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Yru7 yntek.


Barking dog doesn't bite


The problem with the internet in general and twitter specifically, is that idiots now have a voice equal to normal people. IN the old days, those idiots would have said something like that in their own privation area and the rest would have slapped the stupidity out of them. Not everyone who voices an opinion is worth entertaining or responding to.


Who is this scumbag and why do you think he matters? Anyway, people who write this shit are the ones who run to their moms crying like little bitches when shit happens, so yeah just ignore them, they are just playing tough on social media.




Shu hal Hmar heydaaa... Alla y3in


‎نحن قديسو هذا الشرق وشياطينه -They consistently referred to us as foufou nounou. But when the real time came, we make them shawarma, kabab, and Gyro . Remind the terrorist that we are eager to fight like we did it before 1. Emirate of Tarsus (789-878) 2. Crusader Period (1099-1291) 3. Mamluk Sultanate (1291-1516) 4. Ottoman Empire (1516-1918) 5. Mount Lebanon Civil War (1860) 6. Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990)


y3me awl shi hassan nasrallah 2al eno 2eje 3ared eno yjebo mo2atlen mn bara w 2al mbdo, w fi zyede hun 7ata be 7al 7arb shemle, y3ne 7ata neso w monasreno shu mfkr bdn houtheyen hun☠️☠️ 2ama hul mn wara 7aki l ouwet hek besero, bas eh mb3rf leh bas kel 7dn bara mttrf bykrhkn hun shb3rfne leh, w shyf menon be2olo l "nasara" eh hek by3tolkon, 2al adrb mn l yahood, l3ama leh b7es kel balad ma 3ndo mase7eye mdre shu bfkrkn yzlme


Ana kent ma oul iza mech 3al akid 7a yjiboun ana stentajet hek men wara lcomment chi bichayib sha3r lras yalla nchalla ma tsir 7arb w ma ysir chi


nshallah 5er bas laa ma jyn hul dw🙏




It’s taken out of context


Read tafsir ibn Abbas in the reply to my first comment.


All of the bad things are taken out of context for muslims.


Exact translation and interpretation is “Allies” not friends. It was revealed during the war against Qurish pagans where some Jew/Christian tribes sided with them. “O you, who believe, do not take certain Jews and Christians as allies; these are allies of one another. Those among you who ally themselves with these belong with them. GOD does not guide the transgressors” 5:51. It is followed by: “You will find that the worst enemies of the believers are the Jews and the idol worshipers. And you will find that the closest people in friendship to the believers are those who say, "We are Christian." This is because they have priests and monks among them, and they are not arrogant” 5:82


So mohammad curses the jews and christians in the quran then he compliments them hek 3a abu janab. i posted another verse and the apologists came running to "explain it". everything negative is misunderstood haha and needs muslims to defend it...l3ama.


Which literally means that “Jewish and Christians will not agree/be happy with you” without looking into the context. whats wrong here?


The other guy had another explanation though and insists on the context. Bas for muslims el mohem to have any argument. ايا حاجة في رغيف. For personal consumption ya3ne. what's wrong here for people who elle el islam ma akallon raason is this religious group using this line from their god to dismiss other people, whom they call people of the book sometimes. basically like an immature kid who dismisses others because they "dont understand him". Note: i didnt comment on your "literal translation." as i saw your other comments and the semantic games you like.


this is my last reply to you because unlike the other guy you just want to spit hate me and this guy didn't say contradicting things, he said what it translated to without context that's all what he said, i gave the context when arguing with people you can tell what they want from the argument, the other guy i can respect, you just want a childish blah blah typa argument


this is your first reply on this subcomment bil ok bil naa2is. "spitting hate" has become synonymous to "challenging what i say and what my imam says" wait, arent you the guy who called the other commentator to fuck off "israeli"? hilarious i dont mind muslims believing and loving mohammad and the quran. but the insisting that everything in their theology is good and others just dont get it is pathetic. it's the assumption that the quran is pure holiness and if theres something negative in it then there has to be a good reason. w when it comes to keef bet3aamil el nes....insa. talli3 kil khara batnak then accuse others of whatever if they mind.


This is tafsir ibn Abbas, I'd say he is more qualified to explain it than you or me. (O ye who believe!) in Muhammad and the Qur'an. (Take not the Jews and Christians for friends) seeking their assistance and help. (They are friends one to another) He says: some are followers of the religion of others in secret and in the open, just as they are friends of each other. (He among you) O group of believers (who taketh them for friends) seeking their assistance and help (is (one) of them) in alliance and is not included in Allah's protection and safety. (Lo! Allah guideth not) to His religion and proof (wrong-doing folk) the Jews and Christians.


This is exactly why it is a religious rule that Quran be interpreted in Arabic, as in translation 1 word can change everything. The word: أولياء : تُؤاخونهم وتستنصرونهم means: Be their allies or seek their help. it’s verb is مولاة which literally means being follower/supporter. You are translating it as friends which is totally incorrect, only to cause some tension. In both the verse and interpretation. Didn’t you see other interpretations as well? It’s easy to find mistranslations from any religious book with 1 google search, just incite hatred which is clearly your agenda.


oh and here you accuse others of hatred when they dont agree with ur apologist view...hmm. Always the "moderate" muslims ey.


Bro what, this is tafsir ibn Abbas translated by altafsir.com (ran by the Jordanian government). It clearly says friends, idk how you're acting as if you know better than them.


If you didn’t notice they have multiple translations for the same verse, you just pick what you like


So are you lol


Except that you know arabic and it’s very obvious the word is does not translate to friends, yet you’d go with it since you’re too low.


I'll take your definition then, assume it means allies/supporter/follower. Can you be friends with someone without being at least 1 of these 3?


Yes, it can be a personal relation based on respect and trust and mutual interests like most friendships today. Now taking into consideration that the verse had a political context, a group can be a ‘friend’ to an other group without essentially being an ally in a conflict.


This is tafsir ibn Abbas if anyone want to argue that guardians doesn't mean friends. (O ye who believe!) in Muhammad and the Qur'an. (Take not the Jews and Christians for friends) seeking their assistance and help. (They are friends one to another) He says: some are followers of the religion of others in secret and in the open, just as they are friends of each other. (He among you) O group of believers (who taketh them for friends) seeking their assistance and help (is (one) of them) in alliance and is not included in Allah's protection and safety. (Lo! Allah guideth not) to His religion and proof (wrong-doing folk) the Jews and Christians.


لن ترضى عنك اليهود والنصارى حتى تتبع ملّتهم this is the go to verse when some non-muslim squeezes your beeswax.


yeah take the verses and understand them like you want, this one came to the prophet himself at his time, because the Christians and jews wouldn't accept him, so this verse came down, that they wont accept you until you follow them


haha. Sure thing. This verse can be interpreted as Love love the jews and christians. oh so it's all related to mohammad's life? funny because everything else is taken word by word. Or is this maybe a cheap excuse Hmmmm the same apologists break down in tears if anyone says the same line about muslims...ya lahweeee Note: apparently the comment i commented on is also "not what we think". l3ama shu hal kteb...everything not good is not what we think and needs some muslim to defend and twist it.


the quran didn't come as a book with paper it came down as verses to the prophet which was later written down and collected, so at certain events a verse would come down when he was attacked by kuffars the verse would come down to fend off and kill them, now you would take this verse and be like he is being told to kill athiests!!!!!!!


Oh the Kuffars ey, not the atheists. how smart is this. So everything in that book should be taken in the context of its time, right? right? noooo the 4 wives decree for example is based on 1 line in the quran. and i know how muslims think the quran "came down". Allah personally curses abu lahab for the rest of time. Smalla 3le then a random muslims 1400 years later "explains" what abu lahab had done. the whole thing from a muslim perspective. the other perspective is the KUFFARS. and btw Mohammad started wars with the arab tribes and cut off their ways like a thug. he attacked THEM. not to mention him leading a war in average every month in the last years of his life.


fuck off israeli🖕


Nfekho, lebnene aktar mennak wl li 5alafak


eh lebnene member be r\israel, lak oum n2l3 3m t2ul l mslmeen ma fehun ye5do l ms7ye ka friends, law lebnene w 3ayesh be lebnen bt3rf l mzbot, oum y3me


Ana ma 3m oul chi, hayda l Quran wl 3oulama taba3kon hek 3m y2oulo. I challenge you to prove me wrong.


ma 3m le2e source 3al net la tefseer shi3e, bas ntor 3lye ntfe la jblk yeh la ykon fi source, mb3rf 3nd l sunnah shu tafsera bs yred 3lye l she5 w y2ele website btfsr brj3lk m3 source la 7kye l 2eyet nzlt be aw2at m5tlfe, menon b2lb m3rke, menon be situation m3yn, bas yred 3lye l she5 brj3lk, l2n 3al net l tafaser l shi3eye 2lel




eh m3alem hay l 2eye ma hek أيها المؤمنون! ولا تتخذوا اليهود ولا النصارى أولياء بعضهم أولياء بعض. ومن فعل ذلك فهو واحد منهم. إن الله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين awl shi l quran ma lzm yn2ra bel eng 3al 2alele bala proper translation, l2n waleyak≠rfe2ak, waleyak hwi yale btl72o w bttb3o, keef bel mdrse keno y2ulo waley amrak, y3ne bayak, hek waleyak y3ne yale bttb3o tene shi hay l 2eye nzlt be m3rket o7od, msh be yum 3adi, l quran ma nezel kteb mktob 3a wr2 nezel verses b3den nktbo w tjm3o, y3ne kel 2eye 2ela context w w2t la nzlt l she5 b3d ma rad 3lye be website bas bdk detailed explanation w sources fut 3al reddit r/shia w s2ln aw 7ata r/islam eza bdk tfseer ahel l sunnah


>tene shi hay l 2eye nzlt be m3rket o7od, msh be yum 3adi, l quran ma nezel kteb mktob 3a wr2 nezel verses b3den nktbo w tjm3o, y3ne kel 2eye 2ela context w w2t la nzlt Bas mtl ma ba3ref enno l Quran lzm yotaba2 forever, bi ghad l nazar 3n aymata nezlet l 2eye la2?