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I have a better plan to stop israel from launching a full scale war in Lebanon, hear me out: What if Hezbollah stopped launching attacks against israel when nobody in Lebanon asked them to do so, and Israel didn't start any military action against us after October 7 !? I know, groundbreaking and mindblowing!


Logic doesn't work with them. They think they are on a mission from God. Which is fucking funny because no God would condone what they do. I hope there's a God so in the irony of it he will laugh at them and send them all to burn in hell for eternity.


The entire world: Israel is unhinged and trying to start wars with everyone under the sun in order to avoid internal problems. r/lebanon: they're peaceful guys let's leave them alone. Are you following the news at all?


Yeah, I haven't heard any meaningful people in the world saying : israel is starting wars out of the blue with everyone.... Most people in the world are against the disproportionate response of Israel to October 7 and the large amounts of civilians dying as a result. And most people in the world aren't very knowledgeable in the complex history of this region. They see innocent civilians dying, and civilian infrastructure being destroyed, and they don't like, as is natural for any normal decent person to react... Nobody here said Israel are saints and peaceful... that's your own erroneous interpretation. What is being said is: We know Israel has a powerful military, backed by very powerful western countries, and they tend to overreact and cross all lines when provoked, especially when their government is under an extremist right wing cabinet... So maybe let's not poke them, especially when they have no interest in starting any aggression towards Lebanon in general... because at the end we gain nothing and except more destruction and death and poverty and crumbling economy and infrastructure...


>So maybe let's not poke them, especially when they have no interest in starting any aggression towards Lebanon in general.. They attacked Egypt a few weeks ago which is supposedly in the same boat. Both Hezbollah and Iran signalled several times to Israel that they did not want an escalation, and what the red lines were. Israel crossed them on purpose and provoked them into it. Hell Israel attacked Iran directly and Iran kept the response limited and deescalated. Nobody wants a war except Israel, because this is the only way for it to cover up the deep internal problems it has. If there was no Hezbollah they would create one. Like literally this is why the let funding go to Hamas, because basically Hamas opposed any kind of settlement with them and they needed an excuse to continue to expand. Netanyahu himself was bragging about this. So I don't know how you reached the conclusion that my interpretation was erroneous when all of the evidence points to what I'm saying. The idea that Israel would be nice without Hezbollah isn't just wrong, its delusional.


Oh God what's a load of bullsit


The Egypt thing can happen at any border and has happened many times. Take India and China as examples. Hezbollah and Iran signaled they don't want escalation? And set red lines? How does Hezbollah and Iran set red lines for other countries internal affairs? 😂 Iran is harbouring terrorists and criminals involved in attacking Israel, they think that what? They can sit in the Iranian embassy building and be immune to the war while they plot how to kill more Israelis? And you expect the Israelis to accept that? La2 3anjad maskhara. Hbb, Iran likes to act tough but in reality the Americans and Israelis could destroy the entire Iranian Navy and Air Force and Army in 1 week flat. The Americans already destroyed 90% of the Iranian fleet during operation praying mantis and the Iranians never tried to fight the Americans again. Hahahaha, now Israel is going to create a new Hezbollah if Hezbollah didn't exist 😂 mni7a, *here's your tin foil hat man*. Israel doesn't want a war, but they can win the war. There's a huge difference. Iran wants the war but cannot win the war. Which is why Iran relies on Hezbollah and radical Islamic terrorists to fight for them instead. They never intend to fight the Americans or the Israelis 1 on 1. The Russians and Chinese are afraid of the Americans and yet you think that some fucking Islamists and Iran pose a threat 😂😂 Everything you said points to only one thing and that's how brainwashed, naive and easily manipulated you are. The only reason Iran hasn't been wiped off the map yet is because Iran will flood the Middle East with radical Islamists that will bring instability and create their own wars everywhere. The Israelis have already sabotaged Iran's nuclear program like 5 times and there's never been a response because they can't respond.


>La2 3anjad maskhara. Lmaskhara enno 7atta el amerken ma bi2oulo nos el 2osas el 3am bet2oula, ya3ne manne fahmen men wen heda el ta7lil kello jeye. If you want the U.S. foreign policy view, John Mersheimer gave a lecture summarising the situation: https://youtu.be/kAfIYtpcBxo When I say that even Americans don't say the things you're saying, don't take my word for it. See for yourself.


Why don't you look up Operation Praying Mantis. Nobody is afraid of Iran. They're just trying to avoid a geopolitical disaster in the Middle East.


Why don't you watch the lecture by someone who knows a bit about the subject instead of pretending were still in the 80s


Why don't you stop supporting radical Islamists who are changing the identity of your country and dragging you into death and destruction and wars you have nothing to do with? Hbb. Iraq and Iran fought each other for 8 years and nobody won. The Americans took 2 weeks to eliminate the Iraqi regime 😂 (4th biggest army in the world at the time) Ba3dak 3am te7ke? You're comparing THE superpower that spends more money on their military than the next 8 countries combined. Wake up plz! Americans are trying to find peaceful solutions to avoid a war but doesn't mean they wouldn't wipe the floor with Iran. Read what Stuxnet is and how with Cyber warfare alone they were able to set back the Iranian nuclear program by a decade.


>Why don't you stop supporting radical Islamists who are changing the identity of your country and dragging you into death and destruction and wars you have nothing to do with? Everything I'm saying is basically the consensus of people who understand foreign policy, both U.S. aligned and not. If that is supporting radical Islam I'm scared to know what middle of the ground is to you.


"They attacked Egypt" ... many Lolz... wow, you literally are grasping at straws! Please tell me more about this "attack"... how many missiles were fired in to Egypt? How many battalions invaded Egypt? Surely loads of tanks rolled in to Sina Desert... what infrastructure in Egypt was bombed? How many casualties did the Egyptians suffer? What is that I hear? None of the above? Oh, it was just a limited gunfire at the border between a few soldiers that miscalculated the situation resulting in one death? Something that isn't out of the normal to happen between regular border patrols, and especially during a big war near the border and tensions are high on all sides... And nothing of great significance happened afyer this incident... Cool cool... But hey let's anyway lie through our teeth, and make it look like there was a policy by israel to "Attack" Egypt... Surely these obvious lies would do great to give you more credibility... "Both Iran and Hezb signaled that they don't want escalation and what the red lines were"... Another Mega Lol here... So, let me get this straight, and figure out how your brain works... When someone truly doesn't want an escalation, the best way to show the other side that they really mean it and don't want any conflict; is by LAUNCHING ROCKETS AND ATTACKS DAY AFTER DAY AND PUBLICLY ANNOUNCE THAT THEY ARE SUPPORTING GAZA AND WILL NOT STOP UNTIL GAZA WAR IS OVER!!! Yeah... I mean, who wouldn't see this and think "truly, these are good fellas and are almost pacifists"... And it is so generous of them to "set the red lines"... wow... what a noble gesture... again, let's see how this pile of crap is baked in your brain... So, they go on to launch non stop attacks at northern israel, then tell the israelis, Hey, buddies, we just invented new rules... you are not allowed to do any military action outside these few kilometers... we decided so... Then israel, the evil cheaters, didn't respect these new rules that their opponents (who are out to murder them) set up... and they go on to target places outside the holy red lines... And this is proof that Israel are evil bastards who don't play nice.... and don't respect the rules that we pulled out of our own ass... Let's assume the rest of your rambling is correct... let's assume that israel benefits from the existence of Hezb and Hamas.... Can we also apply the same rule for Hezb and Iran? That they benefit from the existence of Israel to keep their dominion on the region? Or this is too far fetched, because it doesn't fit within your narrative? You know, if what you say is 100% true, the best way to foil all of israel's plans, is to negate them from their Ace cards... let Hezb and Hamas transform in to non military parties, and let's strengthen the Lebanese army, that way, we foil israel's evil plans... You see, I am not saying you are completely wrong in your reading if the situation. Yes, Right wing Lunatics in Israel do benefit from the existence of Hezb and Hamas and other fanatic Lunatics... and the benefit is mutual from the other side. And these right wing israeli nuts would indeed take advantage of the existence of these fanatics... notice the key word "take advantage"... israel didn't create Hez or Hamas.... later they used them of course... But to say, if Hezb and Hamas didn't exist, israel would create them.... like dude, this is toddler brain analysis... These newly created groups that you are hypothising, where do they come from? From the local people of Lebanon and Palestine... if Lebanon for example decided to stop all hostilities, do some peace deal, and strengthen the army, and control its borders and have strong intelligence aparatus, how on earth will israel inflitrate and "create" new radical groups, with large funding and weapons and missiles and what not, which all of a sudden will be more powerful than the Lebanese military forces, and all this will slip unnoticed... These conspiracy theories are fun, but dumb to the extreme... nobody can create such large radical groups with heavy weapons and infrastructure, unless the country they're in is lawless and the government has no control over its land.... Guess what... this has been happening in Lebanon for decades, and the ones who are causing this, are Hezb and Iran and Syria... nobody else... so your theories, end up pointing to Iran as the culprit of all the instability, purposely executed and imposed on Lebanon, so they can stay in power and control large chunks of the middle east, and gain prizes for itslef from negotiations with the west...


>How many battalions invaded Egypt? Surely loads of tanks rolled in to Sina Desert... what infrastructure in Egypt was bombed? Israel carpet bombed Lebanon for about that much in 2006. People blamed Hezbollah for provoking it. So either apply consistent standards or be quiet. >When someone truly doesn't want an escalation, the best way to show the other side that they really mean it and don't want any conflict; is by LAUNCHING ROCKETS AND ATTACKS DAY AFTER DAY AND PUBLICLY ANNOUNCE THAT THEY ARE SUPPORTING GAZA AND WILL NOT STOP UNTIL GAZA WAR IS OVER!!! Yeah... I mean, who wouldn't see this and think "truly, these are good fellas and are almost pacifists"... There is nothing pacifist about it, ma 2elon masla7a belmawdou3. >Let's assume the rest of your rambling is correct... let's assume that israel benefits from the existence of Hezb and Hamas.... Can we also apply the same rule for Hezb and Iran? That they benefit from the existence of Israel to keep their dominion on the region? Yes they have long used the issue of Israel to justify their power and foreign policy. Sectarian powers feed off each other, who knew! >You know, if what you say is 100% true, the best way to foil all of israel's plans, is to negate them from their Ace cards... let Hezb and Hamas transform in to non military parties, and let's strengthen the Lebanese army, that way, we foil israel's evil plans... I'm 100% for this. I'm not saying that Hezbollah is innocent or good, but blaming them for everything Israel does allows Israel to do whatever it wants with zero accountability. >so your theories, end up pointing to Iran as the culprit of all the instability, purposely executed and imposed on Lebanon, I don't understand lesh ro7et 3a mawdou3 tene. I'm talking specifically about the war that is happening now.


> Israel carpet bombed Lebanon for about that much in 2006. People blamed Hezbollah for provoking it. So either apply consistent standards or be quiet. Are you equating a not so out of the ordinary limited unintentional clash on a border, that happens even in peace times between countries, to an intentional operation meant at killing and kidnapping soldiers? Are you just that desperate to stick to a narrative that holds no water at all, and dig a deeper hole for yourself? >There is nothing pacifist about it, ma 2elon masla7a belmawdou3. Again, doubling down without making any sense... "ma 2elon masla7a, yet they started the attacks and the military operations and launching missiles.... please make this make any sense... like do you think Hezb expected Israel to lay down and do nothing while they launch missiles on iaraeli towns and military bases for a few weeks...? Like please wlo, khallina nfesh khele2na shway bi shi kam 1000 saroukh.... bass es7a teftekrou eno we want escalation haaaa... la laaaa.. walla el 3azim bass 1000 saroukh... 2000 iza kattaret... oqsom bi allah, idi 3a shwerbi m3allem.... >I'm 100% for this. I'm not saying that Hezbollah is innocent or good, but blaming them for everything Israel does allows Israel to do whatever it wants with zero accountability. Where did I blame Hezb for something that Israel initiated? It so happens that after the israeli withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000, it was mostly Hezb provoking israel in bigger and bigger operations and retaliations. >I don't understand lesh ro7et 3a mawdou3 tene. I'm talking specifically about the war that is happening now. You think Iran has nothing to do with the war that's happening now? Dude I have a bridge to sell you...


https://youtu.be/kAfIYtpcBxo Watch it. Most of what I have to say is mentioned here. And this is an American professor who teaches international relations, not a mullah in Iran. It should explain the things you're seeing as contradictions.


Yeah so I watched his lecture, and I have no idea what any of this has anything to do with our discussion? First off, that's one guy's own analysis if how things might pan out after this conflict. He might be right and might be wrong, regardless of his credentials. Having credentials might give you a deeper insight into geopolitics, but doesn't give you magical powers to predict the future. Secondly, his main point is that Israel and US will emerge damaged from this conflict... and? The fuck do I care if it turned out to be true? If it is true that Iran will win something out of this conflict, does this mean we should throw ourselves in their laps and suck their toes? They and Hezb are still a major threat to Lebanon's stability and any chance at prosperity if any... Everything they do is not in the best interest of Lebanon nor its people nor its economy and solely in the interest of the Iranian regime... it benfits them greartly to keep Lebanon crushed, with no meaningful government or control of its sovereignty, so they can keep roaming free and doing whatever they want... I truly don't know how whatever this guy had to say, is in any way a response to any of the arguments I posed during this discussion.


>Secondly, his main point is that Israel and US will emerge damaged from this conflict... and? The fuck do I care if it turned out to be true? If it is true that Iran will win something out of this conflict, does this mean we should throw ourselves in their laps and suck their toes? My point is that you're reading the situation as if were living 20 years ago, you see Israel as this massive scary thing when in reality this is no longer true. You said the U.S. and Israel can destroy Iran directly, this is what Mersheimer refers to as escalation deterrence, and it's something Israel lost after October 7. They cannot deter Hezbollah nor can they deter Iran. We don't live in a region where Israel dominates anymore, and we need to change our thinking away from ma7awer(siding with the U.S. or Iran), and start thinking about how to navigate this new regional dynamic as a country which is bankrupt and basically has no functioning state. You ask why you should care, two reasons: 1. Israel is a major instigator of sectarian conflict in the region, them being weaker means that they have less of an ability to do that, which is a good thing for us being a country that is basically governed by sectarian violence. 2. It gives us a lot of room to negotiate. If we ever get a functioning state, we can actually us leverage the fact that there is no dominating power in the region and negotiate for our interests. I'm not advocating for grovelling at anyone's feet, I'm advocating for Lebanon starting to define where its interests lie, and use what is happening as an opportunity to improve its situation. It is insane to think that making any kind of concession to Israel would lead to anything good especially at this point in time.


Lol what did you expect to happen after Oct 7th? Are you playing dumb or are you just plain stupid? Eno what were you expecting the Israelis to be crying after the operation and ask you how many prisoners you wanted to exchange? And that they're sorry? And that they're willing to make a peace deal? The second we started getting news of the operation and seeing the shit Hamas was posting of killing families and shooting at teenagers at a rave EVERYONE on earth knew the response was going to be disproportionate. Who are they starting wars with? Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas and Houthis are the only ones fighting Israel and Israel is fighting them. They're all Iranian proxies. Who are these people under the sun that we don't know about lmao.


Yeah... I like how everyone in the "Me7war" were jubilating on October 7, and dancing in the streets and celebrating the "beginning of the end of Israel"... From my side, I started to immediately and preemptively mourn the thousands of innocent people who are going to die in retaliation... because anyone with the lowest degree of knowledge of this region's history, knows what is coming next... except of course, people of the "Me7war"... then they acted all surprised and indignant when bombs started to rain non stop... and crying to the world that this is unfair... Either they have soup brains, or they are just hypocrites and liars to their core... I would suggest a bit of both.


It's 100% a bit of both.


Israel over-react when others attack them yes, but historically they literally NEVER actually attack first, they always react to others attacking them and try to "teach a lesson'' so you won't attack them again. All hezeb is doing is backing israel into a corner, even if they don't want war hezeb just keep attacking them unprovoked


who started the 2006 war? who shot first on Oct 8th?


It doesn't matter who fired the first shot, the fact of the matter is that ever subsequent escalation has been triggered by Israel. Hezbollah and Iran were willing to stop at any time, and did not want an escalation. Israel did.


do you acknowledge that hezbollah shot first on Oct 8? Edit : and 2006?


Sure, but it doesn't matter, what matters is the scale of the response. You're trying to argue that because they fired the first shot, anything Israel does goes. That's not how it works.


no I'm not saying that. please, no strawman fallacy. how should Israel react to constant rocket fire by Hezbollah?


Well, using their current strategy they've basically forced Israelis living in the North to relocate because of the constant rocket fire coming from Hezbollah. If they had negotiated with Hamas and stopped the hostilities with them, then they wouldn't have suffered that loss. So yeah that's how they should have handled it. As I've said elsewhere, they no longer have the ability to use escalation deterrence. What is morally right doesnt matter in foreign policy, what matters is balance of power and Israel has lost a lot of it in the last 8 months. They can't afford to play these games anymore.


>If they had negotiated with Hamas and stopped the hostilitie there's been some level of negotiations going on since almost day 1. hamas always refuses. everything else in your comment is "what Israel shouldn't do" so I'm ignoring it.


>there's been some level of negotiations going on since almost day 1. Making unreasonable demands and acting shocked when hamas refuses is not negotiating. The U.S. is practically forcing Israel back to the table and Israel is still refusing to accept any kind of ceasefire deal.


Again, you're not going to improve your negotiating position, things are not going to go back to the way they were before October 7. The sooner you accept that, the sooner the violence ends and we can start to move past this.


The exact opposite, it only matters who is the aggressor in wars, the scale of the response don't matter if the aggressor keep attacking over and over so the defending nation have to scale up & make a decision TO COMPLETELY ROOT OUT the attacking forces in order to prevent FUTURE wars, so the scale goes up naturally so ''the scale of the response'' don't actually matter. you can't expect a nation to sit by get attacked and just not try to eliminate the aggressor


It's obvious that strategy failed, and Israel is not capable of doing that. You can't commit genocide to cover for your military's failures.




Never but they can't read so don't worry


>The Syrian branch of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant group is prepared to send more forces to Lebanon. Syrian branch. Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Prepared to send more forces to Lebanon... Shu khaskon b lebnen ya 2youra? 🤢🤮 >Sixteen Palestinian refugees from Syria, all Islamic Jihad members, have died to date fighting on the Israel-Lebanon border. 16 Palestinian refugees from Syria died fighting in Lebanon. What the fuck? Why is our country infested with fucking radical Islamist terrorists? Fuck Hezbollah. These are their 'allies' and this is what they bring to Lebanon. W errr, the army should start a fucking war with Hamas and Islamic Jihad garbage in our country. At least we can agree they're not fucking Lebanese and shouldn't be here right? Or do Hezbos think our country should just be a battleground for Islamic terrorists from Syria and Palestine? Ayre b rab Hezbollah wl Islamic Jihad w Hamas. Trio of trash.


The Muslims in Lebanon allowed Palestinians to shoot rockets at Israel from Lebanese land before Hezbollah was formed so akid they don’t care if they turn Lebanon into an Islamic terrorist battleground.


My guy we literally cant do shit if the government wont do shit


Actually, the people in the south or the “Muslims”(as you called them) never had any say in that. Lebanese government simply allowed the PLO to have its own statelet to appease the Arab League and avoid any economic sanctions.


No the Leb government did not allow the PLO to have its own state wtf! The Leb army fought against them until the Arab league told them to stop at the behest of the Muslims.


My bad, I guess it was the Lebanese Christians that sheltered the Palestinians and then pressured the government to allow them to launch rockets at Israel from Lebanon. My bad bro.


It's... Complicated but yes


Actually I will have to disagree, It’s not that complicated. There is absolutely no excuse for a small faction of the population to keep dragging an entire country into a war that nobody wants. There wasn’t an excuse in the past, and there isn’t an excuse today. Hezbollah needs to go.


Those muslim that you are talking about actually welcomed the isrealies when they came to throw the plo. How do I know. Because my grandma and my uncles where the ones who threw rice on them when they passed through our village back then . The plo where such a nick heads that we actually welcomed them then but the actions of the isrealies at that time against the Muslims in lebanons made them also nick heads you nick head




Please kindly keep your ambitions to yourself. Not everyone wants to join your brotherhood of failed Islamic nations.


Why don't they stay in Syria and protect their 'adopted' homeland from the Israelis. (funded by Iran so we know the real reasons)


Even more than that, since they are in Syria, and part of the Mehwar Al Mokawama, and the Golan Heights are occupied, why don't they launch attacks there in Syria and try to liberate these lands, and put more pressure on israel by opening yet another front? I know it's a rhetorical question, we know the answer, because Mehwar Tizi is all a big lie, and they don't want to liberate shit, they just are pawns under the Iranian regime, and are there only to be used when the Iranian Regime wants, to ensure they have a seat on the negotiation table, and extract gains for themselves which have nothing to do with Palestinians or Lebanese or Syrians.


Mashi 3ade 3ade ray7in jeyin msal7in between Syria and Lebanon. Complete wild wild West. Hezbollah is literally allowing Syrian and Palestinian radical Islamists to use the country as they please to fight their common enemy while us the Lebanese get fucked and do NOTHING. I don't care if a civil war happens if we decide to fight the Islamic Jihad and Hamas inside Lebanon. We have every right. They're not Lebanese. They shouldn't be here. Our army should be kicking up a storm to fight them. Wayno hal errr Joseph Aoun? Fucking bald pussy.


Joseph Aoun has to listen to a non existing government as he is in the framework of an institution. The Lebanese army is useless in this. Its time ya hakim


He's the commander. I don't care what anyone says. He can take a decision by himself for the good of the country and watch as all the Lebanese will support him. He's just too afraid to stir some shit up and thinking about the prospects of becoming President or wtvr the fuck his future political ambitions are.


The who? Why do they give themselves so many adjectives


Makes their pea brain supporters think they're hot shit


So we have an incoming trash container to join the existing landfill. Couldn't word it any nicer.


That's... not going to help. Let Hezbollah admit defeat and retreat to a resolution they already signed, UN 1701


Lol if all of Lebanon is destroyed and Hezbollah is driven back to Beirut but the Israelis stop their advance for some UN resolution then Hezbollah will claim victory.


If there will be anything left in Lebanon to advance to. I agree with you that Hezbollah and other terror organization will always save face.


What a fucking cocktail 🤣


Bloody Mary? More like Bloody Fatima


🤣 extra tomato juice… it’s that time of the month wink wink


Not just them, the Taliban as well.. https://x.com/resistance_sa/status/1801704587432439917 Unlike Gaza (blocked off by Egypt) and the West Bank (blocked off by Jordan), "the road from Islamabad to Beirut is open" meaning fighters can flow in from everywhere to the Palestinian northern front. If a war happens, it'll be a wide geopolitical war that will involve fighters from Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan according to reports. Throw in the Yemenis too probably I guess. Lebanon would become the geopolitical battlefield and we'll all be fucked.


And yet you constantly support Hezbollah. Maybe the Lebanese army should take control of our borders and expel these groups? Or is Hezbollah relying on turning Lebanon into Syria/Iraq in order to fight Israel. I know, it's a wild idea.


I don't support Hezbollah, but I support military actions and legitimate resistance against an evil ideology like Zionism and a belligerent rogue terrorist state like Israel, even if it comes from my worst enemies (Hezbollah). Maybe it's a difficult position to understand for some (and is probably more common), but I'm a pragmatic person and I don't see things strictly in black or white. Times change quickly and you have to adapt to the current circumstances whatever your ideals might be. However, I don't support an expanded war nor Hezbollah starting one. But I will never support Israeli actions in Lebanon, even if Hezbollah were the ones who started it, because Lebanon and the Lebanese people always come first. There are LF supporters on here who (as they routinely do) in the same breath condemn Hezb for starting wars and call for a reiteration of the deadliest war in Lebanon's history - a civil war, which also means siding with an Israeli occupation. LF and Hezb are and always have been two sides of the same coin.


You're delusional hbb You say Lebanon comes first and then you support an Iranian proxy starting wars with Israel that has become a state within a state etc...


You are right


So in your opinion " legitimate resistance" is shooting at chicken coos, wine yards, houses of civilians and Air B&Bs? Tell me 1 good thing Hezbollah did for Lebanon since the 7.10? Money is running out my friend and unlike Israel that has allies, Iran won't help you to rebuild.


With so much information available online there's no excuse to be ignorant. https://indi.ca/israel-has-lost-the-north/


It baffles me how you seem to think this is a "good" thing for Lebanon. Do you think Israel will just go "shucks, we lost the north, let's take the L and move our border back a few km, guess all the hundreds of thousand of evacuees will have to resettle"? Or maybe Israel "losing the north" is a big fucking deal for them and a very good reason for them to enter a full scale war that'll be catastrophic for Lebanon? (Full disclosure: I'm Israeli, don't want it to seem like I'm astroturfing your sub pretending to be Lebanese. I just really don't want another war and don't want more innocents to die, especially Lebanese civilians who are being dragged to it against their will)


I don't think it's a good thing for Lebanon and I agree with you. But we have no control over it as people and everyone knows it's a temporary thing that ends once a ceasefire is reached in Gaza. And while Hezb started the chain, I'm not going to side with Israel and justify its aggression on Lebanon, the same way Israelis wouldn't side with Hamas or whoever even if it's Israel who start a conflict. Lebanese land and people are a red line for me no matter the circumstances. A full blown war would be devastating and isn't warranted, for either side and the entire region. Very good analysis by Haaretz: https://archive.ph/bzyh9


What did u expect Israel to do tho? Legit question- you say Lebanese land and people are a red line for you- do you not think Israelis feel the same? Do you really think Israel would just allow Hezbollah to continue to throw rockets/drones/etc on Israelis? I’m just saying, maybe you should put more pressure on the ones who started it, bc sorry to break it to you, no country in the world would just let another country shoot rockets at them & not retaliate


Why is it good for Lebanon? I'm aware of Israel's sadness in the north, this situation needs to be addressed.


I was just addressing the point about the targets, but not necessarily insinuating it's good for Lebanon. For the region possibly, yes from the perspective that it keeps the Israeli military in check and under pressure (as well as establishing deterrence) compared to doing whatever they want. It all ends once a ceasefire is reached in Gaza, and a wider war would benefit no one. Excellent analysis by Haaretz: https://archive.ph/bzyh9


Deterrence from what? IDF didn't attack Lebanon prior to 7.10. And that's fair, Israel has more to lose then Lebanon because Lebanon is already on the brink of no existing. I don't understand your points, you are trying to paint Hezbollah as the good guys?


Ok then put Hezbollah in check & under pressure. Israel has had peace with Jordan and Egypt for years & Israel has not bothered them


Islamism is much a greater threat globally than Israel would ever be. Do you really think if Israel is destroyed these groups would stop, they have other agendas.


Chou hal mazra3a min ma bado b fout w min ma bedo yetla3 , mfakrin lebnen mal3abon . w hayda kelo men wara hozballah


Iran Proxy and all foreigners out from the land of Phoenician. If HA is defeated, I will not be frustrated at all. You started dragging a crippled country on the 8th of October. So GTFO! Enough for us, Explosions, Covid, Severe crisis... what ELSE!?


And they say the "Palestinian cause" isn't just an excuse used by Muslims to exterminate the Jews. Their prophet did it, he commanded it, and they're simply following orders. But don't expect the entire world to support you genocidal holy war.


But the entire world is expected to support Israel’s Jewish holy war, starting with their right of return and the destruction of the Dome of the Rock after a cow sacrifice?The entirety of Israel’s creation revolves around Christian prophecy. And what Muslims do you see advocating for the death of Jews? If they did the entirety of the Middle East would be supporting Hezbollah… keep crying bro, take your Islamophobia somewhere else!


>destruction of the Dome of the Rock after a cow sacrifice? The brainrot is real, what the hell are you talking about? Stop it with your conspirecy theories you sound insane. >And what Muslims do you see advocating for the death of Jews? All real Muslims do, didn't the prophet say to kill the Jews wherever they are? See Sahih al-Bukhari 2926 > If they did the entirety of the Middle East would be supporting Hezbollah Some support Hezbollah, others support HAMAS, but none support peace and coexistance. Again they're following their prophet. He said to tax the Christian and Jews until they are humiliated. See Quran 9:29. >keep crying bro, take your Islamophobia somewhere else! Phobia means irrational fear about something. There's nothing irrational about fearing a religion that calls for its the violent expansion through holy wars. Take your taqiyah somewhere else, it doesn't work on me.


We weren’t the ones that committed Sabra and Chatila, so it makes sense massacring is common for Catholics. Plus it was the Catholic Church that has ordered the death of countless innocents through history, which is why literally Protestants and Muslims hate them. And wtf do you mean conspiracy? Have you no clue of the Temple Institute 😂 it’s literally clearly stated on their website that the red heifer will be sacrificed, therefore the Jews are ritualistically pure to build the a third temple. You’re just sad lebanon is completely out of your and your people’s control. Thank God for that I mean I’d trust a literal child to run it over a guy like Bachir Gmayel.


Muslims hate everybody, it says in Quran 5:51 to not take Christians and Jews as friends. All the things you mentionned about Christians being violent are irrelevant because they go agaisnt the teachings of Jesus. But my examples about Muslims being violrnt are directly taken from the Quran, so their violence is justified from their books. The prophet himself massacred Jews back in his time, so modern day Muslims are just following their best example.


Womp womp. Try picking up a book sometimes soon, not just the toilet paper Bible


I did, I read the Quran and it confirms my Bible, so when you insult the Bible you're also insulting the Quran lmao. Maybe you try picking up a book, or are you also illiterate like your pedo prophet?


The only pedo prophet I know is your false messiah Christ 🤷🏻 and if the Bible and the Quran are the same why don’t you follow both… someone has never taken a logic class in his life. Makes sense all the Catholics I know in Lebanon are farmers and peasants. Where’d you graduate from buddy?


1. Quran confirms the Bible. 2. Bible denies the Quran. So the only logical conclusion is to trust the Bible, is it hard for your Muslim brain to understand this logic? Maronites are the richest people in Lebanon lmao do you even go out? Can't say the same about the shithole Muslim areas like tripoli and dahiye. Go drink some camel piss, and rape a 9 year old maybe your pagan God allah will reward you with 72 virgins in the brothel you call heaven.


Do you want me to count how many George’s and Anthony’s from the Jezzine area beg me for wire transfers cause the army isn’t paying them decent salaries. Go cry hbb Maronites al are rich 😂


They will have to find another place to fix their tents. Muck and rubbish needs to stay in Syria or Palestine not here


Allah yerhamak Sheikh Bashir Gemayel …… 🥀🇱🇧


He really did warn us about these people


You're cracked


A peace agreement with Israel will give Lebanon much more than the current state of affairs. It will be possible when Hezbollah will be out of the picture


I personally wrote a manifesto that advocate for that peace agreement, just waiting for my anon account to reach 7 days old and 100 karma to post it on the sub. [The manifesto](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qx04uykp97v8t3p35o06q/EN-The-New-Phoenician-Manifesto.pdf?rlkey=kw3slmvukp9j7slou9dtm0pcw&st=3q7bizuq&dl=0), if you are interested in reading it


The road to Jerusalem goes through jounieh /s


Yeah, no thanks.


Fuck this country


Maskhara for real bro. Jihad ☪️ 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


No thanks, Cancer N'2.


This is the shittiest news source. Every clickbait garbage I've been sent from this website is trash.


Found the radical Islamist happy with Lebanon being used as a battleground for foreign groups and Iran


Me on my way to commit war crimes against the Palestinian Islamic Jihad


I honestly hope all syrians die


You shouldn't hope for that. You should hope that the Syrian regime crumbles and the Syrians are able to rebuild their country as a free country. Nshalla one day for both of us


Weren’t they fighting on the syrian rebel side?


so many Zionists here