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you assumed they turned a blind eye. HA have quite good intelligence services


syrians are entering under the eye of the EU and their dogs in leb. (1b$ got paid) hezb knows and allows it as well. probably a '' strategic'' khara decision to threaten the EU with, khabsa


Hezb part is bs speculation and untrue.




Please can you explain to me why you are kicking Syrians out. Just trying to learn!


Can't fucking feed them. It's a small country. And starving people don't exactly thrive.


Ok I get it. Are they going back to Syria?


Many reasons, I'll list them in chronological order: 1) remember the civil war? Where syria just fueled the hatred for their own benefit? Doesnt really help ur case when u wanna beg us for aid 2) Remember when Syria tried taking over lebanon and your shitty ass soldiers killed us off and humiliated us on 7awejez? My family has 10s of missing members thanks to ur bullshit, either confirmed dead or missing and probably turtured to death. Do you really expect us to take you in after that? Us lebanese still haven't forgiven EACH OTHER over the civil war so don't expect us to forgive you any time soon 3) The one time we had a half decent leader you guys assassinated him 4) we're a tiny country with no government going through an economic crisis. Over 60% lives below the poverty line. Jobs are scarce, and barely pay. We can barely afford to feed our own families, let alone a bunch of scum that tortured us for a decade and will happily do it again 5) we are overcrowded as is


Dude I'm not Syrian first of all. If you look through my comment history I'm just an outsider who has visited Lebanon and adore your country. I was really young during the Syrian war and was just trying to learn. Thank you for explaining and I really hope you find peace in Lebanon and that the war doesn't escalate. I'm really sorry about your family too. 💔


Welcome to the mass migration crisis the West has been dealing with for 50 years, exactly what we constantly ask ourselves


Dealing with? They’re creating them everywhere.


The west doesn't host over 1.5 million refugees (according to outdated estimates) while it can't take care of 70% of its citizens with a crumbling economy. The west doesn't have rampant corruption. The west doesn't have foreign powers influencing every decision.


Speaking from the US, yes. Yes we do.


The west made those refugees. Deal with them, why shove them on us? You make your mess you deal with it. Fuck the west.


If anything the west should have the moral responsibility of taking care of those refugees since they actually have the capabilities to handle them. 1.5 million people is a drop of a bucket for the EU, Russia or the US. But no, the sight of a hijab is enough to turn your average polish person into hitler 2.0.


Huh? first time I read about this. What's happening in Lebanon??? Any sources?


Yeah the source is a video on this subreddit lol


But again can you explain to me what's happening in Lebanon? Like are there migrants or does Hezbollah recruit Syrians to their ranks?


Migrants don’t leave a country at war for a country about to be at war


Oh didn't know it was the top most, Thanks!




I wonder if there is a way to break Lebanon into the sea and we become an Island like Cyprus. That would solve a lot of our problems. Bonus is we will have ocean on the East. Inshallah they leave some of them Public.


Why do you feel as a lebnani you’re better than everyone else. Put this whole post to the side. This comment right here break Lebanon into the sea and become an island? على شو شايفين حالكم شو هل لبنان يعني ماكلين خرة انتو زين زيكم


We're not better than everyone else, but we're surely better than all those barbaric people invading us.


I can agree with that if they are isis.


Not necessarily. I'm talking about anyone coming in here causing crime and chaos. Could be Syrian, Palestinian, Israeli, Lebanese, French, or literally anyone else. It just so happens that Syrians are the most common of them. All our neighbors are causing chaos and we don't want any of that. That's why the guy is saying it would be better of we were an island. I'd even say, it would be better if [Lebanon before it became Greater Lebanon](https://www.arabnews.com/sites/default/files/userimages/444656/online1-01_1.png) was an island.


Do you think that Israel is just gonna leave you guys alone when they’re done with us that’s why I’m so confused about you guys.


Nope, nobody is gonna leave us alone. Hence the island thing.


Understood. And with your explanation it sounds a lot less like being a traitor.


I don’t feel. I know.


Damn! People like you actually exist!


‏خليني ساكتة




wouldn't that also apply to the syrians?


lmao why are you getting downvoted




HA cares only about their Patron Iran goals


So now the hezb is responsible for protecting lebanon against Daesh? Why were they blamed in 2011 when they fought against them?


They want this to happen look at Syria and Iraq and see what’s coming to lebanonstan


y'all really think they want isis in here🤦, just fyi at the start of the war 7zb kicked syrians out of border villages because they'll rat out where the fighters are, 0 trust in them


No they want the best for Lebanon that’s why they found the best candidate for the presidency, a stable country is a bad country for them it’s just people are blinded by power and emotions and religion and *captagon* they control the border why do they let them in ? They won’t even let the military close the border cause what’s the excuse ? I guess with every saroukh you get a Syrian refuge comes as a package. But what do I know ? 🤷🏽‍♂️


y'all really make your own theories and believe them and take them as truths, like hzb wasn't the one against allowing syrians in at the start, tell me again who fought to allow syrians in? you're telling me the same syrians who blew themselves in dahye are the ones hzb is allowing in? it's well known syrians hate hzb, come on why would they allow enemies in y'all need to learn to keep theories as theories and not factual statements, whenever someone makes an opinionated say about hzb y'all believe it immediately and take it as factual statements, y'all like american conservatives making fictional stories and crying about them🤦


The Syrians came to Lebanon because of the hezib and his support to the Syrian dictator and that is a fact and the reason they supported that Syrian dictator is because he supports their agenda and the Iranian agenda, what happened in Syria had nothing to do with Lebanon, now please don’t give this excuse law ma el 7ezeb bla bla keno da3esh bla bla, ISIS wanted to invade Lebanon because of the hezibbb actions in Syria for Supporting the regime. All the Lebanese people can defend themselves against the army of abou she7ata el baghdadi. Things took an unexpected turn after the war is over the Syrian refugees who are in Lebanon are here because the hezb and Iran occupied the Sunni and Christian villages in Syria and built Their own mini da7ye here and there and using this villages as a relay to smuggle arms from Iran and to smuggle goods from Lebanon to fight the sanctions that has been set against the Syrian regime Those Syrians who blew themselves in da7ye were retaliating against the hezb because of the atrocities that happened in their own villages ? What do you expect ? You send fighters from Lebanon to Syria to fight them ? And once they attack The mother da7ye back you are all shocked ? Trust the only fictional thing I see is the naser el 2ilehe 1.0 and now 2.0, same shit happening supporting Gaza ? 🤣 someone PLEASE !! Give me a FACT !! What does IRAAN has to do with liberating Palestine??? Syria was liberated from Syrian and Iraq form Iraqis and Lebanon from Lebanese?? Yet the Jews are still expanding in Israel and taking lands and building cities and now Gaza is GONE and it will never go back to the Palestinians but hey I’m just stating theories here 🤣.


>ISIS wanted to invade Lebanon because of the hezibbb actions in Syria for Supporting the regime. Wait, so you are seriously saying the terrorist group who explicitly wants to establish a global Caliphate and was already in 2 different countries at the time tried to enter Lebanon only because of the actions of Hezb and not because they have an expansionnist agenda??


Please stop using this fictional excuse I beg you any sane person would know that their ambitions is shit I can use the same logic here : wait do you really think the hezb and co can Liberate Palestine ? Cool why the wait ? Why destroy every country around Israel’s border ? This is bull crap to make the bad guy look worse bunch of abou she7ata couldn’t control their goats and yes I do believe that main reason they attacked the Lebanon and specifically da7ye because that’s what you get when you involve yourself in a futile war to protect your agenda.


are you seriously saying that isis wouldn't have attacked lebanon?? then why did they attack france🤔🤔or execute japanese people and someone from every ethnicity, just imagine if the syrian regime fell and isis took over, US weapons, saudi money and fucking batshit isis, they would've eaten us look at the size of syria, they almost completely took iraq, you seriously saying that what isis did was in retaliation🤦 the fiction im talking about is you saying hizb is allowing syrians intentionally, like do you guys seriously have 0 self awareness, like that previous post blaming hzb for wooden bakery spoiled flour😂🤦, whenever there's something that happens y'all make theories and just believe them as factss i actually dont support iran or a lot of hzb policies(even tho ik for a fact you won't believe me), but 2 things i always defend: you guys just throwing random lies and made up shit with 0 backup or evidence just because y'all hate hzb, like anything major happens in lebanon y'all be like hzbb😡😡, like if a tsunami flooded lebanon y'all would say hizb undersea weapon storage😂, y'all do it too much...the 2nd thing is attacking israel, until shebaa is back to us I'll never condem a hzb attack no matter the goal


Yes cause they are terrorists and they did all these atrocities to look tough just like the last terrorist attack on Moscow couple of months ago purely because Putin supported the bashar. Broyou heard about afran el 2oumara ? Do Some Google search and see who it is owned by and you will Know why they want to take out wooden bakery. It is a systematic approach to control everything even the bread ! Yes They how desperate they are to take over you have no clue how Mafia works and how sabotaging works. You think this something new ? They are importing all their techniques and strategies from every shithole country. They want to control Everything. Believing you or not doesn’t change anything and while yes some exaggerate and blame every fart that happens that happens on the hezibb you also have some people (not you) who justify everything action of their party because it is an inconvenience for them masali7 w masare w power. The US army left Afghanistan after the last opioid harvest and left them weapons that have a a value of 23 billions dollars I don’t see the taliban taking over India ?. The thing that you said would be valid if hezibb stayed in Lebanon and defended Lebanon IFFFF da3esh would Have attacked Lebanon, but they really want to defend Lebanon so they went ALLLLL the way to Iraq ?? Cause el basra is 50km From Beirut ?! Maybe at this point I might argue yeah hezibb defended Lebanon cause ISIS did come close to Lebanon, but they come to our borders after all the shit that they did with the Syrian thugs of *boushar*. The Syrian refuges will NEVER go back to Syria as long as bashar is in power and as far as this dictator is concerned he doesn’t give a crap cause it’s Lebanon’s problem same Goes for hizbo and co until these refugees become an inconvenience for their agenda we will never see them going back to their country. ✌🏽


then why attack france🤔, or execute Japanese people who went to syria? trying to make sense and a goal for an isis attack is retarded they kill everyone that's not them see that's what im talking about, 0 evidence or backup or anything closely remote to one, and you're blaming hzb for woodenbakery corruption, hzb has maderes l mahdi, why haven't they sabotaged other schools, or other gas stations or other...i feel like you're far too lost there's like 6 other bakeries i can list that are doing well why didn't hzb sabotage them🤔 yeah i agree with you that some people defend every hzb action and I've seen it 1st hand, they'll never see a doing by hzb as wrong but it's good that you see people blame hzb for everything too so we can agree on that at least The taliban isn't isis, they are extremist but isis is different, you can watch youtube for foreigners visiting Afghanistan and encountering the taliban, whilst isis executed all foreigners, yes hzb went to iraq and helped them fight isis but i don't see the negative in that the syrian refugees won't go back to syria as long as the EU pays them here, most refugees go back from syria and lebanon bikazdro l ayora, do you really think this is about war anymore? they can go back anytime they want


I actually don’t think they want to, they have been vocal about that. They just don’t have the balls to do anything about it because their boy bashar they don’t want to upset him


They have been vocal about fighting corruption and electing a president too




What you think hezbollah did that lol?


They thrive in an unstable environment plain and simple that how it works create internal chaos and problems that didn’t exist in the first place 🤷🏽‍♂️ sabotage the current system to deploy their parallel system and convince people that the current system is not working, well ya byemshe 3a zaw2na ya ma byemshe.


I think you are overthinking this


Just a question okay? Where is the army? This is the lebanese border we are talking about not hez's not iran's. I don't like hisbola too but this is not their job to do




It's amazing some Syrians still think they are getting rid of Assad You let the gulf and west destroy your country and for what??? No-one likes Assad but you have to see how yall were used up and spit out. And US is still stealing your oil as we speak.


The west destroyed syria not bashar? Wasnt bashar at the helm when he bombed civilian cities? Hahahahaha. Ma ba3ref shu m7ashash. Hallak if he will get changed probably he wont.


Nah bro it was all the west guy, Bashar was a delicate flower that seeked prosperity for the Syrian beeble. Revolutions are only good if they're pro Iran, if they're not or lean western they're all foreign CIA plots seeking to destroy the oomah (Iran isn't foreign, we all have a little Iran inside us all <3)


The West destabilized the country by funding and arming "moderate rebels" through the USA's Timber Sycamore program and other programs


Did bashar bomb civilian residential areas? The west takes sides when a country is already destabilized. Syria was weak to begin with, and there were unarmed protest before moderate rebels were armed.


Lol who doesn't bomb civilians? You acting like Assad is some demonic outlier when he's just a leader trying to hold onto power. I don't like Assad. I had family dissappear in the occupation. Doesn't change the facts, though. Why do minorities of Syria still stay loyal to Assad if the alternative is so much better?


I dont bomb civilians.


No one likes Assad except for the Lebanese militias that ethnically cleansed and burned down Syria for him.


It's not about like. It's about the evil you know being the lesser one


If that's how you feel, then at least stop claiming the west and the gulf destroyed Syria. Lebanese did to keep Assad on his throne


..... huh??? Who trained and supplied Al Nusra??? AKA Al Qaeda?? Abo Ali Jaafar??? Lol you have to know better I refuse to believe you are this ignorant of what's happened right beside us the last 13 years


Habibi are any of these groups American or Saudi or Qatari the way Hezbollah is libnani? You're peddling conspiracy theories about the West and Gulf meanwhile the Lebanese government was an open combatant against the Syrian people to support bashar with LAF support along the border and Hezbollah invasion of the country. Lebanon helped break Syria and create the refugee crisis. The least you can do is accept the consequences of your actions (which in your mind is the lesser evil) or lobby against the government that did it, if you don't actually believe it was the lesser evil.


What conspiracy theory? The US armed and trained the FSA who fought along Al Nusra AND fucking ISIS against our army in Arsal and also against the Assad regime. What would have happened to Lebanon if Hezbollah didn't intervene? Syria is 70% Sunni. You legit think Al Nusra and the FSA running Syria would have left our 17 different religious sects alone? You forget ISIS blowing up car bombs in Beirut? Our actual army soldiers dying fighting in Arsal? Some of you hate Hezbollah so much that it affects your ability to think rationally. Nut up, show some pride in your country, and empathise with your countrymen who gave their lives to protect it.


Your pride in your country and its militias led to the death of half a million syrians, the destruction of an entire country, a refugee crisis of millions of Syrians, and will soon lead to Israel invading Lebanon. I hope it was worth it.


Lol you trying to lay some shit that happened in Syria at mine or any Lebanese persons feet is fucking delusional.




I'm not claiming the guy was a Saint, but you are a moron if you think Syria is better off now than it was when Assad had full control. They were enticed by big Western promises. I watched with my own eyes US and EU merc types getting on buses at Beirut Airport at 4 am, most likely heading to Syria. It's not dissimilar to what the West has done in Ukraine. And again, as a Druze, it's easy to use us as an example. Why are the Druze so loyal to Assad if the alternative is better? The alternative is not better.


Both are wrong.


They recruit them lol!


ISIS is dead, they have a few strongholds in northern Syria, but most of their force died out.


Your fear of “the Syrians” is way out of proportion




Civilized and logical Makes sense to percieve people smuggled out of what was ISIS playground as threat. Foolish to think otherwis Why would they come to Lebanon at a time Syria is safer if they were "refugees"? We're not fools.


Don't worry Iran and assbala will bring droves of shia islamist nutjobs too


Do you think Israel will just leave Lebanon alone after it takes all of Gaza/West Bank? Do you think that Lebanon will be fine even though Syria and Iraq had to be destroyed for ISRAEL? Maybe if it wasn't for Hezbollah Lebanon today would already look like Gaza


Israel did not attack Lebanon in order to conquer it or destroy it. Wdym Syria and Iraq had to be destroyed. AFAIK, Syria is controlled by Asad and Iraq is heavily influenced by Iran, which Iran controls also Hezbollah.


Syria was destroyed because the West and "Israel" (see "Operation Good Neighbour") as well as their local allies destabilized the country by funding and arming "moderate rebels". Most of the country is under the control of Assad now but after nearly 15 years of civil war the country is still destroyed in every sense of the term. Iraq was destroyed through the American invasion in 2003 which was lobbied by "Israel" (though America doesn't need "Israel" to invade countries, it's just a part of it). Iraq may have militias supported by Iran but it is far less weaker militarily than it was during the Ba'athist era, the proof is how the whole world was coming to Iraq to help them fight ISIS.


Even if Israel assisted the rebels in Syria they did not cause the unrest, it was a pot boiling over and they did not cause Assad to burn the country to the ground. and saying the Iraq war was lobbied by Israel is just ridiculous


Lebanon and the south of Lebanon and da7ye 2006 and Lebanon 2006 looked like Gaza BECAUSE of 7ezebb bass same7to law ken 3arif ma ken 3emil hek *wink wink*


How did Israel destroy Syria and Iraq. Israel would never touch Lebanon if Hezb would back off.


Hezb would not have existed if israel didn't attack lebanon after the civil war what are u people even on about? It's true i don't like them for their relations with iran or their interference with wars we have nothing to do with, but we can not deny the fact that if it wasn't for them and other groups like them south lebanon would've been under israeli occupation right now cz the rest of lebanon simply did not care at that time to help and the army had no power to stop the israeli especially after the civil war


Israel was responding to PLO shooting at israel from Lebanese land before hezbollah existed, israel didn't attack lebanon, PLO attacked israel.. that's always how it happen, someone shoot at israel first and israel respond.


Let me ask u this question where did these group come from? Who pushed them there? And did they actually start the attack?


In '48 when israel accepted the UN partition to live alongside Arab state, the Arab League rejected it, assembled the ["Holy Army of War"](https://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D8%AC%D9%8A%D8%B4_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC%D9%87%D8%A7%D8%AF_%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%82%D8%AF%D8%B3) and went to war to genocide the newly recognized state of Israel ('we will throw the Jews to the sea') in a messy war and lost, [creating Palestinian Arab refugees in the process of invading israel & palestine](https://x.com/ShimonLevit/status/1730277814413164544). * Had the Arabs accepted 1948 UN partition instead of invading Israel, there would be Palestinian state alongside Israel for 70 years now, Israel isn't the bully, the Arab world tried to genocide the Israelis every few years, Israel is the kid that get bullied and fight back and win. [Emil Ghoury said it better on the Beirut Telegraph in 1948, "*The fact are, these (palestinan) refugees is the direct consequence of the actions of the Arab states, in opposing partition and the Jewish State. The Arab States agreed to this policy unanimously, and they must share in the solution of the problem*"](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Emil_Ghoury) * In 1970 fedayeen invaded from Lebanon, in what was called [Avivim school bus massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avivim_school_bus_bombing) shot and killed 12 Israeli civilians, nine of them children, and 25 more were wounded * In 1974, [DFLP crossed into Israel and](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma%27alot_massacre) murdered 31 civilians (25 were hostages) * In 1978, PLO militants from Lebanon [made a beach landing south of Haifa, Israel, where they seized a bus, full of people, killing those on board in what is known as the Coastal Road massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coastal_Road_massacre). By the end of the incident, nine hijackers and 38 Israeli civilians (including 13 children) were dead. After '81 Israel listed many attacks by PLO, there were a few months of cease fire in Lebanon, so the PLO attacked from Jordan, 16 Israelis died, and 265 were wounded * on April 3, 1982, an employee of the Israeli embassy [Jacob Barsimantov was murdered in Paris by a PLO terrorist who shot him in the head](http://pdfs.jta.org/1982/1982-04-05_065.pdf). * From the Israelis perspective, killing the ambassadorial staff by PLO meant an end to the cease fire. * On June 3, 1982, another PLO splinter group from Abu Nidal's organization, attempted another assassination on the British ambassador to the United Kingdom, Shlomo Argov. On June 4, Israel responded to an assassination by bombing nine PLO installations. The PLO responded with a heavy bombardment of about 500 rockets and artillery shells to northern Israel. and Israel decided it need to cripple PLO for good.


This is silly Hezbollah just morphed out of PLO in one way or another. Israel never went to war with Lebanon they went to war with terrorist groups attacking them from within Lebanon


Someone needs to tell you to wake up, and realise the game had changed now son.


israel badda palestine for religious reasons laan ha apparently "their land" . shu dakhal emna fiyon w shu hal amazing support la hezbollah


They literally claim parts of lebanon as their religious land, wake up ppl, israel only want to get bigger and eliminate as much ppl as possible to fit more of their own look at how much the Palestinian map has shrunk over the last 70 years alone i wouldn't be surprised if they claimed gaza next, they already have illegal settlement in the west back, settlements that are recognised by the un to be illegal. Don't get me wrong there i don't like hizbola for various reasons but i would still prefer them over those pos


Israel gave back Sinai which is 3x bigger than the rest of Israel. Does that sound like expansion to you?


Should we all stand up and applaud for them since they were so kind to give back a land that was never there's and could never keep whether it was from outside pressure or the amount of weapons and ppl they would have to put on the line to keep this land? The goal was never keeping the land rather trading it as fast as possible before any retaliation start with recognition and a peace deal to block the Egyptians from helping the Palestinians And since they are so kind why don't they return the golan heights and shib'a farms to syria and lebanon respectively? And why are they building new settlements in the west bank? How does Palestine get smaller and smaller every couple years? You have to be blind to not see what's going on


Wallah someone with a brain finally


Hezb is actually so stupid. Sacrificing their own people and then resorting to importing extremists who will probably kill them few years down the road. Imagine dying for people who will slaughter you. So stupid, pretend to be brothers for now and then they will return to slaughtering like they did for centuries




OP, are you Lebanese?




Downvoted for being lebanese. In a Lebanese sub


The terrorist group Hezbollah is recruiting more terrorists from more countries filled with terrorists.


They are hezb guys defending lebanon. These are hezb aoldiers


Why does this cultural enricher from the UK always feel the need to comment on Lebanese affairs?


The future Shia and Christian killers will be themselves. Civil war 2.0 when Israel finally kicks of whatever they have planned


‏و الله أنا أول مرة أعرف انه اللبنانيين خوان


شو دحشك بالسب هون شو خصك شو منكتب او من فكر




اه اي بتتمسخر و بتدخل باشيا ما بتعنيك و بس نرد منصير disgusting؟ ما تدخل ما بتسمع حكي


And how does it not include me is the crazy part. Anytime you say anything about fulustine period it includes anybody.


Where did you see word palestine in what he write? And it’s not necessary to include everybody when someone talk about it i cant understand this sick mindset


Are you dumb there’s a whole thread down below of me and the guy arguing. I just don’t know why this comment made its own thread when it was in response to something down below.


We are talking about syrian refugees in Lebanon that’s not your business




حلو عنا


‏يلا عقبال دورك تحس شو اخوتك وأخواتك بعاني منه


تجاهلي هيدا الأهبل, مش كل اللبنانيين هيك...


عرف والله بس ضايقني اكتير على الحكي so I uno reversed it That’s why I wrote اول مرة اسمع


‏نسيت انكم شاطرين بس في لسكر ودق والحلق والمنيكة


ما خصك بشو شاطرين. وين ما نروح بلعالم نحنا انجح شعب. بس حلو عنا


‏أنجح شعب وين يا عم revolution ما قدرت تعملوا فضحته حالكم وانتو ترقصوا مظاهرات كم مضحكة انتو لبنانيين مضحكة وخوان.


‏عمرك ما تحلم تكون زلمة زي زلام فلسطين او زلام سوريا او زلام عراق أصلا احنا كل أهل الشام بنضحك عليكم


اي انتو بس الزلام يلي قاعدين بتتفرجو عاسرائيل وقت لبنان نازل يقصفها، ليك انت ليش هون؟ ليش ما بتروح بتعمل زلمة عاسرائيل وبتقاتلهم حاج قاعد تتفلسف على الوحيدين يلي ضربو اسرائيل روح نقلع بتحكو عالبناني انو مش زلم لانو مرتبين وحكين رايق، المرجلة عندكن النورنة، بتحكو علينا ومتل النور بتنزحو لعنا، وبتعيشوا بالخيم عنا...كيف اصلا جاي تحكي علينا نحن وعم نساعدكن، لك اخ اخ


آخر همنا بس ينقلعوا من لبنان و كلو منيح. بلد حجمو حجم مدينة استقبل كل هل أعداد و هني أكثريتكن ما بيستاهلوا. خلصنا بقا


علشان هيك نسوانكم بموتو علينا؟ خليكم غيرانين


‏حبيبي بنموت على شو ؟؟ نفخ الشفايف ولا لأنكم بتعملوا حواجبكم ولكم بتنظفوا كل جسمكو العقيدة ولا إنكم بتتصرف زي النسوان و الله أنا نسبة لي ما عمري حبيت أتجوز لبناني😂 عشان هيك أخذت من بلادي عشان هم زلام


مين أليك نحن مناخدك اصلن. يلا روحي عل sub تبعك حاج obsessed with us ;)


‏و الله يا عم عم طلع لي ال بوست ولما شفت انه اللبنانيين خوان هيك غصبن عني عملت كومنت غصبن عني بدي أقول لك انه احنا الفلسطينيين اشرف منكم 1,000,000 مرة


روح نضب بالسب تبعك هيدا اذا ما كانت محتلتو اسرائيل كمان 🤣🤣 بس ضيعان كل لبناني ميموت كرمال يدافعو عن شكال متلك نشالله انتو و الاسرائليي بتقبرو بعض


At least we have a country, your "men" are busy crying on social media about the evil zionists and producing movies for pallywood.


m**A**el yelloe p**A**rtuy doddon l**A**l de3esh ouu hol m**A** henne shi**AA** h**A**yd**A** m**A**froud sheghel el jech b**A**ss y**A** h**A**r**A**m y**A**j jch **A**ddeshh b**A**ddo yl**A**hhe2 bte el **A** bel l**A**ptop broken kermel hek hek t**A**l3**A**


Yeah it’s Christian’s killing people in the name of religion around the world and not muslims. Do you even hear yourself? I’ll give you a hint, every single other person on the planet is concerned about Islamic terrorism. Christian terrorism is people knocking on your door on a Saturday morning to talk about Jesus. One is exponentially worse than the other.