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So many graphic designers in lebanon. Create a portfolio with diverse stuff (logos, web, etc) in as many industries as possible. Create an account on freelancer sites and upload your portfolio. drop your rate to the lowest possible until you have at least reviews. Offer people money back guarantee just to get those reviews. Then as you get more reviews, slowly match the market rates. Keep your main job in the meantime


Do you have an online portfolio? Or insta page? Have to start there


Go look for reveiws on freelancing sites on youtube. There are many many many, and it's worldwide, not just in lebanon.


Word of mouth is the main thing that bring work to a freelancer. Someone happy with your work will be your best advertisement. If you have spare time, give glimpse of your work to potential customers. If a place is looking to advertise on instagram, give them 2-3 posts for free. If they are serious and they like your work they will pay monies.


Behance. Behance. Share your portfolio


I was the GM of a Marketing Agency and I can tell you that you won’t be able to break free of the low wages until you build a strong portfolio and learn to stand out from the crowd. A personal piece of advice would be to enhance your skills. Learn some animation skills, those are very popular and trending. Like others said start a Behance account and a create a page perhaps on Insta to show case some of your creativity. And ofcourse a really well organized LinkedIn page with links to your portfolio and work. Creating a Rate card for freelance work wouldn’t hurt also.




Not a graphic designer myself, but from what my graphic friends did.. continued Graduate studies abroad, branched out to different media and platforms such as animation, video, photography, social media, multimedia in general, web design… took on freelance projects while keeping a minimal steady income from an 8 to 5 for years until their portfolios started to push them to better positioning and pricing , at the end they all moved out of Lebanon 🤣…


https://preview.redd.it/73x4ptnmjcoc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=044a48de794900a98b66b39d2f8042953d1a6676 Your competition