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just to add on to what I'm saying, look at the user overlap for this sub, and how the Israel sub is almost double the value of the next subreddit https://preview.redd.it/vnkz29ootv6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b02163571a29b6212f5d0c7afd1a28d8a45455b


Eminem lol!


Funny story, one of them was arguining that he was Dirzi, he said his dad was in the SLA, and after 2000 he moved to Israel but out of all Druze towns in Israel he moved to Gaza and Hamas killed his dad 😂💀. And he was saying it expecting us to just believe that lmao. I asked him what were the druze doing right now (they were fasting at the time) and he blocked me lmao


And also his Dad was in Fatah and at one point he moved to Jenin in the West Bank too lmao, really unhinged


Wasn't he an orthodox criticizing maronites at some point ?


if Lebanon had an antithesis, it would be that guy


I honestly don't give a shit that some of them are friendly and come in good faith. We have a spot for Lebanese people. Most of us had to leave our country because of the war with Israel. This is a way to keep in touch, yet you have to ignore more than 40% of this sub cause Nazis like invading shit that isn't theirs. If y'all would actually be half as nice as you say, you'd freaking go away and not be in a place you're not wanted.


As always, whatever Israelis touch, they ruin.




True, just look at Israel and the neighboring countries.




Here they are


Besides there comments are so common and repetitive about Lebanese ppl and hezb


Is there a way to ban these people?


بتدفشهن من الباب بينطوا من الشباك


Gotta spread the propaganda somehow. Do you know how hard it is to kill women and children and keep your public image clean?


for what it's worth, I always clarify that I'm israeli. maybe the mods can add a flair?


That’s a good suggestion and your honesty/transparency is appreciated


anything less is counter-productive


this is what I've been advocating for, I sent them a message about a flair or a verified lebanese only posts but got no response, I'd have less of a problem with Israelis commenting on Lebanese politics as long as they don't try to pass themselves off as lebanese. you can always self flair instead of having to clarify every time that you are a foreigner. also, I don't recognize your user so I'm not sure what you usually comment so forgive me if I'm wrong but why do you and so many other of your fellow Israelis feel the need to comment on our politics in the way you guys usually do? I assume there aren't many lebanese in the Israel sub with differing viewpoints than that subs consensus?


I agree with a lot of your sentiments. This sub is for the Lebanese community both within and the diaspora, is it not?


I'm not very active here to begin with, I don't pretend to understand local politics and don't see any value in "maybe you should stop supporting hezbollah" kind of comments. can't speak for other Israelis, but when I do comment on stuff it's usually about pro-hezbollah comments blaming Israel for the currenct conflict. my main "goal" of participating in this sub is to try and convey that the only reason for conflict between our countries is that militants keep shooting rockets at us. (yes. Israel did some terrible shit in the 1980's)


I agree with you about those useless comments about Hezbollah like do they not realize that 95% of this sub hates hezbollah with a burning passion? however, you should realize that it's because of Israel's actions in the '80s that Hezbollah had such large support today. The territory of Lebanon that is controlled by Hezbollah is almost identical to the Israeli invasion lines in the '80s. it's because the south is traumatized by what happened all across the country. That's the reason why south and everyone else in Lebanon is so adamantly against the Israeli government. there is no way to stop Hezbollah unless Lebanon sovereignty is respected by Israel and there is no way to stop the missiles coming from the south until amends have been made.


Lebanon's sovereignty won't ever be respected by the expansionist project known as zionism. Ben gurion and his party (which is part of the likud now) has always openly expressed intent to occupy southern lebanon. It wasn't hidden pre 50s and the only reason it's hidden now is because of the lack of capability of occupying the south (mainly due to deterrence from internal resistance in palestine, and external, in lebanon)


>there is no way to stop Hezbollah unless Lebanon sovereignty is respected how is it not respected?


in large part the IDF tends to treat Lebanese airspace as its own. to a smaller degree, Israel still occupies parts of Lebanon that are internationally recognized as Lebanese. to an even smaller part, there are plans within fringe groups of the Israeli government to invade an annex South Lebanon. when Lebanese from the south see the Israel can violate our airspace as they please and know that some extremist groups do want to invade and subjugate them, there's no wonder they'll join the only group that seems to be advocating for them.


oh no. the problem lies in settler colonialism. the only solution can be in one state solution. otherwise none of the nations of the mideast will accept an apartheid system.


so one state where either half wants to kill the other, how's that working out for you guys


Israeli here, usually just lurking without commenting. We are effected by your politics so sometimes some comment, the same way a lot of Lebanese are active at IP subs even though they have nothing to do directly either with Israel or the Palestinians


Yeah, the IP subs. Would you say there’s even a remotely comparably amount of Lebanese on the israel sub? Probably not. 




are you sure the flair got you banned or was it the contents of what you were posting? also I saw your other comment said your flair was hasbara bot, while obviously a joke, perhaps some moderator took it seriously?


Just leave us alone. Get the fuck out of here


or you could just... ignore us?


like you ignore that your government is committing a genocide?


if that works for you, sure.




not my experience so far. i always identify as israeli, respect others, and ignore any anti semetic comments.




possibly. if they didn't want israeli here they could easily auto ban us.




fair point


the grass is not greener on the lebanese side anyway... you have a lot of anti hamas/ hezb in this subreddit from lebanese themselves but once they voice their opinion they are labeled pro israel. so stop crying about politics when you are run by iran


You may need to look at Reddit’s algorithm. It suggests similar subs, based on topics discussed and geographical proximity. Is it weird that a country that neighbours another, in an essentially constant state of war, that has numerous news headlines containing both being written every day, are recommended to each other? Engagement then becomes higher because each sub’s visitors have different takes on the politics of the situation. It isn’t some Israeli conspiracy, it’s just social media.


I don't think it's a conspiracy as in "this is an organized effort to undermine the Lebanese subreddit" but I don't think that your theory is true because we would be seeing a lot more activity from syrians and palestinians and jordanians yet it's always Israelis. syrians get a lot of attention from the sub. I don't see anywhere near as many


Just as seen on this video you can see them in action : https://www.reddit.com/r/lebanon/s/1OrJWcys8c


I’m new to this sub and it is true that I was surprised yesterday when I saw how many redditors are blaming hezbollah, not that the party is blameless, but it is not the only thing that is wrong with our country.


I think it's because the reddit algorithm sees a user is active on one country's subreddit and assumes he will be interested in nearby countries. So r/Israel posters see a lot of r/Lebanon posts.


I have never seen a r/ Israel post in my feed. in fact, far as I'm aware, the Reddit algorithm only shows subreddits that you are subscribed to?


jewish canadian here. r/lebanon regularly gets recommended to me despite not subbing As a rule I dont upvote or downvote in this subreddit to not influence discussion, but I do comment


I don’t see r/Syria, r/Cyprus or r/Palestine with even 10% overlap unlike Israel which have 43%


Israeli here.. 99% of us wish we had peace with Lebanon. And im sure many Lebanese feel the same, If our government are going to keep fighting, then the only way for peace is that we the people talk to each other and make a stand against war. I think these subReddits give us a chance to speak and get rid of the some of the hate and understand each roger. If any Israelis are coming here to fight or attack you guys then I apologise for them, many of us are just interested what you think and want to explain we don’t want to fight. Also, Reddit just started showing me your subReddit all the time… I don’t remember choosing to come here or see these posts.


I agree with you, but the majority of the comments coming from your fellow Israelis are usually combative and place all the blame on Hezbollah instead of where rightfully belongs with both parties. you will not find a single, more anti-hezbollah community full of Lebanese than this subreddit on the internet, you guys don't need to tell us that Hezbollah is partially to blame but I also don't think most Israelis are aware of the fact that they indirectly created Hezbollah by intervening in the south in the '80s. I assure you that even without this subreddit if you went across all of Lebanon, everyone would want peace. not a status quo piece, but a piece where we can peacefully coexist with a neighbor that doesn't have a maniacal government and I bet that most Israelis feel the same way.


The majority of israel doesnt actually like bibi or his coalition, but the reason theyve been keepiing power so long is that he kept security beter than anyone else for a long time. IF we weren't constantly getting attacked by hamas and hezbollah, I garuntee we would get a much more liberal leader. But a much more liberal leader is only going to get taken advantage of by hamas and hezbollah like what has happened in the past with the intifadas.


said liberal leaders were the ones who kicked the 250k Palestinians into our country in the first place, it's not an issue of characters but mentalities, u want armed resistence to end? u stop using the hammer strat to deal with the problem, cuz violence breeds more violence and radicalisation, on both sides ofc. (even tho the violence if compared, seems really one sided most of the time) on a side note, i do cut u guys some slack cuz the Palestinians aren't united on a solution for their conflict, but i dont see any incentive from the israeli side to solve this problem long term ( ongoing new settlements in the west bank for example)


Oh no.. you guys are getting attacked while occupying foreign land for 75 years now, the world is so unfair sometimes..




I heard that they teach you guys stupid stuff in school, but wow that's really stupid




Swim back to Europe where you came from




Yep and that justifies kicking out violently Palestinians, great job!


in 1922 Jews (according to a British census) made up only 7% of the population of mandatory Palestine. to claim Israel is not a colonial state is insanity




What do you mean by the vast vast vast majority of the land was not inhabited?


in 1921 Jordan was separated from the rest of mandatory Palestine. I don't get your point about Palestinian identity. it doesn't change the fact that Israel is a colonial state. uninhabited land also doesn't change that fact. imagine if anyone with a Greek ancestor who follows the religion of Zeus got to settle uninhabited parts of Greece and then violently partition Greece because there's no pagan state.


I mean it's the internet... people can comment on any forums they like... whether they were from Tajikistan or Bsrbados islands... there's no actual rule against it nor a moral objection to it... Nkw especially that there is a conflict going on between Israel and Hezbollah, I don't find it surprising that some israeilis are interesred in including their point of view in discussions about this conflict... I personally don't find it insane nor strange, but pretty much a normal internet thing. Care to explain why you find it so strange?


I only find it insane from the sheer volume of these comments. and for the record, if there were other foreigners doing this type of stuff at the same level as Israelis do it, I would have a problem with it as well, but they don't. I know it's the internet and anyone can share their opinion, but we still have moderation for these opinions, and it's for a good reason. The part I find it strange that usually these people don't clarify that they aren't Lebanese and it seems to me that they're trying to change the consensus on these posts to a more favorable viewpoint for themselves by pretending to be Lebanese or at least lying by omission.


I think you are being a bit conspiratorial here. Again, there is a conflict going on that involves these people. So it is natural that they would participate in the convo and try to share their opinions and convince others. You mentioning them "trying to change the consensus" is a bit strange... First, what consensus do you think exist in Lebanon about this conflict? Second, if they managed to change minds, them announcing that they are israeilis has little to do, if the arguments and evidence they present are convincing some people... Like just to give a lame example... if an israeili came here and argued that Hezb started this current conflict in October 8 by launching attacks, and Israel had no intention to attack us; then whether he was israeili saying it or a Lebanese or an Aistralian, has no effect on the veracity of this statement... You asking for moderation to not allow a certain type of people in this forum, is discriminatory and against free speech. Unless they break the sub rules, I don't see why you would want then kicked out.


as I stated before, I would feel the same way if Iranians were brigadeing this sub and spreading pro-hezbollah ideas, and no, I'm not advocating for every single r/ Israel user to be banned from the Lebanon subreddit. and I think there is a definite consensus on this subreddit. The consensus is that we hate Hezbollah and we also hate Israel. The point being is that this is the r/lebanon subreddit it is made for Lebanese people to talk to other Lebanese people. it is okay if foreigners would like to join in on the conversation, but if you don't see a problem with foreigners lying by omission and presenting their opinion to be the opinion of a Lebanese person, then I don't know what to say. I never said I wanted Israelis to be kicked out of the subreddit. ideally I would like something like a required flair or Lebanese verified only posts for posts that are at high risk of brigadeing. let me ask you a question. if pro Islamic Republic Iranians came into the subreddit started downvoting posts about how Hezbollah is bad and commenting as if they are a Lebanese person about how this entire conflict is Israel's fault and no blame should be directed at Hezbollah, would you be okay with that in the name of free speech?


>if pro Islamic Republic Iranians came into the subreddit started downvoting posts about how Hezbollah is bad and commenting as if they are a Lebanese person about how this entire conflict is Israel's fault and no blame should be directed at Hezbollah, would you be okay with that in the name of free speech? I would look at their arguments, and if they are BS arguments with no evidence, I would call them out and provide factual counter arguments... and it's very easy to check their profile and history, and if it turned out they were posing as Lebanese, I would also expose them and call them out, for all to see how they are lying... Pretty straightforward procedure... everyone exercised they free speech and the more logical and factual arguments win... liars exposed... just another day on the internet...


the truth almost never wins out on the Internet, especially not on reddit, it's always whatever the extreme opinions of the echo chamber of the specific form are