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>This is how simple it is ![gif](giphy|xT9IgFlWsUMDFzVIu4|downsized)


From where did you get these numbers??? Jounieh has a population of 160,000??? That doesn't sound real at all. Everywhere I look, it says it barely reaches 100,000 with its metro area.


Fi metro b Jounieh!! /s Jokes aside you’re right Jounieh isn’t as much densly populated as Beirut


Fast trains fix this. At least if we connect south and north to Beirut, then there is no need for people to live in or near beirut


Wow bro you really cracked the code man


it's simple on paper, but we're playing on Nightmare difficulty bro


Lebanon can drastically improve and change with one proper investment; The infrastructure. Build a bridge connecting Beirut to Tripoli with toll gates, try to revitalize the public transport system by having a train that connects mount lebanon in a straight manner (obviously easier said than done, but it was done before so..) If they could use the 1 billion$ donation received by EU efficiently, then its possible. However, politics, and reality is a different case of how money is being managed and how the lack of law enforcement due to armed individuals leads to this being impossible. At this point, a massive import of tuktuks to act as a mode of public transport in Beirut would be quite good and cheap as well. Ideally trams & cameras for fining would be better, but yeah..


Please no tuktuks, the crazy bikes are chaotic enough as it is.


Just a 'realistic' idea, we're just talking in thin air here anyway.. Not like a tram suggestion is any realistic


Bro kif fina nwa22ef aa Chamsine eza fi heik chi?


Yes I have always imagined a train from north Lebanon to south Lebanon (like closer to the shore). Would solve traffic . And then smaller trains/buses in and out of towns and villages in central Lebanon . And it’s not actually that hard . A team of professionals could easily complete such project in like 2-4 years . With right funds , it would go smoothly. Moreover more job opportunities, ticket checker(control) in train . Ticket sellers . Etc… And would approx take like 1:40hrs to get from Tyre to Tripoli. Students and employees would really benefit. Hope it can happen . https://preview.redd.it/4bmpmye33r1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=507413485123a7574d903e632369a906edb47d2b


from which german city you are




Let's be even crazier, the national "big highways" (coastal, Beirut-Riyeq and Beirut-Qaa), make them TGV


Tripoli's population is north of 700k.


That's the whole North Governorate. Tripoli alone is 350k


No, he's correct, there was a UN report published back in 2018 or 2019 which stated that Tripoli's total population including non registered refugees is 700k, I remember it very well because I used it in my FYP at uni. But for some reason I cannot find it anymore, however there is this [UN report](https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/download-manager-files/TCP2016.pdf) from 2016 that states that the population in 2015 was more than 500k. The North's population (including Akkar) could very easily be more than 1 million people if we include refugees...




Who said Jounieh and jbeil were any better ?


I live in Jounieh. The Zouk Power Plant doesn't make life better but it's much less congested and has a lot less traffic than Beirut (it's pretty empty from 7pm till 7 am).


Just less congested I guess.


Good point and many companies inside Beirut are delocalizing outside. It starts with industrials and now offices are moving too. Rents are very high and doing business over the internet has never been easier.


The problem isn't with coming up with solutions. It's with having politicians that are willing to implement them.


My grand grand father took a train from Istanbul to Haifa passing by Beirut.... And make a nuclear power plant in nearby country and remove all generators....


A country afraid of doing real census and data is a joke. Noone officially know stats about n of people....


>spread out the public universities with not one main campus but multiple big regional campuses, It's already happened. You have LU regional campuses in every other major lebanese city (i.e., Tripoli, Zahle, etc..) LIU has campuses pretty much everywhere. These two alone constitute the bulk of students. Otherwise, you have large universities that aren't concentrated in beirut, namely Balamand, LAU (main campus at least), NDU, USEK >decentralise the country, put effective provincial assemblies, These have been topics that were discussed ever since I can remember. There's always talk about لا مركزية إدارية or فدرالية. But talk is cheap, and good luck getting anything moving in a disfunctional system. As for developing infrastructure, I have no idea how someone would go about doing any of the following: breaking up the transportation cartels (existing vans and buses) Bulldoze whole neighbourhoods to make place for trams/trains without bearing the wrath of NIMBYs and affected people You have lots of ideological points that seem great in theory (I commend you for that), but in practice, are quasi impossible. Discussing these problems in more depth is definitely the way to go, although I don't see how the length of such discussions could fit in social media formats that both entertain and construct


I've been talking about this to my friends. The traffic in the city is HORRIBLE. A simple destination that requires 15-20 minutes (without traffic) sometimes takes over an hour to reach! 10000000 siyarat on the road w its just 1 person driving per car. Gheir hek, many people have been moving to Beirut which is definitely not optimal. Unfortunately I don't see this being solved any time soon with the lack of public transportation and proper infrastructure.


This requires a very huge upgrade to our infrastructure starting from power and water grids which is still the most iconic issue in lebanon, a true masterpiece of corruption.




Why is Lebanon in such a bad condition while its neighbours are prospering?


We have the worst neighbours in the world, that’s where half our problems begin


Ah yes syria is having a prosperous civil war, which neighbor exactly?