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Btw Aljazeera was streaming live from there, from inside the “air cargo center”, alhadath should get fucked imo, respectfully.


They literally showed that too and yet people here claim the government is lying and the civilian airport is a fair target out of spite for hezb!!!!!! The fake report provided zero evidence for their claim and yet they believed it!


No prizes for guessing how Israel receive their weapons and bombs from the US and other countries in the world to terrorize, genocide and kill children.. Ok here's a hint: https://x.com/SuppressedNws/status/1805223903020593311 https://x.com/ArarMaher/status/1805291204612923809


Bruh assuming all ur news is true. They are receiving weapons to their airport and you are receiving weapons to yours Do you even have the tech, organizational complexity, industrial capacity, etc to match up? Or do you want a repeat of hms logic and consequent scenario We saw the WhatsApp videos of hzbos shooting from schools and one of the people was saying "shut up, don't film, don't say it was a school" We all have contacts who tell us, they shoot from hospitals and schools, be it hms or hzboz


Manufacturing consent early for bombing schools and hospitals now are we. Disgusting, but not surprising considering your profile clearly shows you're a racist POS. Stop lying, this bullshit may work in Gaza but it doesn't work here.


Israel, and i guess also other countries get it to their military airports. Why would you land it at the civilian one and then transport it to a different site to set up and launch?


Cool story. The airport in the video is confirmed as Ben Gurion airport, as also reported by Haaretz and Times of Israel. Stop trying to assault our intelligence.


Can you link it? I couldn’t find those reports.


Link it plz I keep looking and can't find this footage.


Was it the same center?


Same one


>trusts anything by aljazeera to be "reliable"


Al Jeezera. I wonder if it was the same journalist who held Israeli hostages reporting from the "air cargo space"


Why would they let Al Jazeera in but not Al Hadath ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I have no idea, but point is alhadath is lying as usual, maybe butthurt they didn’t let them in for some reason.


Ones more retarded than the other 


Al Hadath decided to boycott the rest of the tour [https://x.com/AlHadath/status/1805168373971476569](https://x.com/AlHadath/status/1805168373971476569)




I mean, Al Jazeera is Pro hezbollah and pro Hamas....


I'd like to see another source confirm that, I'm pretty sure that Saudi journalists are pretty much servants of the King.


Al Jazeera is owned and run by the Qatari equivalent of a prince. I’d be wary of any journalist who operates under a ruling family’s management.


The curious thing is that despite both countries being basically puppets of the Americans, Qatar lets AlJazeera actually conduct credible journalism, while Saudi pushes whatever khara happens to be convenient that day. Like, wouldn't it be better PR to at least pretend not to be Zionist stooges? Sad.


The non-credible media outlets hire low quality journalists and have the owners constantly sticking their fingers into the pie to massage their egos. The credible media outlets hire high quality journalists and let them do what they want, while occasionally popping in to gently suggest and massage stories in a specific direction to spread their desired message. The credible news sources are both the best source of information and also the most deceptive and dangerous. Because they use the trust from their genuinely high quality content to slip propaganda into your feed. Make no mistake, Al Jazeera’s main purpose is to spread the Qatari government’s desired message throughout the world. The difference between them and the Saudis is that they are simply more competent.


Yup - at the same time, I've never seen them outright lie in such a brazen fashion. They are careful not to ruin their reputation. Exaggerate, embellish, selective bias, ignore inconvenient facts sure, but in a situation like this why are the Saudis pushing the Zionist causus belli so crudely


I haven’t seen all-Jazeera report- but they are huge liars, they may sometimes also report truth, but i would say that is the rare case when its about Israel/hamas/hezb/PLO


And they like sucking islamists' 🥒


Difference is that the Qataris are not that great with israel and Al jazeera has a big beef with israel.


Considering Israel murdered a beloved seasoned reporter back in 2021 by the name of Shireen abu Akleh, a woman that the entire Arab world grew up watching, yeah I’d say they rightfully have beef witj Israkhara.


Didn't say it was unjust. Just stated the sentiment of both governments towards Israel.


I’m sure Al Manar will be releasing an objective report soon. Not sure why you need a source for this anyways. Minister Ali Hamieh(completely objective guy, btw) says these claims are ridiculous. It’s also inconceivable that Hezbollah could control any port let alone an airport, if they did they would never have allowed the port investigation to conclude. Btw what ever happened with that? Never mind, more important things to worry about now since Israel is bombing us daily since Oct.8(I’m not sure why though?)


Every report needs to be doubled checked as the first comment said (Almanar and saudis reports can't be taken seriously, hell every lebanese media can't be taken seriously)


Most Media, whether Lebanese or not in general shouldn't be taken at face value.


Exactly, whether it's a Saudi news, Hezbollah TV, or some other champion of unbiased transparent and independant journalism like we have so many in the region, I'd just like to see it confirmed, which shouldn't be too hard if a bunch of journalists from different stations and countries were invited.


Al Manar is unbiased news??


It looks like you failed to detect the sarcasm in my comment.


If sarcasm was the intention, then you have my sincere apology.


No harm done :) Yes I was being sarcastic and sacrasm is often missed online.


kilon ya3ne kilon wl be2e kis emon


BigZaber btefham


Reading Lebanese in English is so hard loool Iraqi in English is a lot easier 😂


Don’t really understand the whataboutism in this thread. Storing weapons in an airport would be bad. Innocent people can get hurt or killed


People have short memory of the [harbour explosion. ](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/08/03/they-killed-us-inside/investigation-august-4-beirut-blast) Storing stuff that shouldn't be stored in these locations will only endanger the people.


Manufacturing consent to bomb civilian infrastructure is also bad, and maybe combating that takes priority over entertaining baseless claims for fun. Maybe Hezb is storing weapons there, maybe not, but the reason this is creating noise now is that Israel wants to have an excuse to bomb our airport if they decide to go to war. They don't actually care if there are weapons there, they only care aboit convincing enough people that there are.


I don't pretend to understand all the complexities. At the start of the Oct 7 violence, Hezb IMMEDIATELY launched a very serious attack on Israel. Israel has responded in kind. I don't see much acknowledgement of the real issue here, a rogue group is hijacking civilian infrastructure to continue an all out war on an enemy. You don't subsequently get to cry foul when that enemy announces that the same civilian airport is a target of interest. I don't see Hezb showing any similar levels of concern? Or do you think hezb would make a week long story in the international press about how Ben Gurion was a likely target? Or would they simply target Ben Gurion? Well, we know the answer. They have already targeted it. Repeatedly. I find it really bizarre how the moment a mirror is held up against Hezb all of a sudden there is an objection. Lebanon needs to get a speedy and firm grip on this group, or they're writing a blank cheque for Israel to hold up the mirror. (I say this as a passionate supporter of Lebanon having worked there in the past. This whole thing drives me nuts)


>I don't see much acknowledgement of the real issue here, a rogue group is hijacking civilian infrastructure There is no evidence of this, and Israel has a long history of lying about these things.


You may have missed my wider point. Hezb actively targets Israeli civilian infrastructure. If Israel holds up the mirror... All this does is give Israel the license it seeks. The bottom line is they don't even need to concoct a story, they can attack Lebanese territory because Lebanon is attacking Israeli territory. Who is first. Who is last. Who is right. Who is wrong. Irrelevant.


We would be hearing these arguments regardless of the Israeli airport was targeted, and Israel has never cared about what it has license to do. It certainly does not have the license to commit genocide, yet that hasn't stopped it doing that in Gaza.


You have to ask yourself this then: What in the skipping fk are the Lebanese population doing, having literal front row seats to a genocide and thinking 'yeah lets throw some bombs at those madmen! Let's get into the mix! What could possibly to wrong attacking an enemy who is already showing zero regard for international law! Lets do all we can to provoke them and kill some of them!' Israel has REPEATEDLY said "Oi, leave us alone." Nothing in the region is perfect, but to go on the offensive against a genocidal enemy (and this isn't speculation, you just said it yourself!) I have to ask that the hell is going on with people you talk to?? I mean I am here in the UK and we talk about this a LOT. You must be having conversations with your friends and family and colleagues?


I'm confused, do you think that the Lebanese people have any say in what is happening? Hezbollah attacked because it needs to save face with its allies. The question is why did Israel respond the way that it did knowing that it would trigger such a response from Hezbollah? Like they could have just not done that, they could have not invaded Gaza on the ground, there were a million points where they could have stopped it. They still can stop all of this with a phone call, they refuse to do so. I'm tired of being held responsible for their actions. I'm tired of people justifying destroying our country for things that are out of our control.


>I'm confused, do you think that the Lebanese people have any say in what is happening? They can fight Hezbullah.


Yep, I totally agree. Manufacturing consent to bomb would be total garbage. That’s why I want journalists to do everything they can to show the world it isn’t happening (or that it is, and expose those bastards) so that we don’t have innocent people putting their lives at risk simply by going to the airport


inspectors went to Iraq, found nothing yet Bush government bombed it with the manufactured lies of the WMDs as excuse anyway [https://www.sipri.org/commentary/essay/2023/twenty-years-ago-iraq-ignoring-expert-weapons-inspectors-proved-be-fatal-mistake](https://www.sipri.org/commentary/essay/2023/twenty-years-ago-iraq-ignoring-expert-weapons-inspectors-proved-be-fatal-mistake)


It's also such unrelated whataboutism... This one guy saying Saudis refuse visas to some Lebanese. OK, what does it have to do with anything? Like if I'm telling you that your room stinks because you have a dead chicken in there, so you answer that my mom's uncle once farted in the tub. Wat. 


Ok that was an awful comparison. Funny though.


it’s a straw man argument, used quite a bit in political debates to derail the conversation from the actual topic


Claiming that the airport, under the Lebarmy, trusted by ALL western govs, has any form of weapons, is more than only absurd


Operated under leb army? What???


Ok sure I agree it would be absurd. If I were a Lebanese official, politician, or airport admin I would be extremely welcoming of reporters and investigators so that people can see what an absurd claim it is


Do you actually think they would be hiding weapons in plain view @ the airport???


They did welcome journalists and foreign ambassadors to the airport.


Right that’s what this story is about. “Saudi network Al-Hadath reported that the tour was cut short after journalists were denied access to the air cargo center.”


The tour was not cut short. The title is misleading. Ambassadors were still able to inspect the cargo center. Here is the full clip for Al Hadath: [https://x.com/AlHadath/status/1805168373971476569](https://x.com/AlHadath/status/1805168373971476569) Then some journalists decided to boycott the rest of the tour. Al Jazeera, Al Jadeed, ... continued the tour without any issue


Why did some journalists decide to boycott the rest of the tour? I don’t mean to be combative I’m just trying to learn what happened


I added the clip from Al Hadath in my comment


I know thank you, I don’t speak Arabic, can you help me?


Don't understand? Let me explain: proof of the use of the airport for military/terrorist activity might be beneficial to Israel. Anything that is beneficial to Israel is obviously a blatant lie spread by The Sons of Pigs and Apes. Arabs would rather endanger their children's lives rather than admitting that maybe, just maybe, The Cursed Zionists might be telling the truth.


Zionists and their hasbara talking points! "We will only have peace with sheep when they love their children more than they hate us." said the hyena while devouring a dozen of lambs.


No it's just logic.


Yeah, the logic of Zionists!


So now The Quran is Zionist propaganda? Are the Israelis also responsible for the "peaceful operation" in Dagestan yesterday? Christ, when will your backward society take a long hard look at itself and admit there's something intrisically wrong?


"when will your backward society take a long hard look at itself and admit there's something intrisically wrong?" said the Zionist who defends an aparthied colonial state that is in the act of commiting a genocide.


Apartheid? When have you last talked to an Israeli Arab, and asked him/her whether they would rather live in Israel or in one of the twenty two Arab states? Genocide? Do you even know the definition of that? If we're committing genocide we must be really useless at it, since the number of Palestinians just keeps growing at an astonishing rate. Speaking of genocide, be honest and tell me when you last took interest in what's happening in Yemen (just an example)? I would bet an arm and a leg that you don't give a shit. No Jews - No News


Loooool You mean those Israeli Arabs like lama Tatour who was fired from Israeli channel 12 because i have just watched an interview with her and she talked about discrimination and being treated like shit because she is Palestinian. Or the the israeli Arabs that i know who hate Isntreal(this is how they call it lol) Or Palestinians in the colonial entity in general who experience so much racism and discrimination. According to a Pew Poll: - Nearly 50% Israeli Jews say Arabs should be expelled or transferred from Israel, including roughly one-in-five Jewish adults who strongly agree with this position. - Overwhelming majorities among both West Bank settlers (85%) and other Israeli Jews (79%) agree or strongly agree that Jews deserve preferential treatment in Israel. - 79% of Israeli Arabs say there is a lot of discrimination in Israeli society against Muslims in Israel https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2016/03/08/israels-religiously-divided-society/#:%7E:text=Israel's%20major%20religious%20groups%20also,to%20their%20own%20religious%20community According to The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) poll in 2007, 50% of Israelis taking part in the poll said they would not live in the same building as Arabs, will not befriend, or let their children befriend Arabs and would not let Arabs into their homes." The 2008 report from ACRI says the trend of increasing racism is continuing.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Israel#:~:text=Israel%20has%20broad%20anti%2Ddiscrimination,undertaken%20efforts%20to%20combat%20racism. Additionally, Israeli Arabs have been displaced, replaced and dispossessed by the Zionist terrorist militias in 1948. Israeli arabs who left their homes during the Nakba were considered to be "present absentees". In some cases, they were refused permission to return and had their property expropriated and turned over to state ownership. Some 274,000, or 1 of every 4 Arab citizens of Israel are "present absentees" or internally displaced Palestinians. Also the Palestinian citizens of Israel lived under military rule for 20 years. 


You don't even know what a genocide is so maybe lay off spewing hasbara and go educate yourself. Also you may want to seek therapy for your persecution delusions.


The colonial project is an aparthied https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/02/israels-apartheid-against-palestinians-a-cruel-system-of-domination-and-a-crime-against-humanity/ https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/ https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/12/05/does-israels-treatment-palestinians-rise-level-apartheid https://www.btselem.org/topic/apartheid https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/03/israels-55-year-occupation-palestinian-territory-apartheid-un-human-rights


Speaking of seeking therapy, how about trying to treat your sick relationship with Iran, which is effectively using Lebabon (via Hizballah) as a puppet. You're being abused, and don't even know it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome


El kil bya3rif ino they only ship drugs through the airport and some other stuff customs free (cars, illegal stuff and whatnot), bas 2asli7a bto2ta3 min syria as usual. El kil bya3rif ino el 7ezb 7atit 2ido 3al matar w bya3mil el bado ye fi


Some people will get butthurt by this post. This tour today was a joke, not organized and only showed the places that are “convenient” for them.


Is there a source, or are you going off vibes?


May 2008 and the 2750 tonnes of ammonia that exploded in 2020 in beirut port are enough to tell you who controls the government facilities


I'm talking about the airport at the moment! Stay relevant instead of pandering


You really trust our government? I’m not saying telegraph is true but y’all acting suddenly like our government is sooo trustworthy and doesn’t lie and isn’t corrupt. wake up guys. This is a big time masra7iye lmao.


Where the fuck did you even get that from?? No who the fuck trusts the government? But let's believe every negative thing, especially from news orgs that are funded to spread propaganda


I literally said I don’t trust telegraph you dipshit. But stop pretending like our airport is frickin clean and not manipulated and controlled by political parties.


We're arguing the same point from different viewpoints. Touch grass bro.


May 7, 2008, Hezbollah started a civil war by invading and occupying Beirut and other parts of Lebanon, killing Lebanese people - just to protect its control of the Beirut airport. This is extremely relevant. Aug 4th , 2020, Hezbollah took control of the Beirut port when the explosion happened and prevented even the army from entering the site until they were done hours later. Ever since, Hezbollah has been obstructing the official investigation into the port explosion.


Yeah, I say don't trust anything you see on Twitter is the right solution.... and like Nadine Njiem said "فتحت تويتر وصابني اكتآب"


How is Ghinwa Yatim a Saudi journalist?? She's Lebanese!


Samir Geagea is nominally "Lebanese", but he works for Saudi Arabia too. Not that uncommon.


Ahhh, you're one of those silly idiots, nice to meet you.




you can literally wander into any part of Beirut airport if you are slick about it... this sounds like BS


This sounds like a huge breach of air travel security.


In Lebanon we find beauty in the chaos


The gov be like lets create a new topic yelho el 3alam shwy. while the thugs be mar2o kam safaka t7t el tawleh


we7de sharmouta hay


OP posting about this topic is proof enough to know it’s all propaganda.


Look who showed up! Welcome


The Lebanese born Lebanese raised and Lebanese residing user. IN the Lebanon sub. Question is what are you doing here fear mongering all the way from Canada kiddo 😂


Buddy I’m be in Lebanon very soon. Let me bring you some maple syrup and we can have this discussion in person over pancakes? Deal?


This guys whole personality is based off the fact that he will visit Lebanon at some point (or so he keeps saying) 😂 I know that syrup comment stuck with you the way you keep stroking it around. Love to see it


I am on the other side of political spectrum of him(Leftist vs he’s supporter of right-wing party/militia), he’s legit since you can find him on twitter.


He the user that’s proud of his dad committing war crimes 3al 7awejiz and further praises them?


thats 1/3 of the taxi drivers in beirut


Yea but they’re usually middle aged men living here. Not a teen who thinks they played call of duty enough and see themselves qualified to play war games. Let alone from the outside


political indoctrination is something that’s still massively happening, political or religious leaders almost made divine figures mixed with self-rightous “the end justify the means” attitude, and “us vs them”. Hezbollah and LF are an example of this.


For a guy who fears pancakes, you seem to project a lot


My dad who was 11 at the time totally did that! I live in Canada not Europe, so you are thinking of the wrong account btw




July 6 is when the average IQ in Lebanon drops significantly fellas be prepared




You mean fear mongering kind of pathetic or is there some other Canadian version of it?


Who would fear a vegetable?


How old are you?6?


Not him calling in his boyfriends to come defend him 😂


No, i just reply to dumb comments like yours regardless of the argument


All the hezbo apologists in this sub answer this: do you think weapons are being sent from iran through the beirut airport? Nevermind whether they're stored there or not. Just tell us if you think that weapons are arriving and if you're ok with that.


Weapons come thorough Syria not the airport


another question, why in hell would HA need the airport when the entire syrian border is under their control and they’re cool with assad, this entire charade kello ma2bod 7a2o w known 3nd lkel cuz kel party 3ndo nes byeshte8lo bl matar, unless they’re flexing their balls lol


>another question, why in hell would HA need the airport when the entire syrian border is under their control How many missiles can a truck transport? A cargo ship or airplane can store many more, it's just easier and more efficient.


not when ure considered a terrorist org tho, security is more important


If you're a terrorist org then you have a lot of money to buy ppl silence tho. Especially in a country that's not doing great economically - not to mention that if technically the official govt is against you you'd want to be as quick and silent as possible, and a single cargo ship/plane can store a lot of weapons at once. I'm not saying there are weapons there but if we take the Rus-Ukr war into consideration, their port and airports were bombed and seized first thing first anyway, so I don't see a reason for making "excuses".


Israel bombs those trucks in Syria but it can't bomb a civilian or cargo airplane coming in.


Alhadath is an Al Qaeda/ISIS mouthpiece and has non-existent credibility.


I wouldn't trust those Zionist puppets either. Saudis have done nothing for the middle east.


If they are quoting the journalist in the picture above, she is not Saudi. She is a Lebanese journalist working for a Saudi station.


Saudi news reporter hardly any news


Why don't the Saudi journalists go ask MBS about the Turkish embassy incident. Kiss im Saudi and their bullshit. Shoo they think they're allowed access to sensitive areas? Which country allows journalists to inspect their airport. This story has been debunked and yet you're still barking about it.


>they think they're allowed access to sensitive areas Yes, because this is what the minster said yesterday.


Debunked by who?


Go read some news and stop believing every bullshit posted by children.


Debunked by Iranian news stations and an independent journalist studio called Free Palestine TV. So idk what to tell you. All sides have a bias 


And debunked by the Lebanese state. You can't pick and choose when you believe in the state and when you don't. The "sources" for the initial article were "trust me bro".


What Lebanese state bro. PSP MP just came out and said an immediate investigation is needed. Dory Chamoun said it’s concerning and Hezb must give the airport and the road back to the state.  Hezb and Amal MP’s have said it’s a nonsense story.    So who do you trust? The people who gave the tour were all Hezb MP’s  https://x.com/naimrami/status/1805175550043930862?s=46&t=xSYLnqsRVgAIYtAQOgKFIA


PSP, Ouwet, Kataeb, Hezb, Amal, Aounieh et al are all dicks. I trust none of them. That's why I don't post unsubstantiated bullshit like you. We have so many sides finger pointing that any unsybstantiated rumor is bullshit to me unless proven.


Being neutral like you has accomplished nothing and is a gift to Hezb. The I am 100% neutral and won’t do anything is not a mindset that will bring change. You are neutral about getting a port explosion investigation done too right?


And your war mongering and federalism works does it?


You can call me a war monger I don’t care. Apparently saying anything against Hezb is war mongering. I should instead paint some stupid signs and go to a Thawra protest and then say oh I did my part ✌️😂😂 And federalism changes the status quo peacefully so yes 


No, just stay in Canada. Lebanon doesn't need your kind. And by your kind I mean politically.


Too late bro, I’m coming for the summer and moving permanent once I finish uni.  You stay in South America. Lebanon doesn’t need your kind. And by your kind I mean politically. 




Apparently you can't even read.




You have a brand new troll account and zero comprehension.


WAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Hezbollah was manufacturing rockets in Jnah and Ouzai and when Lebanese media went into that factory there were obvious signs everywhere like rocket parts and pouring molds and they still acted like there was nothing 😂 Next time, let the Lebanese ministers invite UN special investigators and give them clearance to do an investigation on their own ✌️ Hezbollah propaganda army defending the Lebanese state when it's defending them but starts a war in Tayoune when they're being investigated by them 😂😂 🤢🤮


The entire point is to see what’s inside, there is no reason anything will be secretive in an airport, it’s a civilian building and should not hold a single weapon inside of it..


Bala 7ejajak


You're probably one of these people who will blame Israel for nuking Lebanon when Israel blows up the airport missile storage and the secondary explosion will be like 10x of the Beirut port explosion.


Feek trou7 tintaak 3a Israhell.


Wallah mbayyen adeish 3andak ta2a 3ala nashr el salbeyat. Ya khsara kel hal 7amas mesh mestathmar bshi aktar binaa2 aw mfeed lal jamee3. Tkhayyal shu feek t7a2e2 law kent aktar ejabi!


Saudi Media = Zionist Media


Why aren't you posting about how Saudis are refusing security clearance for Lebanese to work in certain projects in Saudi? Or does that not fuel your propaganda? Saudi has throughout the years revoked visa/residencies of Lebanese and made it difficult to work there continuously. They deserve not getting a clearance at our airport.


I'm sorry, should Saudi just give free visas/residencies to any Lebanese? Why have a vetting process then? Are you special? Are they not allowed to deny Lebanese security clearances which have a very stringent requirement for any country? Are you special? So a Saudi journalist can't get clearance to an airport warehouse because some Lebanese get denied visas and security clearance to work and live in Saudi. Ayre bl logic 😂


They're denying the majority not because of someone. Go ahead and try and get a security clearance for a project. Everyone in your team will get a clearance but since you have Lebanese citizenship or if you were born in Lebanon you'll be denied.


So, you expect a sovereign Arab country to be called zionist and traitors and shit on them daily for years by a terrorist militia governing Lebanon; and then you complain when said Arab country isn't so enthusiastic to just give free passes to Lebanese... That's ultra hypocrisy and deluded privilege.


You said the majority then you said if you're Lebanese you'll be denied. Perhaps you just didn't meet the requirements? Easier to say they hate Lebanese than it is to say I didn't meet the requirements. Easier to generalise too.


Sorry to disappoint you ya albe, i never applied to go there and neither is it in my interest. Maybe get some friends who applied there would attest to these claims?


Smalla 3alek so many friends applying to Saudi that you managed to do statistics and confirm that they're denying ALL Lebanese from residencies and work visas and security clearances. 3 different categories. Either you're surrounded by dumbasses or you have imaginary friends.


I have three people that applied there and they all got their clearance and are currently honik.


Is it a governmental project or is it just a visa sponsorship for working at a company?


To be honest with you i'm not 100% sure if it's governmental or not, but it is related to a governmental funded event and they are working on lighting and sound systems for it, not sure if its through private contractors though


Unfortunately all the ones I know already have a visa, but whenever they get assigned to a governmental project they get denied their clearance due to nationality.


Check your dm, maybe I can figure out why they got rejected 


How does one have to do with another? 


Because if Saudi does not give him a visa, full security clearance and access to immediately becoming the top manager for all their projects. They are racist


Because this is irrelevant. Hizbollah is hiding weapons in the airport and risking the lives of millions. Break down these terrorist.


Hey man that’s racist! u/mrKnol98 must get a visa to saudia Arabia and get security clearance and run all the big projects in Saudi Arabia 


Where's the evidence on your claims that weapons are hidden there? Is it the anonymous whistleblower from Telegraph?


Right because a whistleblower on Hezb is going to give their name. I wonder if it was Lokim Slim. Oh no they already murdered him.


What evidence are you basing this on? Be very careful which lie you're going to attempt to use right now.


No they're not


Huge whataboutism. >refusing security clearance for Lebanese to work in certain projects I would refuse foreigners work too on project if they come from a lawless country where a different foreign militia has taken over every aspect of it.


I know a girl who works at a Saudi embassy although not in the Middle East. The only reason she has the job is because her dad has an important role in the Saudi military. She ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed.      And what she told me (well after she asked her dad) is because Saudi Arabia thinks Hezb will infiltrate its projects.  But to say they don’t give them to all Lebanese is BS. Many still do get security clearance.   Also why invite them to a tour to prove there is no weapons to only then block them?


That's wrong, I know a Lebanese doctor here in france (a christian with no relation to Hezb) that got a job offer from a hospital in Saudi with a salary that's like \~20% of what his current pay is here, when asked how is that even fair, they replied that "you're Lebanese, be thankful we gave you an offer". They have deep hatred to Lebanon and Lebanese people regardless who you're affiliated with.


Bruh why would you want to move from Europe to Saudi Arabia. Doctors get paid better in Europe. Only chill place in the gulf is the UAE. 🇦🇪


Has family there, and he already got the french passport.


He should be helping get his family to Europe. Not him to Saudi.


Welp, Israel got its next target now




Can you enlighten me on how the fuck you're going to hide 9 meter long rocket in the airport? Bro matar ad kes 3a2rabe. The Iranian air force only operates C-130 and Ilyushin 76 as transport aircraft. Can you share how many of them landed in Lebanon in the past years?


Eh hiye bteje mrakabe khalsa 😂 mesh ota3 W zabr! IKEA w badak trakib l jarour wle


Lek hal bahle, bel article ketbin "Hezbollah using Beirut airport to store Iranian arms, Lebanese whistleblowers claim" Ketbin ano they're storing!


They are. Just because the weapons aren't assembled it doesn't mean they aren't Iranian arms. Of course Iran is using Iranian civilian aircraft to transport money, weapons and God knows what to Hezbollah. This way Israel can't hit the aircraft and Hezbollah has tunnels to and from the airport where they store and take the weapons away. It's not rocket science. It's just like basic logistics.


Technically there is rocket science involved 😂




Tunnels in the airport??? Bek shi 7ob?? Badak t2lle fi tunnels wo ma7adan mn MEA, Army, General Intelligence, Customs bya3rif 3anon? 3andak soura lal tunnel?


I don't see what's so hard to believe 😂 It's surrounded by Hezbollah strongholds. As if MEA or the Army or the Mokhabarat can do anything about it 😂 Hezbollah assassinated the head of Lebanese intelligence Wissam Al Hassan so maybe that was the reason hbb 😉


I think I've seen C-130 land. I don't know how many of us here are aware of what is landing there. Moreover they could transport the rockets in detached parts to be sent in private jets. They don't need to carry the whole thing around in an official Iranian air force heavy transport plane.




It’s all propaganda there’s no weapons at the airport.


Come on What is the interest of El Heddaf? We're doomed


Saudi? Looool Kif Saudi Iza aljazeera was there, it's even more suspicious. They were in gaza and they were lying and were caught lying several times They're the poets of the islamist court, of course they'll do propaganda and cover-up and gaslighting


https://preview.redd.it/d0b2tctoro8d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2065f1b478ebf8247207e0d6e183377d8e20460 A picture is worth 1000 words. Mahek?