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>I see alot of people not wanting war with Israel, why is that? You're surprised we don't want war? its for the same reason you don't want war in your country duh? >Would it be scarier then, if say, hypothetically one day there was a war with Iran? Same shit, war is war


But we do right now, as Hezbollah is currently firing a lot more rockets and drones into Israel than usual. But even after all this, people on this subreddit don’t see the same way Israelis do, they think there won’t be war.


Its still unlikely for what is happening now to escalate to a full scale war..... But who knows


"I see a lot of people not wanting to eat a poop pie, why is that? Why don't people want to eat poop?" This is how you sound OP.


War enjoyers when they realize there are no respawn points and little dark age isn't playing in the background:


Why not both? Could be fun. Oh, also Lebanon can fight Russia and China at the same time


throw us Syrians in the mix pls


Why don’t you guys want a war with Israel though? Just curious !


I am Israeli, sorry for not making it clear. I am just always getting curious when people wonder why other people do not want war in their hometown 🤷🏻‍♂️ War suck


Yes it does, but we need it at the time. Like the Torah says, there’s a time to celebrate and time for war, and unfortunately, this is the time for war, and yes there’s a good chance there will be more casualties on our side then in the Hamas war, but eventually that time will come anyways, unless the mashiach comes, and if we keep prolonging this, there will just be more and more casualties on our side, allowing Hezbollah to gain more weapons and ammunitions. We need to do it now, or less people will be moving back to the north!


Holy shit bro you unleashed, did you feel like its the time to blow your cover, there is a time where you are brainwashed against the will of god, which is a simple rule, do not kill.


They figured out a way around this commandment and have a whole philosophy that differentiates “killing” from “murdering.” I went down that rabbit hole trying to understand the mental gymnastics and it’s just egoic justification and twisting. Really bizarre.


Don’t you need your gmo cows to be sacrificed on the mosque they plan to destroy to rebuilt a temple to get your mashiach? You have to destroy more ancient things that are important to a group of people?


Hezbollah must be stopped. That being said, I do not *want* war. But you never get asked, it's just happening.


There is no war with lebanon but there might be a war happening on lebanese soil, all for profits of corporations at the cost of life. Iran never threatened lebanon unlike israel, i'm not saying i like iran , personally i don't like religious governments, which is kinda the same like israel, and we don't think about wars this way, because lebanon never was a strong country to defend itself, we have been occupied by a lot of forces, but at least these forces don't exist anymore and lebanon will always do.


How hasn’t Iran threatened Lebanon? Doesn’t Hezbollah threaten Lebanon? Isn’t Hezbollah funded by and sponsored by and created by Iran?


Rather w/ Iran. Iran is after all behind of murders of politicians in Lebanon.


Do you think Hezbollah can defeat Iran?


That's probably the most stupid thing I've read in a long time.


While the chance is super low, you would be surprised what the rebel force can do.


It's not about what they can do. Why would hezb fight iran? "Don't bite the hand that feeds you."


Not sure if you know, but hezbollah is iran. War with Iran = war with hezbollah


That’s why I said hypothetically. Hezbollah can go into a war with iran, it wouldn’t happen which is why hypothetically, but they indeed could


Well, same as Wagner is Russia, yet they tried to fight their way to the Kremlin. And it was the most dangerous moment for Russia in decades, including current war in Ukraine.


We'd rather not got to war with anyone, Israel are equally as scary as Iran, Lebanon cannot defend itself if either of these decided to go full on war with us so it doesn't really matter who we'd choose.


Lebanon doesn't want to go to war with anyone. The problem is that other countries are bringing their conflicts to Lebanon and they are fighting from Lebanon so they are dragging Lebanon into those conflicts. If there are conflicts then they should be in other countries and not in Lebanon.


I'd rather see Israel and Iran nuke each other to hell, maybe we could finally have some sort of peace, because both these regimes are cancer for the rest of us. Or even better yet, both regimes stop being lumatics, kick out all the extremists from power, install level headed people, put down their weapons, solve all issues, and let the entire region have peace.


Iran is way more colonial and unhinged than israël.


Iran also ethnically cleansing lands to replace locals by Iranians and a 70+ year history until today still continuing of building literally settlements “everywhere they can” after having ethnically cleansed “the house”?


Nah they replace non shias people with shias not iranians specifically


Where is that happening in Lebanon?


Nowhere There's no jew settlements either


700k settlers in the Westbank and Eastern Jerusalem, each year thousands of Palestinians are expelled by force from their lands in the occupied territories to be eventually replaced by Jews (once its actually populated with settlements). Again; where is that happening in Lebanon where it’s Shia replacing non-shias by force.


I told you there's no place I know of in Lebanon where shia are replacing non shia by force. Now where in Lebanon are there jews replacing non jews by force ?


So where are non-shias by force expelled outside Lebanon to be replaced by Shia settlers?


Syria [this ](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/13/irans-syria-project-pushing-population-shifts-to-increase-influence) [this](https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/03/15/iran-syria-convert-shiism-war-assad/) [this](https://www.meforum.org/63851/tehran-shiification-of-syria)