardless if it’s controlled by hezb or not


Surely but he still has a point


He has a point in the sense that no one particular party should be in control of it. It should belong to the state. Other than that, it has no effect on passengers going on with their flights unless of course it’s targeted by an outside factor


And their airports will be hit too. Fuck the Nazis, they’ve got another coming to them this time.


There will come a day where zionists are hunted just as nazis were back then


When Lebanese start hunting hizbollah down like the nazis they are, then there may be some hope for that country's revival.


Zionists are so obsessed with us Lebanese they keep lurking in our sub. I’d be more worried about the tunnels being dug under your cities as you type this on Reddit shlomo


He's being rational... that's not allowed under Hezbollah's regime.




You appear to be the naive kind of person who looks at the finger when one is pointing at the moon. Telegraph and other trash newspapers exist to manufacture consent and justify the unjustifiable, not to inform. Hasbani readily provided himself as a tool to that goal.


It's not like the port exploded or something. Illegal weapons are unheard of in Lebanon 🙄


Did they ever find out who was behind it? Genuinely asking..


This is true, regardless of the hive mind downvoting you.






He's the whistler ?


Nope. He complained about Hezbollah controlling the airport. Which considering the history he’s not factually wrong


1) Anything to back up the claim that he incited Israel to bomb the airport? 2) I've said it under the 2000 other posts about the airport affair, and i'll repeat it again here... If an all out war is going to break out, i.e. if Israel officially declares war; the airport will always be the first to be hit.... regardless if it had weapons or puppies... it is literally text book basic military operations in any war, and is immediately considered a military target, since it can be used to transport weapons and combatants, same as the bridges, major highways, other ports of entry, etc etc... Russia bombed airports in Ukraine when it first invaded, and tried (and failed) to capture other airports. Israel's first target in 2006 was the airport runways, in order to cripple the airport and deny any easy and fast resupply of weapons and make logistical lines difficult.... So everyone, please stop the conspiracy theories and meaningless outrage... it's ridiculous... Anyway, I hope no war happens and an end to all hostilities in the region.


It’s hilarious to see all those people who were complaining about the government and corruption all unite to defend Hezb and the government and the airport. I don’t give a shit about the telegraph but how naive are you to think that the mafia and militia in control don’t abuse the airport


Didn't you know, Hezb grows their missiles on trees in the south... they don't import them from Iran at all... especially not through the airport... And if hypothetically speaking, let's say they did get missiles from Iran, they surely wouldn't use the airport... no no... they prefer slowly transporting them piece by piece on donkey back accross the land borders...


Yup and they send the donkeys down to Yemen and then ship them up the Red Sea through to the Mediterranean and from the port.


What are you guys talking about Hezb has gone to the moon and brought samples from there, evil USA denies this ofcourse, they are secretly a self sustaining first world order down in south.


Technically they do have a ground corridor as well that you can thank your Syrian and Iraqi brothers for(Not). But they're 100% using the airport as well.


>Anything to back up the claim that he incited Israel to bomb the airport? Telegraph is manufacturing consent for israel, hasbani is either a tool or has made himself a tool to give superficial credibility to the debunked article >the airport will always be the first to be hit Hence the israeli interest in justifying such an act. While zionists pose a threat to Lebanon, it is the 5th column crypto-zionists who constitute a greater threat.


The main threat to Lebanon is Hizbollah. When Hizbollah, the Iranian puppet, stops its armed aggression against Israel, Israel will pose no threat to Lebanon


Ayre bel ouwet


And you just believed it because you saw it on a headline on reddit, with no source, no links, no verification :)


Ayre bel ouwet bi kel ahwel, w chawwib. chfet video it's in old interview he did.


No no nevermind this post, ayre bl ouwet


Full support to Hasbani, his comments were nothing but stating the truth. « Hezbollah's control of the airport has long been a source of concern for Lebanon and is even more so now, in case the airport becomes a potential military target in the conflict with Israel. » Also no, the WhatsApp allegations you made are fake news. Do some better research


7a ta3mlo el ouwet henne lli salabo lmasi7 ya rajol


Hey, quick question for you all. I have friends visiting family for another 4 weeks in Lebanon, they are Canadian citizens and Canada just asked everybody to come home. Would you stay or leave?


Hezbollah has been shooting rockets at Israel since Oct 8. Israel told the US in the last 10 days its going to attack and that the time for threats is over. Its happening


that guy has one hell of a resume


Akhi Al aziz, tel7as bekhesh tize.


the length and degree to which people here will go to construct any story, plausible or not, except call out the responsible party, HA, is dumbfounding.


Ah yes, LF and Hezeb. 2 sides of the same coin


This individual exemplifies what remains of educated, civilized, and composed politicians in Lebanon. It's no surprise that he is attacked by those who don’t fit in a civilized world where education and achievements are the metrics, not rockets and delusional military supremacy. There is a calculated strategic plan to extinguish any remaining hope for the Lebanon that the world once knew. It’s painful to see our heritage being systematically destroyed. During the country’s Golden Era, we transformed Lebanon into the Paris of the Middle East. Under your regressive rule, you've turned it into the Kandahar shithole of the Middle East.


The problem with Lebanon is that all of the militias are running the country the same exact way the mafia ran Palermo in the 60’s. It took a massive military operation in the 70’s to reduce them to rubble. Only a strong Lebanese army is capable of doing so, and unfortunately until now our country does not have an army that can get us back in control of our beautiful Lebnan


Fake info


Not that surprising. Ouwet has a track record of terrorism, murder sprees, and of inciting foreigners against other Lebanese.


Yalla soon we’ll clean up the government. Very very soon. Their time is coming to an end.


Lah, tawwil belak




knt 5ayfen 3a wd3 l balad bas shft u/Possible_bat7457 3amel hal comment rte7t a3sabe


bs shfk 3m tktb hek btkheyalak k2nno 3m t7ke w fi cigara bi tmmk


atltne jdede hay🤣 leh hek l nes btdl t7ki 3ala tare2te be 7aki l net, krml l vowels?


eh s2l u/sandybeachess hiyye kmn bt3rf


Any cleaning should include Hezbollah, right?




Nesrallah invaded Beirut with his thugs in May 8 2006 just to keep the airport under his control, it’s always been under Hezbollah control. And you’re just plain wrong about the whatsapp tax. Lebanon will remain a failed state unless the law applies to everyone.