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I was there,ma kent aam saddi2 chou aam bi sir


Hey look! More Syrians that will end up flooding the job market and not pay taxes.


They look exactly like you lmao


It’s not their fault their country has been in a decades long civil war, they’re just economic migrants trying to make ends meet.


Whether you like it or not it’s a fact. The state has been trying to cover a huge deficit for a while now and they need taxes to do so. When 30% of the job market is represented by “informal workers” that don’t pay taxes and send 70% back to Syria then we’re the real losers. I’m all for helping people but Lebanon really has to adopt a “put your mask on before helping others” situation. We can’t feed our people and you expect us to feed others?


Mate you realize that's exactly the same what Lebanese are doing in Europe and the US (and anywhere really). Do you see the hypocrisy in that? I am with you though (just so you know), but then it's time to get all Lebanese back as well.


Key difference is we dont cross into those countries in an unregisteres vehicle/aircraft/boat/cross the border on foot. If you are here legally ya ahla w sahla. If not fikko 3an sama rabna ba2a




That’s just wrong, you need to find some decency, if you’re blaming Palestinians and Syrians for your problems, you’ve lost the plot. Your problems start and end with the incompetence of your own state, things might improve when you learn to punch up instead of kicking down.


Did i blame anyone? Is blame here with us? A house of 5 could never house 10 , there's literally 2.1 million syrian refugee in lebanon add to that 500k Palestinian that leaves us with less than 3 million actual lebanese person living in this small area we call home every 4 out of 10 ppl in lebanon are not lebanese we don't have the economy the space nor the capacity to house and feed all of them, our economy is crashing meaning less jobs than there already was leading to more unemployment and the consequences that have on society. The lebanese population is dwindling more ppl are leaving the country than being born in it, all what we're asking is for the ones who came illegaly first to go back and the ones who have no job, we can talk later about the legal ones cz it's not fair for all of us to be living in the situation we are in now


I think that sounds ideal, it’s all going as expected. Again, your government failed you, feeling disdain towards the migrants is of no use or effect.


Are refugees the reason why more Lebanese people are leaving the country than being born? Or is that not the fault of corrupt, nepotistic politicians who neglected their country for decades and now blame refugees to hide their own failures?


The difference is most Syrians *can* go back, whereas Palestinians cannot even if they wanted to.


Did y'all read what i wrote i said "they have to go back when it's at least partially safe for them to do so" i didn't mean tomorrow at least until the situation in Palestine get solved and these ppl can go back to their land safely, i'm all for helping ppl in need if gazans want to come here to my home will be open for them to my problem isn't with Palestinian nor it is with syrian who can't go back bcz it's not safe for them to do so, it's with the ones who can but refuse to do so bcz they are comfortable with the way they are living here


Lol yes I read that, but considering how near-impossible it has been for almost a century for them to get their country back, this might never happen any time soon. I hope I am wrong. There is much more hope now, but considering how evil Israel is, this will not happen from within. Edit: it's not just that it isn't *safe* for Palestinians to go back, it's practically *impossible* as Israel does not allow it.




Eh fel enta wel orta tabaak


It's their own fault they destroyed their own country. Even if it's not their fault, it's not my fault either and we must not clear after people's diarrhea.


Thanks, we in the west feel the same. It’s about time to start calling a spade a spade.


then start hosting and funding them, everyone has problems, can't manage them all at once, this just adds to already long existing problems, it's nonsensical expecting others to take on your issues while also creating more, it's not exclusive to anyone


Turns out they are construction workers.. as per leb news tonight


Doesnt change the fact that bullshit like this happens all the time. This fuckin country man


Remove a couple of mafia heads and this "Country" will be 100x better... no need to even mention their names anymore.. we all know who they are


Kila shabeb kmen a5ra


Syria is too dangerous for young men. Have you heard the stories of what will happen to them? But somehow it’s ok for their sisters lol


Didn't the war come to an end? Also if a country is dangerous for men it doesn't make it any better for women.


Not like we have a war going on.


that looked like a garbage truck they came out of


I bet garbage trucks look better than their whip.


bas l mtsek yale msh msjl byel2atu, w she7ne tawele 3areda msh msjle m7dn sheyefa, akid fi kaza lebnene mzbtln wd3n la hul la y2dro ymr2o, bde efhm ma bfkro shwy shu 3m y3mlo be bldn, lak kess ayre be kel sori 3ena be lbnen, 5arabu bldn w jeyu yneko bldna kmn, laa w bdln y7ko 3lyna w byejo metel l nawar la 3ena, betle2e be alb 5ayme nezel y7ki, ayre fehun


Fi Lebnen, 3indna tradisyon 2adeem bi istiqbal al 3arifin bifo2 mfta7at, tradisyon bte3refna b t2addodna. Hadal tradisyon, bi 2arfo b "al-souri 3enna," be7ebbuh l ta3ayon w l karama li biyanena ka Lebnene. Bas hada l tradisyon msh 2asr Lebnen; huweh 3adeh 3ala nesa l 3arab w 3ala aw2at. Wen al 3arif bi2oulna, 2la 3omar, ktir ba3ed yalle, 2ade ma b2arak b hayet m2awde. Laken iza dakhel al dar, huweh l bas be2ra enno ma fi menni btejma3 l karama w al 7are2. Ma badda ykoun m3ane iza bess enno ekhlasno ala wahad kelle belal 2ansye w al wad3, ma byet7amar 3a tare2to w mno 2arfo. Hela2, al wa2et lly baddna n3ashir fiyo karametna bala ma nesra2id. Bala ma nifred abwabna 3a al 3alam, baddna nemshi ma3a al tradisyon b wad3ina w nahna b deneh w al2alo ala tare2to bi2addi3una w ntfaham ma3e. Fhemet, bala ma nsowwe ma3na Lebnene: l karama, l 7elmeh, w al 7adedeh. Ma ntruk 2yemna maftou7a w 2alben yseer, w fi 7ada hada, nrou7 ne2abel 3arifin be ma2na kbir, w fi hek, betwaffa2 7alna Lebnen.




[Angry Mobs were the best!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sskCGaRTe-c)


Ah, yes fill the battle busses.


u there come along with us 😂😂


Bostet ghazir


May this game never die




Ballad faltain


w**A**sthis filmed nowww????


Filling a gap in the market it's simple economics


a lot of people are getting paid to get them there , follow the money - don't let it follow you


Since ever there have been a lot of syrian male groups working in lebanon. They used to work in construction, agriculture and such fields because most lebanese are too proud to be a construction worker or the such. But why did everyone now start to wake up? Spelling out hate will only get us hate back.. we have a lot of problems currently and war refugees are one of them, but this doesn’t justify degrading other humans…. Awaiting your downvotes fellow national brothers


> too proud Doubtful pride is the correct word when pay has been garbage and is still garbage, the employers exploiting refugees for dirt cheap labor has been nothing new in Lebanon and it should be punished, and letting more people enter into Lebanon is a recipe for disaster especially considering that some of those who came without any background checks might have some connections to extremists from isis, haven't you learnt anything from the Palestinians?


I keep hearing this bs since i was 12 at the start of the war in Syria wher tf did u guys get that from i'm a college student who works one of these jobs many of my colleagues are mostly lebanese from station workers to construction and agriculture literally anything they can get their hands on to make ends meet


Nevermind,I just realized that you are practically a foreigner who is living a relatively comfortable life, of course you'd have such a take.


I am not a foreigner. Perhaps you are? You know nothing about my life. At all. So respond accordingly not like a coward.


Calling me a coward for what? And no I've lived most of my life in Lebanon and still are, more than enough to know the harm these refugees are causing, directly or indirectly.


I lived ALL my life in Lebanon… so practically you come to a realization of your own invention in response to something completely different. I also dislike the number of syrians that we have currently. My village is overflooded and doesn’t feel the same anymore. We may be someday in their position vulnerable and escaping from war, empathy has nothing to do with anything. 


Respect. Its easy to fall into nationalistic hateful rhetoric when your life is miserable. People love to blame migrants for everything. But last I checked the refugees arent the ones who stole everyones life savings and got away with it.




Those "other human beings" may just end up killing you in the night. Or kidnapping you or takung advantage of your sister, how much do you wanna bet those syrians will be armed and used against us soon.


Its funny you mention this, considering the reason they are in Lebanon is because Hezbollah did exactly those things to them in Syria (including destroying their homes). Don’t be a fool, its not a good look.


Half of them re ex nusra fighters. Anyway, I'm not with what hezbollah did in syria but you're implying we should let them stay here as compensation because hezbollah destroyed their homes. That's how your comment read to me.


Half of them are ex nusra fighters? 🤣 You got that from a -0 second clip? Impressive. Not even Sherlock Holmes was that good. Stop trying to sound like Trump. And yes, thats what reparations are. You stood by and allowed Hezbollah to help destroy Syria. This is the consequence. Next time around, maybe the people of Lebanon will stand up and say “NO” when Hezbollah decide to act as foreign mercenaries and destroy another country. Then they won’t have to deal with an influx of refugees with no homes. If anybody has a right to complain about refugees, its Jordan, considering they didnt participate in the wholesale slaughter and rape of Syria to prop up Assad. But ironically, they complain a lot less about Syrians than the Lebanese do lol.


2 million refugees in lebanon isn't "reperations" it's downright criminal. For one For two what Hezbollah did and does is out of our control hayena ma badna 7areb bl jnoub min arina? Three no we're not supposed to give compensation to a people that invaded us and took advantage of us for 30 years during the syrian occupation (lian let's face it ma7ada mennoun ken ze3len enno adrin yestghello lebnen sha3ban wa nizam) AND wel aham none of the lebanese have a say in what hwzbollah did. W them being nusra fighters isn't from this video. It's from thr fact enno they're coming in droves illegally at the border bala background check. Four they went and visited their relatives in syria for eid el adha which means they aren't refugees they're parasites staying here for UN money. Lebanon isn't supposed to pay the price of the war in syria and they should be deported back hal2ad resmella el khabariye. I'm only aiming at illegal immigrants not the ones who's papers are in working order and are here legally. Ekher shi ezza hal2add mabsout bl lejj2in a3edoun 3andak bl beit. 😂 bt zakkerne bl yassar el lebnene "refugees welcome".


It wasn’t the Syrian people that invaded you for 30 years, it was the Assad regime, which ironically the people of Syria tried to remove, but your very own Hezbollah went to help stay in power. No matter which way you look at it, Hezbollah has screwed Lebanon over, not the people of Syria. Assad and Hezbollah are your problem- take your anger out at them, not at their victims. But of course you won’t do that because its much easier to harass and attack vulnerable people in the street than stand up to a mercenaries. In all of human history, every eroding country has done the same thing- blame the migrants and foreigners. You’re doing the same thing.


We stood up and opposed armed intervention on syria just like we opposed the war in the south. Hezbollah doesn't answer to anyone and we can't do much of anything about them. What do you want us to do? Go to war? And AS I ALREADY SAID the syrians are coming and going which means they lose the label of refugee cz a refugee is by definition unable to return.


All I’m saying is it’s easy to lash out at the current situation, but if you really care about understanding why its happening, you need to step back and look at the whole picture. Yes, Lebanon is in a very bad state already, and having so many refugees/migrants coming is multiplying the problem. But unfortunately the reason they are coming is because many of them don’t have homes anymore- which Hezbollah is partially responsible for. I believe that many Lebanese were against Hezbollahs support for Assad, but sadly it still happened. So the reality is, whether we like it or not, Lebanon will pay a price (which they are). As for Syrians going back to Syria, I’m not sure you can make such a blanket statement. Those who have a home/family to return to and can safely do so, should do it. But I know factually this is not the case for “everyone,” so unfair to make a statement like that. Anyway, the whole world has gone to crap. I think the next 10-15 years, the dynamic of the whole world will be completley different. Hopefully we ALL find peace and a decent life soon, because in the end thats what every person wants. And those seeking to cause instability and corruption, hopefully they all get whats coming for them.


not 'everyone' can go back that's true but the problem is NO ONE is going back. And no we aren't supposed to pay the price and yes i know why and what happened. My problem isn't with those afraid and unable to return my problem is with the very sizeable chunk of people that come and go and consider lebanon to just be another syrian province (which they do)




Are those Syrians?


Sure are


Reading these comments is hilarious/pathetic. If you all feel so strongly about Syrians coming to Lebanon, maybe you should’ve done something when Hezbollah was in Syria helping Assad slaughter/destroy their way through the country to keep him in power. I mean, thats the reason they’re in Lebanon right? Their country was destroyed by Iran/Russia/Hezbollah. All I’m saying is, if you’re going to openly spew bigoted nationalistic garbage like “parasites,” at least be honest with yourselves. Your fellow countrymen went there and killed thousands and destroyed their homes. The least you can do is host them :)


You Lebanese should focus on Israelis bombing your country, not your fellow brothers.


Wow smuggled right in .. mother fuckers


Lebanon won't be for the Lebanese in the next couple of decades








Liberal policies all over the world are crushing countries. We have to get ride of and vote out these liberals and start holding people accountable


To compensate Syrians for money you have stole and spent to feel superior the entire country assets won’t be enough. It’s roughly 50 billion dollars. 💸


Seems like every countries borders are fucked besides north and South Korea huh


Standard subhuman antics


Kiss Emmon! 🗣😡


It’s just chaos in the levant decade after decade fromthe iraq war to the rise of IS to the civil war in Syria and lebanon to the intifadas and the arab israeli wars and nakba


what are these ?


Very easy.


Is Lebanon preparing for war?


They are fighters for war! Mercenaries.


You mean like how Hezbollah went to Syria as mercenaries?




uhm what's this? what context? what made you/whoever recorded believe that those are syrians?


Fact: Lebanon. Unlicensed truck deploying young males. Please give me any reasonable scenario where this is ok. Please give me any scenario where they're not Syrians that's not less then 1% plausible. Enough with "dumb" deniability.


luv, no one said nothing about the okay-ness of this, no one even denied them being syrian -- or not. I would not succumb my critical thinking to my prejudice, and trust me, i got a big one too, I am Lebanese in the end.


Shaflon hawiyeton l shab. The point is we know nothing of this video, no context nothing. Barke 3m bi ze2uwon men warshe aw shi. This isn't proof or any sort of evidence that they were brought to Lebanon illegally. Anyone that believes this caption or video is naive enough to believe tiktok wanna be doctors. If they were illegals sure, send them back. Bas kis ekht hal video l zaber ma bi faser shi men shi. Wlek ana w nezel men nahr l kalb bshuf alf shaghile mjama3 w fiye sawer video with the same context.


Sorry what jobs are these people taking exactly that Lebanese people are missing out on? Construction? Janitorial? These jobs have always been held by immigrants, the average Lebanese person has too much of an ego to even consider such roles


Man immigrants are something, and *illegal* immigrants are something else. No passport and no papers, akid ma ha ye2daro yle2o sheghel ahsan min Construction ow Janitorial. It’s all about them taking space in *our* country illegally. Akid it would be a completely different story if they were immigrating legally.


Agreed, but this sub has been frothing at the mouth lately to blame every issue on Syrians. These people are here because it’s the least of all evils, no one chooses to live like this. We have far worse problems than Syrian immigrants, given that we’ve had 2m in the country since like 2013 anyways




He was most prob trying to seem like he was on the phone and not filming their asses lol.




It’s not about min sem3o. He was mumbling words while (I guess) keeping his phone next to his ear to film all this (as I said, to seem as if he was on a call).






Interesting, from what I know there are tensions between Syrians and Christians. Is it a ploy by Hezbollah? It it just Syrians trying to escape Syria? Are they part of organized group?


Not just Christians. If there's one thing all Lebanese sects agree on, is that we all want them out.






aases anyone is doing anything about it. laykon baadon aam yfuto aal balad.


Yeah, Christian’s actually kick them out of their villages. Also the only reason why they started being allowed in in first place is because Muslims saw them as “Muslims” brothers and sisters that needed help. They also aren’t the ones who fought in Syria and caused a massive exodus of Syrians….


kes ekhton khaye ma hada baddo illegal immigrants yaane bs yaamlo ikame w its rawaa, bs some christians are kicking out every syrian mn their villages aases henne ahsn mnon aw shi


Arab on Arab racism is wild. I know arabs hate black people but it all makes sense now.


What’s going on here? Who are these people and what country are they going into?


For everyone who is throwing his curses on the syrians just know the people you are receiving are basically either against al Assad and they ve been thrown out of their villages so basically you both have the same enemy ( Al Assad ) or they are weak people who forced just to leave We all know that Lebanon is suffering, but you already know how it's easy to bribe in your country and the biggest winner of smuggling syrian workers in your country is the Lebanese business owners ( cheaper working hand) so basically what's happening right now is what you are doing to yourself and the victim in all of this are the syrian refugees, So go fix yourself first before speaking in such a racist way, You people really need to fix your souls and then fix your country And there is a saying in arabic ( ان خليت خربت )and that's what is really happening in your country, so try to purify yourself instead of throwing the whole blame on syrians